Why The Interior Secretary’s Daughter Called Donald Trump A ‘Know-Nothing Piece Of S**t’

Trump served! Yes he did. During Vietnam he served in a military academy.

And there is nothing homoerotic about this STAFF photo, either:


Least it wasn't with skinheads like some people.
Even back then, Trump's tiny hands were making a circle with thumb and forefinger!

Must be congenital.
Trump served! Yes he did. During Vietnam he served in a military academy.

And there is nothing homoerotic about this STAFF photo, either:


Least it wasn't with skinheads like some people.
Even back then, Trump's tiny hands were making a circle with thumb and forefinger!

Must be congenital.

Yeah, but jerking off in private is his business. You were burned crosses. Which is worse?
Jennifer Detlefsen, a Navy vet, is outraged about Trump’s transgender military ban.

In a heartfelt and, frankly, kick-ass rebuke, the daughter of Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke called Donald Trump a “disgrace” in an Instagram post and said he should “shut the fuck up” before going on to label him a “know-nothing, never-served, piece of shit.”

Yep, it’s downright shocking ― and certainly a first ― to see that kind of language coming from the daughter of a cabinet secretary about the president of the United States. But while her words may be a bit harsh for some, Jennifer Detlefsen’s sentiment is right on.

She’s a U.S. Navy veteran (as is her father, who is a former Navy seal). And she is outraged about Donald Trump’s ban on transgender troops. She clearly saw the president making an attack on her brothers and sisters who served alongside her, a vicious assault on men and women in the military. And she just had to speak out.

Detlefsen, on July 26, posted a National Public Radio article about the ban to her account, and then commented: “This man is a disgrace. I’ve tried to keep politics out of my social media feed as much as possible, but this is inexcusable. This veteran says sit down and shut the fuck up, you know-nothing, never-served piece of shit. #itmfa #wtf”

The hastag #itmfa stands for, “Impeach the mother-fucker already.”

More: Why The Interior Secretary's Daughter Called Donald Trump A 'Know-Nothing Piece Of S**t'

Amen! Thank you, Jennifer Detlefsen! I hope your father, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, is as proud of you as I am!
/----/ OK one Vet - only 10 million more to go.
Trump served! Yes he did. During Vietnam he served in a military academy.

And there is nothing homoerotic about this STAFF photo, either:


Least it wasn't with skinheads like some people.
Even back then, Trump's tiny hands were making a circle with thumb and forefinger!

Must be congenital.

Yeah, but jerking off in private is his business. You were burned crosses. Which is worse?
I don't even know what "You were burned crosses" means.
Jennifer Detlefsen, a Navy vet, is outraged about Trump’s transgender military ban.

In a heartfelt and, frankly, kick-ass rebuke, the daughter of Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke called Donald Trump a “disgrace” in an Instagram post and said he should “shut the fuck up” before going on to label him a “know-nothing, never-served, piece of shit.”

Yep, it’s downright shocking ― and certainly a first ― to see that kind of language coming from the daughter of a cabinet secretary about the president of the United States. But while her words may be a bit harsh for some, Jennifer Detlefsen’s sentiment is right on.

She’s a U.S. Navy veteran (as is her father, who is a former Navy seal). And she is outraged about Donald Trump’s ban on transgender troops. She clearly saw the president making an attack on her brothers and sisters who served alongside her, a vicious assault on men and women in the military. And she just had to speak out.

Detlefsen, on July 26, posted a National Public Radio article about the ban to her account, and then commented: “This man is a disgrace. I’ve tried to keep politics out of my social media feed as much as possible, but this is inexcusable. This veteran says sit down and shut the fuck up, you know-nothing, never-served piece of shit. #itmfa #wtf”

The hastag #itmfa stands for, “Impeach the mother-fucker already.”

More: Why The Interior Secretary's Daughter Called Donald Trump A 'Know-Nothing Piece Of S**t'

Amen! Thank you, Jennifer Detlefsen! I hope your father, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, is as proud of you as I am!

She did it because she's a brainless gullible snowflake.
Trump served! Yes he did. During Vietnam he served in a military academy.

And there is nothing homoerotic about this STAFF photo, either:

/----/ Obama College Years when he could have served:
View attachment 146726

President Obama never avoided the draft - like Trump.
/----/ Please gather any proof that Trump avoided the draft (a felony) and present it to the JAG office nearest you. This could be the ticket you guys need to remove Trump from office. Go ahead. CHOP CHOP.
How long before that post gets removed and she issues a formal apology?
The pressure on Dad will be pretty serious.
Jennifer Detlefsen, a Navy vet, is outraged about Trump’s transgender military ban.

In a heartfelt and, frankly, kick-ass rebuke, the daughter of Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke called Donald Trump a “disgrace” in an Instagram post and said he should “shut the fuck up” before going on to label him a “know-nothing, never-served, piece of shit.”

Yep, it’s downright shocking ― and certainly a first ― to see that kind of language coming from the daughter of a cabinet secretary about the president of the United States. But while her words may be a bit harsh for some, Jennifer Detlefsen’s sentiment is right on.

She’s a U.S. Navy veteran (as is her father, who is a former Navy seal). And she is outraged about Donald Trump’s ban on transgender troops. She clearly saw the president making an attack on her brothers and sisters who served alongside her, a vicious assault on men and women in the military. And she just had to speak out.

