Kathy Griffin Holds Press Conference To Whine About Trump Family Bullying After 'Decapitated Trump'

If a right wing celeb did this to Obama their album and concert sales would have skyrocketed.

I would never have gone to one of her shows before and I probably won't go any time soon either.
Griffin has always been a 'class act'.

At one awards show, she won an award, went up on stage, and said, "Celebrities always come up on stage and give credit to God for winning the award. God had nothing to do with my winning this award, so SUCK IT, GOD."

So, Ted is a 'class act'?

teds act died around 1979...

Harry, you spelled "1968" wrong.

no i didnt....he had some success in 77-78....

Ah but "success" in what way?

You said his career died. That would be Amboy Dukes time. Everything after that has just been attention-whoring.
So, here's my question: did she admit she went too far and apologize? 'I was trying to be funny and screwed up'? If she did, fine, case closed IMHO. I get that comedians and comediennes should get some latitude, but there is a limit and she crossed it. At least in the minds of most people I think.

But in the larger picture it does kind of accentuate the extremes to which some people go in their opposition to a person or policy. In this case it makes the Left look bad IMHO, even though it's only one person doing something that was shall we say ill-advised.

But she went to no extreme. All she did was hold a fake head, a dummy head that looked like Trump.

A head with blood dripping that appeared to be decapitated? For God's sake, if that isn't extreme I don't know what is. Are you saying if it wasn't a real head then it's not extreme?
They don't mind when Islamists do it, so meh...
Kathy Griffin to hold press conference to address ‘bullying’ from Trump Family

After releasing theISIS-Style photo of herself holding the mock bloody decapitated head of President Donald Trump and an appropriate severe back lash against her, to including CNN firing her, Kathy Griffin is going to hold a press conference to whine about how SHE is the victim in this entire situation because the Trump Family is being 'mean' to her in response to what she did.

President Trump responded to the pathetic act by Tweeting:

"Kathy Griffin should be ashamed of herself. My children, especially my 11 year old son, Barron, are having a hard time with this. Sick!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
May 31, 2017"

THIS, according to Griffin, is 'BULLYING'.

View attachment 130347

No, Kathy, this is called 'consequences of your actions' and being called out for such a disrespectful, anti-American, pathetic act.

This is another example of a liberal snowflake doing something, getting massive blowback for the action, and trying to flip it around and make themselves the 'VICTIM'.

"In the days since it was released, Griffin has lost an endorsement deal, at least one club engagement and a job with CNN."

That's NOT Trump's fault, snowflake - YOU did that shit to yourself! ;p

Remember Ted Nugent said hateful threatening things about Obama? Enough that he was visited by the secret service? Where was your outrage back then?

And Kathy doesn't have to worry. In 2021 the new President will invite her to the White House.


So go fuck youself.

Why can't you unintelligent leftist hacks ever approach an issue based upon principle instead of just flailing away like you do?
I made a great point. Why can't you stop being hypocrites?
Kathy Griffin to hold press conference to address ‘bullying’ from Trump Family

After releasing theISIS-Style photo of herself holding the mock bloody decapitated head of President Donald Trump and an appropriate severe back lash against her, to including CNN firing her, Kathy Griffin is going to hold a press conference to whine about how SHE is the victim in this entire situation because the Trump Family is being 'mean' to her in response to what she did.

President Trump responded to the pathetic act by Tweeting:

"Kathy Griffin should be ashamed of herself. My children, especially my 11 year old son, Barron, are having a hard time with this. Sick!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
May 31, 2017"

THIS, according to Griffin, is 'BULLYING'.

View attachment 130347

No, Kathy, this is called 'consequences of your actions' and being called out for such a disrespectful, anti-American, pathetic act.

This is another example of a liberal snowflake doing something, getting massive blowback for the action, and trying to flip it around and make themselves the 'VICTIM'.

"In the days since it was released, Griffin has lost an endorsement deal, at least one club engagement and a job with CNN."

That's NOT Trump's fault, snowflake - YOU did that shit to yourself! ;p

Remember Ted Nugent said hateful threatening things about Obama? Enough that he was visited by the secret service? Where was your outrage back then?

And Kathy doesn't have to worry. In 2021 the new President will invite her to the White House.


So go fuck youself.

Did Ted. Nugent refer to a severed head, demonstrate ANY violent remark specifically threatening and spoken about President Obama's life ?

