Kari Lake calls for imprisoning Maricopa County election officials

Post in thread 'Kari Lake Blowing it up' by beautress has been reported by beautress. Reason given:
I goofed. I read an article that began with the phrase, "Kari Lake scores a gold in the Olympics' newest event, without reading the rest of the title in which another Arizonan won the title. I'm sorry. It was my most careless mistake, but it was truly embarrassing when I spent quite some time in re-finding the source, having read several biographies of Kari Lake that did not mention such a thing. The article was a slamburger at Ms. Lake's criticism of the winner prior to her winning, and may have given her target determination to go for the gold. I'm awful sorry and will publish this below my paragraph if I can.

Content being reported:

Oh, come now, dudmuck. She's Arizona's beautiful Governor, and she is telling the beautiful truth, isn't she. :) :thup:


And she is an Olympic Gold Medalist WINNER!!!

What a fabulous person she is! And you knew that also, didn't ya.

Your ignorance worsens.

No, moron, they were not copied from a 19" ballot. They printed the ballots from a PDF file onto 20" paper. The image size was set to 'shrink to fit' on the 20" inch paper which caused the image to print in a 19" space on tne 20" paper, causing them to be unreadable by the tabulators.

Regardless of your ignorance, as I have proven, Arizona ballots were indeed 20" in the 2022 general election.
Once again Faun does a Faun…
I already posted the 19” inch was stretched to 20”.
You must be a very angry person.
You haven’t proven they were all counted.
Oh, come now, dudmuck. She's Arizona's beautiful Governor, and she is telling the beautiful truth, isn't she. :) :thup:


And she is an Olympic Gold Medalist WINNER!!!

What a fabulous person she is! And you knew that also, didn't ya.
Folks, I was wrong. Here's my "report" to the moderators:

I goofed. I read an article that began with the phrase, "Kari Lake scores a gold in the Olympics' newest event, without reading the rest of the title in which another Arizonan won the title. I'm sorry. It was my most careless mistake, but it was truly embarrassing when I spent quite some time in refinding the source, having read several biographies of Kari Lake that did not mention such a thing. The article was a slamburger at Ms. Lake's criticism of the winner prior to her winning, and may have given her target determination to go for the gold. I'm awful sorry and will publish this below my paragraph if I can.​
My apologies to all. I have no excuses for my carelessness of misreading the title. I couldn't have been this embarrassed if my 5th grade teacher had put me in the corner with my nose in a chalk circle like some ill-mannered delinquent! Honest. :redface:

LOOLOOLLOL^^^^^^^. Prove it.

It has been proven to be a free and fair election.

Election deniers are going to Hell.
It was my mistake for failure to read the entire article with comprehension. It took some serious time to find the article, which I misunderstood completely by my own failure to read the rest of the title and the contents of the article. Kari Lake was a coach, and often a coach will criticize a good athlete she thinks is under-achieving. Following her critique, the young woman doubled down, went for the gold, and won it! That was all good. The professional coach's critique worked. It's all good.
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Once again Faun does a Faun…
I already posted the 19” inch was stretched to 20”.
You must be a very angry person.
You haven’t proven they were all counted.


That you now lie about what you said reveals to me that even you now realize what an idiot you are.

Moron, you did not say the paper ballots were 20". 20" is how big the paper ballots were. You said the paper was the "wrong size," meaning NOT 20"...

The judge is an idiot for not bringing up thousands of boxes of wrong size paper. For that alone I would declare a new election.

That you now lie about what you said reveals to me that even you now realize what an idiot you are.

Moron, you did not say the paper ballots were 20". 20" is how big the paper ballots were. You said the paper was the "wrong size," meaning NOT 20"...

You know what a I meant and I explicitly posted the copies were the wrong size font and you are psychotic and a narcissist.
I thank God I don’t work with you.

there are toxic people; both men & women.
Identify them, and avoid them.
Fill your life with non-toxic people.
My life accepts toxic, because I came from a military family, and I well know first hand about the ravages of a man who bravelly killed hundreds of enemies who were trying to kill him and his buddies, but later in life develops ptsd, and wakes up screaming in the night and can go off the charts if he has a psychic episode that results from his difficult-to-treat ptsd and views an innocent child as a person his fist should deal with, but can't remember the horrifying event whatsoever. It's surprising my older brother got through his childhood without brain damage.
My life accepts toxic, because I came from a military family, and I well know first hand about the ravages of a man who bravelly killed hundreds of enemies who were trying to kill him and his buddies, but later in life develops ptsd, and wakes up screaming in the night and can go off the charts if he has a psychic episode that results from his difficult-to-treat ptsd and views an innocent child as a person his fist should deal with, but can't remember the horrifying event whatsoever. It's surprising my older brother got through his childhood without brain damage.
Hundreds of enemies? Are you sure you're not thinking of Rambo? 😄
You know what a I meant and I explicitly posted the copies were the wrong size font and you are psychotic and a narcissist.
I thank God I don’t work with you.


You said the paper ballots were the wrong size. You said that at least twice. How the fuck could anyone take your words to mean their 20" paper ballots were not 20"??


As far as working with me, you can't. You're not smart enough nor do you know how to write code using Java.

No bull dyke I'm all male unlike you my penis was permanently attached at birth you can only wish for a real one. Fucking freak
Your penis was attached at birth? Did you have abnormal development in the womb? Is that where they found your penis to attach it? Are you one of those freak cases medical school students get to study?

You said the paper ballots were the wrong size. You said that at least twice. How the fuck could anyone take your words to mean their 20" paper ballots were not 20"??


As far as working with me, you can't. You're not smart enough nor do you know how to write code using Java.


The judge disagrees with you; probably because you only watched or read what your mental illness would allow.
He disagrees with me? He said she failed to produce, "clear and convincing evidence," of her claims. i.e., no election fraud.

Wow! You are some special type of bullshit artist.
The judge ruled there was nothing dishonest in bringing the lawsuit.

In fact, the judge broke the law!

I know your ego is too strong to watch anything that disagrees with your malfunctioning, LibTard brain.
Wow! You are some special type of bullshit artist.
The judge ruled there was nothing dishonest in bringing the lawsuit.

In fact, the judge broke the law!

I know your ego is too strong to watch anything that disagrees with your malfunctioning, LibTard brain.

You poor loser, I literally quoted the judge.

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