Kavanaugh Accuser Won't Testify

How can people not see this for what it is? I couldn’t believe it when I got the notification about this. It’s complete and utter insanity! The Dems aren’t even trying to be subtle with their efforts. They’ve totally lost it!
Wouldn't one have to file a criminal complaint first before any investigation could be started? If one was filed wouldn't it fall on local law enforcement to investigate it not the FBI assuming of course the statute of limitation has not expired?
Nope. Its not a criminal investigation. Statute of limitations has long expired.
Then what exactly is being called for here? The FBI has done and completed background check, security check whatever you want to call it on Kavanaugh when he was first nominated if this allegation was not covered by it then that is on Senator Feinstein for not passing the letter she recieved on this on to the FBI the one she has had since July. If she had the FBI would have had time look into this determine if there was anything to it and both parties could have given their side of the story during Kavanaugh's Senate Judicary Committee hearing.

Another check to investigate the claims that they knew nothing about when they investigated him previously. Also an investigation into Judge, the 3 other people that were allegedly there and the woman. Why are repubs so eager to put a potential sexual predator on the SC?

Hey, you're learning. You used the word "potential".
She cannot recall time or place. No court would ever convict Kavanaugh.
Yeah being past the statute of limitations kind of makes it a no brainer. Makes you wonder why the repubs are so afraid of having the FBI investigate the claims though.
No I have to wonder why Dems held on to this until the last moment then in a Hail Mary pull it out in a final attempt to derail the vote? Kavanaugh has been investigated to death. Dems have tried everything they could to obstruct. This is their final chance and so far, as has been said many times, there is no there there.
It was obviously dem drama. However thats besides the point. No matter how much drama the dems are coming up with this should be investigated. The sooner the better. Nov is a month and a half away.

Congress has already set up opportunities for all concerned to testify. Since there is nothing that can be objectively proven, what more do you want?
Wouldn't one have to file a criminal complaint first before any investigation could be started? If one was filed wouldn't it fall on local law enforcement to investigate it not the FBI assuming of course the statute of limitation has not expired?
Nope. Its not a criminal investigation. Statute of limitations has long expired.
Then what exactly is being called for here? The FBI has done and completed background check, security check whatever you want to call it on Kavanaugh when he was first nominated if this allegation was not covered by it then that is on Senator Feinstein for not passing the letter she recieved on this on to the FBI the one she has had since July. If she had the FBI would have had time look into this determine if there was anything to it and both parties could have given their side of the story during Kavanaugh's Senate Judicary Committee hearing.

Another check to investigate the claims that they knew nothing about when they investigated him previously. Also an investigation into Judge, the 3 other people that were allegedly there and the woman. Why are repubs so eager to put a potential sexual predator on the SC?

What they are saying is let the woman have her fair say. Let the accused face his accuser. Then if you want an investigation go ahead and have it. Why does this accuser call the shots? what happened to innocent until proven guilty?
Thats a bunch of bullshit and you know it. Its going to be a dog and pony show that will go something like this.....

"You sexually assaulted me"
"No I didnt."
"Yes you did"
"No i didnt"

Ok people. Confirmation will be held tomorrow since we cant tell who is lying.

That's the only thing that CAN happen. There is no physical evidence, there are no recordings of the alleged event, there are no specifics that can either prove or disprove that the party ever happened and if Kavenaugh was there or not, there is no pattern of behavior associated with sexual predators like Bubba Clinton, there were no contemporary reports of the alleged incident, no one who says she even told them about it or to avoid Kavenaugh.

In short, there is ONLY he said, she said. Thus, there is no good reason to not hold the vote and confirm him.

I'm sorry that sexual assault victims feel they can't go public, but to be able to destroy a person's career, life and family with an anonymous accusation sent to a Senator decades after something was supposed to happen is not right either.

Minus more compelling evidence, Kavenaugh should be confirmed.
She cannot recall time or place. No court would ever convict Kavanaugh.
Yeah being past the statute of limitations kind of makes it a no brainer. Makes you wonder why the repubs are so afraid of having the FBI investigate the claims though.
No I have to wonder why Dems held on to this until the last moment then in a Hail Mary pull it out in a final attempt to derail the vote? Kavanaugh has been investigated to death. Dems have tried everything they could to obstruct. This is their final chance and so far, as has been said many times, there is no there there.
It was obviously dem drama. However thats besides the point. No matter how much drama the dems are coming up with this should be investigated. The sooner the better. Nov is a month and a half away.

