Kathleen Sebelius: I'm Not Signing Up For Obamacare

Hell. I'm not signing up either. I've got coverage through my employer just like Sebelious does.

Good God.
Jeeze. Tell that to the guys with the $13,999.00 and $11,000.00 deductables.

Oh yeah and in 2015 tell that to all those folks who are going to pay higher premiums because anything spent of HC will be considered income.

Think you might get an argument about how affordable it is.

Good grief, there are no deductibles that high. The max out of pocket is $6350 per person or $12,700 for a family. The highest a deductible can be is $6350 on a catastrophic plan. After meeting the deductible of $6350, everything is covered 100%.
How about because she's the one in charge of this whole thing and it's so wonderful she should be happy to dump her existing insurance plan to sign up via the exchanges, if for no other reason than to show the great unwashed masses the benefits of the thing.

But she's not. And she won't. The exchanges and what they offer aren't for people like her. It's good enough for you and me, but heaven forfend our betters use it.

The exchanges have been set up for those who cannot get insurance through their employer. What is it that you don't understand about that???? Obviously you're too dumb to understand that point.

You still believe the BS that if you have your own insurance (through yourself or your employer) that you can keep that insurance! Lol! It all depends, is the insurance you have or your employers insurance "good enough"?

Where I work I'll still be able to keep my insurance because the 3 plans we have covers what Obama says is needed. If it hadn't, then we would have lost our insurance and had to go to the exchanges. Right now I'm paying $156.00/month in my share of premium for myself and my husband...we're 60 & 61 yrs old. What I found if I had to go to the exchanges is it would cost me over $15,000.00/yr for the best plan like I have now. The middle plan would be over $10,000.00/yr. I never heard what our deductibles would be, or co-pays, or anything else, which I imagine are horrendous! And, we're not eligible to be subsidized. So guess what....if I were to have to lose my insurance at work, I would not be insured at all because I couldn't afford it.
Not surprising at all. This woman fell on her sword last night for Obama stating he was unaware of any technical problems with the HeathCare.gov website to enroll in. Now she admits she will not participate in Obamacare.

Sebelius: I'm Not Signing Up for Obamacare

CNSNews.com) - In an interview with CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta Tuesday night, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said she won't be enrolling in the problem-plagued health insurance system that she was charged to implement.

Nor will I, and for the same reason she gave. I already have insurance.

I won't be either, but only because I'm lucky enough that my employer insurance is good enough. If it hadn't been, I'd be without insurance because I sure as hell can't afford Obamacare!
Not surprising at all. This woman fell on her sword last night for Obama stating he was unaware of any technical problems with the HeathCare.gov website to enroll in. Now she admits she will not participate in Obamacare.

Sebelius: I'm Not Signing Up for Obamacare

CNSNews.com) - In an interview with CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta Tuesday night, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said she won't be enrolling in the problem-plagued health insurance system that she was charged to implement.

What do you think "Obamacare" is?

Why would you access the website if you already have insurance that you're happy with?

I'm beginning to understand how ignorant some people are about the ACA law.
Jeeze. Tell that to the guys with the $13,999.00 and $11,000.00 deductables.

Oh yeah and in 2015 tell that to all those folks who are going to pay higher premiums because anything spent of HC will be considered income.

Think you might get an argument about how affordable it is.

Good grief, there are no deductibles that high. The max out of pocket is $6350 per person or $12,700 for a family. The highest a deductible can be is $6350 on a catastrophic plan. After meeting the deductible of $6350, everything is covered 100%.

His monthy is $569 and his deductable is $13,999.00. He almost fell out of his chair. Hell. I almost fell out of my fucking chair and I don't know the guy. He's a friend of Bob, a guy I work with. He checked it three times to make sure he had it right.

The next day he got an e-mail from the IRS reminding him of all the dire consequences if he didnt' sign up.

The $11,000.00 deductable if from Troy another guy I work with. This was for he and his wife. Needless to say he was flabbergasted.

Both Bob and Troy are Sheriffs Deputies for Brevard county. I doubt they would lie.
Jeeze. Tell that to the guys with the $13,999.00 and $11,000.00 deductables.

Oh yeah and in 2015 tell that to all those folks who are going to pay higher premiums because anything spent of HC will be considered income.

