Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing



Con game I see.

Did you see the big smile as she spoke about the two buddies laughing together, then she caught herself and started frowning.

In poker that’s called “a tell”

She was making it up

We have to remember that she had 10 days being coached by the swamp DNC. Especially the Fake News Wapo

By the way, when did WaPo get a copy of the actual letter? Seems to me it was within a day after the hearings ended. Am I wrong?

She called the fake news first. Then Feinstein got drunk and found her new birther theory to throw out.
The hearing has ended. Here's what stood out the most to me: Kavanaugh seemed especially pissed that his nomination, hearings, and confirmation did not go quickly. That tells me that he was concerned that more bad stuff would become public. It did.

"Here's what stood out to me. Everything I believe was confirmed, because I was going to believe it no matter what."

Brett Kavanaugh Plays The Victim

The Supreme Court Nominee’s Strategy Was To Make Himself The Victim

I wonder what Trump thought of all his sniveling.

I think he's a closeted, high-functioning alcoholic.
He was just so incredibly sensitive and belligerent when it came to questions about his relationship with alcohol.
Just like an alcoholic.

I think you're literally going to believe anything you're told to believe, so long as it lets you whine about how helpless the left is.

Your impotent rage amuses me.
In my honest opinion, both Kavanaugh and Republican Senators will deeply regret not demanding a thorough FBI background investigation which would include all the new allegations. Kavanaugh looks guilty right now by not wanting one - and that will follow him for the rest of his life. Forever tainted.

In his closing argument, Kavanaugh said he welcomed any kind of investigation. See, these liberal lies are so obvious. Nobody on the right ever stopped the FBI from doing anything. The FBI made the decision not to look into this because for one, Kavanaugh passed six background checks already, and two, it's not a federal matter. Yet you on the left keep hoping that your lies will be understood as truth.
Curious as to how a person who was traumatized/terrorized in that alledged situation, could then say that she went into the store where one of the accused worked, and she "tried to be friendly with him", but couldn't figure out why he wouldn't be nice after he had been so nice in the past with her ?? She said he appeared nervous, and actually was sick looking.

She also said something like she went into a different door than her mother used, because you know how teenagers are (I guess not wanting to be seen with her mom in the store) or was it that she was wanting to go see this person without her mom knowing "because she liked him", and just couldn't figure out why he wasn't nice to her when she said hi to him ????? Did she feel rejected by him ??

Now if you were tramatized/terrorized by a person, I ask would you go anywhere near that person, let alone be friendly with them 8 to 9 weeks later if you ran into them ??

She said that he was always so friendly in the past as if she was "confused" as to why he wasn't so friendly when she was speaking to him at this store ???

It doesn't make sense really.

She said she chose the wrong door, and there he was ? Did she choose a wrong door or was she looking for him ??

Did we just read a transcript from "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" ???
Shouldn't Kavanaugh at least take a polygraph test like Dr. Christine Blasey Ford - which she passed?

Yes of course they should; but doing the right thing is just not what the Republicon's want to do; because it's just not their way of doing things.

Bet Ford would run for the hills is she was asked to take a polygraph test with Kavanaugh with questions written by the committee. The one polygraph she took was a complete joke rigged by her lawyers. They asked two questions.
In my honest opinion, both Kavanaugh and Republican Senators will deeply regret not demanding a thorough FBI background investigation which would include all the new allegations. Kavanaugh looks guilty right now by not wanting one - and that will follow him for the rest of his life. Forever tainted.

In his closing argument, Kavanaugh said he welcomed any kind of investigation. See, these liberal lies are so obvious. Nobody on the right ever stopped the FBI from doing anything. The FBI made the decision not to look into this because for one, Kavanaugh passed six background checks already, and two, it's not a federal matter. Yet you on the left keep hoping that your lies will be understood as truth.
Curious as to how a person who was traumatized/terrorized in that alledged situation, could then say that she went into the store where one of the accused worked, and she "tried to be friendly with him", but couldn't figure out why he wouldn't be nice after he had been so nice in the past with her ?? She said he appeared nervous, and actually was sick looking.

She also said something like she went into a different door than her mother used, because you know how teenagers are (I guess not wanting to be seen with her mom in the store) or was it that she was wanting to go see this person without her mom knowing "because she liked him", and just couldn't figure out why he wasn't nice to her when she said hi to him ????? Did she feel rejected by him ??

Now if you were tramatized/terrorized by a person, I ask would you go anywhere near that person, let alone be friendly with them 8 to 9 weeks later if you ran into them ??

She said that he was always so friendly in the past as if she was "confused" as to why he wasn't so friendly when she was speaking to him at this store ???

It doesn't make sense really.

She said she chose the wrong door, and there he was ? Did she choose a wrong door or was she looking for him ??

Did we just read a transcript from "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" ???

She claimed that after she heard Judge and Kav go back downstairs, she just went down after them and walked out of the door. Okay, this was back in the early 80's when no kid had a cell phone. So what did she do after she walked out? Who did she call for a ride home? How did she call for a ride home? Who picked her up?
Bet Ford would run for the hills is she was asked to take a polygraph test with Kavanaugh with questions written by the committee. The one polygraph she took was a complete joke rigged by her lawyers.

