Kansas event underlines the need for more guns

When people live in a free country, the state does not remove their rights until -after- they do something to warrant same, and then only through due process.
Should you ever live in a free country, you'll understand.
Yes thats working well for you isnt it ?

Europe started 2 world wars and murdered 12 million innocent men, women and children. since 1914....
so yeah....working out pretty well for us.

That and the fact the we had to bail Wales and the rest of Europe out of both messes.

We need to deal with the now and the future instead of obsessing about the past and what is now history and over.

Hey....Lucy....how do you explain the democrat party policies regarding actual gun criminals....

Virginia Dems Kill Bill That Targeted Criminals Who Use Guns

While Virginia Democrats are merrily approving gun control laws aimed at the state’s legal gun owners, they apparently aren’t interested in focusing on violent criminals who use firearms in the commission of a crime.

HB 1175 would have increased the penalty for using or brandishing a firearm while committing certain felonies, which seems like a pretty common sense bill to me. Instead, members of the House Public Safety Committee rejected the measure on Tuesday, while approving a number of gun bills that are meant to restrict the rights of legal gun owners in the name of public safety.

So they’re okay with making it a felony to continue to possess your 15-round magazine or to transfer a firearm without a background check, but the status quo is fine when it comes to punishing those who use guns in the commission of a crime.

Okay so typical Leftists, again seem to be supporting actual criminals the same as when you have a Serial Killer and a crowd will say "yes he/she killed 40 peoples but but but they are a victim, they were beaten as a child...." I am then not shocked that Democrats in Virginia and also as I commented already in this thread last night this Gun Control situation is not about stopping gun deaths it's about REMOVING ALL guns off legal law abiding gun owners, they have this ulterior motive which of course they deny they have but we know they do have.
This lad bought his gun legally as well.

When people live in a free country, the state does not remove their rights until -after- they do something to warrant same, and then only through due process.
Should you ever live in a free country, you'll understand.
Yes thats working well for you isnt it ?

Europe started 2 world wars and murdered 12 million innocent men, women and children. since 1914....
so yeah....working out pretty well for us.

That and the fact the we had to bail Wales and the rest of Europe out of both messes.

We need to deal with the now and the future instead of obsessing about the past and what is now history and over.

Hey....Lucy....how do you explain the democrat party policies regarding actual gun criminals....

Virginia Dems Kill Bill That Targeted Criminals Who Use Guns

While Virginia Democrats are merrily approving gun control laws aimed at the state’s legal gun owners, they apparently aren’t interested in focusing on violent criminals who use firearms in the commission of a crime.

HB 1175 would have increased the penalty for using or brandishing a firearm while committing certain felonies, which seems like a pretty common sense bill to me. Instead, members of the House Public Safety Committee rejected the measure on Tuesday, while approving a number of gun bills that are meant to restrict the rights of legal gun owners in the name of public safety.

So they’re okay with making it a felony to continue to possess your 15-round magazine or to transfer a firearm without a background check, but the status quo is fine when it comes to punishing those who use guns in the commission of a crime.

Do not forget that I am on the SAME side as you and others defending gun rights, not only in this thread but since I join I have been in many threads defending gun rights, I do this as a gun owner and also it is to me a human right to be able if the occasion occur that I and others be allowed to use Self Defence as protection.

Also things are not black and white, things are complex and so I am thinking outside the box as to WHY there are these gun situations in America but there are no similar gun situations in eg. Switzerland where almost one in two own a gun and so logic dictates that it has to be something Cultural and also Psychological that is unique to America, it might be something to do with the Me Me Me Culture and Fuck Everyone Else and the inabililty to Psychologically Process the answer NO correctly when you always expect the answer YES eg. the perpetrator in the OP article was refused access to the bar, he was told NO and he got his gun and went BATSHIT CRAZY.
Again........over 600 million guns in private hands, over 18.6 million people with permits to carry......and our gun murder rate went down 49%, our gun crime rate went down 75%......

You have nothing ....... nothing you believe about guns and gun owners is even remotely true or accurate.......

Why should we listen to anything you say?

This is why. Its pretty much the same every year. Gun owners killing people in huge numbers every year.

You don't know what you are talking about.....legal gun owners don't kill people....as you have been told over and over again, our gun problem exists because the democrat party keeps letting repeat, violent felons out of prison over and over again...

You still haven't answered these basic questions.........

In the U.S. as more Americans not only own guns, but now carry them for self defense, our gun murder rate went down 49%...

With what you believe....how do you explain that?

In the U.S. as more Americans not only own but now carry guns our gun crime rate went down 75%....

With what you believe,.....how do you explain that?

In the U.S. as more Americans not only own guns but carry them for self defense, our violent crime rate went down 72%.....

