Kathy Griffin Holds Press Conference To Whine About Trump Family Bullying After 'Decapitated Trump'

The nicest thing I can say about that sociopathic harpy is that her screechy, damaged-instrument-voice sounds exactly like she looks. It's a perfect match.
Where'd somebody make a "death threat against the President"?

Outside of Jeremy Christian I mean.
While I don't agree with the death threats, she certainly should have known there was going to be some serious backlash. It's amazing how damn dumb libs can be.
Apparently, Kathy Griffin is a completely clueless liberal who thought it would be "funny" to make an ISIS video featuring her killing the President by decapitation.

Kathy Griffin Says She's Gotten Death Threats, Contacted by Secret Service Over Trump Stunt

Now, her non-apology apology is only digging her a deeper hole: "He broke me."

In other words, she's blaming Trump for all the trouble she's gotten herself in.

The thing is, I know for a fact that our idiot forum liberals will defend her for this.

Just watch and see it happen.

So typical of these people. They do something really childish and stupid, get called on it by the real people, act surprised at the fuss, apologize and then expect all to be well.

While she made a complete ass of herself with the picture, it was not a death threat. Nor do I believe she is receiving actual death threats. Her press conference was sad and pathetic.
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Apparently, Kathy Griffin is a completely clueless liberal who thought it would be "funny" to make an ISIS video featuring her killing the President by decapitation.

Kathy Griffin Says She's Gotten Death Threats, Contacted by Secret Service Over Trump Stunt

Now, her non-apology apology is only digging her a deeper hole: "He broke me."

In other words, she's blaming Trump for all the trouble she's gotten herself in.

The thing is, I know for a fact that our idiot forum liberals will defend her for this.

Just watch and see it happen.

So typical of these people. They do something really childish and stupid, get called on it by the real people, act surprised at the fuss, apologize and then expect all to be well.


They. You people.
The thing is, Barron saw this on TV and was traumatized. We will now wait for liberals to explain why it's okay for a liberal comedian to traumatize children with graphic displays of violence against their parents.
Kathy Griffin to hold press conference to address ‘bullying’ from Trump Family

After releasing theISIS-Style photo of herself holding the mock bloody decapitated head of President Donald Trump and an appropriate severe back lash against her, to including CNN firing her, Kathy Griffin is going to hold a press conference to whine about how SHE is the victim in this entire situation because the Trump Family is being 'mean' to her in response to what she did.

President Trump responded to the pathetic act by Tweeting:

"Kathy Griffin should be ashamed of herself. My children, especially my 11 year old son, Barron, are having a hard time with this. Sick!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
May 31, 2017"

THIS, according to Griffin, is 'BULLYING'.

View attachment 130347

No, Kathy, this is called 'consequences of your actions' and being called out for such a disrespectful, anti-American, pathetic act.

This is another example of a liberal snowflake doing something, getting massive blowback for the action, and trying to flip it around and make themselves the 'VICTIM'.

"In the days since it was released, Griffin has lost an endorsement deal, at least one club engagement and a job with CNN."

That's NOT Trump's fault, snowflake - YOU did that shit to yourself! ;p

Remember Ted Nugent said hateful threatening things about Obama? Enough that he was visited by the secret service? Where was your outrage back then?

And Kathy doesn't have to worry. In 2021 the new President will invite her to the White House.


So go fuck youself.

Did Ted. Nugent refer to a severed head, demonstrate ANY violent remark specifically threatening and spoken about President Obama's life ?

Yup. Already posted at least twice.

So nothing that equates to Kathy losing it, I mean how many times do men use the phrase "suck it" and that Ted Nugent clip is the best you got? Not every negative comment is a threat,. A severed head? Now there's no excuse for that no matter how many ways you try to spin it.
Apparently, Kathy Griffin is a completely clueless liberal who thought it would be "funny" to make an ISIS video featuring her killing the President by decapitation.

Kathy Griffin Says She's Gotten Death Threats, Contacted by Secret Service Over Trump Stunt

Now, her non-apology apology is only digging her a deeper hole: "He broke me."

In other words, she's blaming Trump for all the trouble she's gotten herself in.

The thing is, I know for a fact that our idiot forum liberals will defend her for this.

Just watch and see it happen.

