Kathy Griffin to Melanie Trump f**K you complicit piece of s**t

Foul-mouthed liberal comedian Kathy Griffin attacked Melania Trump on Twitter Sunday, calling FLOTUS a “complicit piece of s**t,” and saying, “F**k you.”

View attachment 199467

Kathy Griffin to ‘Melanie’ Trump: ‘F**k You, Complicit Piece of S**t’

This as you see is the typical Trump hater and the non respect they show. Do that to one of theirs and they turn into rabid dogs. Why look at Obama losers, etc.
Mean, Vendictive, and low blowing ignorance of Trump haters is sickening.
Yeah, such hatred, vitriol and disrespect. Let me know when they start referring to Melanie as an ape and claiming she's really a tranny, ok?

Who the heck is Melanie?
Well Trump can end this since he started it. But he wants money for the wall, which he said Mexico was going to pay for. Trump so said what you guys wanted to hear.
No he started nothing. He is enforcing the law made by other presidents before. Do you turds ever stop lying?
He doesn’t have to enforce it, just like Obama didn’t enforce it. He chooses to enforce it.

Remember the pictures from 2014. Tell us Faun, who was President in 2014?

You are just another lying libtard!
Foul-mouthed liberal comedian Kathy Griffin attacked Melania Trump on Twitter Sunday, calling FLOTUS a “complicit piece of s**t,” and saying, “F**k you.”

View attachment 199467

Kathy Griffin to ‘Melanie’ Trump: ‘F**k You, Complicit Piece of S**t’

This as you see is the typical Trump hater and the non respect they show. Do that to one of theirs and they turn into rabid dogs. Why look at Obama losers, etc.
Mean, Vendictive, and low blowing ignorance of Trump haters is sickening.
Yeah, such hatred, vitriol and disrespect. Let me know when they start referring to Melanie as an ape and claiming she's really a tranny, ok?

Who the heck is Melanie?
Ask Trump.

Well Trump can end this since he started it. But he wants money for the wall, which he said Mexico was going to pay for. Trump so said what you guys wanted to hear.
No he started nothing. He is enforcing the law made by other presidents before. Do you turds ever stop lying?
He doesn’t have to enforce it, just like Obama didn’t enforce it. He chooses to enforce it.

Remember the pictures from 2014. Tell us Faun, who was President in 2014?

You are just another lying libtard!
Which picture showed the families were separated?
I am getting so damn tired of this nonstop bullshit by the left. Tired of it.
Dont feel like the lone ranger here, dear.

Even entertainers are starting to realize that the ass kissing of the left for the Dims is a loser for their careers.

Only the washed up has-beens go out like Griffen, the bitch.
I really dont understand why anybody pays any attention to that washed up old hack.

She is trying to get any sort of publicity she can to revive her dead as a door nob career.

How is this even news?

So some brain-fried drugged out retard said some nasty things about a much classier lady so she can get some free publicity, so what?

Talking about it just rewards the silly bitch; that is what she wants us to do.

The best response to her is probably a distracted, 'Oh, that's nice, dear.'
Griffin = salt peter.

Have you ever taken a look at trump and pigpence? Can you say "ugly"? Sorry. Straight woman here.

Sorry our President and Vice President aren't "pretty" enough for you! (eye roll)

You assholes are the ones who comment continuously about a woman's physical appearance. This was not begun by me. I'm just saying that these morons should look in the mirror for a change. Melania may be "hot" and that this is why you like her, plus that she, and "Karen" allow themselves to be pawed and penetrated by trump and pigpence, but it's the same damned thing. trump and pigpence are UGLY (eye roll)! Do you want these guys in bed with you??? Trump, pigpence, mcconanal, ryan? Does jeffress or graham have you sniffin' around?

Really? Show me one post where I've commented on a woman's physical appearance!

You know what's disgusting to me, Lys? How so many of you women on the left have ZERO problem saying the most despicable things about conservative women based on little more than their political beliefs while whining about an alleged "war on women" by the right! Leave Melania Trump out of your hatred for Trump. She's not the reason that her husband beat Hillary Clinton.

Look, the bitch laid the most despicable male whore of our lifetime. Taste is taste. She lets that whore touch her and impregnate her. It's all over the news. And how many times have we seen bleachy-blondy bibble girls suck up to old ugly white guys who have pursued them so that they can get some. My point includes the fact that these "conservative" guys are not exactly gorgeous as would catch the eye of a heterosexual woman in the same way as a slim big-busted woman in a bikini would catch the eye of a heterosexual man. Most "conservative" guys are ugly and not bedroom material.

