Kate Steinle murderer found not guilty of murder.

Why would this not apply? It's a felony, which combined with all his other felonies should have jailed him for decades...?

Negligent Homicide Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.

Here is the section of the California code that defines involuntary manslaughter:

Law section.

Manslaughter is the unlawful killing of a human being without malice. It is of three kinds:
. . .
(b) Involuntary—in the commission of an unlawful act, not amounting to a felony; or in the commission of a lawful act which might produce death, in an unlawful manner, or without due caution and circumspection. This subdivision shall not apply to acts committed in the driving of a vehicle.

Apparently, the jury decided that the prosecution failed to prove the required elements.
From what I hear, he was not charged with involuntary manslaughter...so it was never considered.
Why would this not apply? It's a felony, which combined with all his other felonies should have jailed him for decades...?

Negligent Homicide Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.

Here is the section of the California code that defines involuntary manslaughter:

Law section.

Manslaughter is the unlawful killing of a human being without malice. It is of three kinds:
. . .
(b) Involuntary—in the commission of an unlawful act, not amounting to a felony; or in the commission of a lawful act which might produce death, in an unlawful manner, or without due caution and circumspection. This subdivision shall not apply to acts committed in the driving of a vehicle.

Apparently, the jury decided that the prosecution failed to prove the required elements.
From what I hear, he was not charged with involuntary manslaughter...so it was never considered.

The prosecution was trying for murder one, but the jury was instructed to consider the charge of involuntary manslaughter as well. That's not what the prosecution argued for, though.

If they had made their case for involuntary manslaughter, they would almost certainly have gotten it.
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Which has nothing to do with a charge of murder

The prosecution overplayed a weak hand

He had four charges against him. The next to last was the negligent homicide and the one after that was the possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.

How or why the prosecution did not get across to the jury that he had been convicted of seven felonies and been deported five times, I have no clue.

The prosecution didn't overplay a weak hand. The city of San Francisco proved to the country what a horrid, dangerous, and immoral is their system of Sanctuary Cities which endangers Americans.
Which has nothing to do with a charge of murder

The prosecution overplayed a weak hand

He had four charges against him. The next to last was the negligent homicide and the one after that was the possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.

How or why the prosecution did not get across to the jury that he had been convicted of seven felonies and been deported five times, I have no clue.

The prosecution didn't overplay a weak hand. The city of San Francisco proved to the country what a horrid, dangerous, and immoral is their system of Sanctuary Cities which endangers Americans.
His immigration status was irrelevant to whether he committed murder or not
To prove murder they needed to prove intent
They didn't
Mexico is the murder capital of the world, buddy. He isn't assimilating, he's culturally enriching us.
The US enjoys a hearty murder also, look at revenues for murder movies...

The inner city shitheads, illegals and druggies are the ones doing most of the killings. If you are an Illegal in Queer City and shoot a White girl with a stolen gun then you have nothing to worry about.
Why do you wave a traitor flag? Why not the Stars and Stripes of the U.S.A.?

I just post that to trigger you stupid Moon Bats. It works most of the time. Thanks for playing Moon Bat.
Leftism is like whiskey dick for the brain.
What is that like?
From what I hear, he was not charged with involuntary manslaughter...so it was never considered.

The Justice Department is considering bringing federal charges against Jose Ines Garcia Zarate after his not guilty verdict in the Kate Steinle murder trial, department officials told Fox News on Friday.

DOJ weighing federal charges in Kate Steinle murder case, after not guilty verdict
By Jake Gibson | Fox News

A California jury acquitted Zarate of the more serious charges in the case, including murder, involuntary manslaughter and assault with a deadly weapon -- only convicting him of being a felon in possession of a firearm.

DOJ weighing federal charges in Kate Steinle murder case, after not guilty verdict

Leftism is like whiskey dick for the brain.
Okay, I'm gonna need some help on this one.
When your brain is on leftism, it can't fully figure things out, it's only able to go halfway... Hence leftism is like whiskey dick for the brain.
So what is whiskey dick?
When you've drank too much whiskey and you can't get it up all the way for the fun time.
Isn't it precious to see all these stupid Moon Bats on here trying to defend a convicted felon, who was in this country illegally that shot and killed a young lady with a stolen Federal Agent's firearm?

