Kathy Griffin Holds Press Conference To Whine About Trump Family Bullying After 'Decapitated Trump'

I didn't watch the press conference because it was not worth watching. The only reason you wasted your time was so that you could make some stupid ass comment about liberals. Had she done the same thing to Obama you'd be cheering her as a great American.
Yet again talking out of your ass. You're on a one way trip to candyland at this rate.

You wasted your time to watch a comedians press conference when other major events with real world implications are occurring.. You did that only because she used a fake severed head of Donald Trump. This is a big deal made out of nothing that you would not have done had this been Obama.
I didn't watch it I heard it on the radio at work.
Third time you've made wild ASSumptions about me.
And I may be a partisan but I would NEVER applaud this kind of filth no matter who it's aimed at. You are free to search my posting history and prove me incorrect but I know you won't because you might be wrong.

Back in the day there were several posters who had avatars of Obama & Michelle as a monkey. I railed against them CONSTANTLY and even created a thread demanding they change them. One di (matthew), the others went on ignore.

So again FUCK OFF

You still wasted your time on noting and then decided to make comments about liberals not taking responsibility. I do think she took responsibility for that In a statement she made the next day about how she apologized and what she did was in poor taste. But you seemed to miss that..

To me there are bigger things to concern oneself with, like what Trump has just done with the climate agreement. Or how Trump dissed our allies last week. Or how Trump has not gotten anything done.
So I proved you wrong about me and you just ignored that part.

Proof liberals take no responsibility. Thanks for confirming my op.
That's not a liberal. It's a reactionary contrarian.
She blamed old powerful men for her situation in life like 20 times. Then fake cried a couple times and said Trump ended her career.

Last I heard CNN fired her not Trump. Stupid liberals NEVER take responsibility for their own actions.

Kinda like you not taking responsibility for understanding the reality of which Griffin was speaking. Life is not Teflon and those like you need to understand that.
So far, you win the day's dumbest comment.

Like the opinion of someone who thinks eugenics is a legitimate science is of some concern to me.
You think it is unscientific to select for inheritable traits? I'll bet you think sending a trillion dollars from American taxpayers to the UN will keep the planet cool, too, don't you?
Depends which brand of air conditioner they buy, stay away from Wal-Mart they sell refurbished AC's.
Griffin has always been a 'class act'.

At one awards show, she won an award, went up on stage, and said, "Celebrities always come up on stage and give credit to God for winning the award. God had nothing to do with my winning this award, so SUCK IT, GOD."

So, Ted is a 'class act'?

1. Sorry, can't see the video.
2. Is this thread about Ted? Ummm...no. Try sticking to the topic.

It's concert footage of the entertainer, who President Trump honored at the White House who has said and done much worse things about President Obama, that was encouraging President Obama to "Suck on his Machine Gun".

It was part of my analysis of the difference in the way Griffin is being treated by most of the left and how a similar 'class act's' action has been treated by the right.

You guys remind me of the Muslims in the ME and their riots over a fucking books, cartoons and seriously bad movie trailers.

Ted never played the victim card like Griffin, calling criticism of his acts 'bullying'. Griffin is playing the 'victim' card to avoid criticism of her f*ed up act.

What part of her act was it?

Terrible Ted whines like a big bitch. I don't remember President Obama mentioning Ted's repeated conduct. I could be wrong maybe he said something publicly?

Did the Motor City Mad Man ever apologize for telling the President to Suck on a Machine Gun Ted was holding?


What Ted says is usually funny tho....

I guess Cobain needs to issue an apology for calling Trump 'Putin's Dick Holster'.

Let's all send out a wave of insincere apologies, shall we?

Apparently you on the left are thin-skinned.
Apparently nothing's funny when it's at your expense...even though most of your jokes are designed to make fun of people in the cruelest manner...
So, here's my question: did she admit she went too far and apologize? 'I was trying to be funny and screwed up'? If she did, fine, case closed IMHO. I get that comedians and comediennes should get some latitude, but there is a limit and she crossed it. At least in the minds of most people I think.

But in the larger picture it does kind of accentuate the extremes to which some people go in their opposition to a person or policy. In this case it makes the Left look bad IMHO, even though it's only one person doing something that was shall we say ill-advised.

But she went to no extreme. All she did was hold a fake head, a dummy head that looked like Trump.