With what you believe, how do you explain that?

Nothing you believe about guns is supported by actual facts, the truth, or reality on the ground......how do you justify your believes beyond simply not liking guns?

Over the last 27 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 18.6 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
The anti-gun hypothesis and argument.....

More Guns = More Gun crime regardless of any other factors.

Actual Result:

In the U.S....as more Americans own and carry guns over the last 26 years, gun murder down 49%, gun crime down 75%, violent crime down 72%

The result: Exact opposite of theory of anti-gunners....

In Science when you have a theory, when that theory is tested....and the exact opposite result happens...that means your theory is wrong. That is science....not left wing wishful thinking.

Whatever the crime rate does......as more Americans owned more guns the crime rate did not go up....so again...

More Guns = More Gun Crime
Britain had access to guns before they banned them.....they had low gun crime, low gun murder.
They banned guns, the gun murder rate spiked for 10 years then returned to the same level...
Your Theory again....
More guns = More Gun Crime
Guns Banned creates no change? That means banning guns for law abiding gun owners had no effect on gun crime.
When your theory states one thing, and you implement your theory, and nothing changes....in science, that means your theory is wrong...

Maine tops ‘safest states’ rankings four years after removing major gun restriction

When Maine passed a “Constitutional Carry” law allowing Maine residents to carry a concealed firearm without any special permit in 2015, opponents of the law forecast a dangerous future for the state. They said the new law would hurt public safety and put Maine kids at risk.

One state representative who opposed the bill went so far as to say it would give Mainers a reason to be afraid every time they went out in public or to work.

Another state representative suggested the law would lead to violent criminals with recent arrests and convictions legally carrying handguns.


Now four years later, Maine has been named the safest state in the nation according to US News and World Report’s public safety rankings, which measures the fifty states based on crime data.

Ranking as the top safest state for violent crime and fourth for property crime, Maine edges out another New England state, Vermont, for the top spot. Of note, Vermont also is a “Constitutional Carry” state. New Hampshire ranks third in the national rankings, giving New England all three of the top spots in the nation.

In 2018, Maine was edged out by Vermont in the same “safest states” ranking, but declared the best state overall in the broader “Crime and Corrections” category.

In 2017, using a different methodology, Maine was ranked second among the fifty states in the “Crime and Corrections” category and also second in the categories used to rank the “safest states.”

The U.S. News and World Report “Best States” rankings are built in partnership with McKinsey & Company, a firm that works closely with state leaders around the nation.

Maine has also ranked at the top of other state rankings. WalletHub.com recently ranked Maine second in “Personal and Residential Safety” among the fifty states, and third overall.

Here is a "legal gun owner" who never killed anyone..........until he did.

Do you have a link to his story? So of all the murders only one was a legal gun owner. Good to know!
Not really. He was the legal gun owner who shot up a music festival in Vegas.There are many more but I cant be arsed looking them up for you. Point is that gun murders are not just done by crims.

The vast majority are done by people that have obtained guns illegally and nothing you have posted has show anything to the contrary.

The other fact is you cannot take away legal guns or deny guns to law abiding citizens. That is unconstitutional and depriving Americans of a right.
Here is a "legal gun owner" who never killed anyone..........until he did.
When people live in a free country, the state does not remove their rights until -after- they do something to warrant same, and then only through due process.
Should you ever live in a free country, you'll understand.
Yes thats working well for you isnt it ?

Europe started 2 world wars and murdered 12 million innocent men, women and children. since 1914....
so yeah....working out pretty well for us.

That and the fact the we had to bail Wales and the rest of Europe out of both messes.
You were a big help along with our Russian friends. Thank you.

We all make mistakes.

This is why. Its pretty much the same every year. Gun owners killing people in huge numbers every year.

You don't know what you are talking about.....legal gun owners don't kill people....as you have been told over and over again, our gun problem exists because the democrat party keeps letting repeat, violent felons out of prison over and over again...

You still haven't answered these basic questions.........

In the U.S. as more Americans not only own guns, but now carry them for self defense, our gun murder rate went down 49%...

With what you believe....how do you explain that?

In the U.S. as more Americans not only own but now carry guns our gun crime rate went down 75%....

With what you believe,.....how do you explain that?

In the U.S. as more Americans not only own guns but carry them for self defense, our violent crime rate went down 72%.....

With what you believe, how do you explain that?

Nothing you believe about guns is supported by actual facts, the truth, or reality on the ground......how do you justify your believes beyond simply not liking guns?

Over the last 27 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 18.6 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
The anti-gun hypothesis and argument.....

More Guns = More Gun crime regardless of any other factors.

Actual Result:

In the U.S....as more Americans own and carry guns over the last 26 years, gun murder down 49%, gun crime down 75%, violent crime down 72%

The result: Exact opposite of theory of anti-gunners....

