Kasich: GOP My Vehicle Not My Master!

Of course. It's not a new tactic in politics. Do you think Sanders is a Democrat? Do you think Trump is a Republican?

Does anyone KNOW what a Democrat or Republican IS these days?? I don't. But yet, simpletons LOVE to sort everything into those 2 amorphous boxes...
Yes. The difference is crystal clear.

I could get that from a mechanical fortune teller for a nickel.. So don't bother.. It would be generalizations and stereotypes..

In REALITY, both parties in just the last 30 years have been FOR the same things and AGAINST the same things.. That's why everything random on USMB is 100% hypocrisy... BOTH parties suck on Foreign policy. Both parties have been totally INEPT as managing an ever growing bureaucracy/debt or PUNISHING politicians or civil servants who do awful stuff..
In REALITY, both parties in just the last 30 years have been FOR the same things and AGAINST the same things..
I’ve read some stupid shit on this website over the years...

Remind me again when in the past 30 years Republicans have fought for labor unions?

I’ll wait.

After that we’ll do abortion. :lol:
Of course. It's not a new tactic in politics. Do you think Sanders is a Democrat? Do you think Trump is a Republican?
Are you even serious? Sanders has never claimed to be a democrat, ever, and Trump's political career currently extends to just under four years, Kasich has been calling self republican for about 40 years! He just told you, in no uncertain terms that his republicanism was simply "his" vehicle, and here you are, parsing it for him? :omg:
All politicians are phony, hypocritical, industrial-grade liars.... but this particular shitstain pushes the limits. I get that he is considered a loathsome insect to most of the planet and that's probably tough on the ol' self-esteem... but he just needs to unceremoniously disappear. He will NEVER be missed..... by ANYONE.
As I said, its refreshing when once in a blue moon one of them fucks up and speaks the truth...:wink:
Do you understand what the cretin is saying, and he is a cretin, he's telling you in no uncertain terms that he used you to advance his personal ambitions, he's telling you he'd trade out his own children to profit himself! We've always known this, "err" at least those of us with three digit IQ's have always known such, but its refreshing to hear one of these psychopaths actually admit it, this is a creature that wouldn't hesitate to embrace any form of fascism, take your pick of them, he'd not hesitate to embrace them just as long as it enriched him personally!

Establishment rinos ...no one is surprised
"My master". Interesting choice of words. If Kasich was honest about his politics he would have said "my vehicle but not my ideology".
Tell me, do you want a President or a Robot with a programable computer remotely controlled by a bunch of white haired old white guys in a small, dark room? Or you you want someone that says,

I don't owe you my vote, I owe you my judgment. Take a guess who said that?

Probably a TRUE Liberal.. Not a lefty or righty..

Or they stole it from Edmund Burke -- because the quote is attributed to a LONG DEAD Irishman..

It was John Adams. He was against slavery His state was against it. But in order to get the the original Articles of Confederation Signed he agreed to leave out the banning of Slavery.

Well he stole from Edmund Burke.. But OK.. Those are folks that were TRUE Liberals..

There was a lot attributed to Burke that proved false but I won't debate it. Adams did say it though and it fit the times. Had he not given in, there would have been no nation only 13 splintered states that Europe would have gobble up sooner or later.
In REALITY, both parties in just the last 30 years have been FOR the same things and AGAINST the same things..
I’ve read some stupid shit on this website over the years...

Remind me again when in the past 30 years Republicans have fought for labor unions?

I’ll wait.

After that we’ll do abortion. :lol:

Wow.. Labor Unions.. You mean like POLICE UNIONS?? Not sure there's gonna be a need for those once the "defund/abolish the Police" Dems get done with them.. Police UNIONS ARE the problem with latent police abuse in the cities... And YOUR party has been making deals with them to cover each asses on "bad policing" and their contracts.. The usual Dem way of fixing their past mistakes is toss people under buses.. Which is what RIGHT NOW the Dems are doing to the police unions..

Kinda "union busting" on steroids aint it?? Teacher's unions.. Spent 3 decades now DEFENDING teacher's union from "on-line" education and home schooling.. WTFuck we DOING NOW??

Abortion should NEVER be the political lava stream it's turned out to be.. Used to be you could count about 15 or 20 seats on the BLUE side of House that was strongly PRO-LIFE.. Where'd they go --- huh? POOF...

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