Kasich Needs Some Recalibration!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
A few days ago I was watching a John Kasich Town Hall on TV and a person asked the governor what he would do during his first year as President. The Governor listed a lot of good things and then he mentioned I would send Congress a bill reforming the corporate tax code and personal income tax code. I was so disappointed when I heard this because it is critically important, important beyond words, that the corporate tax code be reformed to make America's system competitive because that will generate a significant number of good paying jobs which the country desperately needs; if any of the Republican Presidents try to link reform of the corporate tax code with reform of the personal income tax code it will fail. Because reform of the personal income tax code relies on rosy and highly speculative projections of a dramatic increase in overall taxable income from which the personal income tax rates are applied no Democrat is going to support such a bill because when the increased projections don't materialize Congress and the President are then going to have to cut government expenditures dramatically realistically meaning massive cuts in social programs thus significantly hurting the Democrat's constituent base. A Republican President needs to first bring about a reform of the corporate tax code and when put into effect it will raise the country's GDP growth rate probably to at least around three percent a year that will give the President the increased tax revenue to then go back to Congress and then bring about changing the Personal Income tax rates.

I was so disappointed when I heard Governor Kasich say this because the big selling point for why the American people should elect John Kasich as President is because he would actually "accomplish" positive change because his proposals are realistic Donald Trump talks about big change but will never be able to deliver on his promises because their unrealistic. Maybe John Kasich when he answered this question was thinking in the back of his mind that he would do the tax reform in two stages but didn't want to complicate his answer by going into such detail, but he should really be careful because this distinctiveness of his campaign that he will "actually accomplish" things that's his secret sauce if he loses that he's out of business! Governor Kasich's prescription for healing the economy is excellent but I think one specific proposal is short-sighted he wants to require any government regulation that cost the American people over $100 million dollars to have to be voted on by Congress and pass the vote to be put into effect; this is imprudent because assuming Obamacare is repealed the Federal Government is going to have a lot of work to do regulating the health care industry a reasonable person can see this rule being triggered easily in that pursuit and to name another important area where it could be triggered easily is regulation of the financial industry and curtailment of casino capitalism in that industry it must be remembered that our beloved Congress is dysfunctional, unproductive, unreliable and as nimble as a lead weight depending on Congress to be an effective gatekeeper separating good regulation from bad regulation is asking way too much of Congress such a law would ultimately cause significant harm in the country. If Governor Kasich wants to be a champion for the American people here's one area that has eluded the public spotlight where I think his good common sense judgment could make a difference for the American people just over the last seven years America has been subject to this epidemic of hedge fund managers and private equity managers going on these blitzes where they complain that a company's stock is undervalued because it does not reflect the value of the sum of each individual part of the company added together and these speculators cause these companies to sell part of the company resulting in large layoffs in the split off company as management tries to increase the value of this separated business by lowering expenses in the business not to mention that the resulting businesses are almost always weaker and subject to more layoffs and wage cuts in business downturns; why not require these selloffs to garnish seventy-five percent shareholder vote approval for the break-up to take place. Governor Kasich doing something here to stop this foolishness would resonate significantly with ordinary Americans.

The following is maybe like taking a microscope examination of Governor Kasich maybe its over scrutinization of the Governor I only do this because in my opinion Kasich is the only candidate out of the five running that offers real hope of significantly improving America and so I would like to maximize his chances of winning. Governor Kasich seems at times to be irascible, volcanic, short or brusque with people when asked questions or receive comments of a nature he doesn't like. He has to work at "keeping his cool" he has to accept the rules of American society for a President and a Presidential candidate which are journalist and people can be not nice even a jerk and you have to take it. Living in wisdom means realizing that people are going to score points against you and you can do nothing about it but you surely don't want to respond by scoring points against yourself! Governor Kasich sometimes gives the impression he would be or is a very backward manager, as a Congressman and a Governor you can get away with treating your staff as farm animals but as a President you and so the country would pay a steep price for such an approach. By this I mean your management style to underlings somewhat seems like it is I am the boss you get out of line or do something I don't like I am going to come down on you so it seems like the ceiling is caving in or your head you might need to become more of a modern manager treating people as if their valued professionals, delegate responsibility and accept sometimes the delegation doesn't work out as you perfectly desired, have two way communications not just top down decision making and realize that every issue doesn't hold the same importance you don't need to get bent out of shape over every matter. As a President John is going to have to fill Cabinet Secretary posts top-notch people are not going to accept the job from a backward manager that is not going to give them the freedom to optimally run the department and will always be looking to drag them off to the guillotine and chop off their head off. The governor probably could benefit from becoming more European as compared to American in his style by this I mean it is very American to go around telling people things and looking for their assent or them to give you their will on what you want. On the other side a European style involves trying to persuade others to your ideas trying to win their hearts to your side. People respond better to the European style they feel more respected and in many circumstances the ultimate outcome is a better one.