Yup. Already posted at least twice.

So nothing that equates to Kathy losing it, I mean how many times do men use the phrase "suck it" and that Ted Nugent clip is the best you got? Not every negative comment is a threat,. A severed head? Now there's no excuse for that no matter how many ways you try to spin it.

So to complete your thought there IS however an excuse for brandishing a machine gun onstage and telling the President to "suck it" referring to the instrument in his hand.

Okay, what is that excuse?
Apparently, Kathy Griffin is a completely clueless liberal who thought it would be "funny" to make an ISIS video featuring her killing the President by decapitation.

Kathy Griffin Says She's Gotten Death Threats, Contacted by Secret Service Over Trump Stunt

Now, her non-apology apology is only digging her a deeper hole: "He broke me."

In other words, she's blaming Trump for all the trouble she's gotten herself in.

The thing is, I know for a fact that our idiot forum liberals will defend her for this.

Just watch and see it happen.
You gotta love it. 8 years of libtards screaming their PC agenda and attacking the right for not being PC sensitive. Now the shoe is on the other foot and suddenly "it was only a joke" and "the right is whining" :lmao:You can't make this shit up.

Hey Libtards in case you're confused here's a clue. No Conservatives haven't changed their minds, actually most of us don't give a flying fuck about the unfunny joke. With the exception of his 11 year old son having the grotesque picture Trump probably doesn't care either. It's not that we are offended, we're not, we have way thicker skin than that. It's just that this is a teachable moment because now the left finds themselves defending one of their own over something that had it been done to Liberal Obama, they would have demanded blood. It's payback time. The left has been infringing on freedom of speech for 8 years and now they have to put up or shut up.

Personally I hope the Secret Service arrests Griffin's stupid ass just because she's a dumb as a bag of rocks and refuses to own up. Threatening the President in any way is an arrestable offense and she made a picture that could be interpreted as a threat. What's worse is now she's all butt hurt because nobody found it funny. Here's her current excuse

"Those photos, Bloom said, were meant to be a parody of Trump's infamous "blood-blood-coming-out-of-her-whatever" comments about then-Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly, who raised the question of his past misogynistic remarks at a presidential debate in August."

Kathy Griffin: Donald Trump is 'messing with the wrong redhead'

She's an idiot.
Kathy Griffin to hold press conference to address ‘bullying’ from Trump Family

After releasing theISIS-Style photo of herself holding the mock bloody decapitated head of President Donald Trump and an appropriate severe back lash against her, to including CNN firing her, Kathy Griffin is going to hold a press conference to whine about how SHE is the victim in this entire situation because the Trump Family is being 'mean' to her in response to what she did.

President Trump responded to the pathetic act by Tweeting:

"Kathy Griffin should be ashamed of herself. My children, especially my 11 year old son, Barron, are having a hard time with this. Sick!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
May 31, 2017"

THIS, according to Griffin, is 'BULLYING'.

View attachment 130347

No, Kathy, this is called 'consequences of your actions' and being called out for such a disrespectful, anti-American, pathetic act.

This is another example of a liberal snowflake doing something, getting massive blowback for the action, and trying to flip it around and make themselves the 'VICTIM'.

"In the days since it was released, Griffin has lost an endorsement deal, at least one club engagement and a job with CNN."

That's NOT Trump's fault, snowflake - YOU did that shit to yourself! ;p

Remember Ted Nugent said hateful threatening things about Obama? Enough that he was visited by the secret service? Where was your outrage back then?

And Kathy doesn't have to worry. In 2021 the new President will invite her to the White House.


So go fuck youself.

Why can't you unintelligent leftist hacks ever approach an issue based upon principle instead of just flailing away like you do?
right? All they had to say was it was poor taste, and unacceptable. What Nugent did as well.
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No it doesn't excuse Griffin

Does it excuse Donald Trump for honoring Ted Nugent with a White House visit?
How far do you want to go on this tit for tat journey?

Should Nugent have been offered a White House visit?
Okay, let's follow this rabbit trail. Given that sex addict Tiger Woods visited, why not? See, this can go on forever.

