Kate Steinle murderer found not guilty of murder.

At least Trump is not going to let the sonofbitch murderer off the hook.

NEW: Dept. of Justice has filed an arrest warrant for Jose Garcia Zarate, the man acquitted of murder in Kate Steinle's 2015 San Francisco shooting death.

CBS News (@CBSNews) December 1, 2017
Illegals are higher on the Oppressed Victim scale than women.

Plus she was white, so....

Gee, never occurs to you that this was a legal finding, eh?

The only reason why anyone cared about this white woman (as opposed to the thousands of white women who are killed every day in gun violence) is because an undocumented immigrant was holding the gun.

It's not like we are going to change the gun laws or anything, because that would be silly.
Want to hear something despicable?

If I were to go to Kalifornia and take one of my legal AR-15s with magazines and ammo and never commit a crime other than possession I would be subject to a longer prison term than this shithead illegal felon with a stolen gun that killed a woman.
San Fran is totally screwed up...along with all the other uncivilized, '''un''-common decency-sense crap, as recently as 2011 you could go nude in public places--even restaurants!!
Nudity Ban In San Francisco Restaurants Passes Board Of Supervisors (GRAPHIC PHOTOS) | HuffPost

and these people voted for Hillary--are anti-Trump

San Fran is totally screwed up...along with all the other uncivilized, '''un''-common decency-sense crap, as recently as 2011 you could go nude in public places--even restaurants!!
Nudity Ban In San Francisco Restaurants Passes Board Of Supervisors (GRAPHIC PHOTOS) | HuffPost

and these people voted for Hillary--are anti-Trump

I must suppose, since you are too ashamed to post even you the State in which you live, that you live in a Red State in the Deep South. Given recent comments on Judge Moore I've heard from the people of Alabama, I suspect that might be your residence. Such comments are mindful of Leno's bit when "jaywalking".
1. please post somewhat grammatically correct posts so they can be understood
2. WTF are you talking about and what's your point?

I was not talking, I wrote what I meant. I'll dumb it down, just for you.

I doubt you've ever been to San Francisco, and you are echoing Right Wing hateful Propaganda.

My company in boot camp included half a dozen or so Californian's and the rest a mix from Texas and Arkansas, the latter two included some of the dumbest people I've ever encountered in my life.

My use of syntax and vocabulary probably flummoxed you, which leads me to believe I'm correct and you reside in a Red State.

Good-by and good luck.
''I must suppose, since you are too ashamed to post even you the State in which you live, that you live in a Red State in the Deep South. Given recent comments on Judge Moore I've heard from the people of Alabama, I suspect that might be your residence. Such comments are mindful of Leno's bit when "jaywalking".

...'''post even you the State in'''....????? ...sounds like a 2nd grader
Leno's jaywalking???? yes--makes a lot of sense:rolleyes-41:
Want to hear something despicable?

If I were to go to Kalifornia and take one of my legal AR-15s with magazines and ammo and never commit a crime other than possession I would be subject to a longer prison term than this shithead illegal felon with a stolen gun that killed a woman.

Yes, because then you'd actually be guilty of what you were accused of doing.
All murders are awful. The fact that she was an accomplished young woman, who was contributing to society, and had her life taken by a worthless piece of shit who should have not been in the country makes my blood boil. The fact that you seem to only care about criminals, and how to help them, merely shows you to be the worthless piece of dogshit that YOU are.

1) Dude you need to control your temper.

2) We've tried the brutal methods of crime control, and we have the worst crime rates in the industrialized world.

3) I'm not sure why you think that a pretty white woman getting killed is more tragic than a black street kid. all murders are equally tragic. The fact they are made so easy by the easy access to guns is the problem.

4) Sorry, our immigration system is broken. The fact your side would rather pander to racists than fix it is the problem.

I never lost my temper.

No, we haven't, we have used soft on crime approaches for decades now. They don't work. Violent felons need to be in prison for ever.