Congress has already set up opportunities for all concerned to testify. Since there is nothing that can be objectively proven, what more do you want?

Look, the FBI DOES NOT GET INVOLVED in investigations which are not federal. Alleged rapes and assaults are not federal. The issue is moot; it is not a matter of satisfying the Democrats or Jughead here, the only thing that will satisfy them is for:

A). Kavanaugh to resign his confirmation.
B). Delay the entire matter until after the Fall elections, and hope they can gain enough seats to stop another republican confirmation. Period.

NO ONE gives a flying crap about Ford, witnesses, justice, or whether Kavanaugh really did it.

Whatever happened to all that "love" McCain professed and the Dems expounded at his funeral? That too was all a fraud. The Democrats have reduced our government to a Flying Circus media event.
Then what exactly is being called for here? The FBI has done and completed background check, security check whatever you want to call it on Kavanaugh when he was first nominated if this allegation was not covered by it then that is on Senator Feinstein for not passing the letter she recieved on this on to the FBI the one she has had since July. If she had the FBI would have had time look into this determine if there was anything to it and both parties could have given their side of the story during Kavanaugh's Senate Judicary Committee hearing.

Another check to investigate the claims that they knew nothing about when they investigated him previously. Also an investigation into Judge, the 3 other people that were allegedly there and the woman. Why are repubs so eager to put a potential sexual predator on the SC?
First the woman has changed her story and claims there was only one other person there and he has said he doesn't recall the incident the accuser is talking about and as I already stated it would have been known and looked into if Diane Feinstein had not sat on the letter she was in possession of until she thought making it public would benefit her and the Democrats in the midterms. Republicans see this for exactly what it is a political power play and pretty obvious one at that.
Did she change her story or did someone get it wrong the first time? No it wouldnt have been known and looked into because she didnt want to go public with the accusations at first. Not much they are going to be able to get out of a unwilling witness to a non crime they had no jurisdiction to investigate.
I see so no one wanted to go public when there would have been time to do an actual investigation but now right before Kavanaugh was going to confirmed to the Court and just a little over a month before the midterms these same people now want to come foreward and have delays and investigations. That is plain as it gets partisan horseshit.
Whats the hurry? If they investigate it immediately its over before the elections.

What's to investigate? Congress is already setting up opportunities for all concerned to tell their story under oath. What more could anyone else do?
What they are saying is let the woman have her fair say. Let the accused face his accuser. Then if you want an investigation go ahead and have it. Why does this accuser call the shots? what happened to innocent until proven guilty?
Thats a bunch of bullshit and you know it. Its going to be a dog and pony show that will go something like this.....

"You sexually assaulted me"
"No I didnt."
"Yes you did"
"No i didnt"

Ok people. Confirmation will be held tomorrow since we cant tell who is lying.

Really? I dont think so. After 35 years theres even less chance the FBI can prove a damn thing. At least the woman can confront him to his face then if he cracks people will make a decision off of that.
What exactly is the FBI suppossed to come up with? even if they were both at the same party, it proves nothing unless you have some real evidence. After 35 years all it comes down to is both of their words.
It's just a judgement call people have to make.

Unless you have other women coming forward... something in his rulings that points to a defect in his character.. it all comes down to who is more believable.
All they have to prove is one of them is lying. In Kavs case he said he was never at the party which is odd because she cant remember which party.

Its hard to prove that being Incorrect after 35 years is actually Lying though.
If you emphatically say you were not at the party she was and its found out you were then you are definitely lying. Like I said, how can you deny you were at a party that she doesnt even remember was the one in question?