We girls used to have a saying: "wouldn't kick him out of bed for eating crackers and leaving crumbs." So-called "conservative" women are willing to bed ugly guys who make no secret of hating them. Some women actually consent to sleep with the likes of trump, pigpence, gingrich, etc. Go figure.

It's all over the news that Melania Trump slept with her husband? They're married for Christ's sake! As for the looks of different male figures in the two political parties? Are you really claiming that liberals have cornered the market in "hot sexy males"?




Yeah...you're right...those Democratic guys are SO damn sexy! (eye roll)
I really dont understand why anybody pays any attention to that washed up old hack.
It's just another symptom of what's happened to us.

We've decayed to a point at which nothing is too low or too ugly, and we will cheer and defend and justify anything that attacks the other side, no matter what, period.

She could have taken a dump live, on camera, pointed at it, and said "this is you, Trump", and her "side" would celebrate and defend and justify it. Hero time! You go girl! How brave!

We're now attracted to the people who hate the most, who say the wildest and angriest and most outlandish things. What does that say about us as a culture?
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Have you ever taken a look at trump and pigpence? Can you say "ugly"? Sorry. Straight woman here.

Sorry our President and Vice President aren't "pretty" enough for you! (eye roll)

You assholes are the ones who comment continuously about a woman's physical appearance. This was not begun by me. I'm just saying that these morons should look in the mirror for a change. Melania may be "hot" and that this is why you like her, plus that she, and "Karen" allow themselves to be pawed and penetrated by trump and pigpence, but it's the same damned thing. trump and pigpence are UGLY (eye roll)! Do you want these guys in bed with you??? Trump, pigpence, mcconanal, ryan? Does jeffress or graham have you sniffin' around?

Really? Show me one post where I've commented on a woman's physical appearance!

You know what's disgusting to me, Lys? How so many of you women on the left have ZERO problem saying the most despicable things about conservative women based on little more than their political beliefs while whining about an alleged "war on women" by the right! Leave Melania Trump out of your hatred for Trump. She's not the reason that her husband beat Hillary Clinton.

Look, the bitch laid the most despicable male whore of our lifetime. Taste is taste. She lets that whore touch her and impregnate her. It's all over the news. And how many times have we seen bleachy-blondy bibble girls suck up to old ugly white guys who have pursued them so that they can get some. My point includes the fact that these "conservative" guys are not exactly gorgeous as would catch the eye of a heterosexual woman in the same way as a slim big-busted woman in a bikini would catch the eye of a heterosexual man. Most "conservative" guys are ugly and not bedroom material.

We girls used to have a saying: "wouldn't kick him out of bed for eating crackers and leaving crumbs." So-called "conservative" women are willing to bed ugly guys who make no secret of hating them. Some women actually consent to sleep with the likes of trump, pigpence, gingrich, etc. Go figure.

It's all over the news that Melania Trump slept with her husband? They're married for Christ's sake! As for the looks of different male figures in the two political parties? Are you really claiming that liberals have cornered the market in "hot sexy males"?
View attachment 199563



Yeah...you're right...those Democratic guys are SO damn sexy! (eye roll)

They're "married"? A pig taking another pig to the altar? Filth, meet filth. She ain't no "lady" and the whore she "married" ain't no gentleman.

It's the guys who have made looks an issue, always, and they certainly are with this Melania because she's a good-looking woman who became the third "wife" of a shameless nazi and actually allows him to put his hands on her. And it's usually the same guys who throw bible-crap at everybody else and troll for teenage "wives." Se

This POS could just walk up to her "husband" and say "change this situation or you are no more to me." But she doesn't, and then Her Royal Highness issues a ridiculous statement like this. Send her and her son to the border to get separated, live in a stockade, and get served her plate of beans and rice, just like the ladies who are already there.

I don't expect political leaders to have good looks, as long as they do what is right. Sex is another matter, entirely. Right-wing males seem to reduce heterosexual sex, religion, and politics into a dangerous stew, without taking a long look at themselves in a mirror.
Well Trump can end this since he started it. But he wants money for the wall, which he said Mexico was going to pay for. Trump so said what you guys wanted to hear.
No he started nothing. He is enforcing the law made by other presidents before. Do you turds ever stop lying?
He doesn’t have to enforce it, just like Obama didn’t enforce it. He chooses to enforce it.

