Kari Lake obliterates reporters on “election deniers”. She has the receipts!

Two years ago, I would have agreed with you.

But with the Democrats going full on fascist over Trump and also the Dobbs decision, parental influence in school curriculum and whatever else they decide to use the full force of federal government to control, issues like whether the Republicans are big spenders who claim to be fiscal conservatives (they are), take much less priority than reigning in the Dems and getting the country back to being a democratic republic, not a Democratic Party authoritarian state.

I agree. The democrats almost had me voting republican this election. But I come to my senses and realized that both of them suck. So if I vote, it'll probably be a wasted write in.
Nah, you're just a fucking Nazi - and everyone on the board knows it, psychopath.

Control, stupid fuck.

Farouk, you follow a Reich that seeks the central planning and control of the economy under an authoritarian, central ruler where liberty is snuffed out in favor of group privilege, where the party has absolute control of the press who are nothing more than propaganda for the Reich, where a race (whites) are singled out as a scapegoat and painted by the Reich press as the enemy of the people to be reviled and oppressed by both social and governmental powers. Where religion is forcibly suppressed and permitted only where it promoted the goals of the Reich, where political opposition is violently suppressed and any challenge to the party is termed "sedition" or "treason." Where speech against the party or Reich is a criminal act. Where expression is controlled by the party and any speaking against the party are cancelled.

Go ahead and lie to me, Farouk, you always do, but don't lie to yourself. You ARE a Nazi; you are part of the Nazi party.


You poor, insane thing. You can't deal with Nazi national socialism being rightwing.

Democrat protesters stormed the Capital to keep the Senate from confirming Brett Kavanaugh. Since there were no FBI plants in that group of Democrats on a mission to agitate them into a deadly riot, and since Capital police did not shoot any of them in the head, no lives were lost that day.

But the Capital was stormed, setting a precedent for pro-Trump protesters to follow. No Democrat on here wailed about the sacredness of the Capital that day.

There was no violence at the Kavanaugh hearings. Congress was not in danger and did not have to be evacuated. And no one was shot in the head on Sedition Day.

Sad that you can't deal with reality.
You don't even know that's not the same as National Socialism, do ya? Just sad.
/----/ Yeah, no matter how much lipstick you put on socialism, it's still a pig. You want to live in a cardboard hut eating bugs, go right ahead. Leave the rest of us alone.
Taking into account only authentic protesters, the beginning of the protests were exactly equal. Protesters objecting congress carrying out a Consitutionally provided duty came into the Capital to express their grievance with the constitutional process. Not because they objected to the process per se, but to the outcome of the each process. One group was protesting the confirmation of a what they viewed as a radical USSC justice, and the other was protesting the certification of what they viewed as a stolen election.

They started out the same, with Capital police not interfering with either peaceful protest.

Similar in original intent.

Not at all the same in that there is no reason to believe that government agitators were among the group of anti-Kavanaugh protesters with a mission to goad them into violence. No anti-Kavanaugh protester was shot in the head in order to protect the Senators doing their constitutional duty. No anti-Kavanaugh protesters were prosecuted for anything, as far as I know, much less held in the hellish DC jail for more than a year without trial, based on no other evidence than their presense in the Capital on the day of the protests.

There was no anti-Kavanaugh counterpart to Ray Epps. Epps was caught on video at least twice inciting the protesters to enter the Capital, was put on the FBI Most Wanted List, and then dropped from the wanted list completely, with no explanation. Epps is living openly and freely this day, not having served a minute in the DC political prison that the former DC Jail has become.

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There was no one like that inciting the anti-Kavanaugh protesters.

They were not at all the same. At the Kavanaugh hearings, protesters did not fight with police at barricades, they did not use bear spray on police. They did not nearly kill any cops, they did not break into the Capitol. They did not threaten to kill anyone. They did not cause lawmakers to go into hiding. They did not beat police with sticks, fire extinguishers, flag poles, crutches, etc.
You don't even know that's not the same as National Socialism, do ya? Just sad.

You are a pathological liar, Farouk - but you're just too stupid to pull it off.


The Capitalist system with its exploitation of those who are economically weak, with its robbery of the workers labour power, with its unethical way of appraising human beings by the number of things and the amount of money he possesses, instead of by their internal value and their achievements, must be replaced by a new and just economic system, in a word by German Socialism.