Think you might get an argument about how affordable it is.

Good grief, there are no deductibles that high. The max out of pocket is $6350 per person or $12,700 for a family. The highest a deductible can be is $6350 on a catastrophic plan. After meeting the deductible of $6350, everything is covered 100%.

His monthy is $569 and his deductable is $13,999.00. He almost fell out of his chair. Hell. I almost fell out of my fucking chair and I don't know the guy. He's a friend of Bob, a guy I work with. He checked it three times to make sure he had it right.

The next day he got an e-mail from the IRS reminding him of all the dire consequences if he didnt' sign up.

The $11,000.00 deductable if from Troy another guy I work with. This was for he and his wife. Needless to say he was flabbergasted.

Both Bob and Troy are Sheriffs Deputies for Brevard county. I doubt they would lie.

You doubt that a Sheriff would lie? Really? Have you seen some of the stories in the news lately? Up here in the Panhandle of Texas, we've had a sheriff lie and get caught doing so, which is why they are now in jail.

If you don't sign up for the ACA the first year, your fine from the government is going to be only 95 dollars. If you don't sign up in the next year, your fine will be around 385 dollars.

Sorry, but those don't sound like "dire" consequences. 95 bucks can be paid if you save around 8 dollars a month, and 385 can be saved up if you'd just paid for what the premiums of the ACA were. Matter of fact, paying for the ACA (if you're a poor or middle income person) would be cheaper than paying the fine.

The GOP is scared of Obamacare (aka the ACA) because they're afraid it's going to work. Ted Cruz even said so when he talked about getting addicted to the sugar.

Google Ted Cruz, sugar, addiction and Obamacare if you don't believe, it's on YouTube, and Cruz is the one saying it.
LOL Just because Texas has lying Sheriffs doesn't mean Brevard County has lying deputies.

Of course you don't want to believe that your boy Obama could or would strap us with an ACA thats anything but affordable.

Carry on there Biker.
Not surprising at all. This woman fell on her sword last night for Obama stating he was unaware of any technical problems with the HeathCare.gov website to enroll in. Now she admits she will not participate in Obamacare.

Sebelius: I'm Not Signing Up for Obamacare

CNSNews.com) - In an interview with CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta Tuesday night, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said she won't be enrolling in the problem-plagued health insurance system that she was charged to implement.

Ms Sebelius is also unaware of who she works for

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Why should someone who already has insurance sign up for Healthcare Exchanges?

That is not what they are designed for
LOL Just because Texas has lying Sheriffs doesn't mean Brevard County has lying deputies.

Of course you don't want to believe that your boy Obama could or would strap us with an ACA thats anything but affordable.

Carry on there Biker.

Never said anything about Brevard County's deputies. You did.

I also know that Obamacare (also known as the AHA) is a bit cheaper than what you could buy on your own.

I also know that buying insurance under the AHA is much cheaper than what you could get if you weren't working for some big company and had to get it on your own.

I also know that the AHA DOES NOT impact "small businesses"..................You have to have more than 50 employees to be affected.

Wanna lay some more bullshit down?
Not surprising at all. This woman fell on her sword last night for Obama stating he was unaware of any technical problems with the HeathCare.gov website to enroll in. Now she admits she will not participate in Obamacare.

Sebelius: I'm Not Signing Up for Obamacare

CNSNews.com) - In an interview with CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta Tuesday night, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said she won't be enrolling in the problem-plagued health insurance system that she was charged to implement.

I'm getting tired of hearing the same stupid shit from all of you. Government employees should, and in most cases do, receive health insurance from their employers, which in this case happens to be the government. It's the same as working for a private company that offers health insurance. The exchange was set up for those who don't have insurance. This stupid song and dance is getting old from you idiots.

Sure, your argument would be more... hmm I don't think "persuasive" would be the correct word here ---"interesting"... Yes, interesting, if you didn't refer to others as "idiots." Just how fair is it that they get one form of healthcare while they inflict this disaster on the uninsured?
Jeeze. Tell that to the guys with the $13,999.00 and $11,000.00 deductables.

Oh yeah and in 2015 tell that to all those folks who are going to pay higher premiums because anything spent of HC will be considered income.

Think you might get an argument about how affordable it is.

