Kansas lawmakers pass adoption bill against gay couples

Since the Lord created two kinds of parents, moms and dads that is, in my opinion, every child should have one of each.

God bless you always!!!

The Lord created gays
The Lord created people, but it was people who created their lifestyles.

Since the Lord created two kinds of parents, moms and dads that is, in my opinion, every child should have one of each.

God bless you always!!!

Discuss that with Laura Ingraham.
First I need to know what has already been said to her. Then I will know what hasn't been said to her already.

Since the Lord created two kinds of parents, moms and dads that is, in my opinion, every child should have one of each.

God bless you always!!!

And just how the hell are you going to make that happen by not allowing gays to adopt?
I don't have to make it happen. Its already done for me since a man and woman partnership is the only way for reproduction to take place.

Since the Lord created two kinds of parents, moms and dads that is, in my opinion, every child should have one of each.

God bless you always!!!

That's not always an option, yet God also commanded us to love each other and would you deny a child a loving parent, even if they are not heterosexual?
A same gender couple would be the last resort.

Since the Lord created two kinds of parents, moms and dads that is, in my opinion, every child should have one of each.

God bless you always!!!

Are you prepared to force that upon people?
You make it sound like I am the only kind of person who forces their beliefs on other people.

Since the Lord created two kinds of parents, moms and dads that is, in my opinion, every child should have one of each.

God bless you always!!!

Your lord also created those gay and Lesbian people who can and do have children and who are parents to those children.

I don't know much about the bible, but I'm pretty sure, and common sense tells me, that there is nothing in it that says homosexuals cannot or should not have children or adopt them. This thing in Kansas is motivated by bigotry and stupidity and nothing more.
God created people, yes, but it was people who created the homosexual lifestyle.

God bless you people always!!!

How would you like it if I expected you to live by my faith?

I'm not christian but I'm very spiritual follow a religious path in life.

How would you like it if people of my faith forced you to live by our faith and totally disrespected yours and your right to live that way?

You have all the right in the world to live any way you choose within our laws.

You have absolutely no right to force that on anyone else.

My faith believes the exact opposite of yours. So stop trying to force your faith on everyone else.

Your faith and mine have absolutely no legal right to force our beliefs on anyone. Our government separates religion from our government so you are free to follow any faith you want. So is everyone else in America. So you can't pass laws that are based on your faith especially laws that violate our constitution and our discrimination laws.
I only have one question for you and your ilk. Why were the rest of us shown how to play if we were not wanted in such a game?

God bless you always!!!

LOL as if you will ever understand what grown ups talk about while you sit in your mom's basement.

Gay Rights are just human rights- in other words no longer having special laws against gays.

But that is the argument. Saying gays can't get married isn't any different that telling a man or woman they can't get married more than once.

I really don't care if gays get married. What pisses me off is this indignant bullshit they pull on others in the name of being discriminated against. Most of us discriminate every day of our lives in one way or another which many of us are discriminated against (for a whole variety of reasons) every day.

We deal with it.
You don't really care if they get married, but will you stand up for their right to? I don't think so. Instead, you just whine about their militancy. Do your gay friends know? How have you been discriminated against today?

Still making shit up.

Who gives a flying fuck what you think.

I am sure I'll be discussing this thread with them and they will be thrilled to hear your attack on them because you don't agree with their positions. But since they are three times the man you are (and I use the term man loosely in your direction), they'll chuckle and we'll talk sports.
I simply stated that I consider it hateful, stupid and callous to claim that gays already had equal rights before Obergefell, because they could marry someone of the opposite sex. That is not attacking anyone. It is attacking a bizarre idea. That is the way this goes. You put something like that out there are you get blowback . Can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.

Save you whining about being attacked for when you get called names like you have been doing to me. I hope that you and your imaginary friends have a god time.

Besides being a moron, you are ADD.

Post #345....you said anyone (who is gay) who didn't "find it offensive" like you do must be "fucking braindead."

As already pointed out, the people I know have taken more heat from inside the gay community than from without.

And I pointed out that you were attacking them (I realize that in your self deluded mind that NOBODY can have an opinion or POV different from you and still be rational so you'll say it wasn't an attack....but who cares. It was and is).

Now....are we clear on the reference ? I mean really clear because I get pretty bored getting these conversations back in context.