Nobody here is "Defending" him. We are just pointing out that a jury didn't see murder here. Want to blame someone, blame the prosecutors who refused to even try to plea bargain with such a weak case.
Trump would not let them

From what I hear, he was not charged with involuntary manslaughter...so it was never considered.

The Justice Department is considering bringing federal charges against Jose Ines Garcia Zarate after his not guilty verdict in the Kate Steinle murder trial, department officials told Fox News on Friday.

DOJ weighing federal charges in Kate Steinle murder case, after not guilty verdict
By Jake Gibson | Fox News

A California jury acquitted Zarate of the more serious charges in the case, including murder, involuntary manslaughter and assault with a deadly weapon -- only convicting him of being a felon in possession of a firearm.

DOJ weighing federal charges in Kate Steinle murder case, after not guilty verdict

Maybe they'll get him on some immigration violations.

But they can't try him for murder again.
Want to hear something despicable?

If I were to go to Kalifornia and take one of my legal AR-15s with magazines and ammo and never commit a crime other than possession I would be subject to a longer prison term than this shithead illegal felon with a stolen gun that killed a woman.

You are stupid as hell. Illegal possession of an assault rifle in California can be a felony or a misdemeanor offense. At the felony level the maximum sentence is EXACTLY THE SAME as the maximum sentence Zarate faces. He did not steal the weapon. It was stolen by someone else. He did not intentionally fire the weapon, it misfired, which both court testimony, lawsuits, and even a recall, clearly indicate that pistol had a history of misfiring. The dumbass BLM officer bears more of the responsibility of Steinle's death than Zarate. Where is your outrage against him?

He will answerfor having a stolen gun and being in this country illegally. THat's 16 months in prison (time served) and deported (almost immediately). The thing is, they didn't prove he murdered anyone or that this was anything other than a tragic accident.

Didn't justify it at all. Just pointing out that for all your histrionics, you couldn't convince a jury.

All you are really doing is pointing out what low life moron you are for trying to justify letting a killer illegal off the hook.

I cannot imagine that in Polk County Florida I could kill somebody with a stolen weapon and not be held accountable for it. Especially if I was a convicted felon. No jury is going to say that it was just an accident and let me go free. Except for these Democrat controlled shitholes that protect minorities and illegals there is no place in the country where he would have got off the murder charge free.

The jury did the wrong thing by not convicting him of killing the woman. . If it wasn't premeditated murder then it was criminal negligent. If he was fucking with a gun and it went off and killed somebody then that was negligent discharge and he should have been held accountable for being a moron.

He was let off the hook because the Moon Bats had their heads up their asses.

If you picked up a piece of shit stolen Sig Sauer pistol with a known tendency to misfire out of a trash can and it accidentally went off, ricochets off the pavement, and ends up killing someone, do you think you should be convicted of murder? Or does that only apply to black or brown people.

Here is a case where a guy is facing 15 years in jail for dangerous and reckless behavior with a firearm. Why wasn't the Illegal convicted felon held accountable for his dangerous and reckless behavior when he picked up the gun? Did the gun shoot Kate all on its own?

Hunter who mistook woman for deer charged with manslaughter

Hunter who mistook woman for deer charged with manslaughter, faces up to 15 years in prison

A hunter in western New York who mistook a 43-year-old woman for a deer was charged with manslaughter on Thursday.

Rosemary Billquist was walking her dogs the day before Thanksgiving in the town of Sherman when she was shot once by Thomas Jadlowski.

Jadlowski called 911 and stayed with Billquist until help arrived, but she was later pronounced dead at a nearby hospital in Pennsylvania.

"Today, Mr. Jadlowski is being held accountable for his dangerous and reckless conduct when he shot his neighbor in the dark," Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Basil Seggos said.

Jadlowski was knowingly illegally poaching deer & purposely aimed his gun at & purposely shot the lady.

