Kansas Cops Execute An Unarmed, Suicidal Teen,

On August 23, Ottawa, Kansas police shot Joseph Jennings 16 times, even as his aunt and uncle begged them not to. According to KCTV in Ottawa, Jennings was suicidal. He had taken an overdose August 21, and two police officers helped to save his life. Both of those officers were involved in gunning down the teen, two days later.

Jennings was released from Ransom Memorial Hospital two days after the suicide attempt, on August 23. His Aunt, Brandy Smith, told KCTV that he left the house just a few hours after returning home, apparently on a suicide mission. Smith said that she looked out her window and saw Jennings outside, as well as six police officers. She and her husband ran to the scene.

8211 Kansas Cops Execute An Unarmed Suicidal Teen As His Family Pleads For His Life

"At a Sunday news conference, authorities declined to answer specific questions about the shooting, including how many shots were fired and whether Jennings was armed."

"Jennings puffed out his chest at officers, Smith said, and made several gestures that could have looked like he was going for a gun."

Aunt of teen shot by Ottawa Kan. police says he didn t have to die The Kansas City Star

Seems like the cops only know how to do one thing, shoot to kill, not shoot to wound or disable

Think twice about calling the police for a mentally unstable person, it could be a death sentence

Just like the one in may of this year

Virginia high schooler threatens suicide police arrive and kill him Police State USA

"“It was like six — six officers, and one cop yelled, ‘Bag him!’ And they bagged him, and he kind of puffed up a little bit, and then they bagged him two more times, and then like 16 shots rang out"

6 cop 16 bullets, one mentally ill kid

I am saddened by the callous attitude people are showing towards mentally ill folks. There was another shooting in MO right after Michael Brown shooting. This one too involved a mentally ill man shot by cops just because he had a knife. I watched the video. The mentally ill man was not trying to hurt cops. He was at least 30-40 feet away from cops when he was shot. He was just mentally ill and was in cuckoo land. There was so many ways to handle that other than shooting that man. This kind of callous thinking will break this society apart. We need to help people not shoot them when they are mentally ill.
On August 23, Ottawa, Kansas police shot Joseph Jennings 16 times, even as his aunt and uncle begged them not to. According to KCTV in Ottawa, Jennings was suicidal. He had taken an overdose August 21, and two police officers helped to save his life. Both of those officers were involved in gunning down the teen, two days later.

Jennings was released from Ransom Memorial Hospital two days after the suicide attempt, on August 23. His Aunt, Brandy Smith, told KCTV that he left the house just a few hours after returning home, apparently on a suicide mission. Smith said that she looked out her window and saw Jennings outside, as well as six police officers. She and her husband ran to the scene.

8211 Kansas Cops Execute An Unarmed Suicidal Teen As His Family Pleads For His Life

"“It was like six — six officers, and one cop yelled, ‘Bag him!’ And they bagged him, and he kind of puffed up a little bit, and then they bagged him two more times, and then like 16 shots rang out"

6 cop 16 bullets, one mentally ill kid
Oh my God...the world is coming to an end ...a fucking nut case wanted to have the police shoot him...they did. Oh well

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