Kav assassination attempt ignored by all 4 major TV news channels

The guy never actually attempted to klll Kavanaugh
He just planned it and turned himself in when he saw police at Kavanaughs home

Networks gave it appropriate attention
The guy never actually attempted to klll Kavanaugh
He just planned it and turned himself in when he saw police at Kavanaughs home

Networks gave it appropriate attention
More retarded leftist drivel. ^^^

If it had been Nancy Pelosi we'd have a federal fucking investigation.
Theyre not covering it. Theyre complicit with the dems on abortion. They will kill you if you try to stop them from killing the unborn.
Hey, if they managed to kill him, it would have actually been news.
The Dems plot to undermine our democracy and murder a sitting Justices isn't news. The Dems plot to undermine our democracy all the time....it's what leftist tyrants want
Uh, Kavanaugh isn't in there because of a "democratic" system. He was appointed by a president who was rejected by the people, because a senate refused to follow its own rules in vetting SCOTUS judges.

If the rest of us have to live with crazy people with guns, so should Rapey Brett. The difference is, he could actually DO something about it.

The whole thing was made up, no actual evidence was ever presented.

You are continuing a lie, nothing more or less.
Its not even hypocrisy, its arrogance. The cult has different rules than everyone else because they believe they are better people and they should tell us how to live our lives.

Yep, CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS completely ignored it.

More proof of their partisanship, and lack of credibility.

The crackpot was taken into custody. Nobody ignored it. It was reported everywhere. What is the point of your lies?
The crackpot was taken into custody. Nobody ignored it. It was reported everywhere. What is the point of your lies?
You need to comprehend what you read. He said the ”Sunday Morning News “ shows ignored it.
He didn’t lie, you just did.
You need to comprehend what you read. He said the ”Sunday Morning News “ shows ignored it.
He didn’t lie, you just did.

It was reported in many news outlets all week. Why would it rate the Sunday news programs? Turning the story into a propaganda tool doesn't make sense. The guy is mentally ill.
It was reported in many news outlets all week. Why would it rate the Sunday news programs? Turning the story into a propaganda tool doesn't make sense. The guy is mentally ill.
Because the Sunday shows wrap up the events of the week, you know like review it. That is the point of the Sunday shows. Where the hell have you been? It doesn’t take the fact that calling him a liar was a lie, you lied.

Yep, CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS completely ignored it.

More proof of their partisanship, and lack of credibility.

Not sure why conservatives are even concerned with the Democrats actions?
Aren't they all watching Netflix or shopping on Amazon waiting for God to "take care of everything" for them ?

Yeah, looks like they have a very long wait ahead of them.
(Could be God is punishing them by unleashing the Dems ON THEM)

So, conservatives are all sinners, but still thinking God will right the ship for them?
Actually if it had been a MAGA hat wearing nutter going for say Kagan then it would be on the news 24-7 for 2 weeks.
The crackpot was taken into custody. Nobody ignored it. It was reported everywhere. What is the point of your lies?

I don’t see what else MAGA wanted to see reported?
Where he got his gun maybe?
The guy never actually attempted to klll Kavanaugh
He just planned it and turned himself in when he saw police at Kavanaughs home

Networks gave it appropriate attention
I know you were hoping for Kavanaugh to be killed to help even the court out, disappointing wasn’t it?

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