Kav assassination attempt ignored by all 4 major TV news channels

Uh, Kavanaugh isn't in there because of a "democratic" system. He was appointed by a president who was rejected by the people, because a senate refused to follow its own rules in vetting SCOTUS judges.

If the rest of us have to live with crazy people with guns, so should Rapey Brett. The difference is, he could actually DO something about it.
"RAPEY BRETT"??????????????????? That was an unproven, unsupported lieing accusation. Unlike the rest of us you are stupied enought to belive it.
yes he planned an attempted assassination and coup….and did so under the direction of Chucky S and encouragement of Xiden

You must get all of your exercise jumping to conclusions!! How is one man going to overthrow the government, all by himself?

Do you have evidence that Chuck Shumer directed this attempt, or are you just "connecting" the dots??? Peter Switzer said that's what he was doing in his smear campaign against the Clintons. He had no evidence either, but he was just connecting the dots. In r.eality both of you are just just connecting the fly specks on your computer screens
You must get all of your exercise jumping to conclusions!! How is one man going to overthrow the government, all by himself?

Do you have evidence that Chuck Shumer directed this attempt, or are you just "connecting" the dots??? Peter Switzer said that's what he was doing in his smear campaign against the Clintons. He had no evidence either, but he was just connecting the dots. In r.eality both of you are just just connecting the fly specks on your computer screens
Yes there is video of chucky ordering his brown shirts and encouraging the behavior

this man, well one person, is part of the larger demafasict brownshirts
Hey, if they managed to kill him, it would have actually been news.
Pleaaasssseee. If a gunman with the intent of killing a demleftist SCJ or any politician got within 10 miles of them you nuts would be screaming at the sky and demanding guns be taken away.
The guy never actually attempted to klll Kavanaugh
He just planned it and turned himself in when he saw police at Kavanaughs home

Networks gave it appropriate attention

The Michigan governor was only planned and you all were hysterical. Especially your news media.
It was newsworthy and if it had been an attempt on one of the three liberal judges the rhetoric on how violent the right is would have been on every Sunday show and you’d be all over it, you are minimizing the attempt on a Supreme Court Justice’s life.

You lied about the OP and wont apologize to them for it, that tells us what kind of person you are.

Nice debate tactic on trying to minimize my statemenwith your cheap shot.

Exactly. Rational people are starting to realize the hypocrisy of the left and their media. No matter. The leftist will continue to lie to themselves. It’s how they survive.
I think it was a false flag. Some right wing loon wanted to gin up sympathy for Justice Kavanaugh.

My proof? Zippo....just like every false flag claim made by the right wing loons.
"RAPEY BRETT"??????????????????? That was an unproven, unsupported lieing accusation. Unlike the rest of us you are stupied enought to belive it.

Blazing Fraud was the perfect figurehead for the left. Batshit crazy and delusional.

Yep, CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS completely ignored it.

More proof of their partisanship, and lack of credibility.
And, to boot, the person Democrats hired to be in charge of the Jan 6th reality television show is a former high up with ABC. No conflict there.
I think it was a false flag. Some right wing loon wanted to gin up sympathy for Justice Kavanaugh.

My proof? Zippo....just like every false flag claim made by the right wing loons.

Says the nut who still believes pregnant, hanging and dimpled chads are real and Algore won Florida.
Yes, how dare someone tell us what these bullies in robes are about to do to us!

Sucks to be them. As they used to tell me when I was in the service, you knew the job was dangerous when you took it.

Why should we? Frankly, they had a choice to NOT take rights away from millions of women. Particularly since every last one of them got in front of the Senate and agreed that Roe was settled law.

Last time I checked, the First Amendment says they have a right to protest. Just like the Second Amendment says they have a right to own guns. I'm just not seeing the problem here.
There is no right to take the life of another except in self defense or defense of others.

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