Kansas lawmakers pass adoption bill against gay couples

That's why they call them gay rights. They only apply to gays.

That is why you call them gay rights- when they apply to everyone.
Yes, so do women's rights. Equal application of the law.

Let us know when you graduate high school. We'll talk grown up talk.

LOL as if you will ever understand what grown ups talk about while you sit in your mom's basement.

Gay Rights are just human rights- in other words no longer having special laws against gays.

But that is the argument. Saying gays can't get married isn't any different that telling a man or woman they can't get married more than once.

I really don't care if gays get married. What pisses me off is this indignant bullshit they pull on others in the name of being discriminated against. Most of us discriminate every day of our lives in one way or another which many of us are discriminated against (for a whole variety of reasons) every day.

We deal with it.
You don't really care if they get married, but will you stand up for their right to? I don't think so. Instead, you just whine about their militancy. Do your gay friends know? How have you been discriminated against today?

Still making shit up.

Who gives a flying fuck what you think.

I am sure I'll be discussing this thread with them and they will be thrilled to hear your attack on them because you don't agree with their positions. But since they are three times the man you are (and I use the term man loosely in your direction), they'll chuckle and we'll talk sports.
I'm kind of sick of you.......
Do your gay friends know?

Who gives a fuck what you are sick of ?

Maybe you could explain to me why this matters to this conversation.

The answer is that it doesn't. You simply can't get over the fact that there are gays out there that might be a little more accommodating than you.
I thought you cared !!

Seems like you have gone off the deep end bud. It matters to the conversation because you brought it up and revealed your insensitivity and bigotry. I find it hard to believe that anyone would be so fucking callous to suggest that gay people already had equality before they had the right to marry someone of the same sex, AND claim that you have gay friends!!

Where are the gays that are so fucking accommodating that they would stand for that? I am straight and I find it offensive. Any gay person who does not must be fucking brain dead.

They did have equality...sorry you don't like it..

No- they didn't. Sorry you can't handle the facts.

Gays were not allowed to marry other.
Gays were legally discriminated in employment in many places.
Gays could be arrested for having sex in private.
Gays could be arrested for simply being in a gay nightclub.

Please try to keep up....the topic was marriage.

Gay men were allowed to marry women and gay women were allowed to marry men.

And black men were allowed to marry black women and white men were allowed to marry white women.

How exactly were the laws discriminatory? When Conservatives realized that the law didn't actually forbid a man from marrying a man- they started passing laws to specifically forbid it- just as Conservatives passed laws to forbid a black man from marrying a black woman.
Who gives a fuck what you are sick of ?

Maybe you could explain to me why this matters to this conversation.

The answer is that it doesn't. You simply can't get over the fact that there are gays out there that might be a little more accommodating than you.
I thought you cared !!

Seems like you have gone off the deep end bud. It matters to the conversation because you brought it up and revealed your insensitivity and bigotry. I find it hard to believe that anyone would be so fucking callous to suggest that gay people already had equality before they had the right to marry someone of the same sex, AND claim that you have gay friends!!

Where are the gays that are so fucking accommodating that they would stand for that? I am straight and I find it offensive. Any gay person who does not must be fucking brain dead.

They did have equality...sorry you don't like it..

No- they didn't. Sorry you can't handle the facts.

Gays were not allowed to marry other.
Gays were legally discriminated in employment in many places.
Gays could be arrested for having sex in private.
Gays could be arrested for simply being in a gay nightclub.

Please try to keep up....the topic was marriage.

Gay men were allowed to marry women and gay women were allowed to marry men.

And black men were allowed to marry black women and white men were allowed to marry white women.

How exactly were the laws discriminatory? When Conservatives realized that the law didn't actually forbid a man from marrying a man- they started passing laws to specifically forbid it- just as Conservatives passed laws to forbid a black man from marrying a black woman.

So what is your point ? Or are you making my point ?

No blacks marched in parades forced on cities that didn't want them while they wore outlandish costumes.