It is more tragic because she was a productive member of society. A "street" kid is usually one of those committing the violence, though in those cases where truly innocent people are victims of gang violence their deaths are indeed tragic.

Yes, the immigration system is broken. We should halt ALL immigration till it is fixed. i agree with you on that.
I never lost my temper.

Okay, if you say so.

No, we haven't, we have used soft on crime approaches for decades now. They don't work. Violent felons need to be in prison for ever.

Um, guy, we have "Three strikes laws" that send minor felons to prison for stealing pizza. We have the death penalty. We lock up more people than any other country in the world. 2 Million in prison and 7 million on probation or parole. And we still have an outrageous amount of crime.

It is more tragic because she was a productive member of society.

I guess in Republican World, you are only valuable in your ability for others to get rich off of you.

A "street" kid is usually one of those committing the violence, though in those cases where truly innocent people are victims of gang violence their deaths are indeed tragic.

Sigh... yes, yes, you complain that we aren't placing value on life, and then you guys go ahead and say some lives aren't worth it. Just remember, Pro-Life only counts until the umbilical cord is cut. Then you're on your own, kid!!!

Yes, the immigration system is broken. We should halt ALL immigration till it is fixed. i agree with you on that.

Again, we have 11 million undocumented immigrants here already. Stopping immigration isn't going to fix that, it'll probably just mean more of them will find clever ways to sneak in if they can't do it legally.

If you guys on the right were SERIOUS about stopping illegal immigration, you'd go after the people who hire them. Dry up the demand, you dry up the supply.
Want to hear something despicable?

If I were to go to Kalifornia and take one of my legal AR-15s with magazines and ammo and never commit a crime other than possession I would be subject to a longer prison term than this shithead illegal felon with a stolen gun that killed a woman.

Yes, because then you'd actually be guilty of what you were accused of doing.

How come every time you post you prove you are a fucking Moon Bat moron?

The filthy illegal convicted felon shot and killed a woman with a stolen weapon and he skates. Not even involuntary manslaughter for being an idiot with a gun., They let you off for murder in Kalifornia if you are an illegal and under the protection of a sanctuary city. You not understanding what is wrong with that speaks volumes of your typical Moon Bat stupidity.

His acquittal on murder charges is reminiscence of Crooked Hillary not being indicted because of a "lack of intent", isn't it?
All murders are awful. The fact that she was an accomplished young woman, who was contributing to society, and had her life taken by a worthless piece of shit who should have not been in the country makes my blood boil. The fact that you seem to only care about criminals, and how to help them, merely shows you to be the worthless piece of dogshit that YOU are.

1) Dude you need to control your temper.

2) We've tried the brutal methods of crime control, and we have the worst crime rates in the industrialized world.

3) I'm not sure why you think that a pretty white woman getting killed is more tragic than a black street kid. all murders are equally tragic. The fact they are made so easy by the easy access to guns is the problem.

4) Sorry, our immigration system is broken. The fact your side would rather pander to racists than fix it is the problem.

1. Fuck off

2. Fuck off

3. Fuck off

4. Fuck off

5. Fuck off

6. Fuck off

7. Fuck off

8. Fuck off

9. Fuck off

10. Well fuck off

I never lost my temper.

Okay, if you say so.

No, we haven't, we have used soft on crime approaches for decades now. They don't work. Violent felons need to be in prison for ever.

Um, guy, we have "Three strikes laws" that send minor felons to prison for stealing pizza. We have the death penalty. We lock up more people than any other country in the world. 2 Million in prison and 7 million on probation or parole. And we still have an outrageous amount of crime.

It is more tragic because she was a productive member of society.

I guess in Republican World, you are only valuable in your ability for others to get rich off of you.

A "street" kid is usually one of those committing the violence, though in those cases where truly innocent people are victims of gang violence their deaths are indeed tragic.