The fact that you just want to come here and beat your puny chest isn't my issue. Stay on topic.
Allow me to call your attention to post 397, Pal
The law applies to religious adoption agencies. They should not be forced to place children in homes that are counter to the beliefs of their religion. There are other agencies which will continue to place children with gay parents. Hence, the rights of all are respected.
But that is the argument. Saying gays can't get married isn't any different that telling a man or woman they can't get married more than once.

I really don't care if gays get married. What pisses me off is this indignant bullshit they pull on others in the name of being discriminated against. Most of us discriminate every day of our lives in one way or another which many of us are discriminated against (for a whole variety of reasons) every day.

We deal with it.
You don't really care if they get married, but will you stand up for their right to? I don't think so. Instead, you just whine about their militancy. Do your gay friends know? How have you been discriminated against today?

Still making shit up.

Who gives a flying fuck what you think.

I am sure I'll be discussing this thread with them and they will be thrilled to hear your attack on them because you don't agree with their positions. But since they are three times the man you are (and I use the term man loosely in your direction), they'll chuckle and we'll talk sports.
I simply stated that I consider it hateful, stupid and callous to claim that gays already had equal rights before Obergefell, because they could marry someone of the opposite sex. That is not attacking anyone. It is attacking a bizarre idea. That is the way this goes. You put something like that out there are you get blowback . Can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.

Save you whining about being attacked for when you get called names like you have been doing to me. I hope that you and your imaginary friends have a god time.

Besides being a moron, you are ADD.

Post #345....you said anyone (who is gay) who didn't "find it offensive" like you do must be "fucking braindead."

As already pointed out, the people I know have taken more heat from inside the gay community than from without.

And I pointed out that you were attacking them (I realize that in your self deluded mind that NOBODY can have an opinion or POV different from you and still be rational so you'll say it wasn't an attack....but who cares. It was and is).

Now....are we clear on the reference ? I mean really clear because I get pretty bored getting these conversations back in context.

The fact that you just want to come here and beat your puny chest isn't my issue. Stay on topic.
Allow me to call your attention to post 397, Pal

1. I am not your Pal

2. The post has nothing to do with me.

3. It appears you have nitwit cheerleader who is incapable of conducting his or her own arguments and so has to watch you flail around.

4. Not my issue.....asswipe.

Oh, and I noticed you sidestepped the whole issue of you attacking any gay who does not agree with you as "braindead". Be a man (or whatever) and own up.
The law applies to religious adoption agencies. They should not be forced to place children in homes that are counter to the beliefs of their religion. There are other agencies which will continue to place children with gay parents. Hence, the rights of all are respected.

Applying something equally is a fallacy. Always has been.
The law applies to religious adoption agencies. They should not be forced to place children in homes that are counter to the beliefs of their religion. There are other agencies which will continue to place children with gay parents. Hence, the rights of all are respected.
Which, I believe, we all agree with...AS LONG AS they get no government funds.
The law applies to religious adoption agencies. They should not be forced to place children in homes that are counter to the beliefs of their religion. There are other agencies which will continue to place children with gay parents. Hence, the rights of all are respected.

Applying something equally is a fallacy. Always has been.
So you don't believe that our government and laws should be equally applied on law-abiding, tax-paying citizens?
The law applies to religious adoption agencies. They should not be forced to place children in homes that are counter to the beliefs of their religion. There are other agencies which will continue to place children with gay parents. Hence, the rights of all are respected.
Which, I believe, we all agree with...AS LONG AS they get no government funds.

Nope. Government funds are used for a great many things that people of a variety of beliefs oppose. Nobody should be forced to violate their religious beliefs under this circumstance.
The law applies to religious adoption agencies. They should not be forced to place children in homes that are counter to the beliefs of their religion. There are other agencies which will continue to place children with gay parents. Hence, the rights of all are respected.
Which, I believe, we all agree with...AS LONG AS they get no government funds.

Nope. Government funds are used for a great many things that people of a variety of beliefs oppose. Nobody should be forced to violate their religious beliefs under this circumstance.
That's fine...just don't accept any government money for your religious beliefs. Easy rule of thumb....would you feel the same way if we were talking a muslim religious adoption agency receiving government money while basing adoptions on THEIR version of sharia law?
The law applies to religious adoption agencies. They should not be forced to place children in homes that are counter to the beliefs of their religion. There are other agencies which will continue to place children with gay parents. Hence, the rights of all are respected.
Which, I believe, we all agree with...AS LONG AS they get no government funds.

