Kansas school districts to close early after tax cut ‘experiment’

The left/lib/dems seems to be sick with nothing but hate these days

it's becoming an epidemic. they really need to seek mental health...it can't be good for their health or the people who has to be around them all the time

glad it's not me...

Or move to the South. Man...we see all this craziness up North and out West....and just what tha fuck?

We are pretty happy down here. Low taxes. Lots of jobs. Hot women great food and abundant beaches. And...despite the dated stereotype. ...I think our race relations are FAR better. Black folks and white folks and all.others...we all hang out here and everyone is cool.

Hell...we get more upset over SEC football than race or other nonsense!
Democrats have long forgotten the core of America and that core being the ability to have or act on nothing more then a dream some work and faith. That's it, but given the IQ og your basic USMB democrat allow me to post a video that may help them.
{They ARE kid of slow}
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And there are those who say "you don't need an education" and "if you have a strong work ethic you can do great"...I guess Kansas is doing great. LMAO

oh go back to your ivory tower. no one finds your snobby remarks funny.
Older but gives you an idea for you snobs in this thread

High School Graduation Rates in the United States


Jay P. Greene, Ph. D.
Senior Fellow, The Manhattan Institute for Policy Research
Research Associate,

with a foreword by Kaleem Caire
President and CEOBlack Alliance for Educational Options

Prepared for the Black Alliance for Educational Options


The report's main findings are the following:

  • The national graduation rate for the class of 1998 was 71%. For white students the rate was 78%, while it was 56% for African-American students and 54% for Latino students.
  • Georgia had the lowest overall graduation rate in the nation with 54% of students graduating, followed by Nevada, Florida, and Washington, D.C.
  • Iowa had the highest overall graduation rate with 93%, followed by North Dakota, Wisconsin, and Nebraska.
  • Wisconsin had the lowest graduation rate among African-American students with 40%, followed by Minnesota, Georgia, and Tennessee. Georgia had the lowest graduation rate among Latino students with 32%, followed by Alabama, Tennessee, and North Carolina. Less than 50% of African-American students graduated in seven states and less than 50% of Latino students graduated in eight states for which data were available.
  • The highest rate of graduation among African-American students was 71% in West Virginia, followed by Massachusetts, Arkansas, and New Jersey. The highest rate of graduation among Latino students was 82% in Montana, followed by Louisiana, Maryland, and Hawaii.
  • Among the fifty largest school districts in the country, Cleveland City had the lowest overall graduation rate with 28%, followed by Memphis, Milwaukee, and Columbus.
  • Fairfax County, VA had the highest overall graduation rate among the districts with 87%, followed by Montgomery County, MD, Albuquerque and Boston.
  • Cleveland City had the lowest graduation rate among African-American students with 29%, followed by Milwaukee, Memphis, and Gwinett County, Georgia. Cleveland City also had the lowest graduation rate among Latino students, followed by Georgia’s Dekalb, Gwinnett, and Cobb counties. Less than 50% of African-American students graduated in fifteen of forty-five districts for which there was sufficient data, and less than 50% of Latino students graduated in twenty-one of thirty-six districts for which there was sufficient data.
  • The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) finds a national high school completion rate of 86% for the class of 1998. The discrepancy between the NCES’ finding and this report’s finding of a 71% rate is largely caused by NCES’ counting of General Educational Development (GED) graduates and others with alternative credentials as high school graduates, and by its reliance on a methodology that is likely to undercount dropouts.
all of it here:
Report High School Graduation Rates in the United States Jay P. Greene Ph. D.
so? will it be taking skin off your ass or something.

mind your damn states business. nobody is asking you jokers/jerks to poke your noses into their states

Hey dummy they are bringing down America, Ignorant dumb people like you don't see how this will affect America competing in the world

You really are stupid guano. Kansas is losing population. That's the problem. There are whole counties where they will GIVE you property to get you to move there. Kansas's problem isn't taxes. It's lack of people. But never let a thing like a fact get in the way of one of your little lies.
Hmmm. Same concepts have created an economic boom in South Carolina. Everyone north of Tennessee seems to be desperate to move here. Population booming. Economy booming. Big business moving here...Boeing. BMW. Mercedez/Daimler. Volvo. Amazon. Our crown jewel city...Charleston. ..winning global awards along with cities like Rome and Paris.

Low tax. Non union. Pro gun.

Sure working well here. At least for our 4 main metro areas of Charleston Greenville Columbia and Myrtle Beach. Booming.

In fact...3 SC coastal metro areas were listed as the 3 fastest growing on the Atlantic coast by the census.

Maybe the problem in Kansas is....its Kansas.

Yea stupid fuck stain, and dumb down the kids to your level

When are you going to get up to that level? Seriously, you post all of this horseshit that has no bearing in reality and you wonder why people laugh at you.
You couldn't pay me enough to live in the back ass state of Kansas. Keep it up Brownback, what you are doing is working. Make sure to keep giving private companies all that taxpayer money. After all the kids don't need no education.
Education is bad to the RW.....at least to quite a few of them.

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