Kansas moves to implement $25 ATM withdrawal limit for welfare recipients

So Mac the not spending of food stamps in a grocery store but instead obtaining the cash value to spend on products that would not be covered by food stamps if rung up properly in a grocery store.

Yet you claim this is political and does not pass the smell test.

Yet the situation that creates the need for these types of laws do.

I think your smeller is broke.

I mean you condone that nasty smelling shit, but have issues when trying to put sanity back into the situation.

So all this cash, what do you folks need to buy that the food stamp card can not be directly charged??

You can't draw cash off a food stamp benefit.

You really are a special kind of STUPID aren't you??

Should have just left it alone, but no your ignorant ass had to push it.

You can fucking read, correct??

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Kansas has found the ultimate way to punish the poor
By Max Ehrenfreund May 21

(Photo by Mark Makela/Getty Images)
A dollar bill is a special kind of thing. You can keep it as long as you like. You can pay for things with it. No one will ever charge you a fee. No one will ask any questions about your credit history. And other people won't try to tell you that they know how to spend that dollar better than you do.

For these reasons, cash is one of the most valuable resources a poor person in the United States can possess. Yet legislators in Kansas, not trusting the poor to use their money wisely, have voted to limit how much cash that welfare beneficiaries can receive, effectively reducing their overall benefits, as well.

The legislature placed a daily cap of $25 on cash withdrawals beginning July 1, which will force beneficiaries to make more frequent trips to the ATM to withdraw money from the debit cards used to pay public assistance benefits.

Since there's a fee for every withdrawal, the limit means that some families will get substantially less money.

Kansas has found the ultimate way to punish the poor - The Washington Post

I repeat. You can't draw cash off a food stamp benefit.
Yes you can , I have seen the ATM machines down here that have notes on them
So Mac the not spending of food stamps in a grocery store but instead obtaining the cash value to spend on products that would not be covered by food stamps if rung up properly in a grocery store.

Yet you claim this is political and does not pass the smell test.

Yet the situation that creates the need for these types of laws do.

I think your smeller is broke.

I mean you condone that nasty smelling shit, but have issues when trying to put sanity back into the situation.

So all this cash, what do you folks need to buy that the food stamp card can not be directly charged??

You can't draw cash off a food stamp benefit.

You really are a special kind of STUPID aren't you??

Should have just left it alone, but no your ignorant ass had to push it.

You can fucking read, correct??

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Kansas has found the ultimate way to punish the poor
By Max Ehrenfreund May 21

(Photo by Mark Makela/Getty Images)
A dollar bill is a special kind of thing. You can keep it as long as you like. You can pay for things with it. No one will ever charge you a fee. No one will ask any questions about your credit history. And other people won't try to tell you that they know how to spend that dollar better than you do.

For these reasons, cash is one of the most valuable resources a poor person in the United States can possess. Yet legislators in Kansas, not trusting the poor to use their money wisely, have voted to limit how much cash that welfare beneficiaries can receive, effectively reducing their overall benefits, as well.

The legislature placed a daily cap of $25 on cash withdrawals beginning July 1, which will force beneficiaries to make more frequent trips to the ATM to withdraw money from the debit cards used to pay public assistance benefits.

Since there's a fee for every withdrawal, the limit means that some families will get substantially less money.

Kansas has found the ultimate way to punish the poor - The Washington Post

I repeat. You can't draw cash off a food stamp benefit.
Yes you can , I have seen the ATM machines down here that have notes on them

that's how much the left live in their own little bubble. they don't have a clue about REAL LIFE
Comes off the same card, are tax dollars in the form of TAFDC .............

Same premises apply ............
Actually it would be worse, would imply that they not only get SNAP but are sucking up our tax dollars in the form of more assistance, which they are squandering.
Welfare costs taxpayers an average of 34 dollars a year. Corporate welfare costs individual taxpayers over five thousand dollars a year. But which one do you choose to bitch about?
Welfare costs taxpayers an average of 34 dollars a year. Corporate welfare costs individual taxpayers over five thousand dollars a year. But which one do you choose to bitch about?

