Kathy Griffin Holds Press Conference To Whine About Trump Family Bullying After 'Decapitated Trump'

Libs don't deal with reponsibility, and consequences very well...

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Everything Democratic, bad, bad, bad.
Everything Republican, good, good, good.

My side is always right.
Your side is always wrong.





Nah, Nah, Nah, Nah, Nah, Nah!

Get a life, or at least some new material.

Why get new material? You LWNJs will supply everything we need the next time one of you opens your pie hole!
The hilarious thing is the forum loons are just like her, they say stupid shit, get shellacked and then whine like little girls
It was so realistic and sick looking. Trump is a first class bully, but his family had more than enough right to be offended.
The dingbat comedian apologized, now she needs to own it.
I cant believe she thought there would be no ramifications for her actions.
Remember Ted Nugent said hateful threatening things about Obama? Enough that he was visited by the secret service? Where was your outrage back then?

So go fuck youself.

Nugent never posed with an ISIS-esque mock bloody decapitated head of Obama, snowflake.

Go F* myself?! TRIGGERED! YOU LOSE, Lil' Emotional Snowflake!

Not that we know of, no. What he did do was threaten to stick a rifle in Hillary Clinton's mouth.

Well, he also walked around in his own shit for a month to get out of the draft, but that's a different thing.
in retrospect, i kind of wish she had stuck to her guns, trump style... NO APOLOGIES

i mean, it's not like she didn't know what kind of reaction she was provoking.

maybe she should have stood her ground and gone on joking about the snowflake PC irony of it all...

sure the image was gross but it's not like mr trump hasn't openly lusted for the right to decapitate America's enemies.

Kathy Griffin, YOU and your Cheap excuse for an Attorney who is nothing but a lousy Ambulance Chaser is not going to get you off the hook for the Lousy, Disgusting, Disrespectful stunt that you performed .
In fact this staged performance with your shit Stained poor excuse for an Attorney has made it worse by her spouting all those so called quotes by others.
The two of you looked and sounded like FOOLS!
Talking about others and the Russians, or the First lady was nothing but more Cheap shots. I don’t case about how many “Older White Guys” you delt with.
And don’t insult our Military by telling us that you were in “War Zones”

Yes, she made a discussion, and she made her own bed, now she will have to sleep in it. I personally hope that you NEVER get a job again before any American Audience.
So get the HELL off of my screen and take that POS attorney with you.
PS You Did Say One Thing Right Today, when you said “Everyone Hates You”
She's a comic. But the right wants her to apologize.

GOP Senator David Perdue Jokes About Praying for Obama’s Death

But when a Republican does it, it's OK.

Flynn had a private server at the DOD. OK

Powell had an AOL account on an unsecured phone. OK

Condi and Powell were ordered to turn over their emails and never turned over a single one. OK

It's only a problem when Democrats do it. Because Democrats are held to a higher standard and Republicans are slime that work from inside, like worms or termites, to bring down this country.
Victim! Always the victim! Go change your diaper and dip your blinks in some cola!
Trump, yup, always the victim. Yuge. Bigly.

He will be the greatest victim that god ever created. Many people are saying that. Amazing, incredible, very smart people are saying that.

Also the most orange. And the most phone-tapped. Very unfair. Because SNL is not funny and the judge from Indiana is Mexican with blood coming out of his wherever.
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Kathy Griffin's holding press conferences now? :laugh:

Damn the conservative pc police has made her a household name!
If a right wing celeb did this to Obama their album and concert sales would have skyrocketed.

I would never have gone to one of her shows before and I probably won't go any time soon either.
Griffin has always been a 'class act'.

At one awards show, she won an award, went up on stage, and said, "Celebrities always come up on stage and give credit to God for winning the award. God had nothing to do with my winning this award, so SUCK IT, GOD."

So, Ted is a 'class act'?

teds act died around 1979...

