Karma Is A B...Well, You Know: Former Notre Dame Professor Who Said, “Damn the Unvaccinated” Dies Two Weeks After Receiving 3rd Covid Shot

THAT is the key point right there. Biden and his Gestapo should not have the right to FORCE everyone to get the vaccines. It should be a matter of discussion between someone and their doctor to see what is best for them!
I second this. Just because one person doesn't have any after affects doesn't mean that the next person will be just as lucky.

God bless you always!!!

Karen Croake Heisler, 67, a longtime former South Bend resident, passed away Sunday, September 19, 2021, at Orlando (Florida) Regional Medical Center due to cancer-related complications.

Shut up stupid. According to idiots like you, Jillian, and fatso bodecea every person who died with Covid died BECAUSE of Covid. This screaming moron died after getting his third shot. Thus, by YOUR standard, that is the cause.
Shut up stupid.

Fuck off.

According to idiots like you, Jillian, and fatso bodecea every person who died with Covid died BECAUSE of Covid.

Simply not true.

This screaming moron died after getting his third shot. Thus, by YOUR standard, that is the cause.

more lies, at least you are consistent.

You were told to shut up lying leftard. Your standards say it was the third shot that did it. Live with it you real piece of shit. Now GFY.

you have a very inflated sense of self worth, I do not give a flying fuck what you "told" me to do. how about your just to fuck yourself and leave the discussions to the adults.
Here's the deal, for some reason Karen Heisler convinced herself that it was politically correct to be vaccinated with a 3rd shot for covid even though she was dying from cancer. It might have shortened her life. It goes to the heart of the Biden extermination plan where unvaccinated illegal aliens would be inserted into (mostly Florida) most vulnerable segments of society.

Breakthrough Cases Surge: Vaccinated Individuals Accounted for 87% of Covid Hospitalizations Over the Past Week in Wales UK; 99% of All New Cases Were Under 60 Years Old

Breakthrough Cases Surge: Vaccinated Individuals Accounted for 87% of Covid Hospitalizations Over the Past Week in Wales UK; 99% of All New Cases Were Under 60 Years Old
You are never gonna learn.

Attempting to dispute reported facts with a meme? :auiqs.jpg:

Every time you are unable to debunk what is being reported and attempt to smear the source, I laugh at you ... like everyone else.
Hilarious! You called a gateway pundit article "reported facts"!
This story is an excellent example of how choosing to not be vaccinated isn’t just a personal decision.

If y’all are clogging up the hospital systems because y’all got COVID when a lot of y’all could have avoided it, then it’s impacting everyone else who does need those hospital resources.
Did anyone make that claim?
The professor verbally blamed the unvaccinated before his death, as the article suggests in the story.

The unvaccinated had nothing to do with his death....making the entire article crap.
Karen Croake Heisler, 67, a longtime former South Bend resident, passed away Sunday, September 19, 2021, at Orlando (Florida) Regional Medical Center due to cancer-related complications.

Yeah, right. :rolleyes:
A former Notre Dame professor who routinely attacked unvaccinated people as “selfish” passed away after she received her 3rd Covid vaccine.

67-year-old Karen Croake Heisler received her first Pfizer Covid jab on January 13, 2021.

After getting the 3rd shot Heisler began having complications. Instead of blaming the shot he cursed the unvaccinated.

The reason he cursed the unvaccinated was because the hospital was filled with COVID-19 patients. Heisler made the assumption that every one of them were un-vaccinated patients, although he had no evidence to support his belief.

Why didn't his cardiologist attempt to send him to another hospital?

- Cardiologist / heart problems reported with the vaccine.

It was neither the unvaccinated nor COVID-19 that caused Heisler's health condition that eventually resulted in his death. It was already known complications of the vaccine.

Americans see cases like this then look at Dementia Joe mandating vaccines for everyone....except Congress, illegals, Unions, etc... & justifiably have reservations about obeying Biden's edicts.

Good riddance.

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