Kavanaugh Accuser Won't Testify

Guess I stumped the peanut gallery? Anyone want to tell me why Drumpf ordering the the FBI to investigate this is a problem?

It gives the claim legitimacy when it is a very weak allegation.

It gives the democrats yet another platform from which to further erode the credibility of women who actually are victims.

It plays right into the original purpose of the democrat ploy, which is to delay until they control the process.

Any questions?

Tell you what, let's compromise. Let's go ahead and seat Kavenaugh on the bench. That will take the time pressure completely off the table and the investigation can proceed at its own pace. Let's have all the concerned parties testify under oath before Congress, complete with the normal penalties for perjury. Sound good?
The claim should be given legitimacy. I thought I already made that clear?

That doesnt make sense unless you replace democrats with republicans.

Whats the hurry? The ball is in the repubs court. If they do a quick 3-5 day investigation it will still be wrapped up long before the election.

Yes there are questions. See above.
I thought you said the FBI didnt investigate this issue?
They got your senators stupid letter and passed. Done deal. The FBI doesn’t give a shit about your political hack job.
Get your story straight. Did they already investigate this issue or not? You keep contradicting yourself.
They didn’t waste their time. You should take that as a hint.
So they didnt investigate this right?

They didnt investigate it because its past the statutes of limitations so its not a crime anymore. They dont have the power to investigate it on their own. The POTUS however can order them to investigate it.

For what purpose, other than the only honest answer, which is to delay the vote? Unless you can show a pattern of sexual predation, Kavenaugh is not a sexual predator and there's no reason to keep him off the bench. It hasn't even been proven that he attempted to have sex with her.
For what purpose? What kind of retarded question is that? To make sure a sexual predator is not appointed to the SC.

There doesnt hasnt to be a pattern. You can be a sexual predator one time in your life and the fact that you never create a pattern wont change that you are a sexual predator. What kind of stupid logic is that you are trying to substitute for adult thinking?
It would be smart to have this investigated....unless the repubs simply want a person that sexually assaulted a woman on the SCOTUS for political reasons.

The Dems would like to have it investigated in hopes it would drag out past elections. Then they might have enough votes to deny Cavenaugh. Theres no good reason this woman can't publicly testify now at this time.
Please don't try to say after 35 years she is traumatized by a 17 year old grabbing her... IF that was even true.
What the F can the FBI even investigate? what type of forensic evidence do you believe was generated by a 17 year old groping a girl .... again assuming this even happened. There is a reason for statute of limitations laws.
There's no way Cavinaugh can possibly defend himself with any type of evidence. after 35 years it would be impossible to remember where he was or who he was with on a given date.

Funny how the Democrats use this shit every time. They couldnt find anything wrong with his rulings, they tried to say he did something racist but it turned out as the opposite much to their displeasure so... find some woman who also hates Trump... get her to make a statement... drag it out with an FBI investigation. It's obvious BS...
Let the woman say what she has to say or get the fuck out.

I really believe she won't give specifics because he might then be able to show he was on a date with someone else, away at summer camp or on vacation, working a job, etc.
If he was innocent he would be demanding the FBI investigation to clear his name. Is he doing that?
It would be smart to have this investigated....unless the repubs simply want a person that sexually assaulted a woman on the SCOTUS for political reasons.
There’s not a law enforcement agency in the country that would investigate this bullshit.

And why do you want him to not be confirmed? Oh yeah political reasons. Fuck off.
Drumpf can direct the FBI to investigate this.

I dont want him confirmed because he is a sexual predator.

Based on what evidence?
Drumpf doesnt need any evidence to have the FBI investigate him. Did they have evidence of anything when they did the other 6 background checks on him?

That doesn't address my question. You accuse Kavenaugh of being a sexual predator as if it was a fact. Predators, like Bubba Clinton, leave a trail of incidents behind them. Kavenaugh has no such trail. So I ask you again, what evidence, beyond sheer partisan spite, do you have that Kavenaugh is in fact a sexual predator? Anything beyond a vague accusation of something that may or may not have happened when he was a teenager, never to be repeated again?
She cannot recall time or place. No court would ever convict Kavanaugh.
Yeah being past the statute of limitations kind of makes it a no brainer. Makes you wonder why the repubs are so afraid of having the FBI investigate the claims though.

What can the FBI do that Congress can't?
You should google what the FBI does vs what Congress does. I dont have time to teach you the basic job of each group if you dont already know.
It would be smart to have this investigated....unless the repubs simply want a person that sexually assaulted a woman on the SCOTUS for political reasons.
There’s not a law enforcement agency in the country that would investigate this bullshit.