Good grief, there are no deductibles that high. The max out of pocket is $6350 per person or $12,700 for a family. The highest a deductible can be is $6350 on a catastrophic plan. After meeting the deductible of $6350, everything is covered 100%.

His monthy is $569 and his deductable is $13,999.00. He almost fell out of his chair. Hell. I almost fell out of my fucking chair and I don't know the guy. He's a friend of Bob, a guy I work with. He checked it three times to make sure he had it right.

The next day he got an e-mail from the IRS reminding him of all the dire consequences if he didnt' sign up.

The $11,000.00 deductable if from Troy another guy I work with. This was for he and his wife. Needless to say he was flabbergasted.

Both Bob and Troy are Sheriffs Deputies for Brevard county. I doubt they would lie.

The $11,000 deductible is for the two of them combined. In other words, they each have a deductible of $5500. If they know they are going to hit that deductible, then they might be better off going with a gold plan that has a much higher premium but a much lower deductible, most likely around $1000.

I'm also curious as to why they are not getting health insurance through the Sheriff's Department, unless they are only part-time. The plan I am looking at just for myself is $316 per month with a $5000 deductible, so it's very similar to what they are seeing. Healthcare isn't free. I don't know what all of you want. You seem to want insurance that only costs $100 per month and that covers everything 100%. It doesn't work that way. The math doesn't work out. We're spending $8500 per year per person. It ain't free. As conservatives, you ought to be the first to understand this.
Not surprising at all. This woman fell on her sword last night for Obama stating he was unaware of any technical problems with the HeathCare.gov website to enroll in. Now she admits she will not participate in Obamacare.

Sebelius: I'm Not Signing Up for Obamacare

CNSNews.com) - In an interview with CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta Tuesday night, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said she won't be enrolling in the problem-plagued health insurance system that she was charged to implement.

I'm getting tired of hearing the same stupid shit from all of you. Government employees should, and in most cases do, receive health insurance from their employers, which in this case happens to be the government. It's the same as working for a private company that offers health insurance. The exchange was set up for those who don't have insurance. This stupid song and dance is getting old from you idiots.

Sure, your argument would be more... hmm I don't think "persuasive" would be the correct word here ---"interesting"... Yes, interesting, if you didn't refer to others as "idiots." Just how fair is it that they get one form of healthcare while they inflict this disaster on the uninsured?

There is no disaster. This is what insurance costs. It's just that most of you have little or no clue as to how expensive it really is because most of you get insurance through your employer and they pick up the bulk of the tab.

The one mistake I do think they made is allowing the policies for younger people to be so cheap while pricing policies for those over 60 extremely high. If you are over 60, I don't think you can find a plan for under $600 per month, and that comes with a high deductible. If you want a gold plan at that age, it's going to cost you close to $1000 per month.

Here is the thing that people need to understand. We are currently spending $8500 per year per person on healthcare in the US. That is $8500 for everyone, including illegals. To figure this out, all you need to do is take the total estimated dollars being spent on healthcare in 2013, which is approximately $2.7 trillion and divide that by the approximately 315 million people living in the US. I used $8500 because it is rounded off, but the actual amount is a bit higher. Now to understand how all this computes, you have to understand that this is what we are spending for every single year of our lives, so if the average life expectancy is 78 years, we have to multiply the $8500 per year by 78 years. This gives us the total amount we can expect to spend on healthcare during our lifetime in today's dollars, and that amount is between $650,000 and $700,000 per person.

Now look at that number, almost $700,000 and tell me how many people you know who can afford that over their lifetime. That is three times the amount the average person will spend on what is supposed to be the largest purchase they will ever make, which is their home. Of course, the cost of a home is usually split between a husband and wife if they both work, but the healthcare bill of nearly $700,000 is not split, it's doubled. So a married couple is going to spend about $1.4 million over their lifetime on healthcare. This is why insurance companies cannot sell plans that only cost $100 or $200 per month and cover everything. This is why deductibles end up being so high before insurance actually kicks in to cover everything 100%. This is why we need to have an honest discussion about how we are going to reduce costs in the long term, because the truth is that what we are facing currently in health care costs is just unsustainable. On top of individuals not being able to afford it, it is making it much more difficult for businesses to compete globally when their competitors do not have nearly as large of an expense because their global competitors are not responsible for covering employee healthcare.

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