From what I recall, the laws quietly died off just like adultery laws (many are still on the books) have not been enforced...because the culture learned to accept things.

BTW: You got proof it was conservatives. The south was held by democrats who ran up the bigotry flag like nobody's business. But you won't claim them...it's not convenient.
Since the law says gay can legally marry, they should be treated like all married couples. Even single people can adopt.
Except uniquely, a gay marriage contract strips orphans from either a mother or father for life. Obergefell declared that kids are parties to the marriage contract. A contract children share with adults cannot deprive them of a necessity.

Single people possess no such contract. They carry the hope of providing the missing gender. Gays openly banish that hope with a contract. This is legally intolerable to a child.

Gays would have to prove that a father isn't vital to a boy or mother to a girl.

Yes of course. Everyone knows that by banning same sex marriage, all of those gay people will just decide to become straight and marry someone of the opposite sex and all of those kids will have a mom and a dad.

And all of those kids who do not have a mom or a dad who are waiting to be adopted will magically find the perfect "traditional" home .

Same horseshit, different day

The question is one of legal dominance. If regular men and women doing weird shit in their bedrooms believe they have a dominant claim to children getting both mother and father out of the marriage contract they share with adults, then let them put that language plainly in briefs to the courts. Because where I come from, the Infancy Doctrine says that NO, as in ZERO adults may machinate to deprive children of a necessity in benefits to ANY contract adults share with them.

Obergefell page 15 of the Opinion made it emphatically and crystal clear that children share in the benefits of the marriage contract. As such it is equally clear that they are parties to it, shared with adults.

So, weird shit adults do with their hoo-hoos (by habit or whatever choice, not by birth) or a boy needing a father or a girl a mother out of a marriage contract. For every attempt you make to bring up single parents adopting or whatever, I'm going to call you on that strawman. No single parent possesses a contract banishing a child for life from either a mother or father. With them, there's hope.

With all choices in BEHAVIORS, come consequences. Those consequences are that deviant sex behavior practitioners (LGBTQ???) DO NOT have dominant rights to children's necessities. I reiterate, deviant sex practitioners (DSPs) would have to show the courts that a father isn't vital to a boy or a mother is not vital to a girl in order for their contract to be forced upon orphaned children to their detriment.

The objections that the Catholic church has to so-called "gay adoption" are not just religious ones, but also valid secular ones. If they would double-down on their briefing, covering all the bases and not just incense and ritual, they would win in court. A religion can also have secular reasons for objecting. And now is the time to inject those principles into legal arguments. NOT AFTER THEY LOSE ON SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE TECHNICALITIES...
That is why you call them gay rights- when they apply to everyone.
Yes, so do women's rights. Equal application of the law.

Let us know when you graduate high school. We'll talk grown up talk.

LOL as if you will ever understand what grown ups talk about while you sit in your mom's basement.

Gay Rights are just human rights- in other words no longer having special laws against gays.

But that is the argument. Saying gays can't get married isn't any different that telling a man or woman they can't get married more than once.

I really don't care if gays get married. What pisses me off is this indignant bullshit they pull on others in the name of being discriminated against. Most of us discriminate every day of our lives in one way or another which many of us are discriminated against (for a whole variety of reasons) every day.

We deal with it.
You don't really care if they get married, but will you stand up for their right to? I don't think so. Instead, you just whine about their militancy. Do your gay friends know? How have you been discriminated against today?

Still making shit up.

Who gives a flying fuck what you think.

I am sure I'll be discussing this thread with them and they will be thrilled to hear your attack on them because you don't agree with their positions. But since they are three times the man you are (and I use the term man loosely in your direction), they'll chuckle and we'll talk sports.
It is a known fact that when one has no good argument to stand on, one goes on the personal attack against that whom one is debating with.
I thought you cared !!

Seems like you have gone off the deep end bud. It matters to the conversation because you brought it up and revealed your insensitivity and bigotry. I find it hard to believe that anyone would be so fucking callous to suggest that gay people already had equality before they had the right to marry someone of the same sex, AND claim that you have gay friends!!

