Kari Lake obliterates reporters on “election deniers”. She has the receipts!

Stating facts is not an insult, it's just a fact.

  • democrats have a scapegoat based on race. Whites are the new "Juden."
  • democrats are collectivist, seeking control of the means of production by their Reich.
  • democrats are totalitarian. Well duh.
  • democrats supplant civil rights with group privilege
  • democrats eradicate the rule of law and create dictatorship based on the party
  • democrats forcibly suppress religion
    • The state is the god of the democrats
  • democrats crush freedom of speech
    • Hate speech laws, political correctness, cancel culture
  • democrats create a police state and "Roger Stone" enemies for even minor process crimes in order to create terror
    • The Opposition Candidate for 2024 is polling well ahead of Biden, so he had his goons kick their door in.

My dogs get fur all over the house.

democrats are Nazis that follow the script laid out by Adolf Hitler.

These are not insults, they are demonstrable and validated facts.
No they are not facts, not even close. They are childish insults that you continuously repeat during debates. They serve no purpose other than to show that you’re angry and emotional.
You showcase the dishonest divisive partisan perfectly. Distorting everything you hear. Grow up
Dishonest in what way?

You said that you agree liars are bad . Lying is the heart of the fascist democrat party - I agreed that democrats are bad - evil in fact.

How it that dishonest?

Because you wanted to fling shit at Trump and think your Reich is beyond criticism?
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No they are not facts, not even close. They are childish insults that you continuously repeat during debates. They serve no purpose other than to show that you’re angry and emotional.

democrats view lying as your super power; you believe that no obstacle is so large that it can't be overcome if you just lie hard enough.

Yet it is mere delusion. The facts I posted don't wither because you lie.

Unlike you , I support what I post.

Which elements of my list, SPECIFICALLY do you claim are not true?

Ah but you'll duck, because you just want to fling shit - you can't defend your positions or your party.
Dishonest in what way?

You said that you agree liars are bad . Lying is the heart of the fascist democrat party - I agreed that democrats are bad - evil in fact.

How it that dishonest?

Because you wanted to fling shit at Trump and think your Reich is beyond criticism?
It’s dishonest because people in both parties lie which was my point and you distorted it to be one sided. I shouldn’t need to explain this
democrats view lying as your super power; you believe that no obstacle is so large that it can't be overcome if you just lie hard enough.

Yet it is mere delusion. The facts I posted don't wither because you lie.

Unlike you , I support what I post.

Which elements of my list, SPECIFICALLY do you claim are not true?

Ah but you'll duck, because you just want to fling shit - you can't defend your positions or your party.
The only delusion here is you thinking you know what I’m thinking and what democrats believe. You just make yourself sound ignorant when you play mind reader like that.

Your list was mostly bullshit. Dems are not totalitarian, they don’t want a dictator, they aren’t trying to institute a police state. All right wing hot air. You’re either completely gullible or a straight up liar.
It’s dishonest because people in both parties lie which was my point and you distorted it to be one sided. I shouldn’t need to explain this

True, people in both parties do lie.

The Titanic and the skiff I rented last weekend both had leaks.

But there is a matter of SCALE..

Look, there are some real dirtbags in the Republican party, Mitch McConnell, Liz Cheney, Larry Hogan, among others. We are doing what we can to drive them out. Cheney is a success.

99% of democrats are complete gutter scum, and you're doing all you can to get rid of the other 1% (Liz is open to new opportunities now)
True, people in both parties do lie.

The Titanic and the skiff I rented last weekend both had leaks.

But there is a matter of SCALE..

Look, there are some real dirtbags in the Republican party, Mitch McConnell, Liz Cheney, Larry Hogan, among others. We are doing what we can to drive them out. Cheney is a success.

99% of democrats are complete gutter scum, and you're doing all you can to get rid of the other 1% (Liz is open to new opportunities now)
You have an entire narrative of a stolen election that is built on pure lies. Trumps attorneys who made these dishonest claims were disbarred or subject to discipline for it. A riot in the coastal resulted. It’s an utter disgrace…. All built on lies. All from Trump and his people. You are part of that. You are part of the problem your complaining about. Wake up
The only delusion here is you thinking you know what I’m thinking and what democrats believe. You just make yourself sound ignorant when you play mind reader like that.

Your list was mostly bullshit. Dems are not totalitarian, they don’t want a dictator, they aren’t trying to institute a police state. All right wing hot air. You’re either completely gullible or a straight up liar.

Again, I support what I post.

You fling shit.

If you think something in my list is false, name it and I'll support it.

So lets look:

"Dems are not totalitarian, "

Obama said early in his first term as president, at one of his televised appearances, that his party had won the White House and was not going to give the keys back.

At the time, to this writer, such words sounded strange. What past president ever said the other side was not going to get back in the White House? It sounded ominous, even as the crowd cheered this Pied Piper. But on reflection, it was unsettling because it was totalitarian language: seizing power and never letting go — welcome to a totalitarian state.}

FROM todays headlines, we have Chris Wray and the instigation of violence BY THE FBI in order to entrap enemies of the democratic Reich.