Oh wait, you admit that Ford took a polygraph while Kavanaugh refuses to take one. You just shot yourself in the foot. Poor baby, does it hurt-?

just asking
Bet Ford would run for the hills is she was asked to take a polygraph test with Kavanaugh with questions written by the committee. The one polygraph she took was a complete joke rigged by her lawyers.

Oh wait, you admit that Ford took a polygraph while Kavanaugh refuses to take one. You just shot yourself in the foot. Poor baby, does it hurt-?

just asking

Why should Kavanaugh take a test that was requested by nobody? Why would anybody take a test that's been known to be inaccurate?

As a white, highly educated woman, Blasey is seen as more “credible” than other accusers.

Senator Dianne Feinstein used her opening remarks at Thursday’s hearing into sexual assault accusations against Brett Kavanaugh to remind the committee of the accuser’s pedigree.

The senator explained how Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who accused the Supreme Court nominee of sexual assault in high school, has four degrees ― including a doctorate from the University of Southern California ― and has published more than 65 peer-reviewed articles. Feinstein concluded by saying Blasey is also a wife and a mother of two sons.

The subtext of this the senator’s flattering remarks was clear: Blasey’s degrees and by extension, her socioeconomic background, should make her a credible accuser.

But in reality, many sexual assault survivors are nothing like Blasey. And because many of them are minorities from low-income backgrounds, their accusations are not taken seriously.

More: Christine Blasey Ford Is The 'Perfect' Accuser. Most Sexual Assault Survivors Are Not.

What an authentic, credible, intelligent and sweet woman! I was totally in awe as I listened and watched her testimony. I've never been so impressed by anyone in my entire life. What she did took incredible courage. She said she was terrified.
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Twitter Users School Brett Kavanaugh On Real Meanings Of ‘Boof’ And ‘Devil’s Triangle’

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh probably didn’t expect his testimony Thursday in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee to hinge on the meaning of two slang words.

But there he was, explaining the finer points of “boof” and “devil’s triangle” to Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.).

However, many Twitter users insist Kavanaugh’s definitions are incorrect, and let him know it.

In the video below, Kavanaugh claimed his use of the word “boof” referred to flatulence, while a “devil’s triangle” is a drinking game similar to quarters.

@SenatorCollins a Devil’s Triangle is a threesome between two men and one woman. Boof is taking in alcohol thru the rectum to get really high. Please look both up in urban dictionary.
6:11 PM - Sep 27, 2018 · Atlanta, GA

More: Twitter Users School Brett Kavanaugh On Real Meanings Of 'Boof' And 'Devil's Triangle'

More lies by Kavanaugh while under oath.
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In my honest opinion, both Kavanaugh and Republican Senators will deeply regret not demanding a thorough FBI background investigation which would include all the new allegations. Kavanaugh looks guilty right now by not wanting one - and that will follow him for the rest of his life. Forever tainted.

In his closing argument, Kavanaugh said he welcomed any kind of investigation. See, these liberal lies are so obvious. Nobody on the right ever stopped the FBI from doing anything. The FBI made the decision not to look into this because for one, Kavanaugh passed six background checks already, and two, it's not a federal matter. Yet you on the left keep hoping that your lies will be understood as truth.
Curious as to how a person who was traumatized/terrorized in that alledged situation, could then say that she went into the store where one of the accused worked, and she "tried to be friendly with him", but couldn't figure out why he wouldn't be nice after he had been so nice in the past with her ?? She said he appeared nervous, and actually was sick looking.

She also said something like she went into a different door than her mother used, because you know how teenagers are (I guess not wanting to be seen with her mom in the store) or was it that she was wanting to go see this person without her mom knowing "because she liked him", and just couldn't figure out why he wasn't nice to her when she said hi to him ????? Did she feel rejected by him ??

Now if you were tramatized/terrorized by a person, I ask would you go anywhere near that person, let alone be friendly with them 8 to 9 weeks later if you ran into them ??

She said that he was always so friendly in the past as if she was "confused" as to why he wasn't so friendly when she was speaking to him at this store ???

It doesn't make sense really.

She said she chose the wrong door, and there he was ? Did she choose a wrong door or was she looking for him ??

Did we just read a transcript from "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" ???

She claimed that after she heard Judge and Kav go back downstairs, she just went down after them and walked out of the door. Okay, this was back in the early 80's when no kid had a cell phone. So what did she do after she walked out? Who did she call for a ride home? How did she call for a ride home? Who picked her up?
You would think that she would remember who took her home, but noooooooooooooooo.

Earlier, didn't she claim that her and her friends intersected with the boys from those schools, and that they went to the same parties uh I mean "gatherings" together ?? Gatherings sounds so much more better than drunken parties right ?

But she only had one beer (as a minor?).

Who was contributing to the delequency of a minor at these parties uh I mean gatherings ? What was she doing at parties uh I mean gatherings as a minor ?

Her mom and dad didn't or wouldn't approve of her being at these parties uh I mean gatherings right ?

On and on it went.

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