Sigh... yes, yes, you complain that we aren't placing value on life, and then you guys go ahead and say some lives aren't worth it. Just remember, Pro-Life only counts until the umbilical cord is cut. Then you're on your own, kid!!!

Yes, the immigration system is broken. We should halt ALL immigration till it is fixed. i agree with you on that.

Again, we have 11 million undocumented immigrants here already. Stopping immigration isn't going to fix that, it'll probably just mean more of them will find clever ways to sneak in if they can't do it legally.

If you guys on the right were SERIOUS about stopping illegal immigration, you'd go after the people who hire them. Dry up the demand, you dry up the supply.

This asshole was a major felon who was still walking free so I think you are wrong.

I'm a Democrat and if you are providing something that helps people you are beneficial. When you go around shooting people at random you aren't. It's pretty cut and dried except for those of you in bizarro world.

Correct. Some lives AREN'T worth it. A criminal, who kills another for their pleasure is a waste of breath. The sooner they are gone the better for the world it is.

Stopping immigration, building the wall, then getting rid of the violent illegals first is one hell of a good step. Then we can look at the remainder of the illegals and see if they are helping society or not. If they are they stay, if they aren't, they go. It's actually so simple a moron could understand. So, what do they call you people who are intellectually less than morons?
The filthy illegal convicted felon shot and killed a woman with a stolen weapon and he skates. Not even involuntary manslaughter for being an idiot with a gun., They let you off for murder in Kalifornia if you are an illegal and under the protection of a sanctuary city. You not understanding what is wrong with that speaks volumes of your typical Moon Bat stupidity.

The problem is that the crime of murder requires intent, and the prosecution couldn't prove intent.

His acquittal on murder charges is reminiscence of Crooked Hillary not being indicted because of a "lack of intent", isn't it?

You mean, "the justice system followed the law instead of the results I desired" then, yes, yes, it is reminiscent.

Again, we have 11 million undocumented immigrants here already. Stopping immigration isn't going to fix that, it'll probably just mean more of them will find clever ways to sneak in if they can't do it legally.

It is not that hard. Trump has started the process.

We can round up the shitheads when we find them. Starting with the assholes protected by sanctuary cites.

We can seal the borders. We can make sure none of them get any government handouts including education for the anchor kids. No driver's license and nothing from the government. We can arrest and jail those that gives the pieces of shit jobs.

It wouldn't long before the beaners start heading back to Mexico, would it?
This asshole was a major felon who was still walking free so I think you are wrong.

Except he wasn't a "major felon". If he was, ICE would have been down to pick him up THAT DAY!!! Instead they were all like, "Well, just hold on to him, we'll get him eventually" and SF guidelines were to only hold violent offenders, which he wasn't.

I'm a Democrat and if you are providing something that helps people you are beneficial. When you go around shooting people at random you aren't. It's pretty cut and dried except for those of you in bizarro world.

Except no one said this guy was "beneficial". Look, I realize that "White Women in Peril" is a trope for you guys and stuff, but the fact is, we have way too much violence in this country and we aren't addressing the root causes.

Stopping immigration, building the wall, then getting rid of the violent illegals first is one hell of a good step.

Okay, except building a wall is worthless, and if you stop immigration, they'll be more likely to sneak in. I'm all for getting rid of the violent illegals. (See, common ground) but the current system we have goes after the wrong people.

My next door neighbor of 10 years got deported a couple years back. He had a wife and a 2 year old son, but under our goofy laws, he was put to the front of the pack for Deportation because he got a DUI. He had a job and a family, so it was easy for ICE to track him down. The violent offender is going to be in the wind first chance he gets.

Then we can look at the remainder of the illegals and see if they are helping society or not. If they are they stay, if they aren't, they go.

Wonderful. Who determines what "helps society". If they have a job? A family?

So, what do they call you people who are intellectually less than morons?