And why do you want him to not be confirmed? Oh yeah political reasons. Fuck off.
Drumpf can direct the FBI to investigate this.

I dont want him confirmed because he is a sexual predator.

Based on what evidence?
Drumpf doesnt need any evidence to have the FBI investigate him. Did they have evidence of anything when they did the other 6 background checks on him?

That doesn't address my question. You accuse Kavenaugh of being a sexual predator as if it was a fact. Predators, like Bubba Clinton, leave a trail of incidents behind them. Kavenaugh has no such trail. So I ask you again, what evidence, beyond sheer partisan spite, do you have that Kavenaugh is in fact a sexual predator? Anything beyond a vague accusation of something that may or may not have happened when he was a teenager, never to be repeated again?
See the post you replied to for clarification. I dont know what to tell you other than that. Why is it so hard for you to understand that it doesnt matter if he never repeated it again? The point is that he did it and got away with it.
They got your senators stupid letter and passed. Done deal. The FBI doesn’t give a shit about your political hack job.
Get your story straight. Did they already investigate this issue or not? You keep contradicting yourself.
They didn’t waste their time. You should take that as a hint.
So they didnt investigate this right?

They didnt investigate it because its past the statutes of limitations so its not a crime anymore. They dont have the power to investigate it on their own. The POTUS however can order them to investigate it.

For what purpose, other than the only honest answer, which is to delay the vote? Unless you can show a pattern of sexual predation, Kavenaugh is not a sexual predator and there's no reason to keep him off the bench. It hasn't even been proven that he attempted to have sex with her.
For what purpose? What kind of retarded question is that? To make sure a sexual predator is not appointed to the SC.

There doesnt hasnt to be a pattern. You can be a sexual predator one time in your life and the fact that you never create a pattern wont change that you are a sexual predator. What kind of stupid logic is that you are trying to substitute for adult thinking?

Is a black man a violent thug all his life because he once robbed a convenience store when he was 17 and high, never to do it again? Think carefully how far down that road you want to go.
She cannot recall time or place. No court would ever convict Kavanaugh.
Yeah being past the statute of limitations kind of makes it a no brainer. Makes you wonder why the repubs are so afraid of having the FBI investigate the claims though.

What can the FBI do that Congress can't?
You should google what the FBI does vs what Congress does. I dont have time to teach you the basic job of each group if you dont already know.

Since the only thing left is he said/she said, Congress can easily investigate this, and unless she has more compelling evidence, put it to bed immediately.
There’s not a law enforcement agency in the country that would investigate this bullshit.

And why do you want him to not be confirmed? Oh yeah political reasons. Fuck off.
Drumpf can direct the FBI to investigate this.

I dont want him confirmed because he is a sexual predator.

Based on what evidence?
Drumpf doesnt need any evidence to have the FBI investigate him. Did they have evidence of anything when they did the other 6 background checks on him?

That doesn't address my question. You accuse Kavenaugh of being a sexual predator as if it was a fact. Predators, like Bubba Clinton, leave a trail of incidents behind them. Kavenaugh has no such trail. So I ask you again, what evidence, beyond sheer partisan spite, do you have that Kavenaugh is in fact a sexual predator? Anything beyond a vague accusation of something that may or may not have happened when he was a teenager, never to be repeated again?
See the post you replied to for clarification. I dont know what to tell you other than that. Why is it so hard for you to understand that it doesnt matter if he never repeated it again? The point is that he did it and got away with it.

No, the point is, he is ACCUSED of doing it. That's what you seem incapable of dealing with.
Drumpf can direct the FBI to investigate this.

I dont want him confirmed because he is a sexual predator.

Based on what evidence?
Drumpf doesnt need any evidence to have the FBI investigate him. Did they have evidence of anything when they did the other 6 background checks on him?

That doesn't address my question. You accuse Kavenaugh of being a sexual predator as if it was a fact. Predators, like Bubba Clinton, leave a trail of incidents behind them. Kavenaugh has no such trail. So I ask you again, what evidence, beyond sheer partisan spite, do you have that Kavenaugh is in fact a sexual predator? Anything beyond a vague accusation of something that may or may not have happened when he was a teenager, never to be repeated again?
See the post you replied to for clarification. I dont know what to tell you other than that. Why is it so hard for you to understand that it doesnt matter if he never repeated it again? The point is that he did it and got away with it.

No, the point is, he is ACCUSED of doing it. That's what you seem incapable of dealing with.
If he is accused of doing it then he should be investigated with this new information in tow. This should be done prior to giving him a lifetime appointment to the SC or is it that you have no problem with a sexual predator on the SC?
She cannot recall time or place. No court would ever convict Kavanaugh.
Yeah being past the statute of limitations kind of makes it a no brainer. Makes you wonder why the repubs are so afraid of having the FBI investigate the claims though.

