Why The Interior Secretary’s Daughter Called Donald Trump A ‘Know-Nothing Piece Of S**t’

You know, I'm a retired Navy veteran, and I've served over 20 years in the military.

I agree with this woman. Trans people have been serving and doing pretty good over the past couple of years. If they are capable and able to do their jobs, why should they get kicked out? Damn near every other free country allows trans people to serve.

Besides, when you consider the FACT that only about 30 percent of the age eligible population is actually qualified to serve, why ban people who are qualified? Many people can't qualify for military service due to civilian convictions, physical requirements, or they can't score high enough on the ASVAB.

And.................of those 30 percent who are actually qualified to serve, only 1 percent of the population of this country actually does so.

If a person wants to serve and can pass all the requirements for entry into service, they should be allowed to serve.
Jennifer Detlefsen, a Navy vet, is outraged about Trump’s transgender military ban.

In a heartfelt and, frankly, kick-ass rebuke, the daughter of Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke called Donald Trump a “disgrace” in an Instagram post and said he should “shut the fuck up” before going on to label him a “know-nothing, never-served, piece of shit.”

Yep, it’s downright shocking ― and certainly a first ― to see that kind of language coming from the daughter of a cabinet secretary about the president of the United States. But while her words may be a bit harsh for some, Jennifer Detlefsen’s sentiment is right on.

She’s a U.S. Navy veteran (as is her father, who is a former Navy seal). And she is outraged about Donald Trump’s ban on transgender troops. She clearly saw the president making an attack on her brothers and sisters who served alongside her, a vicious assault on men and women in the military. And she just had to speak out.

Detlefsen, on July 26, posted a National Public Radio article about the ban to her account, and then commented: “This man is a disgrace. I’ve tried to keep politics out of my social media feed as much as possible, but this is inexcusable. This veteran says sit down and shut the fuck up, you know-nothing, never-served piece of shit. #itmfa #wtf”

The hastag #itmfa stands for, “Impeach the mother-fucker already.”

More: Why The Interior Secretary's Daughter Called Donald Trump A 'Know-Nothing Piece Of S**t'

Amen! Thank you, Jennifer Detlefsen! I hope your father, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, is as proud of you as I am!
/---/ if we find two Vets who approve of the ban that cancels out your one girl leaving us ahead by one.

Sorry, you're gonna have to get another veteran. I agree with this woman. If you can pass the entrance requirements and want to serve, you should be allowed to serve.
Jennifer Detlefsen, a Navy vet, is outraged about Trump’s transgender military ban.

In a heartfelt and, frankly, kick-ass rebuke, the daughter of Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke called Donald Trump a “disgrace” in an Instagram post and said he should “shut the fuck up” before going on to label him a “know-nothing, never-served, piece of shit.”

Yep, it’s downright shocking ― and certainly a first ― to see that kind of language coming from the daughter of a cabinet secretary about the president of the United States. But while her words may be a bit harsh for some, Jennifer Detlefsen’s sentiment is right on.

She’s a U.S. Navy veteran (as is her father, who is a former Navy seal). And she is outraged about Donald Trump’s ban on transgender troops. She clearly saw the president making an attack on her brothers and sisters who served alongside her, a vicious assault on men and women in the military. And she just had to speak out.

Detlefsen, on July 26, posted a National Public Radio article about the ban to her account, and then commented: “This man is a disgrace. I’ve tried to keep politics out of my social media feed as much as possible, but this is inexcusable. This veteran says sit down and shut the fuck up, you know-nothing, never-served piece of shit. #itmfa #wtf”

The hastag #itmfa stands for, “Impeach the mother-fucker already.”

More: Why The Interior Secretary's Daughter Called Donald Trump A 'Know-Nothing Piece Of S**t'

Amen! Thank you, Jennifer Detlefsen! I hope your father, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, is as proud of you as I am!
/----/ OK one Vet - only 10 million more to go.
Count this Vet in too.
You know, I'm a retired Navy veteran, and I've served over 20 years in the military.

I agree with this woman. Trans people have been serving and doing pretty good over the past couple of years. If they are capable and able to do their jobs, why should they get kicked out? Damn near every other free country allows trans people to serve.