Zarate picked up a towel & a gun fell out, accidently fired & bounced a bullet of the ground that hit the woman. He has already served 5 years for this.
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You just told me the bullet ricocheted. So it wasn't a direct shot. How was the prosecution going to convince a jury he shot her on purpose, hence murdered her? Any competent lawyer could convince a jury he didn't mean to shoot her since the bullet bounced - especially in a sanctuary city.

As with Hillary Clinton, there was no need to prove intent except to convict him of first-degree murder.

Involuntary manslaughter was another of the four charges. He was found not guilty of three murder charges and guilty of possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.

How much of this is above your head?
Here is a case where a guy is facing 15 years in jail for dangerous and reckless behavior with a firearm. Why wasn't the Illegal convicted felon held accountable for his dangerous and reckless behavior when he picked up the gun? Did the gun shoot Kate all on its own?

Hunter who mistook woman for deer charged with manslaughter

Hunter who mistook woman for deer charged with manslaughter, faces up to 15 years in prison

A hunter in western New York who mistook a 43-year-old woman for a deer was charged with manslaughter on Thursday.

Rosemary Billquist was walking her dogs the day before Thanksgiving in the town of Sherman when she was shot once by Thomas Jadlowski.

Jadlowski called 911 and stayed with Billquist until help arrived, but she was later pronounced dead at a nearby hospital in Pennsylvania.

"Today, Mr. Jadlowski is being held accountable for his dangerous and reckless conduct when he shot his neighbor in the dark," Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Basil Seggos said.

Key phrase--IN THE DARK. Hunting deer IN THE DARK is illegal and is considered criminal reckless behavior. Picking a gun up out of a trash can, not so much.
Zarate picked up a towel & a gun fell out, accidently fired & bounced a bullet of the ground that hit the woman. He has already served 5 years for this.

You really should educate yourself about issues before opening your mouth. In Zarate's initial confession with police, he said he had been shooting at Sea Lions. The bullet bounced off one of the concrete pilings.

He, of course, recanted but the bullet did not ricochet off the ground, and if you believe it was accidentally fired, I have some land to show you after it's been dry for a mon

How has he already served five years for the murder of Kate Steinle?

He should have life without the chance of parole.
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Fox News let down their base

They had a beautiful blonde woman killed
They had a scary looking Mexican illegal to blame

What they didn’t have was a murder case

The acquittal of murder of a pretty White girl by a filthy ass minority kinds of reminds you of the OJ Simspson case, doesn't it?

Maybe the Illegal will write a book one day entitled "I didn't Do It But If I Had This Is How It Would Have Happen".

Again, the facts did not support a charge of murder

Can you provide any facts that show intent?

You twat he went up to her and shot her..she was just walking with her dad.

That was malice ....

Fox News let down their base

They had a beautiful blonde woman killed
They had a scary looking Mexican illegal to blame

What they didn’t have was a murder case

The acquittal of murder of a pretty White girl by a filthy ass minority kinds of reminds you of the OJ Simspson case, doesn't it?

Maybe the Illegal will write a book one day entitled "I didn't Do It But If I Had This Is How It Would Have Happen".

Again, the facts did not support a charge of murder

Can you provide any facts that show intent?

You twat he went up to her and shot her..she was just walking with her dad.

That was malice ....

View attachment 163956

You know that's not what happened, right?

Forensic evidence has proven conclusively that the bullet that hit her was a ricochet. It ricocheted off a guard rail and travelled 50 feet to hit her in the lower back.

That doesn't jive with your claim that he "went up to her and shot her".
From what I hear, he was not charged with involuntary manslaughter...so it was never considered.

The Justice Department is considering bringing federal charges against Jose Ines Garcia Zarate after his not guilty verdict in the Kate Steinle murder trial, department officials told Fox News on Friday.

DOJ weighing federal charges in Kate Steinle murder case, after not guilty verdict
By Jake Gibson | Fox News

A California jury acquitted Zarate of the more serious charges in the case, including murder, involuntary manslaughter and assault with a deadly weapon -- only convicting him of being a felon in possession of a firearm.

DOJ weighing federal charges in Kate Steinle murder case, after not guilty verdict

Maybe they'll get him on some immigration violations.

But they can't try him for murder again.

I pray to God he comes to south Carolina...


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