Kate Steinle murderer found not guilty of murder.

Fox News let down their base

They had a beautiful blonde woman killed
They had a scary looking Mexican illegal to blame

What they didn’t have was a murder case

The acquittal of murder of a pretty White girl by a filthy ass minority kinds of reminds you of the OJ Simspson case, doesn't it?

Maybe the Illegal will write a book one day entitled "I didn't Do It But If I Had This Is How It Would Have Happen".

Again, the facts did not support a charge of murder

Can you provide any facts that show intent?

You twat he went up to her and shot her..she was just walking with her dad.

That was malice ....

View attachment 163956

You know that's not what happened, right?

Forensic evidence has proven conclusively that the bullet that hit her was a ricochet. It ricocheted off a guard rail and travelled 50 feet to hit her in the lower back.

That doesn't jive with your claim that he "went up to her and shot her".

What was he aiming at sea gulls.?

He is a dead man walking we will take his ass out one way or another..
Fox News let down their base

They had a beautiful blonde woman killed
They had a scary looking Mexican illegal to blame

What they didn’t have was a murder case

The acquittal of murder of a pretty White girl by a filthy ass minority kinds of reminds you of the OJ Simspson case, doesn't it?

Maybe the Illegal will write a book one day entitled "I didn't Do It But If I Had This Is How It Would Have Happen".

Again, the facts did not support a charge of murder

Can you provide any facts that show intent?

You twat he went up to her and shot her..she was just walking with her dad.

That was malice ....

View attachment 163956

You know that's not what happened, right?

Forensic evidence has proven conclusively that the bullet that hit her was a ricochet. It ricocheted off a guard rail and travelled 50 feet to hit her in the lower back.

That doesn't jive with your claim that he "went up to her and shot her".

What was he aiming at sea gulls.?

He is a dead man walking we will take his ass out one way or another..


Calm your tits, internet Rambo. You're not impressing anyone.
The acquittal of murder of a pretty White girl by a filthy ass minority kinds of reminds you of the OJ Simspson case, doesn't it?

Maybe the Illegal will write a book one day entitled "I didn't Do It But If I Had This Is How It Would Have Happen".

Again, the facts did not support a charge of murder

Can you provide any facts that show intent?

You twat he went up to her and shot her..she was just walking with her dad.

That was malice ....

View attachment 163956

You know that's not what happened, right?

Forensic evidence has proven conclusively that the bullet that hit her was a ricochet. It ricocheted off a guard rail and travelled 50 feet to hit her in the lower back.

That doesn't jive with your claim that he "went up to her and shot her".

What was he aiming at sea gulls.?

He is a dead man walking we will take his ass out one way or another..


Calm your tits, internet Rambo. You're not impressing anyone.

You don't know me pal..i have nothing to lose asshole...try me..
Again, the facts did not support a charge of murder

Can you provide any facts that show intent?

You twat he went up to her and shot her..she was just walking with her dad.

That was malice ....

View attachment 163956

You know that's not what happened, right?

Forensic evidence has proven conclusively that the bullet that hit her was a ricochet. It ricocheted off a guard rail and travelled 50 feet to hit her in the lower back.

That doesn't jive with your claim that he "went up to her and shot her".

What was he aiming at sea gulls.?

He is a dead man walking we will take his ass out one way or another..


Calm your tits, internet Rambo. You're not impressing anyone.

You don't know me pal..i have nothing to lose asshole...try me..


There's nothing on the planet quite as pathetic as internet tough guys.

I understand that you're very emotional right now. But seriously.
You twat he went up to her and shot her..she was just walking with her dad.

That was malice ....

View attachment 163956

You know that's not what happened, right?

Forensic evidence has proven conclusively that the bullet that hit her was a ricochet. It ricocheted off a guard rail and travelled 50 feet to hit her in the lower back.

That doesn't jive with your claim that he "went up to her and shot her".

What was he aiming at sea gulls.?

He is a dead man walking we will take his ass out one way or another..


Calm your tits, internet Rambo. You're not impressing anyone.

You don't know me pal..i have nothing to lose asshole...try me..


There's nothing on the planet quite as pathetic as internet tough guys.

I understand that you're very emotional right now. But seriously.

Try me ...

Go ahead


You know that's not what happened, right?

Forensic evidence has proven conclusively that the bullet that hit her was a ricochet. It ricocheted off a guard rail and travelled 50 feet to hit her in the lower back.

That doesn't jive with your claim that he "went up to her and shot her".

What was he aiming at sea gulls.?