Oh so much BS. Welfare is number one drain of taxpayers monies VIA the government. 34 bucks a year. just wow. Welfare doesn't provide JOBS for people either. corporations, love them or hate them. do provide the jobs the welfare people can go and WORK at
So Mac the not spending of food stamps in a grocery store but instead obtaining the cash value to spend on products that would not be covered by food stamps if rung up properly in a grocery store.

Yet you claim this is political and does not pass the smell test.

Yet the situation that creates the need for these types of laws do.

I think your smeller is broke.

I mean you condone that nasty smelling shit, but have issues when trying to put sanity back into the situation.

So all this cash, what do you folks need to buy that the food stamp card can not be directly charged??

You can't draw cash off a food stamp benefit.

You really are a special kind of STUPID aren't you??

Should have just left it alone, but no your ignorant ass had to push it.

You can fucking read, correct??

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Kansas has found the ultimate way to punish the poor
By Max Ehrenfreund May 21

(Photo by Mark Makela/Getty Images)
A dollar bill is a special kind of thing. You can keep it as long as you like. You can pay for things with it. No one will ever charge you a fee. No one will ask any questions about your credit history. And other people won't try to tell you that they know how to spend that dollar better than you do.

For these reasons, cash is one of the most valuable resources a poor person in the United States can possess. Yet legislators in Kansas, not trusting the poor to use their money wisely, have voted to limit how much cash that welfare beneficiaries can receive, effectively reducing their overall benefits, as well.

The legislature placed a daily cap of $25 on cash withdrawals beginning July 1, which will force beneficiaries to make more frequent trips to the ATM to withdraw money from the debit cards used to pay public assistance benefits.

Since there's a fee for every withdrawal, the limit means that some families will get substantially less money.

Kansas has found the ultimate way to punish the poor - The Washington Post

I repeat. You can't draw cash off a food stamp benefit.
Yes you can , I have seen the ATM machines down here that have notes on them
That is because it's an EBT card and they have TANF.Food stamps can't be converted to cash from an ATM machine..
"Republicans are outraged for all the wrong reasons.

This past Friday, $5 billion was automatically slashed from the federal food stamps program, affecting the lives of 47 million Americans.

The USDA estimates that because of these cuts, a family of four who receives food stamps benefits will lose about 20 meals per month.

But these enormous cuts to food stamps aren't enough for Republicans.

They still want to slash an additional $40 billion from the program in the name of reducing spending and federal debt.

Republicans love to argue that programs like SNAP - the federal food stamps program – and other social safety net programs put an unfair burden on American taxpayers, but if they just took a minute to crunch the numbers, they'd realize that's flat out wrong.

In 2012, the average American taxpayer making $50,000 per year paid just $36 towards the food stamps program.

That's just ten cents a day!

That's less than the cost of a gumball.

But Republicans think that's still too high a price to pay to help the neediest and most vulnerable Americans.

And when it comes to funding the rest of America's social safety net programs, the average American taxpayer making $50,000 a year pays just over six dollars a year.

Simply put, the American taxpayer isn't paying much for social safety net programs like food stamps and Medicare.

But we are paying a lot for the billions of dollars the U.S. government gives to corporate America each year.

The average American family pays a staggering $6,000 a year in subsidies to Republican-friendly big business.

And that's just the average family. A family making more than $50,000 a year - say $70,000 a year - pays even more to pad the wallets of corporate America.

So where does some of that $6,000 that you and I are paying every year actually go?

For starters, $870 of it goes to direct subsidies and grants for corporations.

This includes money for subsidies to Big Oil companies that are polluting our skies and fueling climate change and global warming. Compare that to the $36 you and I pay for food stamps a year.

An additional $870 goes to corporate tax subsidies.

The Tax Foundation has found that the "special tax provisions" of corporations cost taxpayers over $100 billion per year, or roughly $870 per family.

But in reality, that number is much higher.

Citizens for Tax Justice found that the U.S. Treasury lost $181 billion in corporate tax subsidies, which means the average American family could be out as much as $1,600 per year.

