Kari Lake obliterates reporters on “election deniers”. She has the receipts!

You're demented, there were no known FBI agents present. There was one known informant
Again, not "known" because the FBI wont tell the commoners. So of course we don't know.

Who was the one known informant and how do we know?

What is your explanation for Ray Epps appearance and disappearance from the Jan 6th most wanted list? If he is no longer part of an ongoing investigation, why can't they answer questions about him specifically?
The fact is Americans are not concerned about the 1/6 capitol incident.

I oppose violence.

Those who engaged in violence on 1/6 should face the same level of prosecution the thousands of ANTIFA and BLM rioters did for violence over the last two years.

Ah, but that's the rub, isn't it?
I oppose violence.

Those who engaged in violence on 1/6 should face the same level of prosecution the thousands of ANTIFA and BLM rioters did for violence over the last two years.

Ah, but that's the rub, isn't it?
My yes.

That is the rub.

Reactions by Democrats to ANTIFA/BLM rioting has ranged from outright support "they're fighting for their lives, so why should they care about your white fragility?" to mild condemnation, only when pressed, and then always followed by a "but . . . " to denial that it is happening or refusal to talk about it, the most common responses.

They will get away with it by those last two. Dems have the power now, and instead of using it to make America great, they are using it to make America fascist.
Again, not "known" because the FBI wont tell the commoners. So of course we don't know.

Who was the one known informant and how do we know?

What is your explanation for Ray Epps appearance and disappearance from the Jan 6th most wanted list? If he is no longer part of an ongoing investigation, why can't they answer questions about him specifically?

As you don't know, who knows why you assert they did? Using your logic that you can assert things that are unknown, I can assert Trump told the Oathkeepers to storm the Capitol.

As far as Epps, that too is unknown.
Too bad BS doesn't win any court cases, super duper. Of course pure democracy only existed in ancient Athens for God's sake. This is representative democracy, the definition of Republic, I just don't like it being a corrupt GOP version. With your stupid filibuster and reconciliation, garbage propaganda and corrupt Electoral College.
There hasn’t been a single case from the 2020 election that has been allowed to even get to the discovery phase of the judicial process. Nothing has been proven, the courts simply refused to hear the cases.
There hasn’t been a single case from the 2020 election that has been allowed to even get to the discovery phase of the judicial process. Nothing has been proven, the courts simply refused to hear the cases.

You know what they say, "Justice denied is justice denied."

The fascist democrats have denied justice to the American people.
As you don't know, who knows why you assert they did? Using your logic that you can assert things that are unknown, I can assert Trump told the Oathkeepers to storm the Capitol.
You say that like that would be crazy. That is exactly the kind of assertions the Democrats are making in the Trump Derangement Jan 6th hearing.

The difference is that Trump was not asked under oath on live television and didn't look shady and refuse to answer. The Democrats in the DOJ and FBI have done that.

So, who told the Proud Boys to be there?

Here, I'll answer it for you:

A member of the Proud Boys who was working as an FBI informant was present at the January 6 riot at the US Capitol and sent his FBI handler live updates by text message, indicating the law enforcement agency had real-time knowledge that a pro-Trump mob was headed toward the building.

According to a report published Saturday by The New York Times, the informant was updating his handler as the pro-Trump mob marched toward the US Capitol 6 while lawmakers were meeting inside to discuss and certify Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 presidential election.

I guess that was the "known informant" mentioned? I see why you didn't want to follow up on that one.
As far as Epps, that too is unknown.
Yes, it is unknown because the people we pay won't tell us. Evidently, you like being run by people you pay to lie to you and withhold information from you.
You say that like that would be crazy. That is exactly the kind of assertions the Democrats are making in the Trump Derangement Jan 6th hearing.

The difference is that Trump was not asked under oath on live television and didn't look shady and refuse to answer. The Democrats in the DOJ and FBI have done that.

So, who told the Proud Boys to be there?

