Kari Lake obliterates reporters on “election deniers”. She has the receipts!

Kari Lake has a record of fiscal conservatism. Just as Katie Hobbs has a record of leftism.

I was just looking this up. She has not record of anything. So I listened to a couple of her speeches. Found very little about her idea of excessive spending or fiscal conservative issues. She's does have her sound bites down there. Vaccine, Trump, election fraud.. blah blah blah.. Nothing that really pertains to fiscal conservatism.
Yeah, nothing about cutting spending, taxes or budgets. Just typical stump speech rhetoric.
Lake is intelligent and mentally very organized and Hobbs just seems lost and confused. I can see why Hobbs is afraid to debate Lake. She's inferior in every way.
The Weimar Republic was not a socialist government.

Secondly you Nazi moron, Hitler's Reich didn't privatize anything

You're batshit insane, Fruitcake. Did ya really think the forum needed more proof of that?

The Great Depression spurred State ownership in Western capitalist countries. Germany was no exception; the last governments of the Weimar Republic took over firms in diverse sectors. Later, the Nazi regime transferred public ownership and public services to the private sector. In doing so, they went against the mainstream trends in the Western capitalist countries, none of which systematically reprivatized firms during the 1930s. Privatization in Nazi Germany was also unique in transferring to private hands the delivery of public services previously provided by government. The firms and the services transferred to private ownership belonged to diverse sectors. Privatization was part of an intentional policy with multiple objectives and was not ideologically driven. As in many recent privatizations, particularly within the European Union, strong financial restrictions were a central motivation. In addition, privatization was used as a political tool to enhance support for the government and for the Nazi Party.

You don't even read your own source, Nazi fool;

{d, analyzing the Nazi privatization with modern tools and concepts allows us to conclude that the objectives pursued by the Nazi government were multiple. Of particular relevance were the increased political support and, especially, a combination of increased revenue and expenditure relief for the German Treasury. In short, these motives are quite similar to those that have driven privatization policies in most EU countries. }

Why didn't I say that?

Oh wait, i did...
I was just looking this up. She has not record of anything. So I listened to a couple of her speeches. Found very little about her idea of excessive spending or fiscal conservative issues. She's does have her sound bites down there. Vaccine, Trump, election fraud.. blah blah blah.. Nothing that really pertains to fiscal conservatism.
Yeah, nothing about cutting spending, taxes or budgets. Just typical stump speech rhetoric.

You didn't look very hard.

Lake here is also totally Fos. No Democrat has ever said that votes were changed or that there's a conspiracy to change votes, they're all talking about absolute garbage propaganda that entices voters and having the Russians hacking her emails and giving them to the Republicans to go on and on and on about with absolutely no actual evidence, just spinning emails along with their GOP super idiot James Comey....
Your vehement attack on Kari Lake is proof that you are scared of her just like you are scared of Donald Trump. She has Katie Hobbs cowering in fear also, so you are not alone.
There was no violence at the Kavanaugh hearings. Congress was not in danger and did not have to be evacuated. And no one was shot in the head on Sedition Day.

Sad that you can't deal with reality.
There was no violence because Capital police allowed the Kavanaigh protesters to have a peaceful protest even though they had entered the sacred halls of Congress. No Kavanaugh protester was shot in any part of their body because the Capital Police did not choose to escalate by killing one of them.
You didn't look very hard.

All typical talking points. None of these answers go very deep into fiscal conservatism.

Like the question about the minimum wage. She says it shouldn't be raise. She says that because she doesn't understand why the minimum wage has to be increased.
It's because the over inflated value of the USD. Pumping trillions into the economy, depreciates the value of the currency in circulation. Minimum wage increases are just a symptom of a HUGE problem. And raising it is the only way to balance a flawed monetary system.
If she knew anything about our monetary system, she's support things that would actually increase the value of the currency.

Her idea is listed in this Q & A.

Should the government use economic stimulus to aid the country during times of recession?​

KARI LAKE VOTERBASENo, and the government should drastically reduce spending during recessions

Just during a recession? No, All day every day. Regardless of the state of the economy.