In Science when you have a theory, when that theory is tested....and the exact opposite result happens...that means your theory is wrong. That is science....not left wing wishful thinking.

Whatever the crime rate does......as more Americans owned more guns the crime rate did not go up....so again...

More Guns = More Gun Crime
Britain had access to guns before they banned them.....they had low gun crime, low gun murder.
They banned guns, the gun murder rate spiked for 10 years then returned to the same level...
Your Theory again....
More guns = More Gun Crime
Guns Banned creates no change? That means banning guns for law abiding gun owners had no effect on gun crime.
When your theory states one thing, and you implement your theory, and nothing changes....in science, that means your theory is wrong...

Maine tops ‘safest states’ rankings four years after removing major gun restriction

When Maine passed a “Constitutional Carry” law allowing Maine residents to carry a concealed firearm without any special permit in 2015, opponents of the law forecast a dangerous future for the state. They said the new law would hurt public safety and put Maine kids at risk.

One state representative who opposed the bill went so far as to say it would give Mainers a reason to be afraid every time they went out in public or to work.

Another state representative suggested the law would lead to violent criminals with recent arrests and convictions legally carrying handguns.


Now four years later, Maine has been named the safest state in the nation according to US News and World Report’s public safety rankings, which measures the fifty states based on crime data.

Ranking as the top safest state for violent crime and fourth for property crime, Maine edges out another New England state, Vermont, for the top spot. Of note, Vermont also is a “Constitutional Carry” state. New Hampshire ranks third in the national rankings, giving New England all three of the top spots in the nation.

In 2018, Maine was edged out by Vermont in the same “safest states” ranking, but declared the best state overall in the broader “Crime and Corrections” category.

In 2017, using a different methodology, Maine was ranked second among the fifty states in the “Crime and Corrections” category and also second in the categories used to rank the “safest states.”

The U.S. News and World Report “Best States” rankings are built in partnership with McKinsey & Company, a firm that works closely with state leaders around the nation.

Maine has also ranked at the top of other state rankings. WalletHub.com recently ranked Maine second in “Personal and Residential Safety” among the fifty states, and third overall.

Here is a "legal gun owner" who never killed anyone..........until he did.

Do you have a link to his story? So of all the murders only one was a legal gun owner. Good to know!
Not really. He was the legal gun owner who shot up a music festival in Vegas.There are many more but I cant be arsed looking them up for you. Point is that gun murders are not just done by crims.

The vast majority are done by people that have obtained guns illegally and nothing you have posted has show anything to the contrary.

The other fact is you cannot take away legal guns or deny guns to law abiding citizens. That is unconstitutional and depriving Americans of a right.

The Democrats do not care about your Constitutional Rights, they are fanatical about doing something about that Second Amendment, so you better have a plan how you are going to deal with this because you can not trust many politicians especially when so many Republicans are Cuckservatives who are more concerned with NOT offending anyone.
Two dead and 15 injured after shooter opens fire outside Kansas bar | Metro News

At least two people have died after a gunman opened fire while punters were queuing up outside a bar in Kansas City, Missouri. At least a further 15 have been injured following the incident and three are understood to be in a critical condition, said police. The attack took place at around 11.30pm on Sunday outside 9ine Ultra Lounge, near East US Highway 40. A police spokesman said responding officers found ‘a chaotic scene’ and had to call in back-up from across the city. When they arrived at the scene, two people were found dead, including a woman in the bar car park.

So absolutely no need for any gun control whatsoever.
They want an attaboy for not shooting each other in Virginia.
Two dead and 15 injured after shooter opens fire outside Kansas bar | Metro News

At least two people have died after a gunman opened fire while punters were queuing up outside a bar in Kansas City, Missouri. At least a further 15 have been injured following the incident and three are understood to be in a critical condition, said police. The attack took place at around 11.30pm on Sunday outside 9ine Ultra Lounge, near East US Highway 40. A police spokesman said responding officers found ‘a chaotic scene’ and had to call in back-up from across the city. When they arrived at the scene, two people were found dead, including a woman in the bar car park.

So absolutely no need for any gun control whatsoever.
They want an attaboy for not shooting each other in Virginia.
It was amazing of them that they didnt massacre people. They are special people.
Two dead and 15 injured after shooter opens fire outside Kansas bar | Metro News

At least two people have died after a gunman opened fire while punters were queuing up outside a bar in Kansas City, Missouri. At least a further 15 have been injured following the incident and three are understood to be in a critical condition, said police. The attack took place at around 11.30pm on Sunday outside 9ine Ultra Lounge, near East US Highway 40. A police spokesman said responding officers found ‘a chaotic scene’ and had to call in back-up from across the city. When they arrived at the scene, two people were found dead, including a woman in the bar car park.

