Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

I still can't believe that the Senate NaziCons want Dr. Ford to sit at the same table with Kavanaugh. Unbelievable.

Totally crazy how we want to give him due process and give her an opportunity to make her claim.

Funny how you don't want that. It's almost like you do t care about a fair hearing

Due process requires an investigation, fool.
it also puts burden of proof on the accuser, fool.

Sure. Backed with facts gathered by the FBI.
Why are you afraid of that?
I still can't believe that the Senate NaziCons want Dr. Ford to sit at the same table with Kavanaugh. Unbelievable.

Totally crazy how we want to give him due process and give her an opportunity to make her claim.

Funny how you don't want that. It's almost like you do t care about a fair hearing

Due process requires an investigation, fool.

Due process for what?

No charges can be brought since the statute of limitations has expired.

The FBI dies not investigate allegations of sexual assault nor should they

This should be up to local PD if anyone and local PD won't want to waste time and resources when no charges can be brought

Read what I responded to.
Actually her lawyer said it doesn’t have to be the FBI. She said they want an investigation. That is what the Senate is offering to do but she is balking.

They want something that will take a long time. I'm sure the local police will take her statement and put somebody on it right away.
dude, to let you know, I was victim to in an incident back in 1973. It was an exstudent who came to our classroom and held us hostage. After one of the school shootings I called the local police to the school and I asked them if they had records on the whack job from 1973. They told me no and there was no way for them to investigate what happened. So, I highly doubt any local police would look into her life for her. They have no records, no names, no location of a supposed altercation. what are they supposed to do, get magic eightball out? come on serious, we're all fking adults. why do you all behave like infants?
If that’s the case, what can the FBI do?
right? but the question is, why does she, her, why does she need them to do anything before talking to the senate? what why? come on someone have any idea?
She doesn’t. She is stalling for time. She is being used as a puppet.
Democrat "professor". Another label for marxist trash.
I still can't believe that the Senate NaziCons want Dr. Ford to sit at the same table with Kavanaugh. Unbelievable.

Totally crazy how we want to give him due process and give her an opportunity to make her claim.

Funny how you don't want that. It's almost like you do t care about a fair hearing

Due process requires an investigation, fool.
it also puts burden of proof on the accuser, fool.

Sure. Backed with facts gathered by the FBI.
Why are you afraid of that?

Even if true, it isn't a federal issue. Furthermore, what facts are you going to gather 36 years later?
Not with all that has come to light and Ford playing the Democrat Game

What "Democrat game" is Dr. Ford playing? Please enlighten us. Sounds to me like she wants facts before a hearing.

Where does she think they will find these "facts"? We're talking about what is essentially a thirty year or so old case of "she-said-he-said". Unless she has the proverbial blue dress hanging in her closet, photos, a corroborating witness, or a Disneyland ride line of women all making the same accusation, it's her word against his.

Now, don't misinterpret me, I'm not saying she's lying, and I'm not say he did or didn't do it. The fact is, none of us know, nor should we be drawing any conclusions based on unproven allegations. The fact that she apparently passed a lie detector test (inadmissible in a court of law) tells us one of three things, either she knows how to beat the test (given her education, entirely possible), or she believes what she is saying but is wrong and Kavanaugh wasn't involved (not beyond the realm of possibilities, people often remember events incorrectly), or it all happened the way she describes.

I'm curious as to why Professor Ford waited until now to speak out, why not torpedo his initial appointment to the bench?

At this point, I'm not caring one way or the other about his appointment.

I have a question for you, Lakhota: Are you even a little bit bothered by Diane Feinstein's withholding the letter, which all reports say she's had since July, until the 11th hour?
We do know. She's lying. That's as obvious as the sun rising in the East. You only help the barbarians by saying you don't know if she's lying.

So let the FBI investigate. Lying to the FBI is a felony.
then why isn't hillary in jail?
That's it, bring in HRC, chump.
I still can't believe that the Senate NaziCons want Dr. Ford to sit at the same table with Kavanaugh. Unbelievable.

Totally crazy how we want to give him due process and give her an opportunity to make her claim.

Funny how you don't want that. It's almost like you do t care about a fair hearing

Due process requires an investigation, fool.
it also puts burden of proof on the accuser, fool.

Sure. Backed with facts gathered by the FBI.
Why are you afraid of that?
There is nothing to investigate. The accuser can't remember a date or place where this alleged traumatic event occured.
Not with all that has come to light and Ford playing the Democrat Game

What "Democrat game" is Dr. Ford playing? Please enlighten us. Sounds to me like she wants facts before a hearing.

Where does she think they will find these "facts"? We're talking about what is essentially a thirty year or so old case of "she-said-he-said". Unless she has the proverbial blue dress hanging in her closet, photos, a corroborating witness, or a Disneyland ride line of women all making the same accusation, it's her word against his.