You can if you didn't go to any parties like that during that time frame. I think that's why she's being vague. If she was specific, it would be easier for Kavenaugh to prove he wasn't there at all.
Just some dirty tricks by the Dems to try to delay a nomination...do these evil demoncraps expect to delay this nomination until a democrat is in office?? who the hell would do something so low down and despicable like that?? Oh wait
Really? I dont think so. After 35 years theres even less chance the FBI can prove a damn thing. At least the woman can confront him to his face then if he cracks people will make a decision off of that.
What exactly is the FBI suppossed to come up with? even if they were both at the same party, it proves nothing unless you have some real evidence. After 35 years all it comes down to is both of their words.
It's just a judgement call people have to make.

Unless you have other women coming forward... something in his rulings that points to a defect in his character.. it all comes down to who is more believable.
All they have to prove is one of them is lying. In Kavs case he said he was never at the party which is odd because she cant remember which party.

Its hard to prove that being Incorrect after 35 years is actually Lying though.
If you emphatically say you were not at the party she was and its found out you were then you are definitely lying. Like I said, how can you deny you were at a party that she doesnt even remember was the one in question?
How can one accuse someone of doing some thing to them at a party if they cant remember which party it was?
Pretty easy. Say you go to a party and you get into a fight. Someone kicks your ass and you leave humiliated. 40 years later you remember you got your ass kicked but you are foggy on exactly which party it was. Do you remember all the parties you went to? I know for dam sure I dont.

If it only happened once in your life, you're much more likely to remember where and when it happened. If you make a practice of getting beaten up at parties you might not. To the best of my knowledge, this woman has not said she was molested so many times that she can't remember details.
I see so no one wanted to go public when there would have been time to do an actual investigation but now right before Kavanaugh was going to confirmed to the Court and just a little over a month before the midterms these same people now want to come foreward and have delays and investigations. That is plain as it gets partisan horseshit.
Whats the hurry? If they investigate it immediately its over before the elections.
How do you quickly investigate something that allegedly happened almost 40 years ago? If they did investigate and quickly came back before the midterms and said they could find nothing to support the womans claim the left would claim they ended the investigation to soon and need to investigate more.
You involve the FBI. They can mobilize resources that would have your head spinning. Doesnt matter what the dems claim. It was investigated and they dont have the votes to stop the confirmation.
The Dems know they don't have the votes to stop it that is why the plan here is to try and drag this past the midterms in the hopes they get control of the Senate.
The problem with that train of thought is that not only do the dems not have the votes, they dont have the power to drag anything out past the midterms.

Once you open the door to any further investigation, the democrats will ensure it drags on for a long time. Minus more compelling evidence, Kavenaugh should be confirmed.
Its hard to prove that being Incorrect after 35 years is actually Lying though.
If you emphatically say you were not at the party she was and its found out you were then you are definitely lying. Like I said, how can you deny you were at a party that she doesnt even remember was the one in question?
How can one accuse someone of doing some thing to them at a party if they cant remember which party it was?
Pretty easy. Say you go to a party and you get into a fight. Someone kicks your ass and you leave humiliated. 40 years later you remember you got your ass kicked but you are foggy on exactly which party it was. Do you remember all the parties you went to?
No I don't reme,ber every party I went to but then again if someone kicked my ass at a party I wouldn't be trying to have them investigated by the FBI over it 40 years later. If you are foggy on which party you could accusing the wrong person so maybe just maybe you shouldn't be making accusations unless you are 100% sure.
I dont have to be 100% sure of which party I got my ass kicked. I just know I got may ass kicked at a party. In her case she was sexually assaulted by a potential SC judge. Is that the guy you repubs want on the SC? You can be honest. I know most of you have low standards.

I had hope for you when you used the word "potential". Now you're reverting back to certainty that Kavenaugh did it. Don't do that.
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Until the FBI investigates him again.

The FBI has investigated him 25× for his previous positions and 6× for this nomination.

Delay! Delay! Delay!

Despicable Dem vermin.
Delay, Delay....does Merick Garland ring a gotdamn bell bitch!!!! We can hurry this shit up yesterday, why not let the GOP saintly bastard take a fuckin LIE DETECTOR TEST IF HE'S SO GOT DAMN FBI INNOCENT!!!!

