Kari Lake Files New Lawsuit with New Evidence, Logs Show No Signature Matching for 275,000 Mail-In Ballots

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Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
You gotta admit God forgot to put the "quit" in this good ol gal. Corrupt courts have pretended they don't see nothing, like Sargeant Schultz. Not the tabulator break downs but ONLY in Republican precincts, right after workers messed with them breaking very precise AZ state law. Now they finally have the logs, after Maricopa fought to and nail not to give them over. But now they transferred the case to the most Marxist county in the state.

AZ gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake has filed a new lawsuit presenting new evidence that she may have won her 2022 race, and called for a new vote referring to the presently seated AZ governor Katie Hobbs as a ā€œsquatter.ā€

[Complaint: Lake v. Hobbs No. 2CA-CV23-0144]

The complaint brought by Lake introduces new evidence which was obtained after Maricopa County responded to an open public records act request for computer logs, and other materials.

The complaint alleges that system logs and official Maricopa County records show that:

  • The Maricopa election department knew that 260 out of its 446 vote tabulating machines were malfunctioning as it headed into the election, in a manner which severely impacted the in-person Republican vote, in which Republicans outnumbered Democrats in in-person voting by 3 to 1. On election day the 60% of tabulator machines which malfunctioned were almost all in Republican-leaning districts. On that day, vote-center tabulators at over 60% of Maricopaā€™s vote centers rejected defective ballots printed by ballot-on-demand (ā€œBODā€) printers more than 200,000 times, causing long lines in Republican-leaning districts, but not Democratic ones.

  • When asked to extend voting hours by three hours, a type of request almost always granted in elections, a Maricopa judge refused the request.
Line in Marley Park, Maricopa County on election day, 60% registered Republicans

  • In stunning sworn testimony in 2022, Maricopa County Elections Co-Directory Scott Jarrett said that changes to machines which caused problems with vote tabulators were made on election day (below).

  • New evidence, worker keystroke logs, shows that approximately 70,000 mail ballots could not have been properly signature matched, as required, as some keystroke logs showed only 2 seconds spent per ballot, an ā€œimpossibleā€ rate with not even enough time for the required images to load onto the computer screen. Another 205,000+ signatures were compared in 2-3 seconds per comparison, for a total of at least 275,000 mail-in ballots which could not have undergone proper signature verification. The election loss margin was less than 20,000 votes.
  • Numerous other election procedures mandated by AZ election law were not followed, such as rules for observers of both parties being present during machine testing and mail-in ballot signature matching.
Below: Precincts affected by vote tabulation machine problems, causing long lines and causing hundreds of thousands of votes not to be immediately counted. Source: Arizona Sun Times


Some excerpts from the new complaint are:

ā€œMaricopa conducted unannounced testing of all 446 vote-
center tabulators beginning on October 14 and knew that
260 of those tabulators rejected ballots.ā€
-page iv


ā€œMaricopa falsely certified that it conducted [Logic and Accuracy] testing in accordance with [mandated election manual procedures] on October 11, 2022, complete with the required public notice and observers, which in reality was simply kabuki theatreā€¦Maricopa ā€œmade a program changeā€ on October 10, 2022ā€ and ā€¦conducted unannounced testingā€¦on all 446 vote-center tabulators on October 14, 17, and 18, during which 260 of the 446 vote-center tabulators rejected ballots, an error that was not remedied prior to Election Day.ā€ ā€“ page 17


ā€œā€¦roughly 70,000 voter signatures on ballot affidavits were ā€œcomparedā€ for consistency with votersā€™ signatures from registration records in less than two seconds per comparison.ā€ ā€“ page 30


ā€œAnother 205,000+ signatures were compared in 2-3 seconds per comparison.ā€ ā€“ page 30


ā€œā€¦many verification workers approved the signatures they
reviewed at these speeds at rates of 99 to 100%.ā€
ā€“ page 30

Lake is asking the court to order the Maricopaā€™s 2022 election to be ā€œset asideā€ ans another election to be held with ā€œsquatterā€ Hobbs, per Miller, 179 Ariz. at 180; Reyes, 191 Ariz.

Observer Law Can Be Seen Violated on Video, Judge Refused to Allow Video in Court​

Clearly indicating that all tabulator machine testing and operations are intended to be maximally transparent, AZ law mandates ā€œtesting shall be observed by at least two election inspectors, who shall not be of the same political party, and shall be open to representatives of the political parties, candidates, the press and the public.ā€

AZ law further mandates that reports must be filed by the County to the Secretary of Stateā€™s office, reporting tabulator errors and actions taken to correct the malfunctions until an ā€œerrorless countā€ is achieved before any machine is approved for live use.