Here, I'll answer it for you:

A member of the Proud Boys who was working as an FBI informant was present at the January 6 riot at the US Capitol and sent his FBI handler live updates by text message, indicating the law enforcement agency had real-time knowledge that a pro-Trump mob was headed toward the building.

According to a report published Saturday by The New York Times, the informant was updating his handler as the pro-Trump mob marched toward the US Capitol 6 while lawmakers were meeting inside to discuss and certify Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 presidential election.

I guess that was the "known informant" mentioned? I see why you didn't want to follow up on that one.

Yes, it is unknown because the people we pay won't tell us. Evidently, you like being run by people you pay to lie to you and withhold information from you.

That person is also unknown. What is known is that they weren't an agitator.

On Jan. 6, and for months after, the records show, the informant, who was affiliated with a Midwest chapter of the Proud Boys, denied that the group intended to use violence that day. In lengthy interviews, the records say, he also denied that the extremist organization planned in advance to storm the Capitol. The informant’s identity was not disclosed in the records.

And nothing indicates the FBI told them to storm the Capitol.
Inject disinfectants is what he said. Last I looked, bleach was a disinfectant.
The Poison Control Center had to put out a warning not to do so after Trump suggested injecting them. :)

Two of the funniest minutes of Trump's presidency. That and introducing UV light into the body "in some other way". :auiqs.jpg:
He said “it’s a shame we can’t inject a cure LIKE disinfectant”. If you look at the entire comment it’s clear that he was asking the professionals about things similar to bright light or disinfectants.
He said “it’s a shame we can’t inject a cure LIKE disinfectant”. If you look at the entire comment it’s clear that he was asking the professionals about things similar to bright light or disinfectants.

No, he didn't say, "... inject a cure like disinfectant." He wondered, if we could do something like "that," killing the infection like disinfectant does...

"I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning?"

He later said he was just being sarcastic.

And if not disinfectant, what else killed coronavirus in a minute that he could have even have been talking about?
Typical lefty not bright enough to click the embedded links for "references"

I'm no where near the left, bro. I'm a fiscal conservative. No party affiliation. And since the GOP has outlawed fiscal conservatism, I'm not affiliated with them either.
Increasing the minimum wage during massive inflation is an insanely stupid idea.

Increasing the minimum wage is a symptom of a problem that big spending liberals like Trump force on society. The USD, just since Reagan, has lost 75% of is buying power. In the last 100 years, (most of it during the last 40yrs) has increased over 1600%.
This is why price are so high. Wages have to increase to keep US companies in business. If they didn't increase the minimum wage, and everyone elses, businesses would go broke in like a year.
Basic economics should be required to graduate from high school. We have a nation of economic illiterates.

Part of the driver for the inflation we fact now is due to the poorly conceived COVID relief efforts that paid low and middle wage earners more to sit home than to work.

Ultimately, inflation is an increasing money supply chasing a static or declining pool of goods and services. During Covid, two-thirds of the nation stopped producing - anything - while the government pumped cash into the hands

Increasing minimum wage exasperates an already bad situation.

The problem actually is we have people like Trump, Biden, Obama and the rest of them, borrowing more money (with interest) from the fed than they can pay back. And pumping that into the economy.
Not only does it increase the interest we owe the fed. But it devalues the existing currency that was there before the government borrowed trillions more.

This is basic economics that conservatives know. The economics that republicans know is, buy now, pay later. And then blame everything on the democrats.

I don't know what you mean by "over-inflated?"

Over inflated means the US government, who has the constitutional authority to value our currency, says it's worth X, when really is worth a lot less.
A jug of milk is about $5 now. It's $5 per gallon because everyone from the farmer to the retail has to make a profit.
40 years ago, milk was about $2 per gallon. And for the same reason. 40 years ago, everyone did make a profit. Everything keeps going up, because the government says the value of the dollar is worth more than it actually is worth.

The borrow trillions more, dump it into the economy, and the money you have in your very pocket is suddenly worth less. Right now, a gallon of milk should still be $2 per gallon. A decent wage should still be $5hr. Rent should still be $200 per month (for a decent place).