Wow, you sound angry. That's not healthy.
Wouldn't one have to file a criminal complaint first before any investigation could be started? If one was filed wouldn't it fall on local law enforcement to investigate it not the FBI assuming of course the statute of limitation has not expired?
Nope. Its not a criminal investigation. Statute of limitations has long expired.
Then what exactly is being called for here? The FBI has done and completed background check, security check whatever you want to call it on Kavanaugh when he was first nominated if this allegation was not covered by it then that is on Senator Feinstein for not passing the letter she recieved on this on to the FBI the one she has had since July. If she had the FBI would have had time look into this determine if there was anything to it and both parties could have given their side of the story during Kavanaugh's Senate Judicary Committee hearing.

Another check to investigate the claims that they knew nothing about when they investigated him previously. Also an investigation into Judge, the 3 other people that were allegedly there and the woman. Why are repubs so eager to put a potential sexual predator on the SC?
First the woman has changed her story and claims there was only one other person there and he has said he doesn't recall the incident the accuser is talking about and as I already stated it would have been known and looked into if Diane Feinstein had not sat on the letter she was in possession of until she thought making it public would benefit her and the Democrats in the midterms. Republicans see this for exactly what it is a political power play and pretty obvious one at that.
Did she change her story or did someone get it wrong the first time? No it wouldnt have been known and looked into because she didnt want to go public with the accusations at first. Not much they are going to be able to get out of a unwilling witness to a non crime they had no jurisdiction to investigate.
Let's look at your astounding intellectual thought here ( or lack of it). You say that the FBI is so smart they can find a specific house with no idea other then it was a house, they can go back 35 years and talk to all those at the party with no idea who they were, they can find evidence and eyewitnesses out of the air. You claim that just by asking questions they are such super humans that they can compel the truth from someone. Yet you claim they are so incompetent to have missed sexual predator claims when they did the six background checks. That they are too stupid to understand what they can and can not investigate.

You have been all over these forums claiming Trump is stupid. He should believe everything every department tells him. He should not be president. He should stay out of everything. Yet suddenly you want him to disregard what the FBI says and try to force them into an investigation.

So far all we have is a woman with a story with holes in it that you could drive a semi through and not scrape the sides. She said she would testify now says not until her story is investigated. First an investigation would take months and lend legitimacy. Second if they can not get more information they can not investigate. The judge says he will testify any time. She puts requirements on it that will take months or longer and then can still back out.
Nope. Its not a criminal investigation. Statute of limitations has long expired.
Then what exactly is being called for here? The FBI has done and completed background check, security check whatever you want to call it on Kavanaugh when he was first nominated if this allegation was not covered by it then that is on Senator Feinstein for not passing the letter she recieved on this on to the FBI the one she has had since July. If she had the FBI would have had time look into this determine if there was anything to it and both parties could have given their side of the story during Kavanaugh's Senate Judicary Committee hearing.

Another check to investigate the claims that they knew nothing about when they investigated him previously. Also an investigation into Judge, the 3 other people that were allegedly there and the woman. Why are repubs so eager to put a potential sexual predator on the SC?
First the woman has changed her story and claims there was only one other person there and he has said he doesn't recall the incident the accuser is talking about and as I already stated it would have been known and looked into if Diane Feinstein had not sat on the letter she was in possession of until she thought making it public would benefit her and the Democrats in the midterms. Republicans see this for exactly what it is a political power play and pretty obvious one at that.
Did she change her story or did someone get it wrong the first time? No it wouldnt have been known and looked into because she didnt want to go public with the accusations at first. Not much they are going to be able to get out of a unwilling witness to a non crime they had no jurisdiction to investigate.
Let's look at your astounding intellectual thought here ( or lack of it). You say that the FBI is so smart they can find a specific house with no idea other then it was a house, they can go back 35 years and talk to all those at the party with no idea who they were, they can find evidence and eyewitnesses out of the air. You claim that just by asking questions they are such super humans that they can compel the truth from someone. Yet you claim they are so incompetent to have missed sexual predator claims when they did the six background checks. That they are too stupid to understand what they can and can not investigate.

You have been all over these forums claiming Trump is stupid. He should believe everything every department tells him. He should not be president. He should stay out of everything. Yet suddenly you want him to disregard what the FBI says and try to force them into an investigation.

