Kari Lake obliterates reporters on “election deniers”. She has the receipts!


Retard, this is what you responded to...

No, you're demented for not understanding it was election-deniers, who were groomed by Trump, who were voted against.

Seems I have to explain it to you, ya flamin' nazi...

Election deniers were voted against. You then countered that with people who ran for office while NOT denying an election.

As always, you prove you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. You just feel compelled to run that nazi mouth of yours.

So, election deniers groomed by Trump BAD

Election deniers that are part of your Reich GOOD.


Fucking hypocrite and fraud.
This early into it, I wouldn't be surprised to see a Trump/Lake ticket. Wall to wall personal insults, name-calling, paranoia-pushing, evil-claiming, conspiracy-repeating, democracy-attacking, fabrication-flying and media attacking. Everything the rubes want. Attack, attack, attack, fight, fight, fight.

I'd vote for that ticket in a heartbeat.

And really, you Nazis with Adolf Biden as your Fuhrer are in NO POSITION to whine about "personal insults, name-calling, paranoia-pushing, evil-claiming, conspiracy-repeating, democracy-attacking, fabrication-flying"

Now are you, Blowhard?
So, election deniers groomed by Trump BAD

Election deniers that are part of your Reich GOOD.


Fucking hypocrite and fraud.


You fucking, moronic nazi, what part of you didn't show any Democrats running for office after crying an election was stolen, is too complex for your feeble nazi brain to comprehend?

You fucking, moronic nazi, what part of you didn't show any Democrats running for office after crying an election was stolen, is too complex for your feeble nazi brain to comprehend?

Stupid Nazi Farouk DEMANDS that it's only bad when Trump does it.

Oh and stupid fuck, Stacy Abrams ran for governor AFTER claiming the 2018 election.

You're such a fraud and hypocrite.

Even for a Nazi, you're just dumb as all fuck.
Stupid Nazi Farouk DEMANDS that it's only bad when Trump does it.

Oh and stupid fuck, Stacy Abrams ran for governor AFTER claiming the 2018 election.

You're such a fraud and hypocrite.

Even for a Nazi, you're just dumb as all fuck.

You're such a retarded nazi. Again, we were discussing election-deniers being voted against. Can't you focus? :badgrin:
You keep trying to build a straw man, but even your straw man fails because STACY ABRAMS, stupid fuck.

You're too dumb to bother with.


You dumbfucking Nazi....

Stacy Abrams LOST!

Just like those other election deniers.

Talk about self-ownage. :lmao: You just bitch-slapped yourself into oblivion.

More irrelevancy from the stupid fuck Nazi.

You've degraded.





Retarded Nazi, I point out election-deniers were voted against -- and you counter that ... with ...

an election-denier who was voted against.

You literally owned yourself. I'm just sitting back now, hugely entertained, watching you do it.

Stupid Nazi Farouk DEMANDS that it's only bad when Trump does it.

Oh and stupid fuck, Stacy Abrams ran for governor AFTER claiming the 2018 election.

You're such a fraud and hypocrite.

Even for a Nazi, you're just dumb as all fuck.
I’m curious, do you think the repetition of all your ridiculous insults calling people Nazi and stupid etc, do you think that makes you look tough or smart or something? Or is it just undisciplined emotional outbursts?
I’m curious, do you think the repetition of all your ridiculous insults calling people Nazi and stupid etc, do you think that makes you look tough or smart or something? Or is it just undisciplined emotional outbursts?
Stating facts is not an insult, it's just a fact.

  • democrats have a scapegoat based on race. Whites are the new "Juden."
  • democrats are collectivist, seeking control of the means of production by their Reich.
  • democrats are totalitarian. Well duh.
  • democrats supplant civil rights with group privilege
  • democrats eradicate the rule of law and create dictatorship based on the party
  • democrats forcibly suppress religion
    • The state is the god of the democrats
  • democrats crush freedom of speech
    • Hate speech laws, political correctness, cancel culture
  • democrats create a police state and "Roger Stone" enemies for even minor process crimes in order to create terror
    • The Opposition Candidate for 2024 is polling well ahead of Biden, so he had his goons kick their door in.

My dogs get fur all over the house.

democrats are Nazis that follow the script laid out by Adolf Hitler.

These are not insults, they are demonstrable and validated facts.

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