He is a dead man walking we will take his ass out one way or another..


Calm your tits, internet Rambo. You're not impressing anyone.

You don't know me pal..i have nothing to lose asshole...try me..


There's nothing on the planet quite as pathetic as internet tough guys.

I understand that you're very emotional right now. But seriously.

Try me ...

Go ahead


View attachment 163959


It's time to quit while you're behind. You're making me cringe.
I have no problem with jail, I can't even count on one hand how many times I have been in there
What was he aiming at sea gulls.?

He is a dead man walking we will take his ass out one way or another..


Calm your tits, internet Rambo. You're not impressing anyone.

You don't know me pal..i have nothing to lose asshole...try me..


There's nothing on the planet quite as pathetic as internet tough guys.

I understand that you're very emotional right now. But seriously.

Try me ...

Go ahead


View attachment 163959


It's time to quit while you're behind. You're making me cringe.

You never have been in jail have you?

Calm your tits, internet Rambo. You're not impressing anyone.

You don't know me pal..i have nothing to lose asshole...try me..


There's nothing on the planet quite as pathetic as internet tough guys.

I understand that you're very emotional right now. But seriously.

Try me ...

Go ahead


View attachment 163959


It's time to quit while you're behind. You're making me cringe.

You never have been in jail have you?

Answer my question..have you ever been to jail?

I have plenty of times..

Once again if that guy crosses my path ..i will fucking kill him and gladly go to prison .

You don't know me pal..i have nothing to lose asshole...try me..


There's nothing on the planet quite as pathetic as internet tough guys.

I understand that you're very emotional right now. But seriously.

Try me ...

Go ahead


View attachment 163959


It's time to quit while you're behind. You're making me cringe.

You never have been in jail have you?


You just answered my question..you never been to jail..

It's not like that idiot.

If you picked up a piece of shit stolen Sig Sauer pistol with a known tendency to misfire out of a trash can and it accidentally went off, ricochets off the pavement, and ends up killing someone, do you think you should be convicted of murder? Or does that only apply to black or brown people.


Stop being an idiot . It just makes you look like a fool when you post stupid shit like that.

Not premeditated murder but some charge of being a dumbass that directly caused the death of another person. They have all kinds of degrees of being a dumbass that causes the death of another person. Not all murders are premeditated.

To claim that this poor Hispanic was an innocent victim of a gun simply going off is beyond belief. Just another variation of you fucking Moon Bat's excuse for all the scumbags: "Ma Baby Didndu nutin".
Fox News let down their base

They had a beautiful blonde woman killed
They had a scary looking Mexican illegal to blame

What they didn’t have was a murder case

The acquittal of murder of a pretty White girl by a filthy ass minority kinds of reminds you of the OJ Simspson case, doesn't it?

Maybe the Illegal will write a book one day entitled "I didn't Do It But If I Had This Is How It Would Have Happen".

Again, the facts did not support a charge of murder

Can you provide any facts that show intent?

You twat he went up to her and shot her..she was just walking with her dad.

That was malice ....

View attachment 163956

You know that's not what happened, right?

Forensic evidence has proven conclusively that the bullet that hit her was a ricochet. It ricocheted off a guard rail and travelled 50 feet to hit her in the lower back.

That doesn't jive with your claim that he "went up to her and shot her".

So the sonofabitch should have been charged with some degree of manslaughter.

The woman was really murdered by the scumbags in that city that allowed sanctuary to a convicted felon who was in this country illegally. ICE had asked for him to be deported by the shithheads wouldn't do it. Liberals and their despicable zeal to protect Illegals to get Democrat voters is what killed Kate. The scum of this country.

You should be ashamed of yourself to defend that filth.Do you Moon Bats even have any shame? I doubt it.
Fox News let down their base

They had a beautiful blonde woman killed
They had a scary looking Mexican illegal to blame

What they didn’t have was a murder case

The acquittal of murder of a pretty White girl by a filthy ass minority kinds of reminds you of the OJ Simspson case, doesn't it?

Maybe the Illegal will write a book one day entitled "I didn't Do It But If I Had This Is How It Would Have Happen".

Again, the facts did not support a charge of murder

Can you provide any facts that show intent?

You twat he went up to her and shot her..she was just walking with her dad.

That was malice ....

View attachment 163956

You know that's not what happened, right?

Forensic evidence has proven conclusively that the bullet that hit her was a ricochet. It ricocheted off a guard rail and travelled 50 feet to hit her in the lower back.

That doesn't jive with your claim that he "went up to her and shot her".

So the sonofabitch should have been charged with some degree of manslaughter.

