kasich may be out

this is going to be HILLarious watching all the Republicans backpedal on trump and act like Hillary is the candidate Americans should be sooo afraid of as POTUS. good luck with that...
Hearing word he is scheduling a press conference this afternoon

Kasich doesn't realize this but he was out after the first debate when made the PC comment, "I attended a gay wedding and I was fine with it". Sure, it's fine. But, it was a PC comment at best and Americans are fed up with that crap. Hence, Donald Trump.
"RINO" (n. 21st C) -- a term used by partisan hacks who think it's all about a political scoreboard rather than constituents.

See also armchair pundit, message board troll

Get over yourself.

I ain't the wag who thinks of politics as a football score, am I?


No analogies needed for you hackery, tbh.

Gosh whiz, Mister Wizard, what great advice. I'll be sure to keep that in mind next time I make an analogy somewhere, yup.


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