Illegal aliens are already behind most of the hit-and-run accidents in San Francisco. Now they can shoot-and-run?
They are just trying to assimilate..
Mexico is the murder capital of the world, buddy. He isn't assimilating, he's culturally enriching us.
The US enjoys a hearty murder also, look at revenues for murder movies...

The inner city shitheads, illegals and druggies are the ones doing most of the killings. If you are an Illegal in Queer City and shoot a White girl with a stolen gun then you have nothing to worry about.
Why do you wave a traitor flag? Why not the Stars and Stripes of the U.S.A.?
Illegal aliens are already behind most of the hit-and-run accidents in San Francisco. Now they can shoot-and-run?
They are just trying to assimilate..
Mexico is the murder capital of the world, buddy. He isn't assimilating, he's culturally enriching us.
The US enjoys a hearty murder also, look at revenues for murder movies...

The inner city shitheads, illegals and druggies are the ones doing most of the killings. If you are an Illegal in Queer City and shoot a White girl with a stolen gun then you have nothing to worry about.
Why do you wave a traitor flag? Why not the Stars and Stripes of the U.S.A.?
He's a webel...
The filthy illegal convicted felon shot and killed a woman with a stolen weapon and he skates. Not even involuntary manslaughter for being an idiot with a gun., They let you off for murder in Kalifornia if you are an illegal and under the protection of a sanctuary city. You not understanding what is wrong with that speaks volumes of your typical Moon Bat stupidity.

The problem is that the crime of murder requires intent, and the prosecution couldn't prove intent.

His acquittal on murder charges is reminiscence of Crooked Hillary not being indicted because of a "lack of intent", isn't it?

You mean, "the justice system followed the law instead of the results I desired" then, yes, yes, it is reminiscent.

I mean that if I am convicted felon, in this country illegally, and I have a stolen gun and I kill somebody I should have to answer for that. Is that too hard for you to understand? It wouldn't be if you would pull your head out of your Moon Bat ass.

You not understanding that simple moral clarity speaks volumes of your Moon Bat stupidity.

Why are you trying to justify the murder of an innocent woman by a filthy ass convicted felon? What the hell is the matter with you? Are you sick or what? Is protecting these shithead illegals so they will vote for Democrats so important to you that you completely throw out decency?

Maybe next time you or somebody in your family will be the victim of the crimes of these illegals. Think you would change your mind then? Probably not. You Moon Bats never get anything right.

Again, we have 11 million undocumented immigrants here already. Stopping immigration isn't going to fix that, it'll probably just mean more of them will find clever ways to sneak in if they can't do it legally.

It is not that hard. Trump has started the process.

We can round up the shitheads when we find them. Starting with the assholes protected by sanctuary cites.

We can seal the borders. We can make sure none of them get any government handouts including education for the anchor kids. No driver's license and nothing from the government. We can arrest and jail those that gives the pieces of shit jobs.

It wouldn't long before the beaners start heading back to Mexico, would it?
We could take Israel's lead & do what they're doing with their unwanted African migrants:

Israeli government to pay African refugees $3,500 to leave

I think it'd be worth it.

Again, we have 11 million undocumented immigrants here already. Stopping immigration isn't going to fix that, it'll probably just mean more of them will find clever ways to sneak in if they can't do it legally.

It is not that hard. Trump has started the process.

We can round up the shitheads when we find them. Starting with the assholes protected by sanctuary cites.

We can seal the borders. We can make sure none of them get any government handouts including education for the anchor kids. No driver's license and nothing from the government. We can arrest and jail those that gives the pieces of shit jobs.

It wouldn't long before the beaners start heading back to Mexico, would it?
We could take Israel's lead & do what they're doing with their unwanted African migrants:

Israeli government to pay African refugees $3,500 to leave

I think it'd be worth it.

We need to shoot a few of the assholes that come across the border. We wouldn't have to kill but a few before the rest got the message.

Kick the illegal children out of school.

Kick all of them off of welfare.

Go after areas that have large communities of illegals.

Not that hard.

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