Inflation is the devaluation of our money. And our money get's devalued every time they dump more Fed money into the the public. But if you'll look at the governments value of our dollar, they say it's worth only a little less than 40 years ago.

Here's an example of NOT over inflating the value of your currency.
40 years ago, we used to talk about retiring in Mexico. Back then, you could retire and lives very well on $800 per month.
Today, 40 years later, you can retire and live very well on $1200 per month down there. That's only a $400 per month increase, in 40 years.

40 years ago here, you could do OK for yourself on about $300 a week. ($1200 per month-ish). Now a days, you'd better be bringing at least $2500 per month. That's $1,300 per month more, vs the $400 per month in Mexico.
The Peso has stayed steady for decades.
The USD, not so much. It's been devalued (over inflated) to the point that American manufacturers have either outsourced their entire operation to countries like Mexico or china. Or have importing most of what they need from those countries.
Why? Because labor costs are so high, that global markets can't afford our products.

ATM, $10hr is poverty wage. But the end of Bidens term, $15hr will be a poverty wage. And in another 10 years, $20hr will be a poverty wage.
And one of two things will happen.
BRIC's will join forces and create a currency that's more valuable than the USD.
Or the USD will collapse and something like the yen or the EURO will take over.
And we'll be just like Russia was in 1991. A chicken will cost you $30. A gallon of gas will be $20 to $25 per gallon.

I doubt Kari Lake is even thought about what happens when the dollar gets so devalued that it's not even tied to the petro dollar any longer. (which will be sooner than later, if BRIC's has their way.
That person is also unknown. What is known is that they weren't an agitator.

On Jan. 6, and for months after, the records show, the informant, who was affiliated with a Midwest chapter of the Proud Boys, denied that the group intended to use violence that day. In lengthy interviews, the records say, he also denied that the extremist organization planned in advance to storm the Capitol. The informant’s identity was not disclosed in the records.

And nothing indicates the FBI told them to storm the Capitol.
Oh, The proud boy denied that the Proud Boys intended to use violence that day?

That sounds very credible.

You don't send in the Proud Boys unless your aim is violence.

You send in Trump supporters since their leader had exorted them to protest "peacefully and patriotically."
Oh, The proud boy denied that the Proud Boys intended to use violence that day?

That sounds very credible.

You don't send in the Proud Boys unless your aim is violence.

You send in Trump supporters since their leader had exorted them to protest "peacefully and patriotically."

Trump did no such thing. He assumed they would march to the Capitol peacefully....

"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

... which they did as they marched TO the Capitol. What he actually exhorted them to do was to fight like he'll to save their country, which he convinced them they were losing...

"We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore."

...which they also did once they got TO the Capitol. That's when Trump sat idly back for some 3-4 hours and made no attempt to get them out. Being derelict of duty by failing to defend the Constitution.
Trump did no such thing. He assumed they would march to the Capitol peacefully....

"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

... which they did as they marched TO the Capitol. What he actually exhorted them to do was to fight like he'll to save their country, which he convinced them they were losing...

"We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore."

...which they also did once they got TO the Capitol. That's when Trump sat idly back for some 3-4 hours and made no attempt to get them out. Being derelict of duty by failing to defend the Constitution.

One thing about you Farouk - no matter how many times you get exposed for any given lie - the second you think you might fool someone; you're telling the same lie all over again.

You get nailed as the filthy liar you are, and in a couple of days - there you are, posting the same lie you got nailed on.

Well, Nazis gunna Nazi...

One thing about you Farouk - no matter how many times you get exposed for any given lie - the second you think you might fool someone; you're telling the same lie all over again.

You get nailed as the filthy liar you are, and in a couple of days - there you are, posting the same lie you got nailed on.

Well, Nazis gunna Nazi...

And like with Trump, how many people took them literally?
No, you flaming moron. It's only bad if people take them literally.
You mean like the vermin of the J6 Show Trial?

Because no one else missed that "fight like hell" is a common rhetorical phrase that has nothing to do with violence.

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