Finally, of the $6,000 in corporate subsidies that the average American family pays each year, $1,231 of it goes to making up for revenue losses from corporate tax havens.

This money goes to recouping losses from giant transnational corporations like Apple and GE that hide their money overseas to boost profits and avoid paying taxes to help the American economy.

The bottom-line here is that American families are paying $6,000 or more per year to subsidize giant transnational corporations that are already making billions and billions of dollars in profit each year. In the past decade alone, corporations have doubled their profits.

Republicans on Capitol Hill keep suggesting that we can't afford to help the poor in this country, and they're wrong.

What we really can't afford is doling out $100 billion each year to corporations that don't need it.

That's where the real outrage and the real news coverage should be.

It's time to bring an end to corporate welfare, and to use those dollars to help those Americans who need it the most."

Food Stamps Are Affordable Corporate Welfare Is Not
The biggest fraud committer is not the user of welfare but welfare providers.Yet we do not see a dozen threads trying to humiliate and lie about them...
So Mac the not spending of food stamps in a grocery store but instead obtaining the cash value to spend on products that would not be covered by food stamps if rung up properly in a grocery store.

Yet you claim this is political and does not pass the smell test.

Yet the situation that creates the need for these types of laws do.

I think your smeller is broke.

I mean you condone that nasty smelling shit, but have issues when trying to put sanity back into the situation.

So all this cash, what do you folks need to buy that the food stamp card can not be directly charged??

You can't draw cash off a food stamp benefit.

You really are a special kind of STUPID aren't you??

Should have just left it alone, but no your ignorant ass had to push it.

You can fucking read, correct??

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Kansas has found the ultimate way to punish the poor
By Max Ehrenfreund May 21

(Photo by Mark Makela/Getty Images)
A dollar bill is a special kind of thing. You can keep it as long as you like. You can pay for things with it. No one will ever charge you a fee. No one will ask any questions about your credit history. And other people won't try to tell you that they know how to spend that dollar better than you do.

For these reasons, cash is one of the most valuable resources a poor person in the United States can possess. Yet legislators in Kansas, not trusting the poor to use their money wisely, have voted to limit how much cash that welfare beneficiaries can receive, effectively reducing their overall benefits, as well.

The legislature placed a daily cap of $25 on cash withdrawals beginning July 1, which will force beneficiaries to make more frequent trips to the ATM to withdraw money from the debit cards used to pay public assistance benefits.

Since there's a fee for every withdrawal, the limit means that some families will get substantially less money.

Kansas has found the ultimate way to punish the poor - The Washington Post

I repeat. You can't draw cash off a food stamp benefit.
Yes you can , I have seen the ATM machines down here that have notes on them

that's how much the left live in their own little bubble. they don't have a clue about REAL LIFE

True. Which is why they struggle. And are easily manipulated by the government.
The majority of complainers on these threads are right wingers that claim they are more generous in charity, yet that is not evident by their post on threads...
You can't draw cash off a food stamp benefit.

You really are a special kind of STUPID aren't you??

Should have just left it alone, but no your ignorant ass had to push it.

You can fucking read, correct??

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Kansas has found the ultimate way to punish the poor
By Max Ehrenfreund May 21

(Photo by Mark Makela/Getty Images)
A dollar bill is a special kind of thing. You can keep it as long as you like. You can pay for things with it. No one will ever charge you a fee. No one will ask any questions about your credit history. And other people won't try to tell you that they know how to spend that dollar better than you do.

For these reasons, cash is one of the most valuable resources a poor person in the United States can possess. Yet legislators in Kansas, not trusting the poor to use their money wisely, have voted to limit how much cash that welfare beneficiaries can receive, effectively reducing their overall benefits, as well.

The legislature placed a daily cap of $25 on cash withdrawals beginning July 1, which will force beneficiaries to make more frequent trips to the ATM to withdraw money from the debit cards used to pay public assistance benefits.

Since there's a fee for every withdrawal, the limit means that some families will get substantially less money.