You know if there were cameras in the homes of viewers across America watching Anderson Cooper's interview of Governor Kasich and his family you would have seen millions of women, those with a feminist bent, in a state where their head was doing 360 degree spins as Governor Kasich repeatedly called his wife, Karen, "sweetie". These women were probably at least saying to themselves this isn't right she isn't just an object of the Governor's affection she is a person with her own life besides being this guy's wife he should stop denying Karen her dignity by not using her name. Governor Kasich needs to remember that he is now moving to the national and world-wide stage he has to screen his behavior against heightened standards. George W. Bush and Barrack Obama both made this pivot so you, Governor Kasich, can be guaranteed that you can do it for your brighter than both these guys you just have to focus!

Lastly, I would just like to comment about the unbelievable bad wrap John Kasich and Ted Cruz got about their agreement that Kasich wouldn't campaign in Indiana and in return Cruz wouldn't campaign in Oregon and New Mexico. It's a stupid criticism if the campaigns never spoke to one another on the issue Kasich would be an idiot to spend any resources in Indiana and Cruz would be an idiot to spend any resources in Oregon. For in recent polling in Indiana, a winner take all delegate state, Kasich was down like twenty percentage points to Cruz a gap too large to overcome by election day and Oregon is a moderate state, Cruz an uncompromising far-right conservative wouldn't pick-up significant numbers of votes campaigning in the state to make it worth his while campaigning there! Isn't it interesting back a month or two ago Mitt Romney was calling for the Republican candidates left in the race to coordinate their campaigning against Donald Trump saying that non-Trump candidates polling poorly in a state should stop their campaign efforts in that state thereby leaving the way for the leading non-Trump candidate to compete well against Trump. Back then the media wasn't saying Romney was being unfair, crooked or calling for collusion now Kasich and Cruz make this agreement and they are all these bad things the truth of what is going on here is evident the media is helping Trump here by siding with him on this issue because the media loves having Trump in the race because Trump rivets the American publics attention to the news because Trump is such a spectacle for the media its all about the advertising dollars their pathetic because Trump is terrible for the welfare and well-being of the country. The Wall Street Journal recently had an editorial article essentially saying this criticism of Kasich and Cruz was all wrong the article made a lot of good points but the most compelling was Trump wants the nomination of the Republican party for President as such he will need to rally the whole party behind his campaign if he is to have a chance at winning the Presidency this situation in Indiana now gives him the opportunity to demonstrate that he has the wherewithal to be this effective nominee, the fourteen season host of the "Apprentice" should relish this opportunity to show he has got the right stuff to be the party's nominee!
He needs a new engine, chassis, tires, shocks, transmission, brakes, all new pumps, alt, generator, radiator, all hoses and belts, wipers ..... folks, let's face it ... he's shot. Drag it off to the dump and go on autotrader.
Fair point. Kasichs whole reason for electing him is "I can beat Hillary" I've never once hears him say what he wants to accomplish as president.
Fair point. Kasichs whole reason for electing him is "I can beat Hillary" I've never once hears him say what he wants to accomplish as president.
Which of course is a lie. He has gone into depth about balancing the federal budget, in which specific ways, how to handle the control of education and healthcare; national security issues at home and abroad.

Do you lie like this all the time or just in Kasich's case?
Fair point. Kasichs whole reason for electing him is "I can beat Hillary" I've never once hears him say what he wants to accomplish as president.
Which of course is a lie. He has gone into depth about balancing the federal budget, in which specific ways, how to handle the control of education and healthcare; national security issues at home and abroad.

Do you lie like this all the time or just in Kasich's case?
People want the best words and terrific ideas.

But he walks like an old man, and really his decade was twenty years ago. The angry gop base isn't gonna take anyone like that.
Fair point. Kasichs whole reason for electing him is "I can beat Hillary" I've never once hears him say what he wants to accomplish as president.
Which of course is a lie. He has gone into depth about balancing the federal budget, in which specific ways, how to handle the control of education and healthcare; national security issues at home and abroad.

Do you lie like this all the time or just in Kasich's case?

Not lying at all. He never mentions those things in any of the interviews I've seen. He just says he should be the nominee since he can beat hillary

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