Kathy Griffin Holds Press Conference To Whine About Trump Family Bullying After 'Decapitated Trump'

She claims it was a spur of the moment bad idea.

That makes it worse. That means she has severed heads of Trump just laying around.

Psychotic leftist. But I repeat myself.
Remember Ted Nugent said hateful threatening things about Obama? Enough that he was visited by the secret service? Where was your outrage back then?

So go fuck youself.

Nugent never posed with an ISIS-esque mock bloody decapitated head of Obama, snowflake.

Go F* myself?! TRIGGERED! YOU LOSE, Lil' Emotional Snowflake!

Not that we know of, no. What he did do was threaten to stick a rifle in Hillary Clinton's mouth.

Well, he also walked around in his own shit for a month to get out of the draft, but that's a different thing.

It also doesn't matter. Yours is the same argument given by the freeway speeder to the cop "why aren't you catching REAL criminals?" In order for Kathie Griffin to fully understand what happened to her, it isn't Ted Nugent she needs to look at. It's Michael Richards. Two minutes on stage ended his career. Just two minutes. Why him? What about Ted Nugent?

No one cares about Ted Nugent, that's what.

Obviously the previous poster (Sleazy) does -- in big bold and red letters --- since that's who I was answering with that post.

Go learn how to read.
Kathy Griffin, YOU and your Cheap excuse for an Attorney who is nothing but a lousy Ambulance Chaser is not going to get you off the hook for the Lousy, Disgusting, Disrespectful stunt that you performed .
In fact this staged performance with your shit Stained poor excuse for an Attorney has made it worse by her spouting all those so called quotes by others.
The two of you looked and sounded like FOOLS!
Talking about others and the Russians, or the First lady was nothing but more Cheap shots. I don’t case about how many “Older White Guys” you delt with.
And don’t insult our Military by telling us that you were in “War Zones”

Yes, she made a discussion, and she made her own bed, now she will have to sleep in it. I personally hope that you NEVER get a job again before any American Audience.
So get the HELL off of my screen and take that POS attorney with you.
PS You Did Say One Thing Right Today, when you said “Everyone Hates You”
She claims it was a last minute bad idea.
Which means she has severed heads just laying around.

First rule of holes - when you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.
"Griffin never imagined it could be misinterpreted as a threat of violence against Trump. "That was never what she intended."

Only her leftard fanbase are stupid enough to believe that whopper.
Apparently, Kathy Griffin is a completely clueless liberal who thought it would be "funny" to make an ISIS video featuring her killing the President by decapitation.

Kathy Griffin Says She's Gotten Death Threats, Contacted by Secret Service Over Trump Stunt

Now, her non-apology apology is only digging her a deeper hole: "He broke me."

In other words, she's blaming Trump for all the trouble she's gotten herself in.

The thing is, I know for a fact that our idiot forum liberals will defend her for this.

Just watch and see it happen.
Apparently, Kathy Griffin is a completely clueless liberal who thought it would be "funny" to make an ISIS video featuring her killing the President by decapitation.

Now, her non-apology apology is only digging her a deeper hole: "He broke me."

In other words, she's blaming Trump for all the trouble she's gotten herself in.

The thing is, I know for a fact that our idiot forum liberals will defend her for this.

Just watch and see it happen.
You're part of the pc snowflake police now, too?
I believe the reason why people like Kathy Griffin are so ugly is because when a person is ugly on the inside, it starts to affect their physical body. So eventually they begin wearing what was inside them all along. The fact that Bozo-the-Redheaded-Banshee is claiming victimhood proves that her apology was faker than a $6 bill.
Unlike the media I don't keep up with everything Trump tweets so I might be wrong on this but I don't believe anyone in the Trump family demanded she be fired or called for any protest or boycotts against her. In fact for Trump I would call his response pretty tame unless I have missed something.
I deleted Twitter cause of the constant spam of hate tweets
Apparently, Kathy Griffin is a completely clueless liberal who thought it would be "funny" to make an ISIS video featuring her killing the President by decapitation.

Now, her non-apology apology is only digging her a deeper hole: "He broke me."