Besides, when you consider the FACT that only about 30 percent of the age eligible population is actually qualified to serve, why ban people who are qualified. Many people can't qualify for military service due to civilian convictions, physical requirements, or they can't score high enough on the ASVAB.

And.................of those 30 percent who are actually qualified to serve, only 1 percent of the population of this country actually does so.

If a person wants to serve and can pass all the requirements for entry into service, they should be allowed to serve.

No one is says they can't serve dumbass. Don't know if you mostly worked in the club during your time, but where I was it was a given there were gay people. They served just fine without me knowin they were gay, nor did they demand that I awknowlage their gayness. Na, we just worked. So a tranny can serve. No issue there, but boy trannies don't get to use the girl stuff. The military is not a social club and no one should have to pay for their cock removal surgery or their tit pills.
You know, I'm a retired Navy veteran, and I've served over 20 years in the military.

I agree with this woman. Trans people have been serving and doing pretty good over the past couple of years. If they are capable and able to do their jobs, why should they get kicked out? Damn near every other free country allows trans people to serve.

Besides, when you consider the FACT that only about 30 percent of the age eligible population is actually qualified to serve, why ban people who are qualified? Many people can't qualify for military service due to civilian convictions, physical requirements, or they can't score high enough on the ASVAB.

And.................of those 30 percent who are actually qualified to serve, only 1 percent of the population of this country actually does so.

If a person wants to serve and can pass all the requirements for entry into service, they should be allowed to serve.

The first argument is simple - Trannies are unfit to serve by definition - it is a mental illness. We don't knowingly allow mentally ill people to join the military.

The second argument is many if not all of of these trannies are joining for one reason- FREE surgery.
You know, I'm a retired Navy veteran, and I've served over 20 years in the military.

I agree with this woman. Trans people have been serving and doing pretty good over the past couple of years. If they are capable and able to do their jobs, why should they get kicked out? Damn near every other free country allows trans people to serve.

Besides, when you consider the FACT that only about 30 percent of the age eligible population is actually qualified to serve, why ban people who are qualified. Many people can't qualify for military service due to civilian convictions, physical requirements, or they can't score high enough on the ASVAB.

And.................of those 30 percent who are actually qualified to serve, only 1 percent of the population of this country actually does so.

If a person wants to serve and can pass all the requirements for entry into service, they should be allowed to serve.

No one is says they can't serve dumbass. Don't know if you mostly worked in the club during your time, but where I was it was a given there were gay people. They served just fine without me knowin they were gay, nor did they demand that I awknowlage their gayness. Na, we just worked. So a tranny can serve. No issue there, but boy trannies don't get to use the girl stuff. The military is not a social club and no one should have to pay for their cock removal surgery or their tit pills.

You're right, there have been gays in the military since the military began. I didn't meet my first gay person until I got to my first command.

And yeah, in the old days, nobody spoke out about being gay because if they did, they would be kicked out immediately. I remember one guy who checked onboard who had just completed the AEF program and had a whole bunch of electronics schools behind him. As soon as I started to check him in, he stated that he was gay and that he wanted to be evaluated. The corpsman Chief interviewed him, decided he was gay, and we processed him for discharge.

Saw the same dude about a half a year later in a nice car cruising VA Beach with some hotties in his vehicle. I talked to him a bit an asked him about being gay, and he said he wasn't, he just wanted out because some firm in Norfolk had offered him a job that paid a lot of money when he got out.

Then? DADT came out in the mid 90's and people who were gay could stay in as long as they didn't say anything about being gay. Well, that didn't work out very well, one of the reasons being is that gay people wanted to be able to avail themselves of the Ombudsman program so they could keep in touch with their loved ones back home.

Now? They can serve openly and are even allowed to get married, which is how it should be. Just because a person's sexual preference is different from mine, they shouldn't be disallowed benefits given to others.

Same thing with trans people. If they do their job well and show they are good soldiers and sailors, they should be allowed to stay.

And yeah...........Trump IS saying that trans people can't serve. The military has stopped accepting trans people, and there is talk now of discharging all those who are currently on active duty or not allowing them to reenlist.
You know, I'm a retired Navy veteran, and I've served over 20 years in the military.

I agree with this woman. Trans people have been serving and doing pretty good over the past couple of years. If they are capable and able to do their jobs, why should they get kicked out? Damn near every other free country allows trans people to serve.