Remember the pictures from 2014. Tell us Faun, who was President in 2014?

You are just another lying libtard!
Which picture showed the families were separated?

Oh, please! You are a dumbass, but I didn't know you were THAT big of a dumbass!

The pictures they showed alleging kids were being held in cages in the detention facilities that were kids held there during 2014 under the Obama regime.
Foul-mouthed liberal comedian Kathy Griffin attacked Melania Trump on Twitter Sunday, calling FLOTUS a “complicit piece of s**t,” and saying, “F**k you.”

View attachment 199467

Kathy Griffin to ‘Melanie’ Trump: ‘F**k You, Complicit Piece of S**t’

This as you see is the typical Trump hater and the non respect they show. Do that to one of theirs and they turn into rabid dogs. Why look at Obama losers, etc.
Mean, Vendictive, and low blowing ignorance of Trump haters is sickening.
I don't think that word "feckless" means what she think it does.
i don't think much of anything means what she thinks it does.
Sorry our President and Vice President aren't "pretty" enough for you! (eye roll)

You assholes are the ones who comment continuously about a woman's physical appearance. This was not begun by me. I'm just saying that these morons should look in the mirror for a change. Melania may be "hot" and that this is why you like her, plus that she, and "Karen" allow themselves to be pawed and penetrated by trump and pigpence, but it's the same damned thing. trump and pigpence are UGLY (eye roll)! Do you want these guys in bed with you??? Trump, pigpence, mcconanal, ryan? Does jeffress or graham have you sniffin' around?

Really? Show me one post where I've commented on a woman's physical appearance!

You know what's disgusting to me, Lys? How so many of you women on the left have ZERO problem saying the most despicable things about conservative women based on little more than their political beliefs while whining about an alleged "war on women" by the right! Leave Melania Trump out of your hatred for Trump. She's not the reason that her husband beat Hillary Clinton.

Look, the bitch laid the most despicable male whore of our lifetime. Taste is taste. She lets that whore touch her and impregnate her. It's all over the news. And how many times have we seen bleachy-blondy bibble girls suck up to old ugly white guys who have pursued them so that they can get some. My point includes the fact that these "conservative" guys are not exactly gorgeous as would catch the eye of a heterosexual woman in the same way as a slim big-busted woman in a bikini would catch the eye of a heterosexual man. Most "conservative" guys are ugly and not bedroom material.

We girls used to have a saying: "wouldn't kick him out of bed for eating crackers and leaving crumbs." So-called "conservative" women are willing to bed ugly guys who make no secret of hating them. Some women actually consent to sleep with the likes of trump, pigpence, gingrich, etc. Go figure.

It's all over the news that Melania Trump slept with her husband? They're married for Christ's sake! As for the looks of different male figures in the two political parties? Are you really claiming that liberals have cornered the market in "hot sexy males"?
View attachment 199563



Yeah...you're right...those Democratic guys are SO damn sexy! (eye roll)

They're "married"? A pig taking another pig to the altar? Filth, meet filth. She ain't no "lady" and the whore she "married" ain't no gentleman.

It's the guys who have made looks an issue, always, and they certainly are with this Melania because she's a good-looking woman who became the third "wife" of a shameless nazi and actually allows him to put his hands on her. And it's usually the same guys who throw bible-crap at everybody else and troll for teenage "wives." Se

This POS could just walk up to her "husband" and say "change this situation or you are no more to me." But she doesn't, and then Her Royal Highness issues a ridiculous statement like this. Send her and her son to the border to get separated, live in a stockade, and get served her plate of beans and rice, just like the ladies who are already there.

I don't expect political leaders to have good looks, as long as they do what is right. Sex is another matter, entirely. Right-wing males seem to reduce heterosexual sex, religion, and politics into a dangerous stew, without taking a long look at themselves in a mirror.

You're a very strange person, Lys...

I'm amused by how you seem to have totally MISSED the part of our program where one liberal icon after another was exposed for being a serial abuser of women! I guess when your so fixated on Right Wing males it's hard to see the forest for the trees? Perhaps it's time for you to take a good hard look in the mirror yourself? Start with Harvey Weinstein.
You assholes are the ones who comment continuously about a woman's physical appearance. This was not begun by me. I'm just saying that these morons should look in the mirror for a change. Melania may be "hot" and that this is why you like her, plus that she, and "Karen" allow themselves to be pawed and penetrated by trump and pigpence, but it's the same damned thing. trump and pigpence are UGLY (eye roll)! Do you want these guys in bed with you??? Trump, pigpence, mcconanal, ryan? Does jeffress or graham have you sniffin' around?