The woman was really murdered by the scumbags in that city that allowed sanctuary to a convicted felon who was in this country illegally. ICE had asked for him to be deported by the shithheads wouldn't do it. Liberals and their despicable zeal to protect Illegals to get Democrat voters is what killed Kate. The scum of this country.

You should be ashamed of yourself to defend that filth.Do you Moon Bats even have any shame. I doubt it.

Please. The pearl-clutching fauxrage isn't fooling anyone. Your emotions aren't relevant.

I think if the prosecutors had argued a different narrative, they could have easily convicted him of involuntary manslaughter. But they went for murder one, and they couldn't convince the jury.
What would you call the multiple time felon and person who admittedly pulled the trigger that fired the gun that killed Kate? Her hairdresser?

someone involved in a horrible accident.

We have 33,000 gun deaths a year, and won't enact even the most common sense gun control.

It's not an "accident" when you pull the trigger silly boy.

As training office we trained a number of teachers and social workers on how to handle a firearm if found in the course of their job. The Range Master had a collection of mostly handguns and allowed the students to look at them and pick them up before we began instruction.

More than half put their finger in the trigger guard and waved the pistol around with disregard as to where it was pointed. After about 10 minutes we put the class in order and explained what they did wrong and then went on to demonstrate how to make the guns safe.

Accidental discharge of a handgun happens, silly boy.

Bullshit. The second you put your finger on the trigger it is a NEGLIGENT DISCHARGE. Which proves yet again that you don't know shit about firearms. An accidental discharge ONLY happens when the weapon suffers a mechanical breakdown which allows it to fire. Those are exceptionally rare. The fact that you were "training" a bunch of imbeciles how to handle guns poorly is a reflection on your lack of skill.

My eleven year old daughter would never do such ridiculous, unsafe, gun handling.

Wow, you sure can't put your biases aside and comprehend the written word. I suggest you have your 11-year old daughter read my second paragraph to you and explain it if you still have trouble.

YOU placed firearms in the hands of completely untrained people. Error number one.

YOU failed to initiate firearms training by first hammering in the rules of safe gun handling. Error number two.

YOU allowed completely untrained people to pick up firearms without the slightest bit of supervision. Error number three.

Professionals BEGIN with safety training first. Professionals then go over the safety training AGAIN. Then, and only then are the students allowed to handle the firearms, and that under supervision.

So yeah, you claim to be a professional yet break every rule in the book. Which makes you not a professional.
Zarate picked up a towel & a gun fell out, accidently fired & bounced a bullet of the ground that hit the woman. He has already served 5 years for this.

You really should educate yourself about issues before opening your mouth. In Zarate's initial confession with police, he said he had been shooting at Sea Lions. The bullet bounced off one of the concrete pilings.

He, of course, recanted but the bullet did not ricochet off the ground, and if you believe it was accidentally fired, I have some land to show you after it's been dry for a mon

How has he already served five years for the murder of Kate Steinle?

He should have life without the chance of parole.

He has been jailed for 2.5 years at double time credit equals 5 years time served for this crime.

Since Repubtards believe police should hand people their guns cleaned, oiled & loaded after they served their time, he should be armed & let loose.

Please. The pearl-clutching fauxrage isn't fooling anyone. Your emotions aren't relevant.

I think if the prosecutors had argued a different narrative, they could have easily convicted him of involuntary manslaughter. But they went for murder one, and they couldn't convince the jury.

San Francisco is a city of Libtard scumbags. The assumption that the prosecution put on vigorous case is not necessarily valid.

Liberals killed Kate.

Liberals cannot win elections based upon their agenda. They have lost 1,000 national seats, Congress and the Presidency. Nobody buys their Marxist garbage except stupid Moon Bats.

Their only hope to get voters is by allowing illegals to flood in to vote their welfare check. It is not a coincidence that the two states with the highest number of illegals had the highest percentage of votes for that shithead Crooked Hillary.

The filthy Moon Bats allow Mexico and other countries to export their poverty to the US in the hopes of getting in more welfare queens that will vote their welfare checks and elect the scumbag Democrats. We saw it big time in California that use to be a good Conservative state. The state that elected Ronald Reagan as Governor.

Kate was never going to get justice in a despicable bat shit crazy Libtard sanctuary city like San Francisco. The city that protected an illegal felon with a history of violence.

The government had the chance to do the right thing and they didn't. The jurors had the chance to do the right thing but they didn't.

Here you stupid Moon Bats are trying to justify a great injustice and you should be ashamed.

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