Now, don't misinterpret me, I'm not saying she's lying, and I'm not say he did or didn't do it. The fact is, none of us know, nor should we be drawing any conclusions based on unproven allegations. The fact that she apparently passed a lie detector test (inadmissible in a court of law) tells us one of three things, either she knows how to beat the test (given her education, entirely possible), or she believes what she is saying but is wrong and Kavanaugh wasn't involved (not beyond the realm of possibilities, people often remember events incorrectly), or it all happened the way she describes.

I'm curious as to why Professor Ford waited until now to speak out, why not torpedo his initial appointment to the bench?

At this point, I'm not caring one way or the other about his appointment.

I have a question for you, Lakhota: Are you even a little bit bothered by Diane Feinstein's withholding the letter, which all reports say she's had since July, until the 11th hour?
We do know. She's lying. That's as obvious as the sun rising in the East. You only help the barbarians by saying you don't know if she's lying.

So let the FBI investigate. Lying to the FBI is a felony.
There is nothing to investigate

No charges can be brought and this type of alleged crime is not the purview of the FBI

It's not a criminal investigation, dope.
It's a follow up to his background investigation.
What "Democrat game" is Dr. Ford playing? Please enlighten us. Sounds to me like she wants facts before a hearing.

Where does she think they will find these "facts"? We're talking about what is essentially a thirty year or so old case of "she-said-he-said". Unless she has the proverbial blue dress hanging in her closet, photos, a corroborating witness, or a Disneyland ride line of women all making the same accusation, it's her word against his.

Now, don't misinterpret me, I'm not saying she's lying, and I'm not say he did or didn't do it. The fact is, none of us know, nor should we be drawing any conclusions based on unproven allegations. The fact that she apparently passed a lie detector test (inadmissible in a court of law) tells us one of three things, either she knows how to beat the test (given her education, entirely possible), or she believes what she is saying but is wrong and Kavanaugh wasn't involved (not beyond the realm of possibilities, people often remember events incorrectly), or it all happened the way she describes.

I'm curious as to why Professor Ford waited until now to speak out, why not torpedo his initial appointment to the bench?

At this point, I'm not caring one way or the other about his appointment.

I have a question for you, Lakhota: Are you even a little bit bothered by Diane Feinstein's withholding the letter, which all reports say she's had since July, until the 11th hour?
We do know. She's lying. That's as obvious as the sun rising in the East. You only help the barbarians by saying you don't know if she's lying.

So let the FBI investigate. Lying to the FBI is a felony.
There is nothing to investigate

No charges can be brought and this type of alleged crime is not the purview of the FBI

It's not a criminal investigation, dope.
It's a follow up to his background investigation.
because the background check didn't find it? why do they need to follow up a seventh background check for? what is it you think they'll find since they didn't six other times? why don't you ever answer?
I still can't believe that the Senate NaziCons want Dr. Ford to sit at the same table with Kavanaugh. Unbelievable.

Totally crazy how we want to give him due process and give her an opportunity to make her claim.

Funny how you don't want that. It's almost like you do t care about a fair hearing

Due process requires an investigation, fool.

Ummmm, no, no it doesn't

Sure it does. A single hearing with two witnesses does not get to any of the facts.
An investigation will.

What are you afraid of?
I still can't believe that the Senate NaziCons want Dr. Ford to sit at the same table with Kavanaugh. Unbelievable.

Totally crazy how we want to give him due process and give her an opportunity to make her claim.

Funny how you don't want that. It's almost like you do t care about a fair hearing

Due process requires an investigation, fool.

Ummmm, no, no it doesn't

Sure it does. A single hearing with two witnesses does not get to any of the facts.
An investigation will.

What are you afraid of?
investigate what exactly? can someone ask this punk, it's obvious he has me on ignore.
What "Democrat game" is Dr. Ford playing? Please enlighten us. Sounds to me like she wants facts before a hearing.

Where does she think they will find these "facts"? We're talking about what is essentially a thirty year or so old case of "she-said-he-said". Unless she has the proverbial blue dress hanging in her closet, photos, a corroborating witness, or a Disneyland ride line of women all making the same accusation, it's her word against his.

Now, don't misinterpret me, I'm not saying she's lying, and I'm not say he did or didn't do it. The fact is, none of us know, nor should we be drawing any conclusions based on unproven allegations. The fact that she apparently passed a lie detector test (inadmissible in a court of law) tells us one of three things, either she knows how to beat the test (given her education, entirely possible), or she believes what she is saying but is wrong and Kavanaugh wasn't involved (not beyond the realm of possibilities, people often remember events incorrectly), or it all happened the way she describes.

I'm curious as to why Professor Ford waited until now to speak out, why not torpedo his initial appointment to the bench?

At this point, I'm not caring one way or the other about his appointment.

I have a question for you, Lakhota: Are you even a little bit bothered by Diane Feinstein's withholding the letter, which all reports say she's had since July, until the 11th hour?
We do know. She's lying. That's as obvious as the sun rising in the East. You only help the barbarians by saying you don't know if she's lying.

So let the FBI investigate. Lying to the FBI is a felony.
There is nothing to investigate

No charges can be brought and this type of alleged crime is not the purview of the FBI

It's not a criminal investigation, dope.
It's a follow up to his background investigation.
What is Ms. Ford asking for? An FBI investigation. Essentially of the criminal variety.

