Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

How do you investigate the possible antics of teenagers from 36 years ago?

Utterly ridiculous.
Ford’s lawyers released a letter to committee chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), CNN reported, calling for an investigation to “ensure the crucial facts and witnesses in this matter are assessed in a non-partisan manner and that the committee is fully informed before conducting any hearing or making any decision.”

Speaking with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Tuesday, attorney Lisa Banks reiterated that her client was “prepared to cooperate with the committee and with any law enforcement investigation.”

Christine Blasey Ford Calls On FBI To Investigate Kavanaugh Accusation Before Hearing

Good for her! Even Kavanaugh should want a thorough investigation - otherwise this cloud of doubt and suspicion will hang over him.

There is nothing for the FBI to investigate, it's another Democrat stall tactic.

Hmm...so the accuser wants the FBI to investigaye and Republicans do not.
I wonder who is afraid of the truth.
no - the FBI does not because they can't because it's not their role in all this.

stop asking for things you KNOW you're not going to get then act all indignant cause you find out pouting isn't helping your cause.
No role?
Who says?

Who do you imagine did Kavanaugh's background investigation?
Yes, it is exactly like that. The first word in FBI is Federal. You can’t call out the feds for a local crime, especially when there is nothing more than an accusation.

Even if a full blown investigation was launched, it would take much longer than two weeks. As always, the Dems are trying to put Republicans in a damn if you do—damn if you don’t situation. The only smart thing to do is to go forward with the confirmation process if she doesn’t show up Monday.

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they seem to willfully ignore this little fact and keep demanding something they know they won't get. *all of this* is a stall tactic. trying to destroy a mans life for a stall tactic.

When it comes to power, the Democrats could care less who they destroy. Even if the FBI investigated this, they would find nothing and then the left would complain that it was Trump’s FBI who ushered Kavanaugh in the Supreme Court.

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the dems have put up a scenario that *can't* be investigated so they demand it should be and by people they know are not the right ones.


because it gives their sheep something to scream about and trying to stall til midterms.

Why can't it be investigated?
what year was it again?
who's house was it?
how did she get to the party? who drove?

she has given zero specifics other than 2 names, both of which have said it never happened.

it's also a local matter, not FBI. asking for FBI means you're stalling, not wanting justice. if you wanted justice, follow proper channels.

It's not about justice, fool.
It's about finding the facts.
Her story is collapsing faster than a house of cards in an earthquake.....

Feinstein has come out to admit she has no clue if her claim is true, doesn't believe it
Her 'start witness' she claims saved her says it NEVER HAPPENED
Now the 2nd 'witness' she claims saw the whole thing has declared IT NEVER HAPPENED!

Kavanaugh ex-classmate denies being at party in assault allegation - CNNPolitics

Yeah, but they're all lying because they're not echoing the narrative.
they seem to willfully ignore this little fact and keep demanding something they know they won't get. *all of this* is a stall tactic. trying to destroy a mans life for a stall tactic.

When it comes to power, the Democrats could care less who they destroy. Even if the FBI investigated this, they would find nothing and then the left would complain that it was Trump’s FBI who ushered Kavanaugh in the Supreme Court.

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the dems have put up a scenario that *can't* be investigated so they demand it should be and by people they know are not the right ones.


because it gives their sheep something to scream about and trying to stall til midterms.

Why can't it be investigated?
what year was it again?
who's house was it?
how did she get to the party? who drove?

she has given zero specifics other than 2 names, both of which have said it never happened.

it's also a local matter, not FBI. asking for FBI means you're stalling, not wanting justice. if you wanted justice, follow proper channels.

It's not about justice, fool.
It's about finding the facts.
there is no way to find anything. she doesn't remember. duh!!!!
Of course. Anything to delay a confirmation vote. Outcome is irrelevant as long as this spurious demand delays the vote a little longer. Go ahead with this bs investigation but let's get on with the confirmation vote, as well.

What's the rush?

No rush. Let's go ahead and seat him on the SC, then they can investigate as long as they want to. What could be wrong with that?

Why would you seat a man who is accused of sexual assault without looking into it?
Does that seem responsible to you?
still doesn't answer why she needs the fbi to investigate before she talks. why? come on all you bright leftist losers, why?
Kreepy Kavanaugh is in a no-win situation - unless his name is completely cleared of sexual assault.

It's already cleared of sexual assault. He never did anything to this liberal POS.

So, women who dare to accuse a man of sexual assault are attacked as "pieces of shit"?

Gee,I woner why they don't alaways come foreward.
name any other woman who had less details on a sexual assault than her.

That means nothing. The allegation needs to be investigated.
Of course. Anything to delay a confirmation vote. Outcome is irrelevant as long as this spurious demand delays the vote a little longer. Go ahead with this bs investigation but let's get on with the confirmation vote, as well.

What's the rush?

