Kate Steinle murderer found not guilty of murder.

Illegal aliens are already behind most of the hit-and-run accidents in San Francisco. Now they can shoot-and-run?
They are just trying to assimilate..
Mexico is the murder capital of the world, buddy. He isn't assimilating, he's culturally enriching us.
The US enjoys a hearty murder also, look at revenues for murder movies...

The inner city shitheads, illegals and druggies are the ones doing most of the killings. If you are an Illegal in Queer City and shoot a White girl with a stolen gun then you have nothing to worry about.
Why do you wave a traitor flag? Why not the Stars and Stripes of the U.S.A.?

I just post that to trigger you stupid Moon Bats. It works most of the time. Thanks for playing Moon Bat.

Why do you wave a traitor flag? Why not the Stars and Stripes of the U.S.A.?

The traitors are the Democrats in the sanctuary cites that do not abide by the immigration laws of the United States of America, aren't they?
They are just trying to assimilate..
Mexico is the murder capital of the world, buddy. He isn't assimilating, he's culturally enriching us.
The US enjoys a hearty murder also, look at revenues for murder movies...

The inner city shitheads, illegals and druggies are the ones doing most of the killings. If you are an Illegal in Queer City and shoot a White girl with a stolen gun then you have nothing to worry about.
Why do you wave a traitor flag? Why not the Stars and Stripes of the U.S.A.?

I just post that to trigger you stupid Moon Bats. It works most of the time. Thanks for playing Moon Bat.
Leftism is like whiskey dick for the brain.
I mean that if I am convicted felon, in this country illegally, and I have a stolen gun and I kill somebody I should have to answer for that. Is that too hard for you to understand? It wouldn't be if you would pull your head out of your Moon Bat ass.

He will answerfor having a stolen gun and being in this country illegally. THat's 16 months in prison (time served) and deported (almost immediately). The thing is, they didn't prove he murdered anyone or that this was anything other than a tragic accident.

Why are you trying to justify the murder of an innocent woman by a filthy ass convicted felon? What the hell is the matter with you? Are you sick or what? Is protecting these shithead illegals so they will vote for Democrats so important to you that you completely throw out decency?

Didn't justify it at all. Just pointing out that for all your histrionics, you couldn't convince a jury.
the DOJ has issued an arrest warrant for Jose Inez Garcia Zarate

The Department of Justice unsealed an arrest warrant Friday for Jose Inez Garcia Zarate, the illegal immigrant acquitted Thursday in Kate Steinle’s murder trial.

“Following the conclusion of this case, ICE will work to take custody of Mr. Garcia Zarate and ultimately remove him from the country,” U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said.

Officials at the Department of Justice told Fox News that there is an existing federal detainer that requires Zarate to be remanded into the custody of the US Marshals to be transported to the Western District of Texas pursuant to the arrest warrant.

DOJ files arrest warrant for illegal immigrant acquitted in Kate Steinle case
I have a suspicion that there are more than a few posters here saying this was an accident rather than this guy intentionally pulled the trigger simply because he was an illegal alien.

That's sad. A woman is dead, what if that was your wife,mom,sister,girlfriend, etc?

Still an accident

No, it's not. The second his finger touched the trigger it was no longer an accident. Damn you bend over backwards to help scumbags, like this, but vilify anyone who tries to defend themselves. You're even fucked up for a progressive.

Earlier in the thread that poster said, and I quote, "this was negligent homicide" then apparently remembered his talking points and changed to "accident"
Based on what I heard it sounds like manslaughter
The jury, who heard all the facts of the case, ruled it an accident
This is insane, just because the killer was not a citizen does not alter the traged

Of course everyone knows it was a tragedy. Its been quite a while now since her shooting though. It's not like it just happened yesterday. I live here in California by the way and ive been right there where she was shot. Theres lots of homeless who roam the streets there at all hours of the day and night, its not really the safest place for tourists to go. If you go there you need to be aware of your surroundings and not be a pushover, SF as a city is failing its citizens, they just push the problems down the road, throwing money at it hoping it will all go away. Its not necessarily hate, to step back at this point and assess the situation.

He will answerfor having a stolen gun and being in this country illegally. THat's 16 months in prison (time served) and deported (almost immediately). The thing is, they didn't prove he murdered anyone or that this was anything other than a tragic accident.

Didn't justify it at all. Just pointing out that for all your histrionics, you couldn't convince a jury.

All you are really doing is pointing out what low life moron you are for trying to justify letting a killer illegal off the hook.

I cannot imagine that in Polk County Florida I could kill somebody with a stolen weapon and not be held accountable for it. Especially if I was a convicted felon. No jury is going to say that it was just an accident and let me go free. Except for these Democrat controlled shitholes that protect minorities and illegals there is no place in the country where he would have got off the murder charge free.

The jury did the wrong thing by not convicting him of killing the woman. . If it wasn't premeditated murder then it was criminal negligent. If he was fucking with a gun and it went off and killed somebody then that was negligent discharge and he should have been held accountable for being a moron.

He was let off the hook because the Moon Bats had their heads up their asses.
Leftism is like whiskey dick for the brain.
Okay, I'm gonna need some help on this one.
When your brain is on leftism, it can't fully figure things out, it's only able to go halfway... Hence leftism is like whiskey dick for the brain.
So what is whiskey dick?
When you've drank too much whiskey and you can't get it up all the way for the fun time.
Isn't it precious to see all these stupid Moon Bats on here trying to defend a convicted felon, who was in this country illegally that shot and killed a young lady with a stolen Federal Agent's firearm?

Nobody here is "Defending" him. We are just pointing out that a jury didn't see murder here. Want to blame someone, blame the prosecutors who refused to even try to plea bargain with such a weak case.
Trump would not let them

Why do you wave a traitor flag? Why not the Stars and Stripes of the U.S.A.?

The traitors are the Democrats in the sanctuary cites that do not abide by the immigration laws of the United States of America, aren't they?
Why are you flying the traitor flag.
Why do leftists pretend to be nationalistic when it benefits them? Knowing damn well they do not love their country?
We have one country. One people. Why fly the traitor flag when we have the Stars and Stripes. Signifying all of us Americans.

Why do you wave a traitor flag? Why not the Stars and Stripes of the U.S.A.?

The traitors are the Democrats in the sanctuary cites that do not abide by the immigration laws of the United States of America, aren't they?
Why are you flying the traitor flag.
Why do leftists pretend to be nationalistic when it benefits them? Knowing damn well they do not love their country?
We have one country. One people. Why fly the traitor flag when we have the Stars and Stripes. Signifying all of us Americans.

If we have one country then you should tell that to these filthy ass Democrats that run these sanctuary cities that think they don't have to abide by the immigration laws passed by the US Congress. They are the traitors.

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