Katie Hobbs Lawyer tries to get Kari Lake Witness to Agree that a Ballot is not Unlawful "if someone inserts it into the stream."

How exactly do you propose to "secure elections before they take place"? Are you saying to hell with the voters and just declare who you want to win as the winner? And, if lawsuits after the fact will never go anywhere, does that mean you want the results to be determined before the voters have a say? Explain yourself.
Talking about a huge threat to Democracy.....you Democrats are pretty much IT!!!

The whole point of elections is supposed to be that all parties to a fair election agree to follow the rules and not cheat.

But you figure cheating is just part of the process....and who is better at it wins.
All that means is…..try better next time

Doesn’t mean throw everything out and start over
So you're saying that fraud took place and we weren't able to stop it this time. Try harder next time, right?

That's what I thought.
Not fraud….just some procedural issues

Not the same
I don't give a flying-fuck what you want to call it.
They planned these procedural issues to take place on election day, and they carried them out.

Any honest judge worth a damn will disqualify the election and force a new one to clear up all of the "procedural issues" that Globalists caused.
What Lake has failed to prove is the basic question

If not for this happening, I would have won the election.

She failed miserably
Yes, and that would be almost impossible.

She can prove that the election did not follow lawful procedures and that it was her opponent's own people who deliberately did not follow lawful procedures. She did prove that, in fact. She could argue, but not prove absolutely that the procedural violations helped her opponent.

But it is impossible to prove what "woud have" happened, and no judge will ever over-turn an election over what "would have" happened. Best dream scenario would be that a new election be ordered and that is highly unlikely.

Even if that happened, nothing prevents the Dems from pulling the same shenanigans.

So the elections must be made secure before the elections.
She can prove that the election did not follow lawful procedures and that it was her opponent's own people who deliberately did not follow lawful procedures

Procedural errors are not election fraud and require a direction to do better next time……..NOT to do the whole election over
Wrong. It was proven in court the law was broken. But according to the law, it has to be proven that an individual did the law breaking. Which is bullshit when it comes to an election. This essentially means you can cheat all you want, if you can’t prove certain individuals intended to, and did do those crimes, then it doesn’t matter. So this leaves the door open for rampant cheating. Since there is so little time to do a full investigation between Election Day and when the candidates get sworn in, it’s virtually impossible to stop. I guess the GOP should just start ballot harvesting themselves.
Yes, the GOP absolutely should do that. There should be an army of ballot harvesters and they should make no bones about it. Go to conservative churches in a van that says "Ballots Beat Beelzebub." Go to gun shows with a van that says "No Ballot now - No Bullets Later." Go to old folks homes with signs that say "Vote Now before the Death Panels Pull the Plug." Go to union meetings with signs that say, "Ballots Bust Outsourcing."

Election cheating is the new American way. Repubs didn't ask for that, but now they must beat the Democrooks at their own game.
Procedural errors are not election fraud and require a direction to do better next time……..NOT to do the whole election over
That's what I said.

Deliberately breaking procudure to help your candidate win is election fraud, but it won't lead to overturning an election. Criminal penalties should be increased and enforced, but there is no remedy that re-does the election.
Yes, the GOP absolutely should do that. There should be an army of ballot harvesters and they should make no bones about it. Go to conservative churches in a van that says "Ballots Beat Beelzebub." Go to gun shows with a van that says "No Ballot now - No Bullets Later." Go to old folks homes with signs that say "Vote Now before the Death Panels Pull the Plug." Go to union meetings with signs that say, "Ballots Bust Outsourcing."

Election cheating is the new American way. Repubs didn't ask for that, but now they must beat the Democrooks at their own game.

If they are legal, registered voters…..what difference does it make?
That's what I said.

Deliberately breaking procudure to help your candidate win is election fraud, but it won't lead to overturning an election. Criminal penalties should be increased and enforced, but there is no remedy that re-does the election.
That's what I said.
There are books of election minutia that aren’t always followed to the letter
If you look hard enough, no election would pass muster

Lake failed to show anything that had an impact on the election. She LOST

Arizona voters are tired of post election Crybaby Losers
What the Arizona judge ruled

"Not perfectly,” Thompson continued, "as no system on this earth is perfect, but more than sufficient to comply with the law and conduct a valid election."
sure it does, RETARD....you failing miserably every time you type----to stupid to figure that out on your own, huh?
like i keep saying:


Uses of the words "to", "too", and "two"....................

The words "to," "too," and "two" are homophones: they sound alike but have different meanings. The preposition "to" refers to a place, direction, or position. The particle "to" is used before the verb in a to-infinitive. The adverb "too" means also, very, extremely, or additionally.

"Two" refers to the number 2. It's probably the easiest one to remember, maybe because it doesn't look like it should rhyme with "to" and "too." It can be confusing for English language learners, and even native English speakers, to distinguish and use these terms.

You keep telling people "if you only had a brain" (what, did you overdose on watching the scarecrow on the Wizard of Oz), yet you appear to not know the difference between "to" and "too". I know they sound alike, but they are spelled differently, and they don't mean the same thing.

Apparently, you should take your own statement to heart yourself, as you appear to not have a brain.
Why not?

Mail in ballots are bar coded to a registered voter.
Signatures are on file

Difficult to fake

There may be some . . . procedural discrepancies when Republicans start harvesting ballots in earnest.

But no system on this earth is perfect, but more than sufficient to comply with the law and conduct a valid election.

Just remember not to question anything the Republicans do with ballot harvesting, because that would endanger democracy.
Procedural errors are not election fraud and require a direction to do better next time……..NOT to do the whole election over
I caught you admitting the truth.
Now you're trying to use double-speak to dig yourself out of that hole.


You assholes cheat....and even when you're caught red-handed you claim that it never happened, and that nothing can be done about it anyway.

If someone in the process was actually willing to do something about the cheating...they would do it.
But that's the entire process.
They infiltrate the election process in the largest cities in these states and flip them by making sure that nobody gets in their way. The opponents, the people on the ground counting, and the courts.
They pick the judges and the judge decides in favor of the cheaters.
Last edited:
Uses of the words "to", "too", and "two"....................

The words "to," "too," and "two" are homophones: they sound alike but have different meanings. The preposition "to" refers to a place, direction, or position. The particle "to" is used before the verb in a to-infinitive. The adverb "too" means also, very, extremely, or additionally.

"Two" refers to the number 2. It's probably the easiest one to remember, maybe because it doesn't look like it should rhyme with "to" and "too." It can be confusing for English language learners, and even native English speakers, to distinguish and use these terms.

You keep telling people "if you only had a brain" (what, did you overdose on watching the scarecrow on the Wizard of Oz), yet you appear to not know the difference between "to" and "too". I know they sound alike, but they are spelled differently, and they don't mean the same thing.

Apparently, you should take your own statement to heart yourself, as you appear to not have a brain.
amazingly, you know the tune......go figure


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