Harry, you spelled "1968" wrong.
in retrospect, i kind of wish she had stuck to her guns, trump style... NO APOLOGIES

i mean, it's not like she didn't know what kind of reaction she was provoking.

maybe she should have stood her ground and gone on joking about the snowflake PC irony of it all...

sure the image was gross but it's not like mr trump hasn't openly lusted for the right to decapitate America's enemies.

Shes a loopy kunt... and she cant help it.
Kathy Griffin to hold press conference to address ‘bullying’ from Trump Family

After releasing theISIS-Style photo of herself holding the mock bloody decapitated head of President Donald Trump and an appropriate severe back lash against her, to including CNN firing her, Kathy Griffin is going to hold a press conference to whine about how SHE is the victim in this entire situation because the Trump Family is being 'mean' to her in response to what she did.

President Trump responded to the pathetic act by Tweeting:

"Kathy Griffin should be ashamed of herself. My children, especially my 11 year old son, Barron, are having a hard time with this. Sick!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
May 31, 2017"

THIS, according to Griffin, is 'BULLYING'.

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No, Kathy, this is called 'consequences of your actions' and being called out for such a disrespectful, anti-American, pathetic act.

This is another example of a liberal snowflake doing something, getting massive blowback for the action, and trying to flip it around and make themselves the 'VICTIM'.

"In the days since it was released, Griffin has lost an endorsement deal, at least one club engagement and a job with CNN."

That's NOT Trump's fault, snowflake - YOU did that shit to yourself! ;p


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They are just as wrong.

Now, does that excuse Griffin?

No it doesn't excuse Griffin

Does it excuse Donald Trump for honoring Ted Nugent with a White House visit?
How far do you want to go on this tit for tat journey?

Who has a tit with tats?
Kathy Griffin to hold press conference to address ‘bullying’ from Trump Family

After releasing theISIS-Style photo of herself holding the mock bloody decapitated head of President Donald Trump and an appropriate severe back lash against her, to including CNN firing her, Kathy Griffin is going to hold a press conference to whine about how SHE is the victim in this entire situation because the Trump Family is being 'mean' to her in response to what she did.

President Trump responded to the pathetic act by Tweeting:

"Kathy Griffin should be ashamed of herself. My children, especially my 11 year old son, Barron, are having a hard time with this. Sick!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
May 31, 2017"

THIS, according to Griffin, is 'BULLYING'.

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No, Kathy, this is called 'consequences of your actions' and being called out for such a disrespectful, anti-American, pathetic act.

This is another example of a liberal snowflake doing something, getting massive blowback for the action, and trying to flip it around and make themselves the 'VICTIM'.

"In the days since it was released, Griffin has lost an endorsement deal, at least one club engagement and a job with CNN."

That's NOT Trump's fault, snowflake - YOU did that shit to yourself! ;p

Remember Ted Nugent said hateful threatening things about Obama? Enough that he was visited by the secret service? Where was your outrage back then?

And Kathy doesn't have to worry. In 2021 the new President will invite her to the White House.


So go fuck youself.

Did Ted. Nugent refer to a severed head, demonstrate ANY violent remark specifically threatening and spoken about President Obama's life ?
So, Ted is a 'class act'?

1. Sorry, can't see the video.
2. Is this thread about Ted? Ummm...no. Try sticking to the topic.

It's concert footage of the entertainer, who President Trump honored at the White House who has said and done much worse things about President Obama, that was encouraging President Obama to "Suck on his Machine Gun".

It was part of my analysis of the difference in the way Griffin is being treated by most of the left and how a similar 'class act's' action has been treated by the right.

You guys remind me of the Muslims in the ME and their riots over a fucking books, cartoons and seriously bad movie trailers.

Ted never played the victim card like Griffin, calling criticism of his acts 'bullying'. Griffin is playing the 'victim' card to avoid criticism of her f*ed up act.

What part of her act was it?

Terrible Ted whines like a big bitch. I don't remember President Obama mentioning Ted's repeated conduct. I could be wrong maybe he said something publicly?

Did the Motor City Mad Man ever apologize for telling the President to Suck on a Machine Gun Ted was holding?


