Kav assassination attempt ignored by all 4 major TV news channels

The attempt wasn't a main story suitable for the Sunday news shows. The major networks covered it, and gave it the attention it deserved, which is not a lot.

There was no actual attempt on Kavenaugh's life, so how much attention do you think it deserves?
I know you arenā€™t a liberal however liberal Maher even knows that the story was buried.

You left wing nutters are getting exposed for what you need Wally are.
No you don't , I heard it on CNN, and all the channels(I imagine) , it was big news. Figures it was Fox news, you can tell them for me, they didn't hold the 1st Jan 6th hearing (one of the many). Big news can't escape too many channels. The Jan 6th committee was big news, but Fox didn't air it.


N.Y. Times Buries Kavanaugh Assassination Attempt on Page A20

9 Jun 2022 ~~ By Isaac Schorr
The New York Times buried news of a foiled assassination plot against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, placing its only article on the incident on page A20 of Thursdayā€™s edition of the paper.
The Times is not alone: USA Today did not include a single story on the assassination attempt in its print edition on Thursday and Politico Playbook also failed to mention the narrowly avoided assassination of a Supreme Court justice.
To its credit, the Washington Post did include a story on Kavanaugh on its front page, although its framing ā€œMan arrested near justiceā€™s homeā€ was bereft of context.
In 2020, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer warned that Justice Neil Gorsuch and Kavanaugh would ā€œreap the whirlwindā€ and ā€œpay the priceā€ if they were to vote to alter Supreme Court doctrine on abortion. Itā€™s unclear what price Schumer was referring to, given the fact that Gorsuch and Kavanaugh are not subject to political costs or votersā€™ whims.

Had Nicholas John Roske gone through with the attack and succeeded would the Quisling Media and their Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Commie handlers have claimed he was a "White Supremacist", or like the attack that almost killed Congressman Scalise proudly proclaim their terrorist act.
Meanwhile it's people like you that speak about how hateful, terroristic and racist those white supremacists are, while it's people like you that cause the terrorism against Americans all in the name of your Marxist Socialist ideology by word and deed.

Uh, Kavanaugh isn't in there because of a "democratic" system. He was appointed by a president who was rejected by the people, because a senate refused to follow its own rules in vetting SCOTUS judges.

If the rest of us have to live with crazy people with guns, so should Rapey Brett. The difference is, he could actually DO something about it.
The US government is not a democracy you fool.

But it has an element of democracy where people elected appoint judges

Trump ran on who he was going to appoint to the courts, the people voted;

Granted, these are all people whose voice you wish to silence, and if you had your way, assassinate every last one of them like you want to do to Kav.
Another demented avenger subverted demoralized zombie Marxist moron that believes the Ballsy Ford LIES.

"Rapey"...... Your mind has been raped by your Marxist masters; congratulations!

There is something wrong with that poster.....Imagine believing Blasey Ford after this:

Lied about......

Teaching someone to take lie detector test

New sworn statement alleges Ford lied under oath about prepping someone for a polygraph Supreme Court

A separate door in her house

Renovation Records Undercut Ford's Exit-Door AccountFord testified, pushed her to say she wanted the door to alleviate symptoms of ā€œclaustrophobiaā€ and ā€œpanic attacks" she still suffered from an attempted rape allegedly perpetrated by Kavanaugh in high school during the early 1980s.

"Is that the reason for the second door ā€” front door -- is claustrophobia?ā€ asked Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee. ā€œCorrect,ā€ Ford replied.

Ford never specified when the renovation took place, leaving a possible impression that it and the therapy session happened around the same time.

But documents reveal the door was installed years before as part of an addition, and has been used by renters and even a marriage counseling business.ā€ Renovation Records Undercut Ford's Exit-Door Account


Being afraid to fly, ā€œā€¦it was presented as a terror so overwhelming, so uncontrollable, as to prevent her from traveling by air under any circumstances. No ā€“ Professordoktor Ford, we were led to believe, would need to drive from Palo Alto to Washington to testify before the Senate Judicial Committee.

This claim fell apart in short order after it was revealed that Ford had lived for a year in Honolulu, a city effectively unreachable except by air, had vacationed in Tahiti and other areas of the Pacific, and regularly flew from California to the east coast to visit family. In light of all this, the ā€œdrivingā€ claim became a running social media joke, with bogus reports of which was the last town she had driven through. ā€œThe Three Lies of Christine Blasey Ford

4. Blasey Ford allowed the public and the committee to believe that she was a psychologist in the full meaning of the term. She specifically told the committee that she was a ā€œresearch psychologistā€. She also made the claim on her university web site page, and in several other cases. The legacy media (for instance, theWashington Post and the Atlantic) dropped the ā€œresearchā€™ part and repeatedly asserted that she was a licensed psychologist, with no request for a correction from the Blasey Ford camp.

In fact, she is no such thing. While she has done the course work, and was awarded a doctorate in the field, she still lacks certification. To qualify as a ā€œpsychologistā€ in the state of California (and every other state in the union), an individual must serve a one-year residency and pass several rigorous examinations. Blasey Ford has not done so. She is, ipso facto, not a psychologist. The Three Lies of Christine Blasey Ford
Chuckie Schumer called out Gorsuch and Kavanaugh by name.

Need I remind everyone?

He radicalized this person to assassinate Kavanaughā€¦.and you sick fuck cultists love it.

Chuckie Schumer called out Gorsuch and Kavanaugh by name.

Need I remind everyone?

He radicalized this person to assassinate Kavanaughā€¦.and you sick fuck cultists love it.

