Kansas lawmakers pass adoption bill against gay couples

They did have equality...sorry you don't like it..

No- they didn't. Sorry you can't handle the facts.

Gays were not allowed to marry other.
Gays were legally discriminated in employment in many places.
Gays could be arrested for having sex in private.
Gays could be arrested for simply being in a gay nightclub.

Please try to keep up....the topic was marriage.

Gay men were allowed to marry women and gay women were allowed to marry men.

And black men were allowed to marry black women and white men were allowed to marry white women.

How exactly were the laws discriminatory? When Conservatives realized that the law didn't actually forbid a man from marrying a man- they started passing laws to specifically forbid it- just as Conservatives passed laws to forbid a black man from marrying a black woman.

So what is your point ? Or are you making my point ?

No blacks marched in parades forced on cities that didn't want them while they wore outlandish costumes.

From what I recall, the laws quietly died off just like adultery laws (many are still on the books) have not been enforced...because the culture learned to accept things.

BTW: You got proof it was conservatives. The south was held by democrats who ran up the bigotry flag like nobody's business. But you won't claim them...it's not convenient.
Ah...so we get to the crux....you don't like Gay Pride parades. How many have you been to?

No, you don't get the crux.

And you provided no proof.

Another fail on your part.
Wrong, some people think they are what they are not.
It’s a mental problem

Clearly, read below. Mentally ill behaviors don't get to adopt in our country. That's the secular argument that Catholics can use to bolster their case.

If they don't receive tax payer money it's their house their rules.

Read the article. The state is allowing those organizations that receive public tax dollars the legal right to discriminate.

That's illegal and unconstitutional.

The 14th amendment requires the government to treat everyone equally under the law.

So either those organizations stop getting public tax dollars or they stop discriminating homosexual people.

It's as simple as that.
It isn't as simple as that when you realize that all the advancements to date by regular men and women giving themselves an identity by the weird shit they do with their bodies was hinged on a false premise.

Behaviors don't have rights. This legal mistake will be revisited at one point or another so buckle your seatbelt for impact.

If one set of repugnant minority behaviors get to have "an identity", so do all of them, or they fail the equality test. If the majority still gets to regulate repugnant behavior practitioners in other areas, then NO repugnant behaviors have special rights. People doing weird shit with their hoo hoos don't have legal dominance to "drug addict Americans" or "cleptomaniac Americans" or "drunk driving Americans"... Either they all get special privileges for "behaviors as identity" or none of them do.

These "behaviors as identity" have no more rights or privileges than any other objectionable behaviors.

Homosexuals have no rights because they are regular men and women who already have rights. What one does in one's bedroom cannot be used as a legal identity to wedge special consideration (among a throng of repugnant minority behaviors) above others. So says the 14th.

If one set of deviant behaviors done by regular men and women get special rights, so do all of them. Equality is a legal bitch. If the others don't get special rights, then none of them do. That's how it works. See how the false premise of "behaviors as identity" fucked up our system of laws and codes? They have to walk back the mistake at one point or another. I believe they cracked the ice on that in Hively v Ivy Tech.

A recent en banc decision by the 2nd Circuit reversed its own precedent and ruled that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.
A recent en banc decision by the 2nd Circuit reversed its own precedent and ruled that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.

Does that include drinking and driving orientation done by regular men and women or just weird sex act orientation done by regular men and women? Consult the 14th Amendment on behaviors. Oh, wait, you can't because no behavior can be more special than another. Why? Because they are BEHAVIORS, not identities. Anyone can assign themselves an identity based on weird habitual behaviors.

Equality is a bitch that's gonna bite your camp in the ass mdk. Like I said, buckle up for impact.
A recent en banc decision by the 2nd Circuit reversed its own precedent and ruled that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.

Does that include drinking and driving orientation or just weird sex act orientation? Consult the 14th Amendment.

Yes, prohibiting workplace discrimination on the basis of one's sexuality now allows you to legally drive while shit-faced. lol. Test this theory and watch it get laughed out of court, like most of your retarded legal musings.
Yes, prohibiting workplace discrimination on the basis of one's sexuality now allows you to legally drive while shit-faced. lol. Test this theory and watch it get laughed out of court, like most of your retarded legal musings.
Are you a bigot towards other behaviors-as-identity? I have friends who are drunk-driving Americans (DDAs). They want respect and privileges. What a hater you are. They say they were born wanting to drink and also wanting to drive.