In other words, she's blaming Trump for all the trouble she's gotten herself in.

The thing is, I know for a fact that our idiot forum liberals will defend her for this.

Just watch and see it happen.
You're part of the pc snowflake police now, too?
That didn't take long, less than a minute for a liberal to defend Kathy Griffin's decapitation video.

You liberals are beyond saving, which is why you will end up in hell.

If you're willing to abort innocent babies, you are certainly willing to make death threats against the President.

I would ask you to repent your terrible sins, but you won't.
Apparently, Kathy Griffin is a completely clueless liberal who thought it would be "funny" to make an ISIS video featuring her killing the President by decapitation.

Kathy Griffin Says She's Gotten Death Threats, Contacted by Secret Service Over Trump Stunt

Now, her non-apology apology is only digging her a deeper hole: "He broke me."

In other words, she's blaming Trump for all the trouble she's gotten herself in.

The thing is, I know for a fact that our idiot forum liberals will defend her for this.

Just watch and see it happen.

Lily livered libs have been making death threats to Trump since before the election too place.

Those, rep. and dem. who voted for Trump have been attacked. Fake attacks have been blamed on them.

Fake news has gotten out of control...........and now they complain about threats, that may or may not even be true?
Unlike the media I don't keep up with everything Trump tweets so I might be wrong on this but I don't believe anyone in the Trump family demanded she be fired or called for any protest or boycotts against her. In fact for Trump I would call his response pretty tame unless I have missed something.
I deleted Twitter cause of the constant spam of hate tweets
The good thing is you don't need to have twitter to know what Trump tweets the media will have it for if you want it.
Apparently, Kathy Griffin is a completely clueless liberal who thought it would be "funny" to make an ISIS video featuring her killing the President by decapitation.

Now, her non-apology apology is only digging her a deeper hole: "He broke me."

In other words, she's blaming Trump for all the trouble she's gotten herself in.

The thing is, I know for a fact that our idiot forum liberals will defend her for this.

Just watch and see it happen.
You're part of the pc snowflake police now, too?
That didn't take long, less than a minute for a liberal to defend Kathy Griffin's decapitation video.

You liberals are beyond saving, which is why you will end up in hell.

If you're willing to abort innocent babies, you are certainly willing to make death threats against the President.

I would ask you to repent your terrible sins, but you won't.
^ whoa this pc snowflake is TRIGGERED :laugh:
I can't listen to that bitch; that voice of hers is such a physically painful horror, I believe listening to Kathy Griffin causes cancer.
Apparently, Kathy Griffin is a completely clueless liberal who thought it would be "funny" to make an ISIS video featuring her killing the President by decapitation.

Kathy Griffin Says She's Gotten Death Threats, Contacted by Secret Service Over Trump Stunt

Now, her non-apology apology is only digging her a deeper hole: "He broke me."

In other words, she's blaming Trump for all the trouble she's gotten herself in.

The thing is, I know for a fact that our idiot forum liberals will defend her for this.

Just watch and see it happen.

So typical of these people. They do something really childish and stupid, get called on it by the real people, act surprised at the fuss, apologize and then expect all to be well.

Fuck 'em. Let them taste Hell for awhile. It's a sure thing her career is largely kaput.
Ted Said
Kathy Showed
Big difference

Bigly indeed. One is spoken, one is visual.

Wait, what's the difference again?

Actually Poopants was wielding two machine guns when he claimed to have told O'bama to "suck on this" and Clinton to "ride this into the sunset", so he was playing show AND tell.

What'd O'bama do in response? Invited him to the SOTU.
Apparently, Kathy Griffin is a completely clueless liberal who thought it would be "funny" to make an ISIS video featuring her killing the President by decapitation.

Kathy Griffin Says She's Gotten Death Threats, Contacted by Secret Service Over Trump Stunt

Now, her non-apology apology is only digging her a deeper hole: "He broke me."

In other words, she's blaming Trump for all the trouble she's gotten herself in.

The thing is, I know for a fact that our idiot forum liberals will defend her for this.

Just watch and see it happen.
***Sarcasm Alert***

A liberal refusing to take responsibility for their actions? :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: I'm Shocked!

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