Kanye Goes On Alex Jones To Proclaim He Likes Hitler - Libs Totally Triggered

Don't hurt yourself stretching for that pathetic false equivalence.
If I were a Democrat I would have ignored all his racist statements as well, that’s a reason I can’t support either party, they are willing to forget faults in their own parties but not the other party.
Biden's first job out of law school was for a corporation. He quit and became a public defender and defended a lot of black people. Such a racist.

Not like Trump who took a full page add out calling for an execution of 4 black guys who turned out to be innocent. No doubt if Trump were in the wild west he'd be Judge Roy Bean. And Biden prosecuted guys like Trump who wouldn't let black people rent in his buildings.
I’d avoid answering me directly as well because Biden’s racist background is well documented.
Hitler was most likely an Illuminati Agent as I have always suspected and I personally believe that WW2 had much to do with the INSTALLATION OF CENTRALLY CONTROLLED BANKS INTO WAR TORN COUNTRIES. Of course, these banks would then constitute a way these countries could be manipulated and controlled. When the people rose up to overthrow the puppet president,,,the 5 Eyes would step in and stage a coup or fake election; we have seen this many times, especially in S. America.

The testimony of General Reinhard Gehlen, Abwehr Intelligence Chief for Russia, indicates that Hitler was.


In his memoirs, "The Service" (World Pub.1972) Gehlen says that he and Admiral Canaris, head of the Abwehr, suspected there was a traitor in the German Supreme Command.

Both had noticed that the Soviets were receiving "rapid and detailed information .. on top level decision-making."

They both suspected Martin Bormann, the Deputy Fuehrer and Head of the Nazi Party.

"Our suspicions were largely confirmed when, independently of one another, we found out that Bormann and his group were operating an unsupervised radio transmitter network and using it to send coded messages to Moscow.

When OKW monitors reported this, Canaris demanded an investigation; but word came back that Hitler himself had emphatically forbidden any intervention: he had been informed in advance of these Funkspiele, or "fake radio messages," and he had approved them" (p.71).

If I were a Democrat I would have ignored all his racist statements as well, that’s a reason I can’t support either party, they are willing to forget faults in their own parties but not the other party.

I’d avoid answering me directly as well because Biden’s racist background is well documented.
I'm not interested.in the exaggerations and half truths you have to cobble together to try support the idiotic false equivalence you attempted.
I'm not interested.in the exaggerations and half truths you have to cobble together to try support the idiotic false equivalence you attempted.
No half truths, Biden has gotten excused by the left for all his racist statements, statements if made by a Republican would have you calling them racist.

I don’t give a rip whether you are interested in what I say, if you don’t like it, put me on ignore but I am free in America to call out your racism and hypocrisy.

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