Really? Show me one post where I've commented on a woman's physical appearance!

You know what's disgusting to me, Lys? How so many of you women on the left have ZERO problem saying the most despicable things about conservative women based on little more than their political beliefs while whining about an alleged "war on women" by the right! Leave Melania Trump out of your hatred for Trump. She's not the reason that her husband beat Hillary Clinton.

Look, the bitch laid the most despicable male whore of our lifetime. Taste is taste. She lets that whore touch her and impregnate her. It's all over the news. And how many times have we seen bleachy-blondy bibble girls suck up to old ugly white guys who have pursued them so that they can get some. My point includes the fact that these "conservative" guys are not exactly gorgeous as would catch the eye of a heterosexual woman in the same way as a slim big-busted woman in a bikini would catch the eye of a heterosexual man. Most "conservative" guys are ugly and not bedroom material.

We girls used to have a saying: "wouldn't kick him out of bed for eating crackers and leaving crumbs." So-called "conservative" women are willing to bed ugly guys who make no secret of hating them. Some women actually consent to sleep with the likes of trump, pigpence, gingrich, etc. Go figure.

It's all over the news that Melania Trump slept with her husband? They're married for Christ's sake! As for the looks of different male figures in the two political parties? Are you really claiming that liberals have cornered the market in "hot sexy males"?
View attachment 199563



Yeah...you're right...those Democratic guys are SO damn sexy! (eye roll)

They're "married"? A pig taking another pig to the altar? Filth, meet filth. She ain't no "lady" and the whore she "married" ain't no gentleman.

It's the guys who have made looks an issue, always, and they certainly are with this Melania because she's a good-looking woman who became the third "wife" of a shameless nazi and actually allows him to put his hands on her. And it's usually the same guys who throw bible-crap at everybody else and troll for teenage "wives." Se

This POS could just walk up to her "husband" and say "change this situation or you are no more to me." But she doesn't, and then Her Royal Highness issues a ridiculous statement like this. Send her and her son to the border to get separated, live in a stockade, and get served her plate of beans and rice, just like the ladies who are already there.

I don't expect political leaders to have good looks, as long as they do what is right. Sex is another matter, entirely. Right-wing males seem to reduce heterosexual sex, religion, and politics into a dangerous stew, without taking a long look at themselves in a mirror.

You're a very strange person, Lys...

I'm amused by how you seem to have totally MISSED the part of our program where one liberal icon after another was exposed for being a serial abuser of women! I guess when your so fixated on Right Wing males it's hard to see the forest for the trees? Perhaps it's time for you to take a good hard look in the mirror yourself? Start with Harvey Weinstein.

I have no connection to Weinstein, and am extremely happy that he is meeting his fate. Start explaining right-wing policies that affect female Americans and female humans in other countries. What exactly IS your "program"? Pursuing white teenage girls?
Gads Iove to see liberals acting out their own delusions.

Trump landslide 2020
You think attacking children will lead to a GOP landslide?
Don't you know most people think attacking children is a bad thing?
Really? Show me one post where I've commented on a woman's physical appearance!

You know what's disgusting to me, Lys? How so many of you women on the left have ZERO problem saying the most despicable things about conservative women based on little more than their political beliefs while whining about an alleged "war on women" by the right! Leave Melania Trump out of your hatred for Trump. She's not the reason that her husband beat Hillary Clinton.

Look, the bitch laid the most despicable male whore of our lifetime. Taste is taste. She lets that whore touch her and impregnate her. It's all over the news. And how many times have we seen bleachy-blondy bibble girls suck up to old ugly white guys who have pursued them so that they can get some. My point includes the fact that these "conservative" guys are not exactly gorgeous as would catch the eye of a heterosexual woman in the same way as a slim big-busted woman in a bikini would catch the eye of a heterosexual man. Most "conservative" guys are ugly and not bedroom material.

We girls used to have a saying: "wouldn't kick him out of bed for eating crackers and leaving crumbs." So-called "conservative" women are willing to bed ugly guys who make no secret of hating them. Some women actually consent to sleep with the likes of trump, pigpence, gingrich, etc. Go figure.