The bottom line here remains, Kathy Griffin did a very hateful thing and is paying a price for doing it.
Sex addict?
Why does everything lead to Trump?

bottom line......Grifin will pay a price and Nugent is a hero to the right
Griffin begs forgiveness, and agrees the severed head was a horrendous mistake. Then she starts the blame game. Blames the Trump administration, and claims the fallout wouldn't have happened if she were a man. I first felt a little sorry for her, but not now.
Kathy Griffin to hold press conference to address ‘bullying’ from Trump Family

After releasing theISIS-Style photo of herself holding the mock bloody decapitated head of President Donald Trump and an appropriate severe back lash against her, to including CNN firing her, Kathy Griffin is going to hold a press conference to whine about how SHE is the victim in this entire situation because the Trump Family is being 'mean' to her in response to what she did.

President Trump responded to the pathetic act by Tweeting:

"Kathy Griffin should be ashamed of herself. My children, especially my 11 year old son, Barron, are having a hard time with this. Sick!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
May 31, 2017"

THIS, according to Griffin, is 'BULLYING'.

View attachment 130347

No, Kathy, this is called 'consequences of your actions' and being called out for such a disrespectful, anti-American, pathetic act.

This is another example of a liberal snowflake doing something, getting massive blowback for the action, and trying to flip it around and make themselves the 'VICTIM'.

"In the days since it was released, Griffin has lost an endorsement deal, at least one club engagement and a job with CNN."

That's NOT Trump's fault, snowflake - YOU did that shit to yourself! ;p

Remember Ted Nugent said hateful threatening things about Obama? Enough that he was visited by the secret service? Where was your outrage back then?

And Kathy doesn't have to worry. In 2021 the new President will invite her to the White House.


So go fuck youself.

Why can't you unintelligent leftist hacks ever approach an issue based upon principle instead of just flailing away like you do?
I made a great point. Why can't you stop being hypocrites?
well first you have to prove someone agreed with Nuggent.
Kathy Griffin to hold press conference to address ‘bullying’ from Trump Family

After releasing theISIS-Style photo of herself holding the mock bloody decapitated head of President Donald Trump and an appropriate severe back lash against her, to including CNN firing her, Kathy Griffin is going to hold a press conference to whine about how SHE is the victim in this entire situation because the Trump Family is being 'mean' to her in response to what she did.

President Trump responded to the pathetic act by Tweeting:

"Kathy Griffin should be ashamed of herself. My children, especially my 11 year old son, Barron, are having a hard time with this. Sick!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
May 31, 2017"

THIS, according to Griffin, is 'BULLYING'.

View attachment 130347

No, Kathy, this is called 'consequences of your actions' and being called out for such a disrespectful, anti-American, pathetic act.

This is another example of a liberal snowflake doing something, getting massive blowback for the action, and trying to flip it around and make themselves the 'VICTIM'.

"In the days since it was released, Griffin has lost an endorsement deal, at least one club engagement and a job with CNN."

That's NOT Trump's fault, snowflake - YOU did that shit to yourself! ;p

Remember Ted Nugent said hateful threatening things about Obama? Enough that he was visited by the secret service? Where was your outrage back then?

And Kathy doesn't have to worry. In 2021 the new President will invite her to the White House.


So go fuck youself.

Did Ted. Nugent refer to a severed head, demonstrate ANY violent remark specifically threatening and spoken about President Obama's life ?

Yup. Already posted at least twice.

So nothing that equates to Kathy losing it, I mean how many times do men use the phrase "suck it" and that Ted Nugent clip is the best you got? Not every negative comment is a threat,. A severed head? Now there's no excuse for that no matter how many ways you try to spin it.

So to complete your thought there IS however an excuse for brandishing a machine gun onstage and telling the President to "suck it" referring to the instrument in his hand.

Okay, what is that excuse?

Of course not.
They are just as wrong.

Now, does that excuse Griffin?

No it doesn't excuse Griffin

Does it excuse Donald Trump for honoring Ted Nugent with a White House visit?
How far do you want to go on this tit for tat journey?

Should Nugent have been offered a White House visit?
Okay, let's follow this rabbit trail. Given that sex addict Tiger Woods visited, why not? See, this can go on forever.

The bottom line here remains, Kathy Griffin did a very hateful thing and is paying a price for doing it.
Sex addict?
Why does everything lead to Trump?

bottom line......Grifin will pay a price and Nugent is a hero to the right

He's a mediocre guitar player who wrote an album named "Wang Dang Sweet Poontang". That's it.
You gotta love it. 8 years of libtards screaming their PC agenda and attacking the right for not being PC sensitive. Now the shoe is on the other foot and suddenly "it was only a joke" and "the right is whining" :lmao:You can't make this shit up.