Yet in live surveillance video recorded, unbeknownst to the Maricopa election department, by the Kari Lake forces, election workers can be seen manipulating tabulation machines in the absence of any observers on October 14, 17, and 18. When Lake attempted to introduce the video as evidence in a previous lawsuit, the judge, Peter Thompson, refused to allow it.

In June of this year Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer filed an unusual lawsuit against Lake for ā€œdefamation,ā€ after she criticized his performance in the 2022 election. Normally public officials are expected to have a high tolerance for criticism as part of the job.

And in another previously unseen development in the US, County Boards of Supervisors in different AZ counties, who are charged with certifying or not certifying election results according to their consciences, were threatened with felony prosecution by Katie Hobbs and her political allies if they did not certify the election. Some County Supervisors then said they were certifying only ā€œunder duress.ā€

Ron Gould of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors:

ā€œI vote ā€˜ayeā€™ under duress. I found out today I have no choice but to vote aye or Iā€™ll be arrested and charged with a felony. I donā€™t think this is what our Founders had in mindā€¦ā€

You gotta admit God forgot to put the "quit" in this good ol gal.

I've said that about her right from the beginning. Particularly offensive considering I know for a fact there are really only about 200 people in this country actually trained and board-certified to legally and scientifically do "signature-matching."

This business about poll workers "matching signatures" as absolute bull.
The same situation will play out next year and the media will give the cheating bastards all the cover they need. The real question will be, WHEN do those of us on the Right decide to get in the streets and start burning shit down as the Leftist shock troops do? Apparently, that's the only thing that makes an impression on the courts. At some point, we have to admit that these scummy thugs have stolen our nation. We have to fight, bend the knee, or organize a targeted, massive civil disobedience campaign.
This is getting old and boring.

Everyone knows the Dems cheated, no one has to "prove" it.

We need to STOP it, not prove it. Proving stuff is a waste of time when we have leftard judgewipes like Chutksn
The same situation will play out next year and the media will give the cheating bastards all the cover they need. The real question will be, WHEN do those of us on the Right decide to get in the streets and start burning shit down as the Leftist shock troops do? Apparently, that's the only thing that makes an impression on the courts. At some point, we have to admit that these scummy thugs have stolen our nation. We have to fight, bend the knee, or organize a targeted, massive civil disobedience campaign.
Joe Biden is president. You've already bent the knee. Don't hurt yourself pretending otherwise. šŸ˜„
She needs to spend some time behind bars for frivolous lawsuits that waste the court's time.
/----/ Libtards demand evidence of voter fraud, Libtards are shown evidence of voter fraud, Libtards totally ignore evidence of voter fraud, Libtards demand evidence of voter fraud, Libtards are shown evidence of voter fraud, Libtards totally ignore evidence of voter fraud, Libtards demand evidence of voter fraud, Libtards are shown evidence of voter fraud, Libtards totally ignore evidence of voter fraud, Libtards demand evidence of voter fraud, Libtards are shown evidence of voter fraud, Libtards totally ignore evidence of voter fraud, Libtards demand evidence of voter fraud, Libtards are shown evidence of voter fraud, Libtards totally ignore evidence of voter fraud,
She needs to spend some time behind bars for frivolous lawsuits that waste the court's time.
WEF/Democrats want to put people who question elections in jail.

If the elections were clean and pure, the WEF/democrats wouldn't care what Lake does.

51% of Arizona say they voted for Lake while only 43% say they voted for the WEF servant Hobbs.
Democrats aren't going to stop cheating on their own. They are dishonest and immoral. They need to be caught and jailed if we ever want to stop election fraud.
She needs to spend some time behind bars for frivolous lawsuits that waste the court's time.
Then we have the Progs and Trump. This woman is intelligent. Not like the idiot that is in office from more Prog cheating.
You gotta admit God forgot to put the "quit" in this good ol gal. Corrupt courts have pretended they don't see nothing, like Sargeant Schultz. Not the tabulator break downs but ONLY in Republican precincts, right after workers messed with them breaking very precise AZ state law. Now they finally have the logs, after Maricopa fought to and nail not to give them over. But now they transferred the case to the most Marxist county in the state.

AZ gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake has filed a new lawsuit presenting new evidence that she may have won her 2022 race, and called for a new vote referring to the presently seated AZ governor Katie Hobbs as a ā€œsquatter.ā€

[Complaint: Lake v. Hobbs No. 2CA-CV23-0144]

The complaint brought by Lake introduces new evidence which was obtained after Maricopa County responded to an open public records act request for computer logs, and other materials.

The complaint alleges that system logs and official Maricopa County records show that:

  • The Maricopa election department knew that 260 out of its 446 vote tabulating machines were malfunctioning as it headed into the election, in a manner which severely impacted the in-person Republican vote, in which Republicans outnumbered Democrats in in-person voting by 3 to 1. On election day the 60% of tabulator machines which malfunctioned were almost all in Republican-leaning districts. On that day, vote-center tabulators at over 60% of Maricopaā€™s vote centers rejected defective ballots printed by ballot-on-demand (ā€œBODā€) printers more than 200,000 times, causing long lines in Republican-leaning districts, but not Democratic ones.