So far all we have is a woman with a story with holes in it that you could drive a semi through and not scrape the sides. She said she would testify now says not until her story is investigated. First an investigation would take months and lend legitimacy. Second if they can not get more information they can not investigate. The judge says he will testify any time. She puts requirements on it that will take months or longer and then can still back out.
She cannot recall time or place. No court would ever convict Kavanaugh.
Yeah being past the statute of limitations kind of makes it a no brainer. Makes you wonder why the repubs are so afraid of having the FBI investigate the claims though.
No I have to wonder why Dems held on to this until the last moment then in a Hail Mary pull it out in a final attempt to derail the vote? Kavanaugh has been investigated to death. Dems have tried everything they could to obstruct. This is their final chance and so far, as has been said many times, there is no there there.
It was obviously dem drama. However thats besides the point. No matter how much drama the dems are coming up with this should be investigated. The sooner the better. Nov is a month and a half away.

Congress has already set up opportunities for all concerned to testify. Since there is nothing that can be objectively proven, what more do you want?
Asslips has already made up his mind, plus he has political issues with Kavanaugh. This just plays into his delusions. He wouldn’t accept the outcome of an investigation that said nothing happened.
Nope. Its not a criminal investigation. Statute of limitations has long expired.
Then what exactly is being called for here? The FBI has done and completed background check, security check whatever you want to call it on Kavanaugh when he was first nominated if this allegation was not covered by it then that is on Senator Feinstein for not passing the letter she recieved on this on to the FBI the one she has had since July. If she had the FBI would have had time look into this determine if there was anything to it and both parties could have given their side of the story during Kavanaugh's Senate Judicary Committee hearing.

Another check to investigate the claims that they knew nothing about when they investigated him previously. Also an investigation into Judge, the 3 other people that were allegedly there and the woman. Why are repubs so eager to put a potential sexual predator on the SC?
First the woman has changed her story and claims there was only one other person there and he has said he doesn't recall the incident the accuser is talking about and as I already stated it would have been known and looked into if Diane Feinstein had not sat on the letter she was in possession of until she thought making it public would benefit her and the Democrats in the midterms. Republicans see this for exactly what it is a political power play and pretty obvious one at that.
Did she change her story or did someone get it wrong the first time? No it wouldnt have been known and looked into because she didnt want to go public with the accusations at first. Not much they are going to be able to get out of a unwilling witness to a non crime they had no jurisdiction to investigate.
Let's look at your astounding intellectual thought here ( or lack of it). You say that the FBI is so smart they can find a specific house with no idea other then it was a house, they can go back 35 years and talk to all those at the party with no idea who they were, they can find evidence and eyewitnesses out of the air. You claim that just by asking questions they are such super humans that they can compel the truth from someone. Yet you claim they are so incompetent to have missed sexual predator claims when they did the six background checks. That they are too stupid to understand what they can and can not investigate.

You have been all over these forums claiming Trump is stupid. He should believe everything every department tells him. He should not be president. He should stay out of everything. Yet suddenly you want him to disregard what the FBI says and try to force them into an investigation.

So far all we have is a woman with a story with holes in it that you could drive a semi through and not scrape the sides. She said she would testify now says not until her story is investigated. First an investigation would take months and lend legitimacy. Second if they can not get more information they can not investigate. The judge says he will testify any time. She puts requirements on it that will take months or longer and then can still back out.
Don’t apply logic to anything asslips says
Until the FBI investigates him again.

The FBI has investigated him 25× for his previous positions and 6× for this nomination.

Delay! Delay! Delay!

Despicable Dem vermin.
Bottom line is this, its all a waste of time, she can't remember the time, the year, the place, who will they investigate....every 15 year old that she knows.....I say make the bastard take a lie detector test and keep it moving.
It would be smart to have this investigated....unless the repubs simply want a person that sexually assaulted a woman on the SCOTUS for political reasons.
There’s not a law enforcement agency in the country that would investigate this bullshit.

And why do you want him to not be confirmed? Oh yeah political reasons. Fuck off.
Drumpf can direct the FBI to investigate this.

I dont want him confirmed because he is a sexual predator.

Based on what evidence?
Drumpf doesnt need any evidence to have the FBI investigate him. Did they have evidence of anything when they did the other 6 background checks on him?

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