You might say their behaviors-as-identity could harm others directly. So can the spread of HIV. So can two adults using a contract to deprive children of either a mother or father for life. Harm is harm. Why is one protected harm-causing to children and the other isn't?
Yes, prohibiting workplace discrimination on the basis of one's sexuality now allows you to legally drive while shit-faced. lol. Test this theory and watch it get laughed out of court, like most of your retarded legal musings.
Are you a bigot towards other behaviors-as-identity?

Be sure and use that legal reasoning when you get a DUI. "But...but...your Honor! I am allowed to drink and drive if fags can't be fired for being fags!" :lol:
LOL as if you will ever understand what grown ups talk about while you sit in your mom's basement.

Gay Rights are just human rights- in other words no longer having special laws against gays.

But that is the argument. Saying gays can't get married isn't any different that telling a man or woman they can't get married more than once.

I really don't care if gays get married. What pisses me off is this indignant bullshit they pull on others in the name of being discriminated against. Most of us discriminate every day of our lives in one way or another which many of us are discriminated against (for a whole variety of reasons) every day.

We deal with it.
You don't really care if they get married, but will you stand up for their right to? I don't think so. Instead, you just whine about their militancy. Do your gay friends know? How have you been discriminated against today?

Still making shit up.

Who gives a flying fuck what you think.

I am sure I'll be discussing this thread with them and they will be thrilled to hear your attack on them because you don't agree with their positions. But since they are three times the man you are (and I use the term man loosely in your direction), they'll chuckle and we'll talk sports.
It is a known fact that when one has no good argument to stand on, one goes on the personal attack against that whom one is debating with.

Since your post has no application to my post, I guess I'll chalk it up the cognitive malfunction you seem to suffer from.

BTW: Did you attend the Thought Police Academy and fail or are you just a wannabe ?
As I said...it's a known fact that when one has no good argument (or no valid argument at all) one has a petulant temper tantrum and goes on the personal attack against those who are correct in their facts and argument.
If they don't receive tax payer money it's their house their rules.

Read the article. The state is allowing those organizations that receive public tax dollars the legal right to discriminate.

That's illegal and unconstitutional.

The 14th amendment requires the government to treat everyone equally under the law.

So either those organizations stop getting public tax dollars or they stop discriminating homosexual people.

It's as simple as that.
It isn't as simple as that when you realize that all the advancements to date by regular men and women giving themselves an identity by the weird shit they do with their bodies was hinged on a false premise.

Behaviors don't have rights. This legal mistake will be revisited at one point or another so buckle your seatbelt for impact.

If one set of repugnant minority behaviors get to have "an identity", so do all of them, or they fail the equality test. If the majority still gets to regulate repugnant behavior practitioners in other areas, then NO repugnant behaviors have special rights. People doing weird shit with their hoo hoos don't have legal dominance to "drug addict Americans" or "cleptomaniac Americans" or "drunk driving Americans"... Either they all get special privileges for "behaviors as identity" or none of them do.

These "behaviors as identity" have no more rights or privileges than any other objectionable behaviors.

How many gay pride parades have you been to? What do you think of the church groups who march? The Politicians? The Social groups? The businesses? The charities? The military?
Since the Lord created two kinds of parents, moms and dads that is, in my opinion, every child should have one of each.

God bless you always!!!

The Lord created gays
The Lord created people, but it was people who created their lifestyles.

Since the Lord created two kinds of parents, moms and dads that is, in my opinion, every child should have one of each.

God bless you always!!!

Discuss that with Laura Ingraham.
First I need to know what has already been said to her. Then I will know what hasn't been said to her already.

Since the Lord created two kinds of parents, moms and dads that is, in my opinion, every child should have one of each.

God bless you always!!!

And just how the hell are you going to make that happen by not allowing gays to adopt?
I don't have to make it happen. Its already done for me since a man and woman partnership is the only way for reproduction to take place.

Since the Lord created two kinds of parents, moms and dads that is, in my opinion, every child should have one of each.

God bless you always!!!

That's not always an option, yet God also commanded us to love each other and would you deny a child a loving parent, even if they are not heterosexual?
A same gender couple would be the last resort.

Since the Lord created two kinds of parents, moms and dads that is, in my opinion, every child should have one of each.

God bless you always!!!

Are you prepared to force that upon people?
You make it sound like I am the only kind of person who forces their beliefs on other people.

Since the Lord created two kinds of parents, moms and dads that is, in my opinion, every child should have one of each.

God bless you always!!!

Your lord also created those gay and Lesbian people who can and do have children and who are parents to those children.

I don't know much about the bible, but I'm pretty sure, and common sense tells me, that there is nothing in it that says homosexuals cannot or should not have children or adopt them. This thing in Kansas is motivated by bigotry and stupidity and nothing more.
God created people, yes, but it was people who created the homosexual lifestyle.