So typical of these people. They do something really childish and stupid, get called on it by the real people, act surprised at the fuss, apologize and then expect all to be well.


They. You people.

Pop Math quiz.... it should be easy.

This "Kathy Griffin" person ---- is how many people?

[ ] one
[ ] 38,782,656
Griffin has always been a 'class act'.

At one awards show, she won an award, went up on stage, and said, "Celebrities always come up on stage and give credit to God for winning the award. God had nothing to do with my winning this award, so SUCK IT, GOD."

So, Ted is a 'class act'?

teds act died around 1979...

So why bring it up in a thread about Griffin? Distractmuch?

i was commenting on a post,its called....now siit down.....CONVERSATION.....i know its a big word.....

You were trying to change the focus of the conversation from the shameless snowflake pulling the 'victim' card.

so i take it that you did not look up what conversation means?...
It's a sure thing her career is largely kaput.

It was. The massive exposure from the conservative pc police might be just what she needed.

At this point, no casting office in the business would fuck her even with Jim Carrey's dick.
Here last movie was a cameo appearance 6 years ago in The Muppets. Her odds are better today than a week ago :thup:

Pc conservative snowflakes have made a nobody into a household name
It's her statement that this is what she would like to happen to Trump
Hate speech
If I tried to post this picture, it would be a violation of Forum rules, and the moderators would take it down. That's how violent was this image. For a few moments, Barron must have believed his father was actually dead and decapitated, until it was explained to him otherwise by an adult. I hope liberals can explain why it's okay to scare a child like this, scare him into thinking his father is dead, perhaps causing permanent psychological harm.

Since liberals hate children, and abort them and molest them, I'm sure they will come up with a reason why it's okay to traumatize them too.
If a right wing celeb did this to Obama their album and concert sales would have skyrocketed.

I would never have gone to one of her shows before and I probably won't go any time soon either.
Griffin has always been a 'class act'.

At one awards show, she won an award, went up on stage, and said, "Celebrities always come up on stage and give credit to God for winning the award. God had nothing to do with my winning this award, so SUCK IT, GOD."

So, Ted is a 'class act'?

teds act died around 1979...

Harry, you spelled "1968" wrong.

no i didnt....he had some success in 77-78....
If I tried to post this picture, it would be a violation of Forum rules, and the moderators would take it down. That's how violent was this image. For a few moments, Barron must have believed his father was actually dead and decapitated, until it was explained to him otherwise by an adult. I hope liberals can explain why it's okay to scare a child like this, scare him into thinking his father is dead, perhaps causing permanent psychological harm.

Since liberals hate children, and abort them and molest them, I'm sure they will come up with a reason why it's okay to traumatize them too.
You mean this picture?

The thing is, Barron saw this on TV and was traumatized. We will now wait for liberals to explain why it's okay for a liberal comedian to traumatize children with graphic displays of violence against their parents.

Oh, "Barron saw this on TV and was traumatized".

Whattaya think he was when he saw and heard "grab 'em by the pussy" on TV?
Or how 'bout the time he saw his orange parental unit on national TV in a debate talking about the size of his dick?
Or dissing a war POW with "I like people who weren't captured"?
Or making up a story about "thousands and thousands of people on rooftops" and then when a reporter wouldn't back him up, mocking the reporter's congenital disability?
Or inciting his minions to violence with "beat the crap out of him" and "there used to be consequences"

Think maybe he's used to "trauma" by now?
Apparently, Kathy Griffin is a completely clueless liberal who thought it would be "funny" to make an ISIS video featuring her killing the President by decapitation.

Kathy Griffin Says She's Gotten Death Threats, Contacted by Secret Service Over Trump Stunt

Now, her non-apology apology is only digging her a deeper hole: "He broke me."

In other words, she's blaming Trump for all the trouble she's gotten herself in.

The thing is, I know for a fact that our idiot forum liberals will defend her for this.

Just watch and see it happen.

So typical of these people. They do something really childish and stupid, get called on it by the real people, act surprised at the fuss, apologize and then expect all to be well.


They. You people.

Pop Math quiz.... it should be easy.

This "Kathy Griffin" person ---- is how many people?

[ ] one
[ ] 38,782,656

Look up the definition of "typical" and be enlightened.

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