Or have you been too busy reveling in this spectacle to pay any attention?
When it comes to power, the Democrats could care less who they destroy. Even if the FBI investigated this, they would find nothing and then the left would complain that it was Trump’s FBI who ushered Kavanaugh in the Supreme Court.

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the dems have put up a scenario that *can't* be investigated so they demand it should be and by people they know are not the right ones.


because it gives their sheep something to scream about and trying to stall til midterms.

Why can't it be investigated?
what year was it again?
who's house was it?
how did she get to the party? who drove?

she has given zero specifics other than 2 names, both of which have said it never happened.

it's also a local matter, not FBI. asking for FBI means you're stalling, not wanting justice. if you wanted justice, follow proper channels.

Don't forget that the two names never came up until AFTER Kav was nominated.
we know more of what we don't know than what we know.

we know more of what we don't know than what we know.

Hence the need for an investigation.
I still can't believe that the Senate NaziCons want Dr. Ford to sit at the same table with Kavanaugh. Unbelievable.

Totally crazy how we want to give him due process and give her an opportunity to make her claim.

Funny how you don't want that. It's almost like you do t care about a fair hearing

Due process requires an investigation, fool.

Ummmm, no, no it doesn't

Sure it does. A single hearing with two witnesses does not get to any of the facts.
An investigation will.

What are you afraid of?
The accuser doesn't remember the date or place this traumatic event occurred. Idiot.
I still can't believe that the Senate NaziCons want Dr. Ford to sit at the same table with Kavanaugh. Unbelievable.

Totally crazy how we want to give him due process and give her an opportunity to make her claim.

Funny how you don't want that. It's almost like you do t care about a fair hearing

Due process requires an investigation, fool.

Right now, there isn't enough information to justify an investigation.

Since President Trump isn't going to authorize the Taxpayers to pay for an investigation, why doesn't this broad ask Soros or some other deep pocketed liberal to fund this investigation instead?
Right now, there isn't enough information to justify an investigation.

Sure there is. There has been an allegation of sexual assualt made. That alone requires further investigation.

The accuser is willing to work with the FBI. Why isn't Kavanaugh?

Lying to the FBI is a felony. Liars don't typically volunteer to talk to the FBI.
Sure it does. A single hearing with two witnesses does not get to any of the facts.
An investigation will.

What are you afraid of?
Democrats are afraid of the vote on Kavanaugh and they're butthurt about not going 5-4 on SCOTUS because of Garland. Ginsberg is going to die and and Thomas is going to retire in a year, so 6-3. Suck it up snowflakes.
I still can't believe that the Senate NaziCons want Dr. Ford to sit at the same table with Kavanaugh. Unbelievable.

Totally crazy how we want to give him due process and give her an opportunity to make her claim.

Funny how you don't want that. It's almost like you do t care about a fair hearing

Due process requires an investigation, fool.
it also puts burden of proof on the accuser, fool.

Sure. Backed with facts gathered by the FBI.
Why are you afraid of that?

she is the only one with facts. She isn't cooperating. What do you expect to be done?
the dems have put up a scenario that *can't* be investigated so they demand it should be and by people they know are not the right ones.


because it gives their sheep something to scream about and trying to stall til midterms.

Why can't it be investigated?
what year was it again?
who's house was it?
how did she get to the party? who drove?

she has given zero specifics other than 2 names, both of which have said it never happened.

it's also a local matter, not FBI. asking for FBI means you're stalling, not wanting justice. if you wanted justice, follow proper channels.

Don't forget that the two names never came up until AFTER Kav was nominated.
we know more of what we don't know than what we know.

we know more of what we don't know than what we know.

Hence the need for an investigation.

ummmmmm no. The alleged victim has produced one piece of evidence. That's right, EXACTLY ONE. Then the stupid twat made that single shred of evidence, the therapists notes, useless by stating there were gross errors in it.

If this case was a food item, I'm thinking it would be toast.
I still can't believe that the Senate NaziCons want Dr. Ford to sit at the same table with Kavanaugh. Unbelievable.

Totally crazy how we want to give him due process and give her an opportunity to make her claim.

Funny how you don't want that. It's almost like you do t care about a fair hearing

Due process requires an investigation, fool.
it also puts burden of proof on the accuser, fool.

Sure. Backed with facts gathered by the FBI.
Why are you afraid of that?

she is the only one with facts. She isn't cooperating. What do you expect to be done?
investigate why an ice cube is an ice cube. that's what he's asking for. he's showing off his classic peewee herman skit.
I still can't believe that the Senate NaziCons want Dr. Ford to sit at the same table with Kavanaugh. Unbelievable.

Totally crazy how we want to give him due process and give her an opportunity to make her claim.

Funny how you don't want that. It's almost like you do t care about a fair hearing

Due process requires an investigation, fool.

Ummmm, no, no it doesn't

Sure it does. A single hearing with two witnesses does not get to any of the facts.
An investigation will.

What are you afraid of?

It does when her testimony is literally the only facts to this case

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