Kamala will be a generational leader...

Kamala taught me to not let anyone tell me it can't be done. you can be anything and you can be everything

that's why i'm running for president in 2028, my friends!
most people agree Biden will be a one term president, and Kamala will pick up the baton in 2024 and then in 2028. Looking at voter trends you will realize that after 2020 it will be virtually impossible for gop to win again, identity politics is working against them, trump made the party the one of the disenfranchised poorly educated anglos, and hate group members, which is a losing proposition, with no chance against a super articulate and intelligent asian-african american like Kamala...
No doubt she was chosen, in part, because of her gender and skin color. However she is still a good choice. It’s a shame she would only debate Pence because she would mop the floor with Trump.

“No doubt she was chosen, in part, because of her gender and skin color”

Really? She was totally chosen because of her gender and skin color. LOL Kamala is an affirmative action pick and Joe Biden is a racist.
No. He could have picked any black, female politician. She was the only one on his short list.
Don’t be stupid. This isn’t hard to figure out.

I don’t remember you retards complaining when McCain deliberately chose a female VP. Pain turned out to be way worse.
Kamala has an inspiring story, unless you're Trump...then it's a Dean Koontz novel
Generational Leader

most people agree Biden will be a one term president, and Kamala will pick up the baton in 2024 and then in 2028. Looking at voter trends you will realize that after 2020 it will be virtually impossible for gop to win again, identity politics is working against them, trump made the party the one of the disenfranchised poorly educated anglos, and hate group members, which is a losing proposition, with no chance against a super articulate and intelligent asian-african american like Kamala...

Yes, she is super articulate and intelligent.:rolleyes:

most people agree Biden will be a one term president, and Kamala will pick up the baton in 2024 and then in 2028. Looking at voter trends you will realize that after 2020 it will be virtually impossible for gop to win again, identity politics is working against them, trump made the party the one of the disenfranchised poorly educated anglos, and hate group members, which is a losing proposition, with no chance against a super articulate and intelligent asian-african american like Kamala...

Yes, she is super articulate and intelligent.:rolleyes:

View attachment 374032
Could you be more pathetic?
most people agree Biden will be a one term president, and Kamala will pick up the baton in 2024 and then in 2028. Looking at voter trends you will realize that after 2020 it will be virtually impossible for gop to win again, identity politics is working against them, trump made the party the one of the disenfranchised poorly educated anglos, and hate group members, which is a losing proposition, with no chance against a super articulate and intelligent asian-african american like Kamala...

Yes, she is super articulate and intelligent.:rolleyes:

View attachment 374032
Could you be more pathetic?
She could be like you...
most people agree Biden will be a one term president, and Kamala will pick up the baton in 2024 and then in 2028. Looking at voter trends you will realize that after 2020 it will be virtually impossible for gop to win again, identity politics is working against them, trump made the party the one of the disenfranchised poorly educated anglos, and hate group members, which is a losing proposition, with no chance against a super articulate and intelligent asian-african american like Kamala...
They're both going the way of geraldine ferraro and Hillary Clinton.

I expect a Marxist will win in 2024, but NOT THIS ELECTION
most people agree Biden will be a one term president, and Kamala will pick up the baton in 2024 and then in 2028. Looking at voter trends you will realize that after 2020 it will be virtually impossible for gop to win again, identity politics is working against them, trump made the party the one of the disenfranchised poorly educated anglos, and hate group members, which is a losing proposition, with no chance against a super articulate and intelligent asian-african american like Kamala...

Yes, she is super articulate and intelligent.:rolleyes:

View attachment 374032
Could you be more pathetic?
She could be like you...
I see both of you as jealous that you will never be as accomplished as she is. So you assume she slutted her way to the top. Not only is that incredibly sexist, but it isn’t even true. Oh well she had a personal relationship with someone in her professional life. That doesn’t make her what you want her to be. Grow up.
most people agree Biden will be a one term president, and Kamala will pick up the baton in 2024 and then in 2028. Looking at voter trends you will realize that after 2020 it will be virtually impossible for gop to win again, identity politics is working against them, trump made the party the one of the disenfranchised poorly educated anglos, and hate group members, which is a losing proposition, with no chance against a super articulate and intelligent asian-african american like Kamala...
You’re a pathetic loser !! What a vermin you’re to say such a fallacious and absurd post !!
Most of T voters are hard working and educated folks . You’re clearly at the bottom of the barrel
Harris is an extreme leftist radical on top of being a pure white racist and a vile witch
most people agree Biden will be a one term president, and Kamala will pick up the baton in 2024 and then in 2028. Looking at voter trends you will realize that after 2020 it will be virtually impossible for gop to win again, identity politics is working against them, trump made the party the one of the disenfranchised poorly educated anglos, and hate group members, which is a losing proposition, with no chance against a super articulate and intelligent asian-african american like Kamala...

I want to like Kamala Harris but she truly sucks. This next election will more than likely go to Trump. Biden and Kamala will disappear off the stage. The reality is that the Democrats need better candidates and they need a better handling of debates.
most people agree Biden will be a one term president, and Kamala will pick up the baton in 2024 and then in 2028. Looking at voter trends you will realize that after 2020 it will be virtually impossible for gop to win again, identity politics is working against them, trump made the party the one of the disenfranchised poorly educated anglos, and hate group members, which is a losing proposition, with no chance against a super articulate and intelligent asian-african american like Kamala...

Wonder how her sleeping her way to where she is will play out?? LOL
most people agree Biden will be a one term president, and Kamala will pick up the baton in 2024 and then in 2028. Looking at voter trends you will realize that after 2020 it will be virtually impossible for gop to win again, identity politics is working against them, trump made the party the one of the disenfranchised poorly educated anglos, and hate group members, which is a losing proposition, with no chance against a super articulate and intelligent asian-african american like Kamala...
Can a "tough on (street) crime" prosecutor become POTUS in the age of BLM?

Kamala Harris’s Wikipedia Page Is Being Edited

"At least one highly dedicated Wikipedia user has been scrubbing controversial aspects of Harris’s 'tough-on-crime' record from her Wikipedia page, her decision not to prosecute Steve Mnuchin for mortgage fraud-related crimes, her strong support of prosecutors in Orange County who engaged in rampant misconduct, and other tidbits — such as her previous assertion that 'it is not progressive to be soft on crime' — that could prove unflattering to Harris as the public gets to know her on the national stage.

"The edits, according to the page history, have elicited strong pushback from Wikipedia’s volunteer editor brigade, and have drawn the page into controversy, though it’s a fight the pro-Harris editor is currently winning."

Experience matters, dumb donald lacks experience and has no ability to learn, and no desire to either.

Dumb Donald?? Your as bat shit crazy as shitting bull. Nothing dumb about Donald Trump.

No ability or desire to learn??

Yup. Your as bat shit crazy as shitting bull.

How bout your senile candidate? He's been in politics for forty years or more and hasn't accomplished a damned thing. Guess he doesn't have the ability to learn or the desire either.

How bout his VP choice?? She knows her way around the bedroom but some of the things she's done sure prove she got where she is on her back. A great VP choice.


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