Nope. Government funds are used for a great many things that people of a variety of beliefs oppose. Nobody should be forced to violate their religious beliefs under this circumstance.
That's fine...just don't accept any government money for your religious beliefs. Easy rule of thumb....would you feel the same way if we were talking a muslim religious adoption agency receiving government money while basing adoptions on THEIR version of sharia law?

Sharia law is a competing political system, so it is not the same as religious doctrine. If religious organization must forgo government funding, so should every other organization towards which some taxpayers hold opposing points of view.

Personally, that would be fine with me.
The law applies to religious adoption agencies. They should not be forced to place children in homes that are counter to the beliefs of their religion. There are other agencies which will continue to place children with gay parents. Hence, the rights of all are respected.

I could live with allowing them that religious exemption, although I think they are wrong. What I can't tolerate is their receiving public funds while discriminating against people.
The law applies to religious adoption agencies. They should not be forced to place children in homes that are counter to the beliefs of their religion. There are other agencies which will continue to place children with gay parents. Hence, the rights of all are respected.
Which, I believe, we all agree with...AS LONG AS they get no government funds.

Nope. Government funds are used for a great many things that people of a variety of beliefs oppose. Nobody should be forced to violate their religious beliefs under this circumstance.
That's fine...just don't accept any government money for your religious beliefs. Easy rule of thumb....would you feel the same way if we were talking a muslim religious adoption agency receiving government money while basing adoptions on THEIR version of sharia law?

Sharia law is a competing political system, so it is not the same as religious doctrine. If religious organization must forgo government funding, so should every other organization towards which some taxpayers hold opposing points of view.

Personally, that would be fine with me.
That's a stretch. Both have blurred the lines between political ideology and religion. It is not about points a view. It is about discrimination in the name of God......or Alah
The law applies to religious adoption agencies. They should not be forced to place children in homes that are counter to the beliefs of their religion. There are other agencies which will continue to place children with gay parents. Hence, the rights of all are respected.

I could live with allowing them that religious exemption, although I think they are wrong. What I can't tolerate is their receiving public funds while discriminating against people.

Then you should support withdrawing public funds from virtually all educational institutions...especially those that discriminate against Asians and White People.
The law applies to religious adoption agencies. They should not be forced to place children in homes that are counter to the beliefs of their religion. There are other agencies which will continue to place children with gay parents. Hence, the rights of all are respected.

I could live with allowing them that religious exemption, although I think they are wrong. What I can't tolerate is their receiving public funds while discriminating against people.

Then you should support withdrawing public funds from virtually all educational institutions...especially those that discriminate against Asians and White People.

Would you please explain what it is that you're talking about?
The law applies to religious adoption agencies. They should not be forced to place children in homes that are counter to the beliefs of their religion. There are other agencies which will continue to place children with gay parents. Hence, the rights of all are respected.

I could live with allowing them that religious exemption, although I think they are wrong. What I can't tolerate is their receiving public funds while discriminating against people.

Then you should support withdrawing public funds from virtually all educational institutions...especially those that discriminate against Asians and White People.

Would you please explain what it is that you're talking about?

Colleges discriminate against Asian and White students by requiring higher GPAs and SAT scores. There is an entire curriculum in place now that foments racism against whites via "white privilege" indoctrination.

Many people who find these things offensive are forced to support them with their tax dollars.
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The law applies to religious adoption agencies. They should not be forced to place children in homes that are counter to the beliefs of their religion. There are other agencies which will continue to place children with gay parents. Hence, the rights of all are respected.

Applying something equally is a fallacy. Always has been.
So you don't believe that our government and laws should be equally applied on law-abiding, tax-paying citizens?

Did I say that ? No.

Making more shit up.....you lefties.....

The idea that everything is applied "equally" is a fallacy.

As you can see from this thread....even the definition of equally isn't agreed upon.

But, assuming it was agreed upon....I would certainly be for equal application.

Please stick to what is said, not what you want it to say so you can get your knickers all in a bunch.
Since the law says gay can legally marry, they should be treated like all married couples. Even single people can adopt.

The only laws passed in this country regarding homosexuals marrying say they cant. unelected judges overturned the law.