8 years of republicunts calling everybody pc police for being offended, and now they are quivering in triggered outrage. You can't make this shit up. :rofl:
I made a great point. Why can't you stop being hypocrites?

You made no point. You simply balled up your fat little fists, stuck them on your hips and yelled "nyah, nyah, nyah, so there".

Grow up, child.

I have never supported similar actions towards any other president, so you are simply as dishonest as you are peurile.
Remember Ted Nugent said hateful threatening things about Obama? Enough that he was visited by the secret service? Where was your outrage back then?

So go fuck youself.

Nugent never posed with an ISIS-esque mock bloody decapitated head of Obama, snowflake.

Go F* myself?! TRIGGERED! YOU LOSE, Lil' Emotional Snowflake!

Not that we know of, no. What he did do was threaten to stick a rifle in Hillary Clinton's mouth.

Well, he also walked around in his own shit for a month to get out of the draft, but that's a different thing.

It also doesn't matter. Yours is the same argument given by the freeway speeder to the cop "why aren't you catching REAL criminals?" In order for Kathie Griffin to fully understand what happened to her, it isn't Ted Nugent she needs to look at. It's Michael Richards. Two minutes on stage ended his career. Just two minutes. Why him? What about Ted Nugent?

No one cares about Ted Nugent, that's what.

You didn't care about Ted last year and we don't care about Kathy Griffin either. She got what she deserved. Ted would have got fired too if he had a job where his employer cares about the companies image.

To be honest, no one gives a fuck about Kathy Griffin. I don't even like her. I think it's funny she got fired. She was always trying to be shocking and didn't care who she hurt. She wanted to like Don Rickles or Joan Rivers well she went too far and now we don't have to see her ugly face anymore.

I'm so glad this happened to a liberal who not even liberals like. BFD. Want to fire Kathy Griffin? Do it! No one likes her anyways.
What's interesting is they went after Bill O'Reilly for sexual harassment and got his ass fired from FOX news.

But they will defend until the Second Coming of Christ any liberal Democrat caught out molesting women, raping women, or even leaving women in their car to drown.
So, here's my question: did she admit she went too far and apologize? 'I was trying to be funny and screwed up'? If she did, fine, case closed IMHO. I get that comedians and comediennes should get some latitude, but there is a limit and she crossed it. At least in the minds of most people I think.

But in the larger picture it does kind of accentuate the extremes to which some people go in their opposition to a person or policy. In this case it makes the Left look bad IMHO, even though it's only one person doing something that was shall we say ill-advised.

But she went to no extreme. All she did was hold a fake head, a dummy head that looked like Trump.

A head with blood dripping that appeared to be decapitated? For God's sake, if that isn't extreme I don't know what is. Are you saying if it wasn't a real head then it's not extreme?
They don't mind when Islamists do it, so meh...
Hi Tilly! Still got 3 extra tickets to Rockfest tomorrow so grab the next flight & get your groove on lol
Apparently, Kathy Griffin is a completely clueless liberal who thought it would be "funny" to make an ISIS video featuring her killing the President by decapitation.

Kathy Griffin Says She's Gotten Death Threats, Contacted by Secret Service Over Trump Stunt

Now, her non-apology apology is only digging her a deeper hole: "He broke me."

In other words, she's blaming Trump for all the trouble she's gotten herself in.

The thing is, I know for a fact that our idiot forum liberals will defend her for this.

Just watch and see it happen.
I made a great point. Why can't you stop being hypocrites?

You made no point. You simply balled up your fat little fists, stuck them on your hips and yelled "nyah, nyah, nyah, so there".

Grow up, child.

I have never supported similar actions towards any other president, so you are simply as dishonest as you are peurile.
Who's supporting or defending Kathy Griffin? I don't even know what your point is. Do you think we care about Kathy Griffin? We don't.

But Trump invited Ted Nugent to the White House after threatening the last President. So don't pretend to care what Kathy Griffin did. It was distasteful. See, us liberals can admit that. And she should have gotten fired.

But should Ted have been invited to the White House? Only in Hypocritical GOPlandia.

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