Let us not forget the Whitmer Fednapping, but this was two days ago.

"they don’t want a dictator"


Obama has seized power in ways that Michael Barone has aptly characterized as “Gangsta Government.” Barone was inspired to write his first column on that topic by Obama’s unilateral denying of creditor rights in the Chrysler bankruptcy. But it became a series for Barone, and Obama’s future actions provided the gist for David Freddoso’s superb book, Gangster Government: Barack Obama and the New Washington Thugocracy. Obamacare was jammed through Congress via “reconciliation” a rarely used procedure meant to deal with minor budget issues -- not taking over one-sixth of the American economy.

More arrogation of power followed. Obama made recess appointments when he alone declared Congress was in recess, and tried to load up government positions with like-minded ideologues without bothering to abide by the Constitutional mandate that the Senate had to approve these appointments. The Supreme Court eventually rebuked him for exceeding his constitutional authority. He has used his regulatory agencies to transfigure the laws as passed by even a Democratic Congress when those laws might cause him political problems (Obamacare waivers and delays, for instance; the IRS interpreting Obamacare legislation to require subsidies flow to people in states that failed to set up their own exchanges, though the legislation did not provide for that practice). Clearly, Barack Obama never had much respect for the second branch of the government.}

"they aren’t trying to institute a police state"

What the fuck?

J6, 8/8, Roger Stone

Dude, water IS wet, even if you lie about it.

BUT you KNOW this, which is why you do your little shit kicking dance. You know everything on my list is accurate, you know that you follow a fascist, Nazi in fact, party.

So all you can do is throw broad insults and avoid the facts.

You try and "lie reality into the cornfield," it just doesn't work.
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Again, I support what I post.

You fling shit.

If you think something in my list is false, name it and I'll support it.

BUT you KNOW this, which is why you do your little shit kicking dance. You know everything on my list is accurate, you know that you follow a fascist, Nazi in fact, party.

So all you can do is throw broad insults and avoid the facts.

You try and "lie reality into the cornfield," it just doesn't work.
I did name it. Totalitarian m, dictator, police state…. You’re full of shit
All those Democrats denied their elections. Today they still say the Supreme Court is illegitimate. They all tried to walk it back after 2020 when they had to pretend they never said those things, and that denying elections was a “threat to democracy“.
By the way, we don’t deny elections. We just acknowledge there is massive cheating in them and they are stolen.

It's the left's favorite tactic. Change the the language terms.... Come up with tag names..... Refuse to use the proper designations and replace them all with politically charged hot words.
Interesting. Did he give the keys back??

What did Trump do?
He tried not to - using the Gestapo and NSA to spy on the incoming president (a little treason is okay for the Reich) and spreading disinformation Hillary bought from the Kremlin.

In FACT Obama did FAR more to stop the peaceful transition of power than you Nazis accuse Trump of - and you praise him for it.
Bullshit. You claimed, whites are the new "Juden."

Show where Democrats commit genocide of whites...

Yes fuckwad?

Yes fuckwad?

Opinion pieces and nothing about genocide.

You lose again, nazi, because you're a loser.
He tried not to - using the Gestapo and NSA to spy on the incoming president (a little treason is okay for the Reich) and spreading disinformation Hillary bought from the Kremlin.

In FACT Obama did FAR more to stop the peaceful transition of power than you Nazis accuse Trump of - and you praise him for it.
Nice load of bullcrap but back in reality Obama did nothing to stop the transfer of power and when the election was over he welcomed the trumps to the whitehouse and conducted himself like a responsible leader. I’m reality Trump threw a hissy fit and called everybody cheaters, invited his supporters to protest against a stolen election which led to an actual insurrection at the capital, flew away in a huff without ever conceding or acknowledging Biden as president and years later still continues to push the stolen election lies.

The things you try and accuse the left of are so potent and obvious through trumps actions which you ignore and lie about. You should be ashamed of yourself
So what do democrats do when Pelosi steps down from leadership? Nominate an election denier, Hakeem Jeffries.
Opinion pieces and nothing about genocide.

You lose again, nazi, because you're a loser.
Yo, shit fer brains.

Looks like the Voice of the Reich has some new hate to dish on DER JUDEN - the scapegoat of your filthy Reich.

Nice load of bullcrap but back in reality Obama did nothing to stop the transfer of power and when the election was over he welcomed the trumps to the whitehouse and conducted himself like a responsible leader.

While having his thugs like Peter Strzok get illegal FISA warrants and spy on the president of the United State.

Yeah, it's treason - but Orange Man Bad.

I’m reality Trump threw a hissy fit and called everybody cheaters, invited his supporters to protest against a stolen election which led to an actual insurrection at the capital, flew away in a huff without ever conceding or acknowledging Biden as president and years later still continues to push the stolen election lies.

The things you try and accuse the left of are so potent and obvious through trumps actions which you ignore and lie about. You should be ashamed of yourself

So, Obama engaged in treason to overthrow the incoming president - starting the "Russian Collusion" conspiracy theory to cripple and topple the incoming administration - an act that is beyond ANY that an outgoing president has ever done in the history of this nation.

But your good with that, because Uber Alles democrat.

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