Detlefsen, on July 26, posted a National Public Radio article about the ban to her account, and then commented: “This man is a disgrace. I’ve tried to keep politics out of my social media feed as much as possible, but this is inexcusable. This veteran says sit down and shut the fuck up, you know-nothing, never-served piece of shit. #itmfa #wtf”

The hastag #itmfa stands for, “Impeach the mother-fucker already.”

More: Why The Interior Secretary's Daughter Called Donald Trump A 'Know-Nothing Piece Of S**t'

Amen! Thank you, Jennifer Detlefsen! I hope your father, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, is as proud of you as I am!

She says Trump is a “know-nothing, never-served, piece of shit.” Jennifer have you been reading my posts?
Conservatives have absolutely no reason to criticize anyone's language. The Big Orange Idiot opened the door to all with his obscene and profane campaign rhetoric. And his boorish antics have only gotten worse since his inauguration.

Rather than a poised and dignified individual, who had presence and the ability to act as a leader of nations, and maintained world respect, as did President Obama, conservatives have decided the classless and arrogant buffoonery of the Big Orange Idiot is the image they want the United States to project. To this end, the Big Orange Idiot is just what the conservatives ordered.

Now, when there is a meeting of nations, the U.S. president is the joke in the room. At least Hillary Clinton had earned the respect of her peers as an international representative, where as, Big Orange is treated as the ignoramus he truly is.



Proof, indeed.

I repeat from the OP:

This veteran says sit down and shut the fuck up, you know-nothing, never-served piece of shit. #itmfa #wtf”

The hastag #itmfa stands for, “Impeach the mother-fucker already.”
yep so? I don't give a shit about him/her or his feelings.
Trump served! Yes he did. During Vietnam he served in a military academy.

And there is nothing homoerotic about this STAFF photo, either:


Least it wasn't with skinheads like some people.
Even back then, Trump's tiny hands were making a circle with thumb and forefinger!

Must be congenital.
you must be in love with his hands eh? can't stop talking about em. funny what a punk you are.
Conservatives have absolutely no reason to criticize anyone's language. The Big Orange Idiot opened the door to all with his obscene and profane campaign rhetoric. And his boorish antics have only gotten worse since his inauguration.

Rather than a poised and dignified individual, who had presence and the ability to act as a leader of nations, and maintained world respect, as did President Obama, conservatives have decided the classless and arrogant buffoonery of the Big Orange Idiot is the image they want the United States to project. To this end, the Big Orange Idiot is just what the conservatives ordered.

Now, when there is a meeting of nations, the U.S. president is the joke in the room. At least Hillary Clinton had earned the respect of her peers as an international representative, where as, Big Orange is treated as the ignoramus he truly is.


View attachment 146727

Proof, indeed.

he never asked anyone to stand up for him. he made his way to president, much more successful then you'll ever be. You in here mouthing off just shows how jealous you are of him.
Conservatives have absolutely no reason to criticize anyone's language. The Big Orange Idiot opened the door to all with his obscene and profane campaign rhetoric. And his boorish antics have only gotten worse since his inauguration.

Rather than a poised and dignified individual, who had presence and the ability to act as a leader of nations, and maintained world respect, as did President Obama, conservatives have decided the classless and arrogant buffoonery of the Big Orange Idiot is the image they want the United States to project. To this end, the Big Orange Idiot is just what the conservatives ordered.

Now, when there is a meeting of nations, the U.S. president is the joke in the room. At least Hillary Clinton had earned the respect of her peers as an international representative, where as, Big Orange is treated as the ignoramus he truly is.


View attachment 146727

Proof, indeed.


The Dims "opened the door" during the Reagan administration. Don't pretend you've been innocent until Trump got elected.
Jennifer Detlefsen, a Navy vet, is outraged about Trump’s transgender military ban.

In a heartfelt and, frankly, kick-ass rebuke, the daughter of Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke called Donald Trump a “disgrace” in an Instagram post and said he should “shut the fuck up” before going on to label him a “know-nothing, never-served, piece of shit.”

Yep, it’s downright shocking ― and certainly a first ― to see that kind of language coming from the daughter of a cabinet secretary about the president of the United States. But while her words may be a bit harsh for some, Jennifer Detlefsen’s sentiment is right on.

She’s a U.S. Navy veteran (as is her father, who is a former Navy seal). And she is outraged about Donald Trump’s ban on transgender troops. She clearly saw the president making an attack on her brothers and sisters who served alongside her, a vicious assault on men and women in the military. And she just had to speak out.

Detlefsen, on July 26, posted a National Public Radio article about the ban to her account, and then commented: “This man is a disgrace. I’ve tried to keep politics out of my social media feed as much as possible, but this is inexcusable. This veteran says sit down and shut the fuck up, you know-nothing, never-served piece of shit. #itmfa #wtf”

The hastag #itmfa stands for, “Impeach the mother-fucker already.”

More: Why The Interior Secretary's Daughter Called Donald Trump A 'Know-Nothing Piece Of S**t'

Amen! Thank you, Jennifer Detlefsen! I hope your father, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, is as proud of you as I am!
/---/ if we find two Vets who approve of the ban that cancels out your one girl leaving us ahead by one.

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