What Ted says is usually funny tho....

I guess Cobain needs to issue an apology for calling Trump 'Putin's Dick Holster'.

Let's all send out a wave of insincere apologies, shall we?

Apparently you on the left are thin-skinned.
Apparently nothing's funny when it's at your expense...even though most of your jokes are designed to make fun of people in the cruelest manner...

"Cobain"? :uhh:

Actually I believe it was "cock holster", not "dick holster". But Kurt Cobain is dead, so it wasn't either.

In any case nobody dies from being a cock holster. They do tend to die though from either being decapitated or "sucking on" the business end of a rifle.

Smells like false comparison spirit.
Kathy Griffin to hold press conference to address ‘bullying’ from Trump Family

After releasing theISIS-Style photo of herself holding the mock bloody decapitated head of President Donald Trump and an appropriate severe back lash against her, to including CNN firing her, Kathy Griffin is going to hold a press conference to whine about how SHE is the victim in this entire situation because the Trump Family is being 'mean' to her in response to what she did.

President Trump responded to the pathetic act by Tweeting:

"Kathy Griffin should be ashamed of herself. My children, especially my 11 year old son, Barron, are having a hard time with this. Sick!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
May 31, 2017"

THIS, according to Griffin, is 'BULLYING'.

View attachment 130347

No, Kathy, this is called 'consequences of your actions' and being called out for such a disrespectful, anti-American, pathetic act.

This is another example of a liberal snowflake doing something, getting massive blowback for the action, and trying to flip it around and make themselves the 'VICTIM'.

"In the days since it was released, Griffin has lost an endorsement deal, at least one club engagement and a job with CNN."

That's NOT Trump's fault, snowflake - YOU did that shit to yourself! ;p

Remember Ted Nugent said hateful threatening things about Obama? Enough that he was visited by the secret service? Where was your outrage back then?

And Kathy doesn't have to worry. In 2021 the new President will invite her to the White House.


So go fuck youself.

Did Ted. Nugent refer to a severed head, demonstrate ANY violent remark specifically threatening and spoken about President Obama's life ?

Yup. Already posted at least twice.
Ted said something
She crafted and visually displayed a murder. Big difference
Hate speech it is

Ted participated in the same hate speech regarding Obama
He was celebrated by Conservatives for it

I don't see many Liberals celebrating Kathy Griffin

Poopants got a feature on Hannity for that rant. "Oh Ted" Inanity chuckled, "you so funny".
Remember Ted Nugent said hateful threatening things about Obama? Enough that he was visited by the secret service? Where was your outrage back then?

So go fuck youself.

Nugent never posed with an ISIS-esque mock bloody decapitated head of Obama, snowflake.

Go F* myself?! TRIGGERED! YOU LOSE, Lil' Emotional Snowflake!

Not that we know of, no. What he did do was threaten to stick a rifle in Hillary Clinton's mouth.

Well, he also walked around in his own shit for a month to get out of the draft, but that's a different thing.

Dude, I don't support any of this stupidity. Nugent should stick to "Wang Dang Sweet Poontang".
Remember Ted Nugent said hateful threatening things about Obama? Enough that he was visited by the secret service? Where was your outrage back then?

So go fuck youself.

Nugent never posed with an ISIS-esque mock bloody decapitated head of Obama, snowflake.

Go F* myself?! TRIGGERED! YOU LOSE, Lil' Emotional Snowflake!

Not that we know of, no. What he did do was threaten to stick a rifle in Hillary Clinton's mouth.

Well, he also walked around in his own shit for a month to get out of the draft, but that's a different thing.

It also doesn't matter. Yours is the same argument given by the freeway speeder to the cop "why aren't you catching REAL criminals?" In order for Kathie Griffin to fully understand what happened to her, it isn't Ted Nugent she needs to look at. It's Michael Richards. Two minutes on stage ended his career. Just two minutes. Why him? What about Ted Nugent?

No one cares about Ted Nugent, that's what.

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