Again, she's just repeating the same ole talking points that Republicans use when there's a democrat majority or a democrat in the white house.
You don't even read your own source, Nazi fool;

{d, analyzing the Nazi privatization with modern tools and concepts allows us to conclude that the objectives pursued by the Nazi government were multiple. Of particular relevance were the increased political support and, especially, a combination of increased revenue and expenditure relief for the German Treasury. In short, these motives are quite similar to those that have driven privatization policies in most EU countries. }

Why didn't I say that?

Oh wait, i did...

And who champions privatization in America? Conservatives & Republicans.
There was no violence because Capital police allowed the Kavanaigh protesters to have a peaceful protest even though they had entered the sacred halls of Congress. No Kavanaugh protester was shot in any part of their body because the Capital Police did not choose to escalate by killing one of them.

They weren't breaking through police barricades with Kavanaugh. They were with Trump's violent mob. Police had no choice but to defend lawmakers and the Capitol.
They weren't breaking through police barricades with Kavanaugh. They were with Trump's violent mob. Police had no choice but to defend lawmakers and the Capitol.
The doors were unlocked.
They weren't breaking through police barricades with Kavanaugh. They were with Trump's violent mob. Police had no choice but to defend lawmakers and the Capitol.
Their were no barricades with Kavanaigh. The anti Kavanaigh protesters were allowed to protest peacefully without being shot.

Some Capital Police did not get word that Trump protesters were to be treated differently and let them in. Then they started shooting. Meanwhile an unknown number of FBI agents and informers were agitating for a riot.

That number is unknown because the FBI won't tell us. If the number were zero, they would surely say so.

This was content based denial of free speech which Democrats love as long as they are doing The denying.
Their were no barricades with Kavanaigh. The anti Kavanaigh protesters were allowed to protest peacefully without being shot.

Some Capital Police did not get word that Trump protesters were to be treated differently and let them in. Then they started shooting. Meanwhile an unknown number of FBI agents and informers were agitating for a riot.

That number is unknown because the FBI won't tell us. If the number were zero, they would surely say so.

This was content based denial of free speech which Democrats love as long as they are doing The denying.

You're demented, there were no known FBI agents present. There was one known informant but not known for agitating. And had Trump's violent mob been protesting peacefully, none of them would have been shot.
All typical talking points. None of these answers go very deep into fiscal conservatism.

Typical lefty not bright enough to click the embedded links for "references"
Like the question about the minimum wage. She says it shouldn't be raise. She says that because she doesn't understand why the minimum wage has to be increased.

Increasing the minimum wage during massive inflation is an insanely stupid idea.

Basic economics should be required to graduate from high school. We have a nation of economic illiterates.

Part of the driver for the inflation we fact now is due to the poorly conceived COVID relief efforts that paid low and middle wage earners more to sit home than to work.

Ultimately, inflation is an increasing money supply chasing a static or declining pool of goods and services. During Covid, two-thirds of the nation stopped producing - anything - while the government pumped cash into the hands

Increasing minimum wage exasperates an already bad situation.

It's because the over inflated value of the USD. Pumping trillions into the economy, depreciates the value of the currency in circulation. Minimum wage increases are just a symptom of a HUGE problem. And raising it is the only way to balance a flawed monetary system.

I don't know what you mean by "over-inflated?"

Fiat currency is loosely pegged to GDP, lacking a tangible marker such as gold and silver. This means that the fiat currency floated cannot increase faster than the level of goods and services or the value of currency will decline.

So if Joe Biden dumps 10 TRILLION dollars in currency into the economy with no change in production, the value of each dollar MUST decrease to the level of goods and services

A market - ANY market, will achieve equilibrium, regardless of what liars, cheats, and hucksters (that is politicians) tell you.

As explained above, pumping more currency with no actual value into the market might buy votes for democrats, but WILL devalue the currency.

If she knew anything about our monetary system, she's support things that would actually increase the value of the currency.

Pumping more currency that has no value into the market will decrease the buying power of consumers.

Her idea is listed in this Q & A.

Should the government use economic stimulus to aid the country during times of recession?​

KARI LAKE VOTERBASENo, and the government should drastically reduce spending during recessions

She is correct.

So she is a fiscal conservative.

Just during a recession? No, All day every day. Regardless of the state of the economy.

Again, she's just repeating the same ole talking points that Republicans use when there's a democrat majority or a democrat in the white house.

Could be - but her answers are right for a fiscal conservative.

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