Louisiana Governor knows this will increase his popularity

Should the 10 Commandments be displayed in public schools in America?

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The Catholic Church has a long history of child abuse. When you recruit young, healthy men into the clergy and then tell them they can never have a close or intimate relationship, does kind of set you up for problems.
You think that men entered the priesthood and then found out they were required to be celibate? They didn't know before that? They always knew. They. grew up knowing. Priests can take a time away from the priesthood though. I had an absolutely torrid affair with a priest on a church break.
You think that men entered the priesthood and then found out they were required to be celibate? They didn't know before that? They always knew. They. grew up knowing. Priests can take a time away from the priesthood though. I had an absolutely torrid affair with a priest on a church break.

Of course they knew going in.
Wow, another ignorant assed commie, it has no clue that the 10 commandment predates Christianity by hundreds of years. And leave it you to get excited by a fag flag. LMAO

It’s been unconstitutional for 250 years before felony fuckups lowered the educational bar to dumb.

^^^Utter ignorance of history is a requirement for membership in the Communist Party. The fact is the individual states could and did have established sects, complete with tax levying powers, for many years after the Constitution became law. No Supreme Court ever interfered with their establishment.
^^^Utter ignorance of history is a requirement for membership in the Communist Party. The fact is the individual states could and did have established sects, complete with tax levying powers, for many years after the Constitution became law. No Supreme Court ever interfered with their establishment.
All of which disappeared because a state religion is unconstitutional.
No one is forcing anything, that's just one of your propaganda talking points. There are bibles in virtually every hotel and motel room, is that force?

Apples and oranges felony fuckup.

Do you understand public verses private?
Displaying the Ten Commandments will not cost very much.

Who pays for it.

The Hindu leader wants to put the Gita on the walls of the schools, and he offered to pay for the posters. I haven't seen where any of the Xtians have offered to pay for the 10 Commandment posters.
Some people a;so don't realize all school districts are locally run, not Federal, and can tell the FEds to go fuck themselves any time they want.
Who pays for it.

The Hindu leader wants to put the Gita on the walls of the schools, and he offered to pay for the posters. I haven't seen where any of the Xtians have offered to pay for the 10 Commandment posters.

Local school taxes. You should visit the U.S. sometime and learn how it operates.
No one is forcing anything, that's just one of your propaganda talking points. There are bibles in virtually every hotel and motel room, is that force?


He's just another left wing deviant racist dumbass. Black women are the number one demographic founding new churches in the U.S. He doesn't know shit about black people or white.

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