  • When asked to extend voting hours by three hours, a type of request almost always granted in elections, a Maricopa judge refused the request.
Line in Marley Park, Maricopa County on election day, 60% registered Republicans

  • In stunning sworn testimony in 2022, Maricopa County Elections Co-Directory Scott Jarrett said that changes to machines which caused problems with vote tabulators were made on election day (below).

  • New evidence, worker keystroke logs, shows that approximately 70,000 mail ballots could not have been properly signature matched, as required, as some keystroke logs showed only 2 seconds spent per ballot, an ā€œimpossibleā€ rate with not even enough time for the required images to load onto the computer screen. Another 205,000+ signatures were compared in 2-3 seconds per comparison, for a total of at least 275,000 mail-in ballots which could not have undergone proper signature verification. The election loss margin was less than 20,000 votes.
  • Numerous other election procedures mandated by AZ election law were not followed, such as rules for observers of both parties being present during machine testing and mail-in ballot signature matching.
Below: Precincts affected by vote tabulation machine problems, causing long lines and causing hundreds of thousands of votes not to be immediately counted. Source: Arizona Sun Times


Some excerpts from the new complaint are:

ā€œMaricopa conducted unannounced testing of all 446 vote-
center tabulators beginning on October 14 and knew that
260 of those tabulators rejected ballots.ā€
-page iv


ā€œMaricopa falsely certified that it conducted [Logic and Accuracy] testing in accordance with [mandated election manual procedures] on October 11, 2022, complete with the required public notice and observers, which in reality was simply kabuki theatreā€¦Maricopa ā€œmade a program changeā€ on October 10, 2022ā€ and ā€¦conducted unannounced testingā€¦on all 446 vote-center tabulators on October 14, 17, and 18, during which 260 of the 446 vote-center tabulators rejected ballots, an error that was not remedied prior to Election Day.ā€ ā€“ page 17


ā€œā€¦roughly 70,000 voter signatures on ballot affidavits were ā€œcomparedā€ for consistency with votersā€™ signatures from registration records in less than two seconds per comparison.ā€ ā€“ page 30


ā€œAnother 205,000+ signatures were compared in 2-3 seconds per comparison.ā€ ā€“ page 30


ā€œā€¦many verification workers approved the signatures they
reviewed at these speeds at rates of 99 to 100%.ā€
ā€“ page 30

Lake is asking the court to order the Maricopaā€™s 2022 election to be ā€œset asideā€ ans another election to be held with ā€œsquatterā€ Hobbs, per Miller, 179 Ariz. at 180; Reyes, 191 Ariz.

Observer Law Can Be Seen Violated on Video, Judge Refused to Allow Video in Court​

Clearly indicating that all tabulator machine testing and operations are intended to be maximally transparent, AZ law mandates ā€œtesting shall be observed by at least two election inspectors, who shall not be of the same political party, and shall be open to representatives of the political parties, candidates, the press and the public.ā€

AZ law further mandates that reports must be filed by the County to the Secretary of Stateā€™s office, reporting tabulator errors and actions taken to correct the malfunctions until an ā€œerrorless countā€ is achieved before any machine is approved for live use.

Yet in live surveillance video recorded, unbeknownst to the Maricopa election department, by the Kari Lake forces, election workers can be seen manipulating tabulation machines in the absence of any observers on October 14, 17, and 18. When Lake attempted to introduce the video as evidence in a previous lawsuit, the judge, Peter Thompson, refused to allow it.

In June of this year Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer filed an unusual lawsuit against Lake for ā€œdefamation,ā€ after she criticized his performance in the 2022 election. Normally public officials are expected to have a high tolerance for criticism as part of the job.

And in another previously unseen development in the US, County Boards of Supervisors in different AZ counties, who are charged with certifying or not certifying election results according to their consciences, were threatened with felony prosecution by Katie Hobbs and her political allies if they did not certify the election. Some County Supervisors then said they were certifying only ā€œunder duress.ā€

Ron Gould of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors:

ā€œI vote ā€˜ayeā€™ under duress. I found out today I have no choice but to vote aye or Iā€™ll be arrested and charged with a felony. I donā€™t think this is what our Founders had in mindā€¦ā€

You are a moron
This is getting old and boring.

Everyone knows the Dems cheated, no one has to "prove" it.

We need to STOP it, not prove it. Proving stuff is a waste of time when we have leftard judgewipes like Chutksn
Why didn't Trump "stop it"?

Also, thanks for admitting that proof and evidence was never needed by you morons to believe something...

That is why you goofy idiots can believe your Sky Daddy sent Trump from heaven to be president
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