Where are the gays that are so fucking accommodating that they would stand for that? I am straight and I find it offensive. Any gay person who does not must be fucking brain dead.

They did have equality...sorry you don't like it..

No- they didn't. Sorry you can't handle the facts.

Gays were not allowed to marry other.
Gays were legally discriminated in employment in many places.
Gays could be arrested for having sex in private.
Gays could be arrested for simply being in a gay nightclub.

Please try to keep up....the topic was marriage.

Gay men were allowed to marry women and gay women were allowed to marry men.

And black men were allowed to marry black women and white men were allowed to marry white women.

How exactly were the laws discriminatory? When Conservatives realized that the law didn't actually forbid a man from marrying a man- they started passing laws to specifically forbid it- just as Conservatives passed laws to forbid a black man from marrying a black woman.

So what is your point ? Or are you making my point ?

No blacks marched in parades forced on cities that didn't want them while they wore outlandish costumes.

From what I recall, the laws quietly died off just like adultery laws (many are still on the books) have not been enforced...because the culture learned to accept things.

BTW: You got proof it was conservatives. The south was held by democrats who ran up the bigotry flag like nobody's business. But you won't claim them...it's not convenient.
Ah...so we get to the crux....you don't like Gay Pride parades. How many have you been to?

These regular men and women DOING deviant sex acts (in this case illegally in public) want to adopt orphans and deprive them of a mother or father for life using a binding contract they will share with the children...if allowed....

Why is there a rainbow flag in the background? Tomatoes TomAtoes. bodecea you are an apologist and a spin doctor for perversion. Your comment about normalizing these types of events in the spectators smiling behind only erodes your arguments. Behaviors if pernicious and persistent enough can become normalized in a population. The trouble is, do we want them to be spreading outside the confines of the perverts on display or the converts watching them?
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These regular men and women DOING deviant sex acts (in this case illegally in public) want to adopt orphans and deprive them of a mother or father for life using a binding contract they will share with the children...if allowed....
Look at the heteros....bet that's the Folsom Street Fair which is a leather event....not a gay event.
May 4 (Reuters) - The Kansas Legislature on Friday approved a bill that allows faith-based adoption agencies to turn away gay and lesbian couples based on religious beliefs, and the state's governor said he would sign it.

Under the measure, the Kansas Department for Children and Families cannot block any foster or adoption agency, including those that receive public funds, from participating in its programs only because it refuses to adopt or place children with gay people.

Opponents of the bill said they will likely mount a legal challenge.

Kansas lawmakers pass adoption bill critics say is biased against gay couples

Mixed emotions about this. As with ALL adoptions, every couple should pass a rigid strict test of some sort to make sure they are of sound mind. Which should already be the case, right?
And....if the agency that is handling the adoption states it is against their religious beliefs, that should be protected. Parents wanting to adopt can do so from other agencies that are not religious in nature, one would think.

Your thoughts?

My thoughts are that if they accept public tax dollars they can't discriminate against anyone just because they are homosexual or any other reason outside not meeting the requirements everyone else has to meet.

Those homosexual people pay taxes so that organization is taking money from homosexual people yet being allowed to discriminate them.

If they want to discriminate against homosexual people then they shouldn't get public tax dollars.

The state is violating the 14th amendment. They are passing laws that violates homosexual's right to equal justice under our laws.

I'm sure this will be overturned by our court system.
Homosexuals have no rights because they are regular men and women who already have rights. What one does in one's bedroom cannot be used as a legal identity to wedge special consideration (among a throng of repugnant minority behaviors) above others. So says the 14th.

If one set of deviant behaviors done by regular men and women get special rights, so do all of them. Equality is a legal bitch. If the others don't get special rights, then none of them do. That's how it works. See how the false premise of "behaviors as identity" fucked up our system of laws and codes? They have to walk back the mistake at one point or another. I believe they cracked the ice on that in Hively v Ivy Tech.
If they don't receive tax payer money it's their house their rules.