What can the FBI do that Congress can't?
You should google what the FBI does vs what Congress does. I dont have time to teach you the basic job of each group if you dont already know.

Since the only thing left is he said/she said, Congress can easily investigate this, and unless she has more compelling evidence, put it to bed immediately.
Thats the problem with Congress doing it. It would never be an objective investigation due to all the bullshit.
Get your story straight. Did they already investigate this issue or not? You keep contradicting yourself.
They didn’t waste their time. You should take that as a hint.
So they didnt investigate this right?

They didnt investigate it because its past the statutes of limitations so its not a crime anymore. They dont have the power to investigate it on their own. The POTUS however can order them to investigate it.

For what purpose, other than the only honest answer, which is to delay the vote? Unless you can show a pattern of sexual predation, Kavenaugh is not a sexual predator and there's no reason to keep him off the bench. It hasn't even been proven that he attempted to have sex with her.
For what purpose? What kind of retarded question is that? To make sure a sexual predator is not appointed to the SC.

There doesnt hasnt to be a pattern. You can be a sexual predator one time in your life and the fact that you never create a pattern wont change that you are a sexual predator. What kind of stupid logic is that you are trying to substitute for adult thinking?

Is a black man a violent thug all his life because he once robbed a convenience store when he was 17 and high, never to do it again? Think carefully how far down that road you want to go.
Not sure how this relates to someone being sexually assaulted and no I wouldnt appoint someone to the SC that robbed a store when they were 17 either.
It would be smart to have this investigated....unless the repubs simply want a person that sexually assaulted a woman on the SCOTUS for political reasons.

The Dems would like to have it investigated in hopes it would drag out past elections. Then they might have enough votes to deny Cavenaugh. Theres no good reason this woman can't publicly testify now at this time.
Please don't try to say after 35 years she is traumatized by a 17 year old grabbing her... IF that was even true.
What the F can the FBI even investigate? what type of forensic evidence do you believe was generated by a 17 year old groping a girl .... again assuming this even happened. There is a reason for statute of limitations laws.
There's no way Cavinaugh can possibly defend himself with any type of evidence. after 35 years it would be impossible to remember where he was or who he was with on a given date.

Funny how the Democrats use this shit every time. They couldnt find anything wrong with his rulings, they tried to say he did something racist but it turned out as the opposite much to their displeasure so... find some woman who also hates Trump... get her to make a statement... drag it out with an FBI investigation. It's obvious BS...
Let the woman say what she has to say or get the fuck out.

I really believe she won't give specifics because he might then be able to show he was on a date with someone else, away at summer camp or on vacation, working a job, etc.
If he was innocent he would be demanding the FBI investigation to clear his name. Is he doing that?

ummmmmm, no, no he wouldn't

that's complete and total horseshit (as are you)
Based on what evidence?
Drumpf doesnt need any evidence to have the FBI investigate him. Did they have evidence of anything when they did the other 6 background checks on him?

That doesn't address my question. You accuse Kavenaugh of being a sexual predator as if it was a fact. Predators, like Bubba Clinton, leave a trail of incidents behind them. Kavenaugh has no such trail. So I ask you again, what evidence, beyond sheer partisan spite, do you have that Kavenaugh is in fact a sexual predator? Anything beyond a vague accusation of something that may or may not have happened when he was a teenager, never to be repeated again?
See the post you replied to for clarification. I dont know what to tell you other than that. Why is it so hard for you to understand that it doesnt matter if he never repeated it again? The point is that he did it and got away with it.

No, the point is, he is ACCUSED of doing it. That's what you seem incapable of dealing with.
If he is accused of doing it then he should be investigated with this new information in tow. This should be done prior to giving him a lifetime appointment to the SC or is it that you have no problem with a sexual predator on the SC?

The new information has been vetted. The only solid piece of evidence were notes from the Therapist. The alleged victim has already disqualified their use (as did the alleged victims Husband) by stating that the notes contained Gross mistakes making them unreliable. Now how this works is, the alleged victim has until Monday to produce qualified evidence that they can produce to Law Enforcement. If she can't, then she has no case.

Sorry dude, the process just doesn't change because you scream an holler like a little girl.
It would be smart to have this investigated....unless the repubs simply want a person that sexually assaulted a woman on the SCOTUS for political reasons.