God bless you people always!!!


How would you like it if I expected you to live by my faith?

I'm not christian but I'm very spiritual follow a religious path in life.

How would you like it if people of my faith forced you to live by our faith and totally disrespected yours and your right to live that way?

You have all the right in the world to live any way you choose within our laws.

You have absolutely no right to force that on anyone else.

My faith believes the exact opposite of yours. So stop trying to force your faith on everyone else.

Your faith and mine have absolutely no legal right to force our beliefs on anyone. Our government separates religion from our government so you are free to follow any faith you want. So is everyone else in America. So you can't pass laws that are based on your faith especially laws that violate our constitution and our discrimination laws.
You might say their behaviors-as-identity could harm others directly. So can the spread of HIV. So can two adults using a contract to deprive children of either a mother or father for life. Harm is harm. Why is one protected harm-causing to children and the other isn't?

Please, tell me more about the harmful effects of children not having a father in their home in your single parent household.

Between the two of us, there is only one person that has a household depriving a child of a father and it isn't mine. Worry about your own roof before looking into the windows of your neighbors.
Newsflash: Sodomy was a hangable offense in all 48 US states in the US for well over a century. Back when America was great.
Poor Gomorrah....no respect.

Poor Gomorrah, dead before they had to be because they were asshole faggots and tried to rape angels.

Too bad, so sad, IMO.

They deserved everything they got.
Actually, as the bible really says, they were guilty of inhospitality. Lot, of course, was saved....you know...the guy who offered his virgin daughters to the crowd so they'd leave him alone.
Newsflash: Sodomy was a hangable offense in all 48 US states in the US for well over a century. Back when America was great.
Poor Gomorrah....no respect.

Poor Gomorrah, dead before they had to be because they were asshole faggots and tried to rape angels.

Too bad, so sad, IMO.

They deserved everything they got.
Actually, as the bible really says, they were guilty of inhospitality. Lot, of course, was saved....you know...the guy who offered his virgin daughters to the crowd so they'd leave him alone.
So they wouldn't rape his houseguests, who happened to be angels in disguise.

One would think a Jew would know the Old Testament.
But that is the argument. Saying gays can't get married isn't any different that telling a man or woman they can't get married more than once.

I really don't care if gays get married. What pisses me off is this indignant bullshit they pull on others in the name of being discriminated against. Most of us discriminate every day of our lives in one way or another which many of us are discriminated against (for a whole variety of reasons) every day.

We deal with it.
You don't really care if they get married, but will you stand up for their right to? I don't think so. Instead, you just whine about their militancy. Do your gay friends know? How have you been discriminated against today?

Still making shit up.

Who gives a flying fuck what you think.

I am sure I'll be discussing this thread with them and they will be thrilled to hear your attack on them because you don't agree with their positions. But since they are three times the man you are (and I use the term man loosely in your direction), they'll chuckle and we'll talk sports.
It is a known fact that when one has no good argument to stand on, one goes on the personal attack against that whom one is debating with.

Since your post has no application to my post, I guess I'll chalk it up the cognitive malfunction you seem to suffer from.

BTW: Did you attend the Thought Police Academy and fail or are you just a wannabe ?
As I said...it's a known fact that when one has no good argument (or no valid argument at all) one has a petulant temper tantrum and goes on the personal attack against those who are correct in their facts and argument.

Not sure who you are cheerleading for....or are you setting an example by showing what you post when you don't have an argument (not the lack of a good one....simply don't have one).
You don't really care if they get married, but will you stand up for their right to? I don't think so. Instead, you just whine about their militancy. Do your gay friends know? How have you been discriminated against today?

Still making shit up.

Who gives a flying fuck what you think.

I am sure I'll be discussing this thread with them and they will be thrilled to hear your attack on them because you don't agree with their positions. But since they are three times the man you are (and I use the term man loosely in your direction), they'll chuckle and we'll talk sports.
It is a known fact that when one has no good argument to stand on, one goes on the personal attack against that whom one is debating with.

Since your post has no application to my post, I guess I'll chalk it up the cognitive malfunction you seem to suffer from.

BTW: Did you attend the Thought Police Academy and fail or are you just a wannabe ?
As I said...it's a known fact that when one has no good argument (or no valid argument at all) one has a petulant temper tantrum and goes on the personal attack against those who are correct in their facts and argument.

Not sure who you are cheerleading for....or are you setting an example by showing what you post when you don't have an argument (not the lack of a good one....simply don't have one).
Not cheerleading at all....just pointing out a well known fact that when one has no argument, they resort to personal attacks.....it's a form of conceding the topic point.
That is why you call them gay rights- when they apply to everyone.
Yes, so do women's rights. Equal application of the law.