Kansas has found the ultimate way to punish the poor - The Washington Post

I repeat. You can't draw cash off a food stamp benefit.
Yes you can , I have seen the ATM machines down here that have notes on them

that's how much the left live in their own little bubble. they don't have a clue about REAL LIFE

True. Which is why they struggle. And are easily manipulated by the government.
Really? How does the govt. manipulate the left?
Actually it would be worse, would imply that they not only get SNAP but are sucking up our tax dollars in the form of more assistance, which they are squandering.

Well most do also get WIC, free school lunches, welfare, daycare and housing assistance, healthcare etc...

A lot of that could be considered double dipping. Just sayin.
Actually it would be worse, would imply that they not only get SNAP but are sucking up our tax dollars in the form of more assistance, which they are squandering.

Well most do also get WIC, free school lunches, welfare, daycare and housing assistance, healthcare etc...

A lot of that could be considered double dipping. Just sayin.
welfare includes the items you listed..it's a nomenclature for benefits from the govt...
No outrage over corporate welfare. Amazing. That is what is stealing us blind, yet the outrage is reserved for the sick and the war veterans and the working poor. Wow.
You really are a special kind of STUPID aren't you??

Should have just left it alone, but no your ignorant ass had to push it.

You can fucking read, correct??

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Kansas has found the ultimate way to punish the poor
By Max Ehrenfreund May 21

(Photo by Mark Makela/Getty Images)
A dollar bill is a special kind of thing. You can keep it as long as you like. You can pay for things with it. No one will ever charge you a fee. No one will ask any questions about your credit history. And other people won't try to tell you that they know how to spend that dollar better than you do.

For these reasons, cash is one of the most valuable resources a poor person in the United States can possess. Yet legislators in Kansas, not trusting the poor to use their money wisely, have voted to limit how much cash that welfare beneficiaries can receive, effectively reducing their overall benefits, as well.

The legislature placed a daily cap of $25 on cash withdrawals beginning July 1, which will force beneficiaries to make more frequent trips to the ATM to withdraw money from the debit cards used to pay public assistance benefits.

Since there's a fee for every withdrawal, the limit means that some families will get substantially less money.

Kansas has found the ultimate way to punish the poor - The Washington Post

I repeat. You can't draw cash off a food stamp benefit.
Yes you can , I have seen the ATM machines down here that have notes on them

that's how much the left live in their own little bubble. they don't have a clue about REAL LIFE

True. Which is why they struggle. And are easily manipulated by the government.
Really? How does the govt. manipulate the left?
false hope? Keep them poor? Throw them a bone once and a while?

Don't play dumb.
You really are a special kind of STUPID aren't you??

Should have just left it alone, but no your ignorant ass had to push it.

You can fucking read, correct??

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Kansas has found the ultimate way to punish the poor
By Max Ehrenfreund May 21

(Photo by Mark Makela/Getty Images)
A dollar bill is a special kind of thing. You can keep it as long as you like. You can pay for things with it. No one will ever charge you a fee. No one will ask any questions about your credit history. And other people won't try to tell you that they know how to spend that dollar better than you do.

For these reasons, cash is one of the most valuable resources a poor person in the United States can possess. Yet legislators in Kansas, not trusting the poor to use their money wisely, have voted to limit how much cash that welfare beneficiaries can receive, effectively reducing their overall benefits, as well.

The legislature placed a daily cap of $25 on cash withdrawals beginning July 1, which will force beneficiaries to make more frequent trips to the ATM to withdraw money from the debit cards used to pay public assistance benefits.

Since there's a fee for every withdrawal, the limit means that some families will get substantially less money.

Kansas has found the ultimate way to punish the poor - The Washington Post

I repeat. You can't draw cash off a food stamp benefit.
Yes you can , I have seen the ATM machines down here that have notes on them

that's how much the left live in their own little bubble. they don't have a clue about REAL LIFE

True. Which is why they struggle. And are easily manipulated by the government.
Really? How does the govt. manipulate the left?

Keeps them in poverty while buying their votes.

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