The Dems would like to have it investigated in hopes it would drag out past elections. Then they might have enough votes to deny Cavenaugh. Theres no good reason this woman can't publicly testify now at this time.
Please don't try to say after 35 years she is traumatized by a 17 year old grabbing her... IF that was even true.
What the F can the FBI even investigate? what type of forensic evidence do you believe was generated by a 17 year old groping a girl .... again assuming this even happened. There is a reason for statute of limitations laws.
There's no way Cavinaugh can possibly defend himself with any type of evidence. after 35 years it would be impossible to remember where he was or who he was with on a given date.

Funny how the Democrats use this shit every time. They couldnt find anything wrong with his rulings, they tried to say he did something racist but it turned out as the opposite much to their displeasure so... find some woman who also hates Trump... get her to make a statement... drag it out with an FBI investigation. It's obvious BS...
Let the woman say what she has to say or get the fuck out.

I really believe she won't give specifics because he might then be able to show he was on a date with someone else, away at summer camp or on vacation, working a job, etc.
If he was innocent he would be demanding the FBI investigation to clear his name. Is he doing that?

ummmmmm, no, no he wouldn't

that's complete and total horseshit (as are you)
Innocent people tend to want their name cleared. If he is self righteously indignant as he claims to be then he should be calling for an FBI investigation.
Drumpf doesnt need any evidence to have the FBI investigate him. Did they have evidence of anything when they did the other 6 background checks on him?

That doesn't address my question. You accuse Kavenaugh of being a sexual predator as if it was a fact. Predators, like Bubba Clinton, leave a trail of incidents behind them. Kavenaugh has no such trail. So I ask you again, what evidence, beyond sheer partisan spite, do you have that Kavenaugh is in fact a sexual predator? Anything beyond a vague accusation of something that may or may not have happened when he was a teenager, never to be repeated again?
See the post you replied to for clarification. I dont know what to tell you other than that. Why is it so hard for you to understand that it doesnt matter if he never repeated it again? The point is that he did it and got away with it.

No, the point is, he is ACCUSED of doing it. That's what you seem incapable of dealing with.
If he is accused of doing it then he should be investigated with this new information in tow. This should be done prior to giving him a lifetime appointment to the SC or is it that you have no problem with a sexual predator on the SC?

The new information has been vetted. The only solid piece of evidence were notes from the Therapist. The alleged victim has already disqualified their use (as did the alleged victims Husband) by stating that the notes contained Gross mistakes making them unreliable. Now how this works is, the alleged victim has until Monday to produce qualified evidence that they can produce to Law Enforcement. If she can't, then she has no case.

Sorry dude, the process just doesn't change because you scream an holler like a little girl.
Nothing has been investigated by the FBI. We know because they dont have the jurisdiction to do anything without Drumpf telling them to. Sorry.
Until the FBI investigates him again.

The FBI has investigated him 25× for his previous positions and 6× for this nomination.

Delay! Delay! Delay!

Despicable Dem vermin.
Bottom line is this, its all a waste of time, she can't remember the time, the year, the place, who will they investigate....every 15 year old that she knows.....I say make the bastard take a lie detector test and keep it moving.
Why is he a bastard?
That doesn't address my question. You accuse Kavenaugh of being a sexual predator as if it was a fact. Predators, like Bubba Clinton, leave a trail of incidents behind them. Kavenaugh has no such trail. So I ask you again, what evidence, beyond sheer partisan spite, do you have that Kavenaugh is in fact a sexual predator? Anything beyond a vague accusation of something that may or may not have happened when he was a teenager, never to be repeated again?
See the post you replied to for clarification. I dont know what to tell you other than that. Why is it so hard for you to understand that it doesnt matter if he never repeated it again? The point is that he did it and got away with it.

No, the point is, he is ACCUSED of doing it. That's what you seem incapable of dealing with.
If he is accused of doing it then he should be investigated with this new information in tow. This should be done prior to giving him a lifetime appointment to the SC or is it that you have no problem with a sexual predator on the SC?

The new information has been vetted. The only solid piece of evidence were notes from the Therapist. The alleged victim has already disqualified their use (as did the alleged victims Husband) by stating that the notes contained Gross mistakes making them unreliable. Now how this works is, the alleged victim has until Monday to produce qualified evidence that they can produce to Law Enforcement. If she can't, then she has no case.

Sorry dude, the process just doesn't change because you scream an holler like a little girl.
Nothing has been investigated by the FBI. We know because they dont have the jurisdiction to do anything without Drumpf telling them to. Sorry.

Here we go again.

Kav has gone through FBI investigations 6+ times. Abusive males all share the same character flaw (100% of the time). They abuse women as a course of their daily lives. The FBI screenings would have caught this and been in the reports.

Sorry dude, you're argument is not very compelling to someone who volunteered for over 5 years assisting crime victims, most of with were women from abusive relationships.


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