Kari Lake is Fading2

They're just shitting on Kari's obvious victory by slow walking it. They did the same thing in the primary. She'll win by 200,000.

Don't mind that the chubby karen in charge of counting the votes is her opponent.... just a coincidence. Don't mind that it has all the appearances of a 3rd world shithole where votes show up mysteriously over the course of several days.... don't mind that states 5 times larger submit finalized counts in a few hours....

It's all just a coincidence.
what are you doing about it other than whining on a forum?
Is this a button you really want to push with the stolen election crowd?
They're just shitting on Kari's obvious victory by slow walking it. They did the same thing in the primary. She'll win by 200,000.

Don't mind that the chubby karen in charge of counting the votes is her opponent.... just a coincidence. Don't mind that it has all the appearances of a 3rd world shithole where votes show up mysteriously over the course of several days.... don't mind that states 5 times larger submit finalized counts in a few hours....

It's all just a coincidence.
Bingo! You're spot on.
They're just shitting on Kari's obvious victory by slow walking it. They did the same thing in the primary. She'll win by 200,000.
And you hit a driver 270 yard carry?
200,000=270 yard carry.
Is this a button you really want to push with the stolen election crowd?

More WAR threats?

Who are you going to fight?
Please go into you neighborhood, and ask for a gun fight.

Otherwise your others choices are:

1) Send out a memo and meet in a large, very large area, possibly a desert area.
2). Randomly shoot and kill who you 'think' is your enemy.
"They are controlling the narrative of election night here in this great country, and withholding and slow rolling results," Lake said, alleging that such actions only made it appear Hobbs, the Democrat, was in the lead. "I think it's despicable. Get the job done, guys."
What’s despicable are the lies propagated by Lake and others on the right – such as the lie that results are being ‘slow rolled.’
More WAR threats?

Who are you going to fight?
Please go into you neighborhood, and ask for a gun fight.

Otherwise your others choices are:

1) Send out a memo and meet in a large, very large area, possibly a desert area.
2). Randomly shoot and kill who you 'think' is your enemy.
Where was the war threat?

You have serious reading comprehension problems.
“Lake has used the counting period, which is normal in Arizona, to make national news appearances where she raised suspicion about the count and beat up on fellow Republican officials, whom she accused of purposefully slow-walking the results.”

The votes are already in

What difference does it make if the results come in fast or slow?
Is Lake a child?
Lake is a liar.
And you hit a driver 270 yard carry?
200,000=270 yard carry.
She needs, according to your last cite, 53.5% of the remaining vote.

How does that relate to your analogy? It is not only doable but it is not remotely out of the realm of possibility. Likely? Not necessarily depending on where the outstanding votes are at but certainly not something that is unreasonable.
Why do you care?
County officials have access and they are the ones responsible
And County officials can cheat and I say that is what they are doing. We were told by a senile idiot in a moment of lucidity how vast and how organized they are.
They're just shitting on Kari's obvious victory by slow walking it. They did the same thing in the primary. She'll win by 200,000.

Don't mind that the chubby karen in charge of counting the votes is her opponent.... just a coincidence. Don't mind that it has all the appearances of a 3rd world shithole where votes show up mysteriously over the course of several days.... don't mind that states 5 times larger submit finalized counts in a few hours....

It's all just a coincidence.
Az always has some issues. Like less polling stations. Always in AZ they are way behind when it comes to more access and voter ease. Then they really make it hard to vote.

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