That's not true at all.

My state first passed homosexual marriage through our state congress and our governor signing the bill. Unfortunately some anti equal rights group got a petition to get the issue on the ballot for the people to decide.

The joke was on those homophobes. The people of my state voted to legalize homosexual marriage by 54 to 46%. I voted with the majority to legalize it.

So what you posted is very wrong. Learn about things before you post so that those of us who are actually informed won't have to point out just how wrong you are.
The law applies to religious adoption agencies. They should not be forced to place children in homes that are counter to the beliefs of their religion. There are other agencies which will continue to place children with gay parents. Hence, the rights of all are respected.

I could live with allowing them that religious exemption, although I think they are wrong. What I can't tolerate is their receiving public funds while discriminating against people.

Then you should support withdrawing public funds from virtually all educational institutions...especially those that discriminate against Asians and White People.

Would you please explain what it is that you're talking about?

Colleges discriminate against Asian and White students by requiring higher GPAs and SAT scores. There is an entire curriculum in place now that foments racism against white via "white privilege" indoctrination.

Many people who find these things offensive are forced to support them with their tax dollars.
Oh I see, your comparing affirmative action which- whether you agree with it or not- has a noble purpose of leveling the playing field for certain minorities with blatant discrimination born of ignorance and animus towards gays.

Also, we are talking about blatant discrimination in the name of religion, vs. something that is, arguably not discrimination at all.

So, thank you for that thinly veiled logical fallacy - two actually. It is a false equivalency fallacy for the reason that I stated, and it is an red herring intended to divert attention away from the actual topic......also known as trolling.
But as far as requiring higher scores is concerned, I don't know that for a fact- but please don't even bother to respond to the. Its is off topic.
The law applies to religious adoption agencies. They should not be forced to place children in homes that are counter to the beliefs of their religion. There are other agencies which will continue to place children with gay parents. Hence, the rights of all are respected.

I could live with allowing them that religious exemption, although I think they are wrong. What I can't tolerate is their receiving public funds while discriminating against people.

Then you should support withdrawing public funds from virtually all educational institutions...especially those that discriminate against Asians and White People.

Would you please explain what it is that you're talking about?

Colleges discriminate against Asian and White students by requiring higher GPAs and SAT scores. There is an entire curriculum in place now that foments racism against white via "white privilege" indoctrination.

Many people who find these things offensive are forced to support them with their tax dollars.
Oh I see, your comparing affirmative action which- whether you agree with it or not- has a noble purpose of leveling the playing field for certain minorities with blatant discrimination born of ignorance and animus towards gays.

That you for that thinly veiled logical fallacy - two actually. It is a false equivalency fallacy for the reason that I stated, and it is an red herring intended to divert attention away from the actual topic......also known as trolling.
But as far as requiring higher scores is concerned, I don't know that for a fact- but please don't even bother to respond to the. Its is off topic.

No, I'm supporting our natural rights as individuals to be treated equally under the law.
I could live with allowing them that religious exemption, although I think they are wrong. What I can't tolerate is their receiving public funds while discriminating against people.

Then you should support withdrawing public funds from virtually all educational institutions...especially those that discriminate against Asians and White People.

Would you please explain what it is that you're talking about?

Colleges discriminate against Asian and White students by requiring higher GPAs and SAT scores. There is an entire curriculum in place now that foments racism against white via "white privilege" indoctrination.

Many people who find these things offensive are forced to support them with their tax dollars.
Oh I see, your comparing affirmative action which- whether you agree with it or not- has a noble purpose of leveling the playing field for certain minorities with blatant discrimination born of ignorance and animus towards gays.

That you for that thinly veiled logical fallacy - two actually. It is a false equivalency fallacy for the reason that I stated, and it is an red herring intended to divert attention away from the actual topic......also known as trolling.
But as far as requiring higher scores is concerned, I don't know that for a fact- but please don't even bother to respond to the. Its is off topic.

No, I'm supporting our natural rights as individuals to be treated equally under the law.
Good for you. But university admission policies are not the law. They are...University policies. I believe that there have been court cases on that with respect to equal protection etc. but I am not getting in that here. It is not the topic. Start a thread on AA if you want to.

Now, the first amendment is the law and it says that "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion....." Funding a religious institutions discriminatory practices is doing just that .

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