Besides, when you consider the FACT that only about 30 percent of the age eligible population is actually qualified to serve, why ban people who are qualified? Many people can't qualify for military service due to civilian convictions, physical requirements, or they can't score high enough on the ASVAB.

And.................of those 30 percent who are actually qualified to serve, only 1 percent of the population of this country actually does so.

If a person wants to serve and can pass all the requirements for entry into service, they should be allowed to serve.

The first argument is simple - Trannies are unfit to serve by definition - it is a mental illness. We don't knowingly allow mentally ill people to join the military.

The second argument is many if not all of of these trannies are joining for one reason- FREE surgery.

How many years did YOU serve? Me? I did a bit over 20 years. And how do you know for sure the reasons someone enlists? Many trans people have served and opted to wait until they left the military to transition because of the previous ban.
We need to purge the Military of these types.
Her and her daddy can fuck off.
You can go tell her daddy to fuck off...just let us know when you do it so we can watch.

He wouldnt do shit.

Maybe not at first. Most SEALs that I know will let someone mouth off to them a little bit because they know that they can destroy whoever is bugging them. However, push them far enough and they will put you on the floor.
You know, I'm a retired Navy veteran, and I've served over 20 years in the military.

I agree with this woman. Trans people have been serving and doing pretty good over the past couple of years. If they are capable and able to do their jobs, why should they get kicked out? Damn near every other free country allows trans people to serve.

Besides, when you consider the FACT that only about 30 percent of the age eligible population is actually qualified to serve, why ban people who are qualified? Many people can't qualify for military service due to civilian convictions, physical requirements, or they can't score high enough on the ASVAB.

And.................of those 30 percent who are actually qualified to serve, only 1 percent of the population of this country actually does so.

If a person wants to serve and can pass all the requirements for entry into service, they should be allowed to serve.

The first argument is simple - Trannies are unfit to serve by definition - it is a mental illness. We don't knowingly allow mentally ill people to join the military.

The second argument is many if not all of of these trannies are joining for one reason- FREE surgery.
How is it free if they serve the country? Are you making the assertion that all of us who served are getting FREE medical care?
We need to purge the Military of these types.
Her and her daddy can fuck off.
You can go tell her daddy to fuck off...just let us know when you do it so we can watch.

He wouldnt do shit.

Maybe not at first. Most SEALs that I know will let someone mouth off to them a little bit because they know that they can destroy whoever is bugging them. However, push them far enough and they will put you on the floor.

So you think violence is the answer to words?
Typical leftist.
Conservatives have absolutely no reason to criticize anyone's language. The Big Orange Idiot opened the door to all with his obscene and profane campaign rhetoric. And his boorish antics have only gotten worse since his inauguration.

Rather than a poised and dignified individual, who had presence and the ability to act as a leader of nations, and maintained world respect, as did President Obama, conservatives have decided the classless and arrogant buffoonery of the Big Orange Idiot is the image they want the United States to project. To this end, the Big Orange Idiot is just what the conservatives ordered.

Now, when there is a meeting of nations, the U.S. president is the joke in the room. At least Hillary Clinton had earned the respect of her peers as an international representative, where as, Big Orange is treated as the ignoramus he truly is.


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Proof, indeed.

/----/ President Trump has all of those qualities you troll.
We need to purge the Military of these types.
Her and her daddy can fuck off.
You can go tell her daddy to fuck off...just let us know when you do it so we can watch.

He wouldnt do shit.

Maybe not at first. Most SEALs that I know will let someone mouth off to them a little bit because they know that they can destroy whoever is bugging them. However, push them far enough and they will put you on the floor.
And he's from Montana....we know how those politicians from Montana are......
We need to purge the Military of these types.
Her and her daddy can fuck off.
You can go tell her daddy to fuck off...just let us know when you do it so we can watch.

He wouldnt do shit.

Maybe not at first. Most SEALs that I know will let someone mouth off to them a little bit because they know that they can destroy whoever is bugging them. However, push them far enough and they will put you on the floor.

So you think violence is the answer to words?
Typical leftist.
Let's see....you said she and her daddy could fuck off.....not violent? So you were propositioning them both.......

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