Read the article. The state is allowing those organizations that receive public tax dollars the legal right to discriminate.

That's illegal and unconstitutional.

The 14th amendment requires the government to treat everyone equally under the law.

So either those organizations stop getting public tax dollars or they stop discriminating homosexual people.

It's as simple as that.
If they don't receive tax payer money it's their house their rules.

Read the article. The state is allowing those organizations that receive public tax dollars the legal right to discriminate.

That's illegal and unconstitutional.

The 14th amendment requires the government to treat everyone equally under the law.

So either those organizations stop getting public tax dollars or they stop discriminating homosexual people.

It's as simple as that.

Missed "if" didn't ya?
May 4 (Reuters) - The Kansas Legislature on Friday approved a bill that allows faith-based adoption agencies to turn away gay and lesbian couples based on religious beliefs, and the state's governor said he would sign it.

Under the measure, the Kansas Department for Children and Families cannot block any foster or adoption agency, including those that receive public funds, from participating in its programs only because it refuses to adopt or place children with gay people.

Opponents of the bill said they will likely mount a legal challenge.

Kansas lawmakers pass adoption bill critics say is biased against gay couples

Mixed emotions about this. As with ALL adoptions, every couple should pass a rigid strict test of some sort to make sure they are of sound mind. Which should already be the case, right?
And....if the agency that is handling the adoption states it is against their religious beliefs, that should be protected. Parents wanting to adopt can do so from other agencies that are not religious in nature, one would think.

Your thoughts?

Good for them, because it's not right to subject adopted children to faggotry as being normal.
Homosexuals have no rights because they are regular men and women who already have rights. What one does in one's bedroom cannot be used as a legal identity to wedge special consideration (among a throng of repugnant minority behaviors) above others. So says the 14th.

If one set of deviant behaviors done by regular men and women get special rights, so do all of them. Equality is a legal bitch. If the others don't get special rights, then none of them do. That's how it works. See how the false premise of "behaviors as identity" fucked up our system of laws and codes? They have to walk back the mistake at one point or another. I believe they cracked the ice on that in Hively v Ivy Tech.
Right...so you admit that the 14th protects their equal treatment under any marriage law. Thanks for the confirmation.
Newsflash: Sodomy was a hangable offense in all 48 US states in the US for well over a century. Back when America was great.
If they don't receive tax payer money it's their house their rules.

Read the article. The state is allowing those organizations that receive public tax dollars the legal right to discriminate.

That's illegal and unconstitutional.

The 14th amendment requires the government to treat everyone equally under the law.

So either those organizations stop getting public tax dollars or they stop discriminating homosexual people.

It's as simple as that.
It isn't as simple as that when you realize that all the advancements to date by regular men and women giving themselves an identity by the weird shit they do with their bodies was hinged on a false premise.

Behaviors don't have rights. This legal mistake will be revisited at one point or another so buckle your seatbelt for impact.

If one set of repugnant minority behaviors get to have "an identity", so do all of them, or they fail the equality test. If the majority still gets to regulate repugnant behavior practitioners in other areas, then NO repugnant behaviors have special rights. People doing weird shit with their hoo hoos don't have legal dominance to "drug addict Americans" or "cleptomaniac Americans" or "drunk driving Americans"... Either they all get special privileges for "behaviors as identity" or none of them do.

These "behaviors as identity" have no more rights or privileges than any other objectionable behaviors.

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Since the Lord created two kinds of parents, moms and dads that is, in my opinion, every child should have one of each.

God bless you always!!!

The Lord created gays
Na, while there is no such thing as spiritual free will... there is free will.
They choice of “gay” while naïve Is one that made out of utter confusion.

You obviously show you know absolutely nothing about the gestation process of the human being.

There's a hormone wash that goes over the brain of the fetus twice in the gestation process. If the fetus is female the wash is estrogen. If the fetus is male the wash is testosterone. Or at least it's supposed to be.