Gregor Strasser, Minister of Finance, the German Third Reich
You are a pathological liar, Farouk - but you're just too stupid to pull it off.


The Capitalist system with its exploitation of those who are economically weak, with its robbery of the workers labour power, with its unethical way of appraising human beings by the number of things and the amount of money he possesses, instead of by their internal value and their achievements, must be replaced by a new and just economic system, in a word by German Socialism.

Gregor Strasser, Minister of Finance, the German Third Reich

Fruitcake, Nazi National Socialism privatized virtually every means of production when the Nazis took over.

Privatization is rightwing.
Fruitcake, Nazi National Socialism privatized virtually every means of production when the Nazis took over.

Privatization is rightwing.

Psychopath - your big lie doesn't work. Hitler was a socialist - the democrat Reich is socialist, you are a socialist,

Go back to drawing in your coloring book pictures of the death camps you have planned for Der Juden, the whites you so bitterly hate, now. You know how dreaming of genocide calms you.
Psychopath - your big lie doesn't work. Hitler was a socialist - the democrat Reich is socialist, you are a socialist,

Go back to drawing in your coloring book pictures of the death camps you have planned for Der Juden, the whites you so bitterly hate, now. You know how dreaming of genocide calms you.

The Nazi's privatized virtually everything.

G'head, tell me again how privatization is leftwing.

The Nazi's privatized virtually everything.


Uh - no.

First off, you lying fool - in order to "privatize" anything, it would have required that the industry be socialized in the first place. The Weimar Republic was not a socialist government.

Secondly you Nazi moron, Hitler's Reich didn't privatize anything, They instead placed Nazi Stooges as the directors of key industry. Benito Mussolini, the father of Fascism - the type of socialism that Hitler and you democrats promote - said "Why should the state need to own the means of production? The state owns the owners."

You're stupid and dishonest - you cannot be taught and lack even a hint of integrity so will never acknowledge facts. But for lurkers, the movie "Schindler's List" does an excellent job demonstrating this. Otto Schindler was placed in control of the factory by the Reich. He didn't buy it, the Reich put him in as a stooge. The factory took orders from Berlin as to what they would produce and in what quantity. You as a retard vomit "ish capatolishimis" - but in fact is absolute socialism, with the state controlling the means of production.

G'head, tell me again how privatization is leftwing.


Oh look, you tell a lie and then challenge me to disprove the premise of your lie...

Nazi fool.

Uh - no.

First off, you lying fool - in order to "privatize" anything, it would have required that the industry be socialized in the first place. The Weimar Republic was not a socialist government.

Secondly you Nazi moron, Hitler's Reich didn't privatize anything, They instead placed Nazi Stooges as the directors of key industry. Benito Mussolini, the father of Fascism - the type of socialism that Hitler and you democrats promote - said "Why should the state need to own the means of production? The state owns the owners."

You're stupid and dishonest - you cannot be taught and lack even a hint of integrity so will never acknowledge facts. But for lurkers, the movie "Schindler's List" does an excellent job demonstrating this. Otto Schindler was placed in control of the factory by the Reich. He didn't buy it, the Reich put him in as a stooge. The factory took orders from Berlin as to what they would produce and in what quantity. You as a retard vomit "ish capatolishimis" - but in fact is absolute socialism, with the state controlling the means of production.

Oh look, you tell a lie and then challenge me to disprove the premise of your lie...

Nazi fool.

The Weimar Republic was not a socialist government.

Secondly you Nazi moron, Hitler's Reich didn't privatize anything

You're batshit insane, Fruitcake. Did ya really think the forum needed more proof of that?

The Great Depression spurred State ownership in Western capitalist countries. Germany was no exception; the last governments of the Weimar Republic took over firms in diverse sectors. Later, the Nazi regime transferred public ownership and public services to the private sector. In doing so, they went against the mainstream trends in the Western capitalist countries, none of which systematically reprivatized firms during the 1930s. Privatization in Nazi Germany was also unique in transferring to private hands the delivery of public services previously provided by government. The firms and the services transferred to private ownership belonged to diverse sectors. Privatization was part of an intentional policy with multiple objectives and was not ideologically driven. As in many recent privatizations, particularly within the European Union, strong financial restrictions were a central motivation. In addition, privatization was used as a political tool to enhance support for the government and for the Nazi Party.

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