So absolutely no need for any gun control whatsoever.
They want an attaboy for not shooting each other in Virginia.
They do? No shit stain, we just proved that gun legal gun owners are not violent and your sorry hide can't stand it. Come get them if you want.
Two dead and 15 injured after shooter opens fire outside Kansas bar | Metro News

At least two people have died after a gunman opened fire while punters were queuing up outside a bar in Kansas City, Missouri. At least a further 15 have been injured following the incident and three are understood to be in a critical condition, said police. The attack took place at around 11.30pm on Sunday outside 9ine Ultra Lounge, near East US Highway 40. A police spokesman said responding officers found ‘a chaotic scene’ and had to call in back-up from across the city. When they arrived at the scene, two people were found dead, including a woman in the bar car park.

So absolutely no need for any gun control whatsoever.
They want an attaboy for not shooting each other in Virginia.

Possibly the most idiotic post of the thread....so far. Also has ZERO to do with the thread topic.
Two dead and 15 injured after shooter opens fire outside Kansas bar | Metro News

At least two people have died after a gunman opened fire while punters were queuing up outside a bar in Kansas City, Missouri. At least a further 15 have been injured following the incident and three are understood to be in a critical condition, said police. The attack took place at around 11.30pm on Sunday outside 9ine Ultra Lounge, near East US Highway 40. A police spokesman said responding officers found ‘a chaotic scene’ and had to call in back-up from across the city. When they arrived at the scene, two people were found dead, including a woman in the bar car park.

So absolutely no need for any gun control whatsoever.
They want an attaboy for not shooting each other in Virginia.
It was amazing of them that they didnt massacre people. They are special people.
No, it's amazing to us that the democrats didn't start a war. But then you know how you cowards are.
Two dead and 15 injured after shooter opens fire outside Kansas bar | Metro News

At least two people have died after a gunman opened fire while punters were queuing up outside a bar in Kansas City, Missouri. At least a further 15 have been injured following the incident and three are understood to be in a critical condition, said police. The attack took place at around 11.30pm on Sunday outside 9ine Ultra Lounge, near East US Highway 40. A police spokesman said responding officers found ‘a chaotic scene’ and had to call in back-up from across the city. When they arrived at the scene, two people were found dead, including a woman in the bar car park.

So absolutely no need for any gun control whatsoever.
They want an attaboy for not shooting each other in Virginia.
It was amazing of them that they didnt massacre people. They are special people.

I do not think there was anything amazing about that, the only amazing thing is that the Leftist Virginia Governor didn't allow the extremely violent Leftist Antifa thugs in so they could start violence on peaceful law abiding gun owners and then the MSM could have blamed Trump and White Supremacists for the Leftist Antifa violence and I mean even Blacks are those White Supremacists if they have a MAGA hat on.

Why do you demand that we drastically increase our violent crime rate in order to strip our citizens of their right to defend themselves? Specifically, how is that a great idea?

The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S.
By James Slack
UPDATED:18:14 EST, 2 July 2009

Britain's violent crime record is worse than any other country in the European union, it has been revealed.

Official crime figures show the UK also has a worse rate for all types of violence than the U.S. and even South Africa - widely considered one of the world's most dangerous countries.

The figures comes on the day new Home Secretary Alan Johnson makes his first major speech on crime, promising to be tough on loutish behaviour.


The U.S. has a violence rate of 466 crimes per 100,000 residents, Canada 935, Australia 920 and South Africa 1,609.

Shadow Home Secretary Chris Grayling said: 'This is a damning indictment of this government's comprehensive failure over more than a decade to tackle the deep rooted social problems in our society, and the knock on effect on crime and anti-social behaviour.

Read more: The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S. | Daily Mail Online

UK is violent crime capital of Europe
That bollox has been debunked too many times. The source is the Conservative Party who were trying to discredit the Labour government.

Okay yes but we are WRONGLY at # 2 on that list printed, this is not correct and never was correct and I have in my post # 224 illustrated with copy and paste graphs and links why it was never correct. Why the UK Conservative Party incorrectly slander my nation in that way having us at # 2 I do not know but it is NOT correct and never was correct.
Austria was not the target.The British government was the target.

Okay and okay. As of now in 2020 Wales is safe yes? I ask because as you know my Professor friend invite me on a Cultural Visit to Wales in June and my Mama is reading of the knife crime in the UK and she is worried already, thinking I might get at random stabbed, is she worrying for no reason or no?
There was a murder in Machynlleth about 7 years ago. A little girl was kidnapped and murdered by a paedo.
.Murder of April Jones - Wikipedia
Nothing since then.
Turn yourself in. Why did you kill the kid?
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