A head with blood dripping that appeared to be decapitated? For God's sake, if that isn't extreme I don't know what is. Are you saying if it wasn't a real head then it's not extreme?
This is where the hard Left is right now.
didnt watch her, but what ever she did damn sure fucked with simpleton RW heads... all of them
She didn't fuck with my head....It's been like Christmas around here watching her crash and burn. Samantha Peabrain is most likely next...:badgrin:
didnt watch her, but what ever she did damn sure fucked with simpleton RW heads... all of them.


Not mine, I see her for what she is, an idiot leftist moron who did something stupid and now wants to claim victim hood. Fuck her and the rest of you loons, America is sick of your shit
Kathy Griffin to hold press conference to address ‘bullying’ from Trump Family

After releasing theISIS-Style photo of herself holding the mock bloody decapitated head of President Donald Trump and an appropriate severe back lash against her, to including CNN firing her, Kathy Griffin is going to hold a press conference to whine about how SHE is the victim in this entire situation because the Trump Family is being 'mean' to her in response to what she did.

President Trump responded to the pathetic act by Tweeting:

"Kathy Griffin should be ashamed of herself. My children, especially my 11 year old son, Barron, are having a hard time with this. Sick!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
May 31, 2017"

THIS, according to Griffin, is 'BULLYING'.

View attachment 130347

No, Kathy, this is called 'consequences of your actions' and being called out for such a disrespectful, anti-American, pathetic act.

This is another example of a liberal snowflake doing something, getting massive blowback for the action, and trying to flip it around and make themselves the 'VICTIM'.

"In the days since it was released, Griffin has lost an endorsement deal, at least one club engagement and a job with CNN."

That's NOT Trump's fault, snowflake - YOU did that shit to yourself! ;p


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They are just as wrong.

Now, does that excuse Griffin?

No it doesn't excuse Griffin

Does it excuse Donald Trump for honoring Ted Nugent with a White House visit?
How far do you want to go on this tit for tat journey?
didnt watch her, but what ever she did damn sure fucked with simpleton RW heads... all of them
She didn't fuck with my head....It's been like Christmas around here watching her crash and burn. Samantha Peabrain is most likely next...:badgrin:
The smartest thing for the GOP to do right now is shut up about it and start making campaign ads around it for 2018.

Just point at it and say "see?"
oh bo fuckin' hu

Griffin broke down in tears during a news conference the comedian and her lawyers held Friday to discuss the fallout from the comedian posing with a likeness of President Donald Trump’s severed head.

The greatest defense a comedian has is the first amendment. Unfortunately for her CNN isn't the government, and she's an unfunny talentless hack.
oh bo fuckin' hu

Griffin broke down in tears during a news conference the comedian and her lawyers held Friday to discuss the fallout from the comedian posing with a likeness of President Donald Trump’s severed head.

she has the intelligence of a worm on a rainy day.
a comedian ... at least you're easily entertained ..

how fitting.
Yes a comedian that takes every opportunity she gets to lambaste people and things I care about. She has it coming. And I find it super fun to watch. :badgrin:
Kathy Griffin to hold press conference to address ‘bullying’ from Trump Family

After releasing theISIS-Style photo of herself holding the mock bloody decapitated head of President Donald Trump and an appropriate severe back lash against her, to including CNN firing her, Kathy Griffin is going to hold a press conference to whine about how SHE is the victim in this entire situation because the Trump Family is being 'mean' to her in response to what she did.

President Trump responded to the pathetic act by Tweeting:

"Kathy Griffin should be ashamed of herself. My children, especially my 11 year old son, Barron, are having a hard time with this. Sick!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
May 31, 2017"

THIS, according to Griffin, is 'BULLYING'.

View attachment 130347

No, Kathy, this is called 'consequences of your actions' and being called out for such a disrespectful, anti-American, pathetic act.

This is another example of a liberal snowflake doing something, getting massive blowback for the action, and trying to flip it around and make themselves the 'VICTIM'.

"In the days since it was released, Griffin has lost an endorsement deal, at least one club engagement and a job with CNN."

That's NOT Trump's fault, snowflake - YOU did that shit to yourself! ;p


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They are just as wrong.

Now, does that excuse Griffin?

No it doesn't excuse Griffin

Does it excuse Donald Trump for honoring Ted Nugent with a White House visit?
How far do you want to go on this tit for tat journey?

Should Nugent have been offered a White House visit?
Ted said something
She crafted and visually displayed a murder. Big difference
Hate speech it is

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