Louisiana Governor knows this will increase his popularity

Should the 10 Commandments be displayed in public schools in America?

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Do understand republicanism, where decisions are made at the lowest form of government possible. And it's not apples and oranges, simple availability to see something does not constitute force to read it or follow what it says.


Is that how decisions are made in abbbooots Texas.

You really shouldn't brag about being a teacher. When I was an Army recruiter, teachers didn't tend to do well on the ASVAB.


Really? I did very well on the ASVAB. But that was when I was right out of high school. I would think most people take the ASVAB after high school and before college.
Not where Constitutional issues are concerned.

lol any time; the only control the Feds have is their money; reject their money and they have zero say. They have locals addicted to handouts, is all. You don't have a clue, just a deviant's wish list and fantasies.
Really? I did very well on the ASVAB. But that was when I was right out of high school. I would think most people take the ASVAB after high school and before college.
Decider Decadence

I got 152 on the GCT, which is the same thing. The classification officers ignored that and made me a machine-gunner. The massive incompetence of Military Intelligence in Vietnam proved they didn't know how to put the right people in the right MOSs.
Decider Decadence

I got 152 on the GCT, which is the same thing. The classification officers ignored that and made me a machine-gunner. The massive incompetence of Military Intelligence in Vietnam proved they didn't know how to put the right people in the right MOSs.
During my recruiting process they got all excited about my test scores. Wanted me to be a nuke. They loved being able to offer pretty much every job the Navy had.

Then I told them I am Red/Green colorblind. There went the enthusiasm. They offered me a handful of admin ratings.

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