Kari Lake is Fading2

You were probably one of those Boebert premature ejaculators.... ooops she going to win. :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

View attachment 724468

I know, I know..... libs don't ejaculate.... they dribble. But you've probably seen it on the trannyhub.

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I have no problem.
Boebert was in a +15 trump district.
Boebert actually losing would be classified as a 'BONUS'

If Boebert wins, that was the expected result.
“Lake has used the counting period, which is normal in Arizona, to make national news appearances where she raised suspicion about the count and beat up on fellow Republican officials, whom she accused of purposefully slow-walking the results.”

The votes are already in

What difference does it make if the results come in fast or slow?
Is Lake a child?
Nah, just another snowflake hitting the panic button because she's behind. MAGA world is catatonic over their losses. You hate to see it. :abgg2q.jpg:
To follow up on the closed thread..
She is indeed fading..

Not fading.

The areas that favor the crook Hobbs are being released first, in order to try and dispirit and ruin the morale of the Lake voters.

Yes, you liberoidal fucks really are that fucking small.
I have no problem.
Boebert was in a +15 trump district.
Boebert actually losing would be classified as a 'BONUS'

If Boebert wins, that was the expected result.
Her district (CO-3rd) was redrawn after the 2020 census. You're not really keeping up with this shit, are you....

Frisch was caught fucking his girlfriend in a.... wait for it.... storage unit :laughing0301: :laughing0301:.... much to the dismay of his wife and family. But, nothing mobilizes shitlibs to vote like moral depravity. Give the cheater credit, he kept it close.
What’s despicable are the lies propagated by Lake and others on the right – such as the lie that results are being ‘slow rolled.’
Agreed, but I don't recall saying or quoting any of that. "Slow rolled" certainly fits their new formula of "Just accuse them of your own revealed weaknesses" to a tee, LOL.
The fuckstain might win, and all the power to CO Voters for putting this into power.

What Platform has she/it/he actually supported.
He supported fucking his girlfriend in a storage unit, while his family is devastated over it. The poor teenagers have to put up with brutal stares at the high school and I doubt if the wife can show her face in town anymore.

I get it, he tows the marxist line, and all is forgiven, but most humans find that fucking slimy. Lucky for him, he wasn't going for the human vote. I have no idea what he stands for, other than wrecking the country and getting his rocks off.

decency 4.jpg
Why do you care?
County officials have access and they are the ones responsible

And we can just trust them and shut up and parrot CNN and accept what is just as obviously fraudulent as the claim

DePape is MAGA
The remaining 17% will break at least 65-35 for Lake....That's why we're all being stonewalled and gaslighted.

Your assumption assumes no cheating.

That assumption has a "tiny possibility" of being wrong.

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