Kari Lake loses last court case to overturn Arizona Governor's vote

Lake reminds voters of just how dishonest conservatives are and that Republicans are liars.

The voters reject the GOP’s war on democracy – Lake being among the more reprehensible examples of a rightist who is an enemy of democracy.

Election deniers like Lake generate votes for Democratic candidates; the last thing Democrats want is for Lake and her ilk to go away.
Idiot America hater.
Another sham ruling by a corrupt judge:
View attachment 787958

So despite showing video of the sham signature verification, this judge says there is no law that explicitly tells us that you have to take more than 2 seconds to verify a signature.

By that reasoning almost no law can be enforced, unless it very specifically tells you how to do something. What next? Time to let murderers off because our laws don’t detail exactly how a murder can happen so unless the specific act is outlawed then there is no law against murdering someone that way? Sickening. Our democracy is dead.

WTF?? A judge following the law??
Bullshit. The Liz Harris canvassing of the 2020 election proved there was massive voter registration fraud. Hundreds of fake voters registered at one home or a non existent address. Someone on the inside used these fake registrations to inject thousands of fraudulent ballots. Once those ballots are in, there is no way to separate them from valid ballots, other than by the mail in envelope with signature, but the ballots are separated from the envelope after the sham verification so after that it is impossible to track down.

The biggest problem is we have county wide “vote centers” instead of voting at your local precinct. It could all be fixed if we just did old fashioned vote at your precinct and the ballots are kept there, and get rid of mail in voting entirely.

Sounds awful.
Lake didn't lose.

Corrupt, cowardly, vile, bought US justice system.

I bet you wackos do, she really gets in the way of the whole fake signature operation.
How are you cheaters going to create enough fake ballots in 2024 to be able to manipulate enough votes again? You or Mrs Jones have a plan yet?

Why not? Same corrupt people running the elections here. Same cheating goes on.

So you're not voting next year?
I hope she can appeal to a real judge somewhere.
yeah one not connected and bought off by the deep state.the trollboy paid shill for the DNC of course wont admit facts we all knew this was going to happen because of the FACTS you can never get a fair trial in the united states because we got the most corrupt court system in the world.
Won what?

Not the election, Hobbs won that.

Not her case in court, she lost every case.

Not her self-respect, she lost that too crying stolen election like the last loser president in office.

So what exactly did she win?

The hearts and minds of all Trump lovers everywhere.
Most children eventually learn to get over losing.

Trump cultists never do. They're stuck at a toddler level of moral development.

Many Democrats oppose cleaning up / purging rosters. More registered voters than people living in the voting district alone is not a sign of more votes cast than actual voters.

I did not say this is rampant or even happens frequently. Most claims are debunked / explained away.

Democrats used to say 'election fraud / cheating does not happen'. Now tgey have been forced to say, 'Not enough to matter'.

'Improvise, Adapt, Overcome - Oorah!'

That's not what you said?

Why'd you switch your position from...

"there have been more votes cast than there were people living in the voting district"

... to ...

"353 U.S. counties had 1.8 million more registered voters than eligible voting-age citizens."

Just kidding. I know why you changed your position.

Because even you know you were full of shit when you falsely claimed there were more votes cast than there were voters.

It's why no one takes you freaks seriously when you cry about stolen elections. Because you have to lie to prop up that bullshit and everybody knows it. Including you.
Nobody is buying your fake marxist denial crap.
Lake has plenty of evidence and did a great job bringing it forward. Another Reich judge making up their own rules denied it, that has happened before. But it will not stop real Americans from bringing this lawbreaking fraud to light, and for next election you Dims better be on your game or the candidate you keep campaigning for will win.
Please, by all means, keep Lake running for office – Democrats will benefit from her dishonesty and corruption.
Yes, all of you treasonous, election deniers need to go away and stay away. Poootin is building a special city for you. Maybe trump can be Mayor?
Election denier? Please by all means find one post where I denied the election results. Just one.
If you can't then just shut the fuck up, okay? :smoke:
Lake won.
Lake lost the election, and lost her claim. Did you read the article? Do you understand?

Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Peter A. Thompson said Lake failed to prove her claim that Maricopa County did not verify signatures on mail ballots as required by law.

Accept it and move on.
Okay, please show where I denied the PRESIDENTIAL results. Just one.
If you can't, will you then just shut the fuck up?

Lake lost the election, and lost her claim. Did you read the article? Do you understand?

Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Peter A. Thompson said Lake failed to prove her claim that Maricopa County did not verify signatures on mail ballots as required by law.

Accept it and move on.
It's the trump mentality. Keep saying a lie over and over and someone will begin to believe it. He began this who horse shit election denial garbage.
It's the trump mentality. Keep saying a lie over and over and someone will begin to believe it. He began this who horse shit election denial garbage.

He sure is! Reminds me of you know who.....

Keri lost fair and square. Lake lost the election, and lost her claim.
Trump lost the election as well. No cheating, rigging, nothing.
Get over it and move on!

Please, by all means, keep Lake running for office – Democrats will benefit from her dishonesty and corruption.
Dims have stopped benefitting from all the cheating that has been exposed.
Even your own lemmings are questioning how ballots can be "verified" at the speed of light.
You Dimbulbs are going to have to get a lot more creative for 2024 and you might want to stop talking Trump up so much.

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