Same way Henry II hinted he wanted Thomas Becket to be killed.

Archbishop Thomas Becket

Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest? - Wikipedia​

https://en.wikipedia.org ā€ŗ wiki ā€ŗ Will_no_one_rid_me_...

"Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?" (also expressed as "troublesome priest" or "meddlesome priest") is a quote attributed to Henry II of England ...
ā€ŽOrigin Ā· ā€ŽConsequences Ā· ā€ŽUse and analysis
With a few exceptions there really is no such thing as media anymore itā€™s just partisan cheerleaders pretending to be journalists now and they barely even pretend anymore.

Who is out there holding government accountable?

That was the whole point of freedom of the press.

Who is making sure there is not government overreach?

The Dems plot to undermine our democracy and murder a sitting Justices isn't news. The Dems plot to undermine our democracy all the time....it's what leftist tyrants want

Uh, your side is the one who says that we all needs our guns to fights the gummit! What do you think that actually looks like in practice? Given Kavanaugh is part of the "let's let crazy people buy guns because the Founding Fathers couldn't define a militia clearly" sect, he should rejoice in the fact a nut with a gun tried to shoot him.

Boo-fucking-hoo.... Brett has to live with nuts with guns. So do our school kids.

Actually if it had been a MAGA hat wearing nutter going for say Kagan then it would be on the news 24-7 for 2 weeks.

When that happens, let me know.

The whole thing was made up, no actual evidence was ever presented.

You are continuing a lie, nothing more or less.

There are guys doing prison time for less evidence than they had on Rapey Brett.
You say that about an abortion doctor. Then maybe you loons should shut up about the abortion doctor that got killed years ago. He knew the job was a dangerous one, right?

Being a doctor shouldn't be a dangerous job. Being a public official is because they do so much to screw with our lives... Isn't this why your side says we need them guns?

We ALL have to live with gun toting maniacs, because it is easier for a crazy person to get a gun than treatment. Kavanaugh is actually in a position to do something about it, and he's making it easier for the nuts to get guns.

I'll bet slap on the wrist, and they will claim it's because he called to turn himself in and changed his mind before he did anything.

Sounds about right. This guy needs treatment, not jail. 41 years after a crazy person was able to get a gun and shoot Reagan, and you guys are okay with this.

He'll get a weapons charge, a menacing charge, and maybe some others, but they won't charge him with attempted murder.

Sounds reasonable. He gave himself up before he did anything.
"RAPEY BRETT"??????????????????? That was an unproven, unsupported lieing accusation. Unlike the rest of us you are stupied enought to belive it.

There are guys doing prison time for as much evidence there was against Rapey Brett.

Yes there is video of chucky ordering his brown shirts and encouraging the behavior

this man, well one person, is part of the larger demafasict brownshirts

So Schumer saying something vague four years ago caused this? Really?

There is no right to take the life of another except in self defense or defense of others.

Yet you guys defend shooting unarmed black people all the time.
The US government is not a democracy you fool.

But it has an element of democracy where people elected appoint judges

Trump ran on who he was going to appoint to the courts, the people voted;

And he lost by 3 million votes.

More to the point, McConnell delayed a replacement for Scalia, but insisted on ramming through a replacement for RBG.

If we followed the will of the people, we'd have a 6-3 liberal majority on that court.
Uh, your side is the one who says that we all needs our guns to fights the gummit! What do you think that actually looks like in practice? Given Kavanaugh is part of the "let's let crazy people buy guns because the Founding Fathers couldn't define a militia clearly" sect, he should rejoice in the fact a nut with a gun tried to shoot him.

Boo-fucking-hoo.... Brett has to live with nuts with guns. So do our school kids.

When that happens, let me know.

There are guys doing prison time for less evidence than they had on Rapey Brett.
assassin ring a justice was your sides plot to over throw the govt
There are guys doing prison time for as much evidence there was against Rapey Brett.

So Schumer saying something vague four years ago caused this? Really?

Yet you guys defend shooting unarmed black people all the time.
what do you think was vague about what he said?
assassin ring a justice was your sides plot to over throw the govt

Uh, what plot? A crazy person bought a gun (because we let crazy people buy guns in this country, for reasons) and stopped himself before he hurt anyone.

I wish all the crazy people who get guns (for reasons) would be so courteous.

what do you think was vague about what he said?

Did he specifically say, "I hope a crazy person shows up and shoots you, that would be cool!'

Uh, what plot? A crazy person bought a gun (because we let crazy people buy guns in this country, for reasons) and stopped himself before he hurt anyone.

I wish all the crazy people who get guns (for reasons) would be so courteous.

Did he specifically say, "I hope a crazy person shows up and shoots you, that would be cool!'

the leftā€™s been openly encouraging insurrection and overthrowing the court

haha noā€¦geez joe
The "problem", Einstein...is that it's against the law to try and intimidate a judge! All those "protesters" should be arrested. We have three branches of Government and right now two of the branches have decided that they can bully the third.
The "problem", Einstein...is that it's against the law to try and intimidate a judge! All those "protesters" should be arrested. We have three branches of Government and right now two of the branches have decided that they can bully the third.


The only reason why the Courts are being bullied is that they are imposing massively unpopular policies on the country, after they all promised they wouldn't do that.

EVERY LAST JUSTICE who is on the anti-Roe majority got up in front of the Senate and pledged their loyalty to Stare decisis.

People are damned angry and they should be.

Which has nothing to do with one crazy person who was able to get a gun wandering to Kavanaugh's house before having the good sense to turn himself in.

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