No rush. Let's go ahead and seat him on the SC, then they can investigate as long as they want to. What could be wrong with that?

Why would you seat a man who is accused of sexual assault without looking into it?
Does that seem responsible to you?
he isn't accused of anything. name the place and when it was for me.
Kreepy Kavanaugh is in a no-win situation - unless his name is completely cleared of sexual assault.

It's already cleared of sexual assault. He never did anything to this liberal POS.

So, women who dare to accuse a man of sexual assault are attacked as "pieces of shit"?

Gee,I woner why they don't alaways come foreward.
name any other woman who had less details on a sexual assault than her.

That means nothing. The allegation needs to be investigated.
no it doesn't. It was, the FBI did a background check it didn't come up. so it didn't exist. that's simple
Only cowards are afraid to accept the results of an election.
Or an investigation.
Or, it was just a hit job, not like the democrats don't play that game far too often.
Call it what you will but it still needs to be addressed.
no it doesn't, it didn't come up in a background check, that means there is nothing out there to tie to it. it's not real.
they seem to willfully ignore this little fact and keep demanding something they know they won't get. *all of this* is a stall tactic. trying to destroy a mans life for a stall tactic.

When it comes to power, the Democrats could care less who they destroy. Even if the FBI investigated this, they would find nothing and then the left would complain that it was Trump’s FBI who ushered Kavanaugh in the Supreme Court.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
the dems have put up a scenario that *can't* be investigated so they demand it should be and by people they know are not the right ones.


because it gives their sheep something to scream about and trying to stall til midterms.

Why can't it be investigated?
what year was it again?
who's house was it?
how did she get to the party? who drove?

she has given zero specifics other than 2 names, both of which have said it never happened.

it's also a local matter, not FBI. asking for FBI means you're stalling, not wanting justice. if you wanted justice, follow proper channels.

It's not about justice, fool.
It's about finding the facts.
its about delay n block. thats it.
Not with all that has come to light and Ford playing the Democrat Game

What "Democrat game" is Dr. Ford playing? Please enlighten us. Sounds to me like she wants facts before a hearing.
uh-huh, we already talked about you carrying her water in your other thread when she wasn't going to testify on Monday.
She could enlighten the feds with additional facts (if she had any).
This comes down to her perjuring herself in front of congress....or not. She chose or not.
Her trying to delay the confirmation IS the Democrat Game, and has been since Diane held the letter for months.

Don't deny it, you only will look foolish.

You do realize that Dr. Ford only came forward after her name was leaked, don't you? That's when she came forward and said SHE wants to be the one to tell her story.
She came forward when she sent the letter.
Ford’s lawyers released a letter to committee chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), CNN reported, calling for an investigation to “ensure the crucial facts and witnesses in this matter are assessed in a non-partisan manner and that the committee is fully informed before conducting any hearing or making any decision.”

Speaking with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Tuesday, attorney Lisa Banks reiterated that her client was “prepared to cooperate with the committee and with any law enforcement investigation.”

Christine Blasey Ford Calls On FBI To Investigate Kavanaugh Accusation Before Hearing

Good for her! Even Kavanaugh should want a thorough investigation - otherwise this cloud of doubt and suspicion will hang over him.
Actually her lawyer said it doesn’t have to be the FBI. She said they want an investigation. That is what the Senate is offering to do but she is balking.
Kreepy Kavanaugh is in a no-win situation - unless name is completely cleared.
Part of the Democrat Game, Lakhota.
The lie travels half way around the world before the truth gets its boot on.
That is the democrat playbook which they have used often

That's why we have public hearings with accusers and defendants testifying before the Senate on live, broadcast television.
This isn't Putin's Russia, you fucking dumbass.

We have public hearings so that Democrats can lie like a bunch of cur dogs?
Of course. Anything to delay a confirmation vote. Outcome is irrelevant as long as this spurious demand delays the vote a little longer. Go ahead with this bs investigation but let's get on with the confirmation vote, as well.

What's the rush?

No rush. Let's go ahead and seat him on the SC, then they can investigate as long as they want to. What could be wrong with that?

Why would you seat a man who is accused of sexual assault without looking into it?
Does that seem responsible to you?

At this point, after he's been so thoroughly checked out by the FBI and there is no pattern of sexual abuse in his life (such as what we see in Bubba Clinton's life), there would have to be very clear and compelling evidence to overcome the obvious last minute partisan nature of the allegation. At the VERY least, one would expect the accuser to leap at the chance to tell her story in public. Instead, she's trying to dictate to whom she'll talk and who she'd allow to investigate her claims. It just doesn't work that way. One would also expect that the issue would have been raised during the hearing, when it was appropriate to ask questions. Waiting until now has severely, if not fatally, damaged the allegation.

So, minus more compelling evidence, Kavenaugh should be confirmed as originally planned. He has a great record and is eminently qualified, garnering praise from both sides of the aisle.

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