Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

In my honest opinion, both Kavanaugh and Republican Senators will deeply regret not demanding a thorough FBI background investigation which would include all the new allegations. Kavanaugh looks guilty right now by not wanting one - and that will follow him for the rest of his life. Forever tainted.

"In my honest opinion, I think I should always get everything I want, exactly as I want it, and everyone will regret not letting me change reality to suit myself."
In my honest opinion, both Kavanaugh and Republican Senators will deeply regret not demanding a thorough FBI background investigation which would include all the new allegations. Kavanaugh looks guilty right now by not wanting one - and that will follow him for the rest of his life. Forever tainted.

Forgive me if I don’t think that’s your honest opinion. For one if you have to say it is I have to question why you need to. For another, you want republicans to look bad so why should any of believe you have our best interests at hand? Especially when you presume that our best interests are what you want.

The judiciary committee has investigated all the alleged witnesses. They contradict the victims story under oath.

The victim contradicts her own story. What can the FBI do that hasn’t been investigated already?
The hearing has ended. Here's what stood out the most to me: Kavanaugh seemed especially pissed that his nomination, hearings, and confirmation did not go quickly. That tells me that he was concerned that more bad stuff would become public. It did.

Brett Kavanaugh Plays The Victim

The Supreme Court Nominee’s Strategy Was To Make Himself The Victim

I wonder what Trump thought of all his sniveling.
In my honest opinion, both Kavanaugh and Republican Senators will deeply regret not demanding a thorough FBI background investigation which would include all the new allegations. Kavanaugh looks guilty right now by not wanting one - and that will follow him for the rest of his life. Forever tainted.

In his closing argument, Kavanaugh said he welcomed any kind of investigation. See, these liberal lies are so obvious. Nobody on the right ever stopped the FBI from doing anything. The FBI made the decision not to look into this because for one, Kavanaugh passed six background checks already, and two, it's not a federal matter. Yet you on the left keep hoping that your lies will be understood as truth.
This is a little different because it involves possible civil rights violations since they were both working for the government. From your link:

October 11, 1991: Hill testifies that Thomas had sexually harassed her while she worked with him at the Education Department and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Hill said Thomas frequently asked her out on dates and described his sexual interests to her. Thomas denies the allegations.

Babble much?
Two people don't have to be working for the same employer in order to get the FBI to investigate sexual harassment.

The FBI (first letter being Federal) only investigates Federal Crimes. They don't investigate house parties of teenagers. Civil rights is within their purview. A violation of Civil Rights is a federal crime.

Understand now???

the willful ignorant will never understand they refuse too

The FBI can investigate anything they want to.

"""In fact, the FBI could certainly investigate Ford's claim, but only if the White House asks the bureau to do so. She has no authority to request it. Neither does the Senate."""
Can the FBI investigate the allegation against Brett Kavanaugh?

But you know the Pussy-Grabber-in-Chief is not going to allow it.

I have no problem with the FBI doing a full scale criminal investigation of this alleged molestation of a child.

But it should be done AFTER the vote, and regardless of the result of the vote.

There is no statute of limitations for the child molestation in Maryland, and there is no reason why all of the suspects and witnesses shouldn't be given a full anal examination.

But delaying this vote? That would be unfair to the American people.

If Kavanaugh were convicted as the Chomo the Democrats say he is, he'll be impeached anyhow- just like Jared Fogle was impeached from his position at Subway as soon as he was convicted.

Comparing a sandwich shop spokesman to an appointment as a justice to the highest court in the land.....
Good grief....no words.
Kavanaugh played the "high-tech lynching" card with his conspiracy theory rant about the Clintons and Clinton money trying to destroy him. He offered no proof. He's belligerent when sober. Imagine when drunk.
Hell, if he's innocent he and all of you should welcome an FBI investigation, didn't you all hear that if Ford or Kav was found to be lying to the committee that charges may be brought against the liar. So if Ford is lying she would be charged.

The Democrat party created this story so that it can't be proved or disproved. Why do you think they wrote it so that she couldn't tell you who took her to the party, who picked her up, what house it was, what street it was on, what age she was, what year it was? Do you want to know why? Because the Democrats knew with no leads, her story can't be proven a lie.
Kavanaugh played the "high-tech lynching" card with his conspiracy theory rant about the Clintons and Clinton money trying to destroy him. He offered no proof. He's belligerent when sober. Imagine when drunk.
So you think it was all free to fly the supposed claustrophobic Dr. Ford there? She sure gained on her go fraud me account amirite
In my honest opinion, both Kavanaugh and Republican Senators will deeply regret not demanding a thorough FBI background investigation which would include all the new allegations. Kavanaugh looks guilty right now by not wanting one - and that will follow him for the rest of his life. Forever tainted.
In my honest opinion, both Kavanaugh and Republican Senators will deeply regret not demanding a thorough FBI background investigation which would include all the new allegations. Kavanaugh looks guilty right now by not wanting one - and that will follow him for the rest of his life. Forever tainted.


Con game I see.

Did you see the big smile as she spoke about the two buddies laughing together, then she caught herself and started frowning.

In poker that’s called “a tell”

She was making it up

We have to remember that she had 10 days being coached by the swamp DNC. Especially the Fake News Wapo

By the way, when did WaPo get a copy of the actual letter? Seems to me it was within a day after the hearings ended. Am I wrong?

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