It's been scientifically proven that the correct wash doesn't always happen and in some cases the wash doesn't happen at all.

What do you think will happen to a male brain if it gets an estrogen wash either both times or once? What do you think will happen to a female brain if it gets testosterone either both times or once?

Scientific studies have shown that males who got estrogen instead of testosterone have brains exactly the same as a female.

It's not a choice. They are born that way. They got the wrong hormone wash or didn't get enough of it.

Learn about the process of human gestation before you post such obviously uneducated beliefs.
Since the Lord created two kinds of parents, moms and dads that is, in my opinion, every child should have one of each.

God bless you always!!!

The Lord created gays
Na, while there is no such thing as spiritual free will... there is free will.
They choice of “gay” while naïve Is one that made out of utter confusion.

You obviously show you know absolutely nothing about the gestation process of the human being.

There's a hormone wash that goes over the brain of the fetus twice in the gestation process. If the fetus is female the wash is estrogen. If the fetus is male the wash is testosterone. Or at least it's supposed to be.

It's been scientifically proven that the correct wash doesn't always happen and in some cases the wash doesn't happen at all.

What do you think will happen to a male brain if it gets an estrogen wash either both times or once? What do you think will happen to a female brain if it gets testosterone either both times or once?

Scientific studies have shown that males who got estrogen instead of testosterone have brains exactly the same as a female.

It's not a choice. They are born that way. They got the wrong hormone wash or didn't get enough of it.

Learn about the process of human gestation before you post such obviously uneducated beliefs.

Since the Lord created two kinds of parents, moms and dads that is, in my opinion, every child should have one of each.

God bless you always!!!

The Lord created gays
Na, while there is no such thing as spiritual free will... there is free will.
They choice of “gay” while naïve Is one that made out of utter confusion.

You obviously show you know absolutely nothing about the gestation process of the human being.

There's a hormone wash that goes over the brain of the fetus twice in the gestation process. If the fetus is female the wash is estrogen. If the fetus is male the wash is testosterone. Or at least it's supposed to be.

It's been scientifically proven that the correct wash doesn't always happen and in some cases the wash doesn't happen at all.

What do you think will happen to a male brain if it gets an estrogen wash either both times or once? What do you think will happen to a female brain if it gets testosterone either both times or once?

Scientific studies have shown that males who got estrogen instead of testosterone have brains exactly the same as a female.

It's not a choice. They are born that way. They got the wrong hormone wash or didn't get enough of it.

Learn about the process of human gestation before you post such obviously uneducated beliefs.
Wrong, some people think they are what they are not.
It’s a mental problem
Yes, so do women's rights. Equal application of the law.

Let us know when you graduate high school. We'll talk grown up talk.

LOL as if you will ever understand what grown ups talk about while you sit in your mom's basement.

Gay Rights are just human rights- in other words no longer having special laws against gays.

But that is the argument. Saying gays can't get married isn't any different that telling a man or woman they can't get married more than once.

I really don't care if gays get married. What pisses me off is this indignant bullshit they pull on others in the name of being discriminated against. Most of us discriminate every day of our lives in one way or another which many of us are discriminated against (for a whole variety of reasons) every day.

We deal with it.
You don't really care if they get married, but will you stand up for their right to? I don't think so. Instead, you just whine about their militancy. Do your gay friends know? How have you been discriminated against today?

Still making shit up.

Who gives a flying fuck what you think.

I am sure I'll be discussing this thread with them and they will be thrilled to hear your attack on them because you don't agree with their positions. But since they are three times the man you are (and I use the term man loosely in your direction), they'll chuckle and we'll talk sports.
It is a known fact that when one has no good argument to stand on, one goes on the personal attack against that whom one is debating with.

Since your post has no application to my post, I guess I'll chalk it up the cognitive malfunction you seem to suffer from.

BTW: Did you attend the Thought Police Academy and fail or are you just a wannabe ?

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