Kari Lake Wraps Up Trial With No Clear Evidence to Overturn Election

LIAR. She lost because a judge set the standard of proof so high that literally NO ONE could meet it. She had to convince HIM what the STATE OF MIND of her opponent was, despite clear proof of actual AZ laws being broken. You fu(kers would be burning it down if this was done to YOU. Scum.

Lake lost because she had no evidence of ‘fraud’ or ‘cheating,’ regardless how ‘high the standard.’

And Lake had no evidence because there is no evidence.

Don’t blame the judge, blame Lake.
LIAR. She lost because a judge set the standard of proof so high that literally NO ONE could meet it. She had to convince HIM what the STATE OF MIND of her opponent was, despite clear proof of actual AZ laws being broken. You fu(kers would be burning it down if this was done to YOU. Scum.
If you walk out of a store with an item on accident you don’t go to jail for larceny. Intent is proven all the time. You are just too far gone to understand that just screaming fraud doesn’t make it true. The court isn’t for discovery… it’s for presenting proof. They did a shit job cuz there is no proof.
Haha, poor guy. I can imagine your frustration after so aggressively shilling for the Lake case that everyone else on the planet knew would fail.
Ah, Farty. As you know, I did no such thing. Why you rely so heavily on lying isn’t clear. Unless you simply recognize that you have nothing of value to offer. But your constant lying is tired and old. Get some new material, kid.

Kari Lake Wraps Up Trial With No Clear Evidence to Overturn Election​

Yep. Kari, you want to dispute an election over the sacred right to vote?
  1. We'll give you 5 hours to prepare while a regular court case gets 6 months.
  2. Let me throw out 80% of your case before you even begin, including your most important point.
  3. We will limit you two just two days while other cases often go on for years.
  4. As a condition of your case, you must not prove voters were defrauded in sufficient numbers to affect the outcome which is already a given, instead, we demand you show it was in the minds of those running it that they INTENDED to defraud the voters! Meantime either way, the voters were still defrauded.
  5. And do it by 5PM so I don't miss Judge Judy. :eusa_whistle:
  6. BTW, if you can, do it all while standing on one leg hopping while singing mammy, just to show that the courts really DO NOT want to ensure honest elections if it in any way might confer any risk to the credentials and reputation of the judge!
Wouldn't it have been funny if someone had told the J6 Committee they only had two days to determine the intent of Donald Trump? After all, he's just ONE MAN, while Kari was asked to prove the intent of all the election people in an entire county. :smoke:

Lots of clear evidence. This will be going to the Supreme Court.

That's the phoniest halfway-legal-looking document I've ever seen, and I've seen THOUSANDS of legal documents.

But, yeah...........................well.............................you tried.

Uh-huh..you legal beagle you:

Considering all evidence presented, the Court finds as follows:
As to Count II – Illegal BOD Printer/Tabulator Configurations:
a. The Court DOES NOT find clear and convincing evidence of misconduct in violation of
A.R.S. § 16-672(A)(1).
b. The Court DOES NOT find clear and convincing evidence that such misconduct was
committed by “an officer making or participating in a canvass” under A.R.S. § 16-
c. The Court DOES NOT find clear and convincing evidence that such misconduct was
intended to affect the result of the 2022 General Election.
d. The Court DOES NOT find clear and convincing evidence that such misconduct did in fact
affect the result of the 2022 General Election.
As to Count IV – Chain of Custody Violations:
a. The Court DOES NOT find clear and convincing evidence of misconduct in violation of
A.R.S. § 16-672(A)(1).
b. The Court DOES NOT find clear and convincing evidence that such misconduct was
committed by “an officer making or participating in a canvass” under A.R.S. § 16-
c. The Court DOES NOT find clear and convincing evidence that such misconduct was
intended to affect the result of the 2022 General Election.
d. The Court DOES NOT find clear and convincing evidence that such misconduct did in fact
affect the result of the 2022 General Election
IT IS ORDERED: confirming the election of Katie Hobbs as Arizona Governor-Elect
pursuant to A.R.S. § 16-676(B).
The Court notes the representations of the County Defendants that a motion for sanctions
would be forthcoming and the Court also considers the need of this Court to enter an Order under
Rule 54(c), Arizona Rules of Civil Procedure so that an appeal on all issues might be taken in a
timely fashion.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: that a statement of costs including compensation of
inspectors under A.R.S. § 16-677(C) must be filed by 8:00 a.m. Monday, December 26, 2022.
Failure to do so by the deadline will be deemed a waiver of those costs.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED: any motion for sanctions must be filed by 8:00 a.m.
Monday, December 26, 2022, and any response by Plaintiff must be filed by 5:00 p.m. Monday,
December 26, 2022. The Court will not consider a reply.
After consideration of any sanctions motion, or the failure to file such a motion, and the

presentation of costs to be assessed, the Court will enter a signed judgment under Rule 54(c)

Tell me exactly how long I worked for the Seattle office of the US Attorney and how many legal documents I worked with during that time.

No information that's more specific than that. That might be illegal. Just dates and numbers.

You will need far more convincing images than that crap you published, which you obviously made up on your computer.


I've already posted the relevant excerpt..that would be pages 9 and 10

How stupid do you feel? I know how stupid you look...LOL!

Oh and before you leap on the difference in format, despite the word for word veracity, do note that my post is a PDF...and thus the formatting is changed..of course, being the legal scholar you purport to be, you already knew that, but I'd bet money that that would be your go-to excuse!
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So this Douche-nozzle..calls the official court's ruling 'fake news' That's just weak..so weak. You look like an ass, with no credibility.

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