It's all over the news that Melania Trump slept with her husband? They're married for Christ's sake! As for the looks of different male figures in the two political parties? Are you really claiming that liberals have cornered the market in "hot sexy males"?
View attachment 199563



Yeah...you're right...those Democratic guys are SO damn sexy! (eye roll)

They're "married"? A pig taking another pig to the altar? Filth, meet filth. She ain't no "lady" and the whore she "married" ain't no gentleman.

It's the guys who have made looks an issue, always, and they certainly are with this Melania because she's a good-looking woman who became the third "wife" of a shameless nazi and actually allows him to put his hands on her. And it's usually the same guys who throw bible-crap at everybody else and troll for teenage "wives." Se

This POS could just walk up to her "husband" and say "change this situation or you are no more to me." But she doesn't, and then Her Royal Highness issues a ridiculous statement like this. Send her and her son to the border to get separated, live in a stockade, and get served her plate of beans and rice, just like the ladies who are already there.

I don't expect political leaders to have good looks, as long as they do what is right. Sex is another matter, entirely. Right-wing males seem to reduce heterosexual sex, religion, and politics into a dangerous stew, without taking a long look at themselves in a mirror.

You're a very strange person, Lys...

I'm amused by how you seem to have totally MISSED the part of our program where one liberal icon after another was exposed for being a serial abuser of women! I guess when your so fixated on Right Wing males it's hard to see the forest for the trees? Perhaps it's time for you to take a good hard look in the mirror yourself? Start with Harvey Weinstein.

I have no connection to Weinstein, and am extremely happy that he is meeting his fate. Start explaining right-wing policies that affect female Americans and female humans in other countries. What exactly IS your "program"? Pursuing white teenage girls?
Do you have a "connection" to Matt Lauer? Charlie Rose? Glenn Thrush? Al Franken? Matt Zimmerman? Dustin Hoffman? Michael Oreskes? Mark Halperin? Did you want to take a stab at explaining why dozens of liberal movers and shakers in Hollywood, New York and Washington DC have all been exposed as abusers of women? Or do you think accusing me of improper behavior based on nothing is going to suffice as a reply?
Let's be honest here, Kiddies...you folks on the left were the ones who were pushing the narrative of a conservative "war on women" for the last two election cycles...only it turns out that the real war on women has been taking place behind the scenes by liberal men. Which means either you liberal women were clueless or you knew and you chose to ignore their actions just as you chose to ignore Bill Clinton's!
Kathy Griffin has long passed the twilight of her mediocre career. Only a loony leftist would consider anything she has to say as relevant.
I recall her in tears because she was so afraid she’d fucked up and ended her third tier career on the Indian casino circuit due to her anti-Trump comedy. Yeah, Kathy sobbing like a baby...Now that was entertaining comedy!
Well Trump can end this since he started it. But he wants money for the wall, which he said Mexico was going to pay for. Trump so said what you guys wanted to hear.
No he started nothing. He is enforcing the law made by other presidents before. Do you turds ever stop lying?
He doesn’t have to enforce it, just like Obama didn’t enforce it. He chooses to enforce it.

Remember the pictures from 2014. Tell us Faun, who was President in 2014?

You are just another lying libtard!
Which picture showed the families were separated?

Oh, please! You are a dumbass, but I didn't know you were THAT big of a dumbass!

The pictures they showed alleging kids were being held in cages in the detention facilities that were kids held there during 2014 under the Obama regime.
Dumbfuck, those images were of unaccompanied kids who were caught crossing the border. Have some explain to you what the word, “unaccompanied,” means so you understand those photos are not evidence of the Obama administration separating families such Trump is doing now. I know it’s a big word with lots of syllables, so I understand why you need help with it.
No he started nothing. He is enforcing the law made by other presidents before. Do you turds ever stop lying?
He doesn’t have to enforce it, just like Obama didn’t enforce it. He chooses to enforce it.

Remember the pictures from 2014. Tell us Faun, who was President in 2014?

You are just another lying libtard!
Which picture showed the families were separated?

Oh, please! You are a dumbass, but I didn't know you were THAT big of a dumbass!

The pictures they showed alleging kids were being held in cages in the detention facilities that were kids held there during 2014 under the Obama regime.
Dumbfuck, those images were of unaccompanied kids who were caught crossing the border. Have some explain to you what the word, “unaccompanied,” means so you understand those photos are not evidence of the Obama administration separating families such Trump is doing now. I know it’s a big word with lots of syllables, so I understand why you need help with it.

When you get arrested in the US do they throw your kids in the cell with your sorry ass?

Why are you so stupid?

Is your hatred strong enough to override your brain function?

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