Kav assassination attempt ignored by all 4 major TV news channels

Being a doctor shouldn't be a dangerous job. Being a public official is because they do so much to screw with our lives... Isn't this why your side says we need them guns?

We ALL have to live with gun toting maniacs, because it is easier for a crazy person to get a gun than treatment. Kavanaugh is actually in a position to do something about it, and he's making it easier for the nuts to get guns.

Sounds about right. This guy needs treatment, not jail. 41 years after a crazy person was able to get a gun and shoot Reagan, and you guys are okay with this.

Sounds reasonable. He gave himself up before he did anything.

Killing babies affects people's lives.

The only reason why the Courts are being bullied is that they are imposing massively unpopular policies on the country, after they all promised they wouldn't do that.

EVERY LAST JUSTICE who is on the anti-Roe majority got up in front of the Senate and pledged their loyalty to Stare decisis.

People are damned angry and they should be.

Which has nothing to do with one crazy person who was able to get a gun wandering to Kavanaugh's house before having the good sense to turn himself in.
Yes, killing babies is a great cause! :rolleyes:
Uh, your side is the one who says that we all needs our guns to fights the gummit! What do you think that actually looks like in practice? Given Kavanaugh is part of the "let's let crazy people buy guns because the Founding Fathers couldn't define a militia clearly" sect, he should rejoice in the fact a nut with a gun tried to shoot him.

Boo-fucking-hoo.... Brett has to live with nuts with guns. So do our school kids.

When that happens, let me know.

There are guys doing prison time for less evidence than they had on Rapey Brett.


What evidence? Her vague recollections that have no actual forensic evidence or corroboration?
Being a doctor shouldn't be a dangerous job. Being a public official is because they do so much to screw with our lives... Isn't this why your side says we need them guns?

We ALL have to live with gun toting maniacs, because it is easier for a crazy person to get a gun than treatment. Kavanaugh is actually in a position to do something about it, and he's making it easier for the nuts to get guns.

Sounds about right. This guy needs treatment, not jail. 41 years after a crazy person was able to get a gun and shoot Reagan, and you guys are okay with this.

Sounds reasonable. He gave himself up before he did anything.

And yet your side's rhetoric is the cause of it. Or it would be if the roles were reversed.

The progressive mantra: Our violence is speech, your speech is violence.

As individuals you are giant pussies, only as a mob do you have any balls.

Yep, CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS completely ignored it.

More proof of their partisanship, and lack of credibility.
Well, the perp called 911 on himself, so it is kind of a non-story, as there was nothing to really follow up on.

I'm sure all the wingnut media is doing a deep dive into the story for you.
Well, the perp called 911 on himself, so it is kind of a non-story, as there was nothing to really follow up on.

I'm sure all the wingnut media is doing a deep dive into the story for you.
So for the record, a media that reports how the DNC threatens and intimidates and attempts to murder their political opponents is a wing nut media

Duly noted.

Nazi much?

In fact, I bet you did NAZI that even coming, did you?

Yep, CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS completely ignored it.

More proof of their partisanship, and lack of credibility.

You right wing fascists want to divert attention from the shootings in Uvalde and Buffalo by right wing fascists.,

What evidence? Her vague recollections that have no actual forensic evidence or corroboration?

Uh, ever hear of a guy named Gary Dotson? He was sent to prison for 10 years in IL because a woman lied about being raped by him. Even after she recanted, the State insisted on keeping him in jail.
Uh, ever hear of a guy named Gary Dotson? He was sent to prison for 10 years in IL because a woman lied about being raped by him. Even after she recanted, the State insisted on keeping him in jail.

Has nothing to do with Kavanaugh being smeared by a complete fabrication.
Theyre not covering it. Theyre complicit with the dems on abortion. They will kill you if you try to stop them from killing the unborn.

You are complicit with right wing fascists. Too bad you don't worry about the children who were shot by a right wing fascist. Abortion is a fake issue drummed up by right wing fascists. Roe vs Wade didn't become a issue until the early 80s when the religious right was looking for a issue to rally around.
It was newsworthy and if it had been an attempt on one of the three liberal judges the rhetoric on how violent the right is would have been on every Sunday show and you’d be all over it, you are minimizing the attempt on a Supreme Court Justice’s life.

You lied about the OP and wont apologize to them for it, that tells us what kind of person you are.

Nice debate tactic on trying to minimize my statemenwith your cheap shot.

In the last 30 days, 10 people in Buffalo and 19 people in Uvalde have been killed. Idaho police arrested 31 right wing fascists who were going to start a riot at a LGBTQ evebnt. You don't seem to be concerned about that.
Yes there is video of chucky ordering his brown shirts and encouraging the behavior

this man, well one person, is part of the larger demafasict brownshirts

No there is not. Wonder why right wing fascists who shoot people sound exactly like Republicans.
I know you aren’t a liberal however liberal Maher even knows that the story was buried.

You left wing nutters are getting exposed for what you need Wally are.

Maher is wrong.
No it was not. There is evidence that Kavanaugh may have lied to Congress which is a crime.

Pure bullshit.

And if you are going along the whole "stare decisis" thing, he never pledged he wouldn't overturn Roe so that dog won't hunt.
Pure bullshit.

And if you are going along the whole "stare decisis" thing, he never pledged he wouldn't overturn Roe so that dog won't hunt.

Also several people who knew him in college have said that he lied on certain things.

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