Let us know when you graduate high school. We'll talk grown up talk.

LOL as if you will ever understand what grown ups talk about while you sit in your mom's basement.

Gay Rights are just human rights- in other words no longer having special laws against gays.

But that is the argument. Saying gays can't get married isn't any different that telling a man or woman they can't get married more than once.

I really don't care if gays get married. What pisses me off is this indignant bullshit they pull on others in the name of being discriminated against. Most of us discriminate every day of our lives in one way or another which many of us are discriminated against (for a whole variety of reasons) every day.

We deal with it.
You don't really care if they get married, but will you stand up for their right to? I don't think so. Instead, you just whine about their militancy. Do your gay friends know? How have you been discriminated against today?

Still making shit up.

Who gives a flying fuck what you think.

I am sure I'll be discussing this thread with them and they will be thrilled to hear your attack on them because you don't agree with their positions. But since they are three times the man you are (and I use the term man loosely in your direction), they'll chuckle and we'll talk sports.
I simply stated that I consider it hateful, stupid and callous to claim that gays already had equal rights before Obergefell, because they could marry someone of the opposite sex. That is not attacking anyone. It is attacking a bizarre idea. That is the way this goes. You put something like that out there are you get blowback . Can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.

Save you whining about being attacked for when you get called names like you have been doing to me. I hope that you and your imaginary friends have a god time.
Yes, so do women's rights. Equal application of the law.

Let us know when you graduate high school. We'll talk grown up talk.

LOL as if you will ever understand what grown ups talk about while you sit in your mom's basement.

Gay Rights are just human rights- in other words no longer having special laws against gays.

But that is the argument. Saying gays can't get married isn't any different that telling a man or woman they can't get married more than once.

I really don't care if gays get married. What pisses me off is this indignant bullshit they pull on others in the name of being discriminated against. Most of us discriminate every day of our lives in one way or another which many of us are discriminated against (for a whole variety of reasons) every day.

We deal with it.
You don't really care if they get married, but will you stand up for their right to? I don't think so. Instead, you just whine about their militancy. Do your gay friends know? How have you been discriminated against today?

Still making shit up.

Who gives a flying fuck what you think.

I am sure I'll be discussing this thread with them and they will be thrilled to hear your attack on them because you don't agree with their positions. But since they are three times the man you are (and I use the term man loosely in your direction), they'll chuckle and we'll talk sports.
I simply stated that I consider it hateful, stupid and callous to claim that gays already had equal rights before Obergefell, because they could marry someone of the opposite sex. That is not attacking anyone. It is attacking a bizarre idea. That is the way this goes. You put something like that out there are you get blowback . Can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.

Save you whining about being attacked for when you get called names like you have been doing to me. I hope that you and your imaginary friends have a god time.

Besides being a moron, you are ADD.

Post #345....you said anyone (who is gay) who didn't "find it offensive" like you do must be "fucking braindead."

As already pointed out, the people I know have taken more heat from inside the gay community than from without.

And I pointed out that you were attacking them (I realize that in your self deluded mind that NOBODY can have an opinion or POV different from you and still be rational so you'll say it wasn't an attack....but who cares. It was and is).

Now....are we clear on the reference ? I mean really clear because I get pretty bored getting these conversations back in context.

The fact that you just want to come here and beat your puny chest isn't my issue. Stay on topic.
Still making shit up.

Who gives a flying fuck what you think.

I am sure I'll be discussing this thread with them and they will be thrilled to hear your attack on them because you don't agree with their positions. But since they are three times the man you are (and I use the term man loosely in your direction), they'll chuckle and we'll talk sports.
It is a known fact that when one has no good argument to stand on, one goes on the personal attack against that whom one is debating with.

Since your post has no application to my post, I guess I'll chalk it up the cognitive malfunction you seem to suffer from.

BTW: Did you attend the Thought Police Academy and fail or are you just a wannabe ?
As I said...it's a known fact that when one has no good argument (or no valid argument at all) one has a petulant temper tantrum and goes on the personal attack against those who are correct in their facts and argument.

Not sure who you are cheerleading for....or are you setting an example by showing what you post when you don't have an argument (not the lack of a good one....simply don't have one).
Not cheerleading at all....just pointing out a well known fact that when one has no argument, they resort to personal attacks.....it's a form of conceding the topic point. View attachment 192912

And speaking of fucking braindead.....thanks for another post that still is not relevant to anything I've said.

You still don't have an argument to present.

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